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The biggest single loss of planes happened in ______.

更多“The biggest single loss of planes happened in ______.”相关的问题


A multi-stage rocket refers to ______ .A.several rockets which are separated from each oth

A multi-stage rocket refers to ______ .

A.several rockets which are separated from each other

B.a single rocket with enough fuel

C.the booster which is the biggest and can lift the whole rocket from the ground

D.a rocket with several parts, and each of which can help to push the spaceship into the space



Passage 4America’s most popular newspaper website today announced that the era of free onl

Passage 4

America’s most popular newspaper website today announced that the era of free online journalism is drawing to a close. The New York Times has become the biggest publisher yet to set out plans for a paywall around its digital offering, _1_ the accepted practice that internet users will not pay for news. Struggling with an evaporation of advertising and a downward drift in street corner sales, The New York Times intends to introduce a “metered” model at the beginning of 2011. Readers will be required to pay when they have _2_ a set number of its online articles per month. The decision puts the 159-year-old newspaper on the charging side of an _3_ wide chasm (鸿沟)in the media industry. But others, including the Guardian, have said they will not _4_ internet readers. The New York Times&39;s publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, _5_ that the move is a gamble. Boasting a print _6_ of 995,000 on weekdays and 1.4 million on Sundays, The New York Times is the third bestselling American newspaper, behind the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. While most US papers focus on a single city, The New York Times is among the few that can claim _7_ scope—as well as 16 bureaus in the New York area, it has 11 offices around the US and maintains 26 bureaus elsewhere in the world. But like many in the publishing industry, the paper is in the grip of a _8_ financial crisis. Its parent company, the New York Times Company, has 15 papers, but _9_ a loss of $70 million in the nine months to September and recently accepted a $250 million _10_ from a Mexican billionaire, Carlos Slim, to strengthen its balance sheet.

A) national

B) interactively

C) circulation

D) loan

E) crude

F) exceeded

G) charge

H) ascend

I) abandoning

J) suffered

K) serious

L) deducting

M) increasingly

N) evaluation

O) acknowledged




l have made a reservation for a single room.










Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elemen

Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elementaryschools: a labor force that we l comed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums toinventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, "spatial" thinking about thingstechnological.



The traditional two- parents family is fast giving way in the America of the 1980s to hous
eholds in which one adult must juggle the often enormous demands of making a living and raising children.

For many, single parenthood is synonymous with economic need. More than 3 million single - parent families live in poverty, according to the Census Bureau, and joblessness, plus cuts in public assistance, has helped drive up the number of poor children in such families by about 20 percent in just three years.

The biggest burden falls on households that are headed by single mothers. Nearly half of these families are below the poverty as" the most compelling social fact "of the last 10 years.

This deprivation is not only hard on its victims but expensive for taxpayers since single women and their offspring receive 40 to 80 percent of the benefits in various welfare programs that cost the government a total of 40 billion dollars a year. Despite cuts in benefits averaging 10 percent, rising number of eligible women are likely to keep the overall cost up, according to economist Alice Rivlin, former director of the Congressional Budget office.

Fanning the single- parent spiral are two dramatic offshoots of the sexual revolution: divorce and unwed (未婚的) motherhood. The divorce rate has doubled in the last 15 years, and the number of illegitimate births has more than doubled to 700,000 annually. One tenth of white children and more than one half of black children are now born out of wedlock. What's more, there is a strong tendency now for women and teenagers who have illegitimate children to keep them rather than put them up for adoption.

Typical is Rufina Nera of Los Angeles. When she became pregnant at 15, abortion was never mentioned in her home. Instead, her mother encouraged her to have the child, says Nera, adding:" She even gave a baby shower for me.

Now, Nera shares a crowded bedroom with her 2 - year - old daughter as well as her sister. She holds no hope of help from the father, although he remarked during the only time he saw the child that she was prettier than his other illegitimate baby. Even so, Nera tries to keep her attention on two goals: moving into her own apartment and getting enough education to become a secretary or a nurse. Her first step along that path is attending Ramona High School, an "opportunity school" where she and 110 other girls study while their babies are cared for in a nursery.

What effect does joblessness and cuts in public assistance have on children of single - parent families?

A.Another 3 million of them live in poverty.

B.The number of them increased by about 20 percent in just three years.

C.The number of them increased by about 3 percent in the 1980s.

D.They were not affected at all.



Despite that the wave of industrial development that has 【M1】______swept much of East Asia

Despite that the wave of industrial development that has 【M1】______

swept much of East Asia in recent decades, the country of 80

million remains extremely poor, mismanaged and still' was 【M2】______

predominant agrarian. But the Philippines docs play a visible 【M3】______

role in the global economy, thanks largely to a single export

commodity—its people. According to the government, I mil

lion Philippines will go abroad as contract workers this year, 【M4】______

the biggest exodus ever. "The Philippines has already sur

passed Mexico as the largest source of migrant labor in the

word," says Manolo I. Abella, a migration specialist at the

International Labour Office in Geneva. In all, about 8 mil

lion Filipinos—an astounded one tenth of the country's 【M5】______

citizens—currently work overseas to support families back home.

They remit more than $ 7 billion annually, according to the

government, and that's only' official transfers. A recent Asian 【M6】______

Development Bank report put the real figure in the $ 14

billion to $ 21 billion range a sum that dwarfs both foreign direct

investment and aid flowing into the country, and amounts

3 2 percent of GNP. In the past, the Philippines 【M7】______

is shamed by its inability to create enough good jobs to keep 【M8】______

its people at home. But hard economic reality—a 14 percent

unemployment rate and one of the highest poverty indexes in

the world (nearly half the population subsists on less than $ 2

a day)—has shifted the sentiment. Today, in a move that

countries like Indonesia and Bangladesh are likely to emulate

itself, the government takes the position that, like it or not, 【M9】______

the overseas workers constitute nation's biggest comparative

advantage in an increasingly borderless world. And so Manila

makes it easy for its citizens to immigrate, and works hard, 【M10】______

through its embassies, to see that their rights as foreign workers

are protected.




Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elemen

Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elementary schools: a labor force that we l comed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, "spatial" thinking about things technological.



Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elemen

Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country's excellent elementary schools: a labor force that we l comed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; and above all the American genius for nonverbal, "spatial" thinking about things technological.



Section b Directions: in this section, you will hear two passages. at the end of each p
assage, you will hear Iree or four questions. both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked a, b, cand d. then mark the corresponding letter on answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heardA.they are thin, tall, and unlike real human beings.

B.they have more than twenty different hair textures

C.they have twenty-four different body shapes in total

D.they represent people from virtually all walks of life.

10、A.they do not reflect young girls aspirations

B.they are not sold together with the original

C.their flat feet do not appeal to adolescents

D.their body shapes have not changed much

11、A.in toy stores

B.in shopping malls.

C.on the internet

D.at barbie shops

12、Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. a )moveable metal type began to be used in printingA.chinese printing technology was first introduce

B.the earliest known book was published

C.metal type was imported from korea

13、A.it had more than a hundred printing presses.

B.it was the biggest printer in the 16th century.

C.it helped the german people become literate.

D.it produced some 20 million volumes in total

14、A.it pushed handwritten books out of circulation.

B.it boosted the circulation of popular works.

C.it made writing a very profitable career.

D.it provided readers with more choices.

15、A.it accelerated the extinction of the latin language.

B.it standardized the publication of grammar books.

C.turned translation into a welcome profession.

D.it promoted the growth of national languages



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