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Passage 4America’s most popular newspaper website today announced that the era of free onl

Passage 4

America’s most popular newspaper website today announced that the era of free online journalism is drawing to a close. The New York Times has become the biggest publisher yet to set out plans for a paywall around its digital offering, _1_ the accepted practice that internet users will not pay for news. Struggling with an evaporation of advertising and a downward drift in street corner sales, The New York Times intends to introduce a “metered” model at the beginning of 2011. Readers will be required to pay when they have _2_ a set number of its online articles per month. The decision puts the 159-year-old newspaper on the charging side of an _3_ wide chasm (鸿沟)in the media industry. But others, including the Guardian, have said they will not _4_ internet readers. The New York Times&39;s publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, _5_ that the move is a gamble. Boasting a print _6_ of 995,000 on weekdays and 1.4 million on Sundays, The New York Times is the third bestselling American newspaper, behind the Wall Street Journal and USA Today. While most US papers focus on a single city, The New York Times is among the few that can claim _7_ scope—as well as 16 bureaus in the New York area, it has 11 offices around the US and maintains 26 bureaus elsewhere in the world. But like many in the publishing industry, the paper is in the grip of a _8_ financial crisis. Its parent company, the New York Times Company, has 15 papers, but _9_ a loss of $70 million in the nine months to September and recently accepted a $250 million _10_ from a Mexican billionaire, Carlos Slim, to strengthen its balance sheet.

A) national

B) interactively

C) circulation

D) loan

E) crude

F) exceeded

G) charge

H) ascend

I) abandoning

J) suffered

K) serious

L) deducting

M) increasingly

N) evaluation

O) acknowledged


更多“Passage 4America’s most popular newspaper website today announced that the era of free onl”相关的问题


From this passage, we learn that modern leadership theories ______.A.are contrary to Mr. M

From this passage, we learn that modern leadership theories ______.

A.are contrary to Mr. Machiavelli's idea of hard power

B.stress the function of hard power

C.believe that power should be concentrated

D.believe that coercion and force are useless



According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? A.Bush ha

According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Bush had to offer concrete suggestions for reform. as political pressure increase

B.At present, the maximum prison sentence for financial fraud is five year

C.It is laughable that M Bush publicly attacked America's corporate bosses

D.Americans have little faith in their business as well as political leaders



Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage h

Section C

Directions: In this section you will hear a short recorded passage. The passage has some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the blank in order of numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.

Ladies and gentleman,

It's a great pleasure to have you visit us today. I'm very happy to have the opportunity to 【11】 our company to you.

The company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and 【12】them all over the world. Our sales were about $100 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia,【13】and Europe. We have about 1000 employees, who are actively working to serve the needs of our 【14】. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need your help to promote (促销) our products.

I【15】doing business with all of you. Thank you.




Dad said it would be an unusual present,and he was quite right.

He said,“Go to the telephone and call a ten-figure number,it must begin with 010.Got that—010?You can please yourself about the other seven figures.”I called the number 010 3612597.A few moments later I heard a man's clear voice at the other end.The voice said,“Kikri 2597.Don Flower speaking.”

I said,“Hello,Mr.Flower.I'm Robert West,and this call to you is one of my birthday presents.I'm thirteen today——”

“Oh,that's great.Many happy returns of the day!Where are you calling from,Robert?You sound very clear.”

“I'm at home in London.Where are you?”

“You're in London!Well,well——I've never had a call from London before.I live in Kikri,in Australia.About a hundred miles from Kikri,actually,but it's the nearest place.I've got a small farm here,with about ninety thousand sheep on it.You ought to come and visit me one day.”

“I'd like to,very much.Your farm must be very big,Mr.Flower,if you've got ninety thousand sheep on it.”

“Well,there may be only eighty thousand by now.I'm not too sure.There's not a lot of feed for them,you know,and two of my wells have gone dry this month.So we've been driving the sheep around a bit.If you go straight across the middle of my farm,it's a hundred and ten miles.That isn't a great size for a farm in Australia,but it's big enough for me!”

We talked for three minutes,and it was very interesting.I gave Mr.Flower my telephone number.He promised to ring me on my birthday next year.

31.“You can please yourself about the other seven figures”means _______.

A.say “please” when you call the number

B.feel pleased to make the call yourself

C.choose the other seven figures yourself

D.be pleasant when you dial the other seven figures

32.When Mr.Flower said “You're in London!Well,well—”,he was _______.

A.very surprised B.very well

C.very sorry D.out of breath

33.Mr.Flower has been driving his sheep around a bit because _______.

A.his farm was too small for ninety thousand sheep

B.his farm was only 110 miles straight across the middle

C.he was afraid someone would steal more of his sheep

D.there wasn't enough feed or water on his farm for the sheep

34.Which detail from the passage shows that Australia is a big country?

A.One must dial a 10-figure to reach Australia.

B.Mr.Flower lived one hundred miles from Kikri.

C.Mr.Flower now had only eighty thousand sheep on the farm.

D.Mr.Flower's farm isn't considered a big one in Australia.

35.The best title for this passage is perhaps _______.

A.London-Kikri B.A Birthday Present

C.Robert West and Don Flower D.A Phone Call



Passage 4Many countries have a holiday to celebrate workers’rights on or around May 1, but

Passage 4

Many countries have a holiday to celebrate workers’rights on or around May 1, but Labour Day in Canada is celebrated on the first Monday of September. Canada&39;s Labour Day was _1_ celebrated in the spring but it was moved to the fall after 1894. The origins of Labour Day can be traced back to April 15, 1872, when the Toronto Trades Assembly organized Canada’s first significant _2_ for worker’s rights. The aim was to release the 24 leaders of the Toronto Typographical Union who were imprisoned for _3_ to campaign .for a nine-hour working day. At this time, trade unions were still illegal and what they did was seen as a criminal conspiracy to _4_ trade. In spite of this, the Toronto Trades Assembly was already a significant organization and encouraged workers to form. trade unions, _5_ in disputes between employers and employees and signaled the _6_ of workers. There was _7_ public support for the demonstration and the authorities could no longer deny the important role that the trade unions had to play in the _8_ Canadian democratic society. A few months later, a similar demonstration was organized in Ottawa and passed the house of Canada’s first prime minister, Sir John Macdonald. Later in the day, he appeared before the gathering and promised to _9_ all Canadian laws against trade unions. This happened in the same year and _10_ led to the founding of the Canadian Labour Congress In 1883. A similar holiday,Labor Day is held on the same day in the United States of America. Canadian trade unions are proud that this holiday was inspired by their efforts to improve workers’rights.

A) disrupt

B) enormous

C) lashed

D) muttering

E) striking

F) mediated

G) originally

H)perpetual eventually

J) emerging

K) gesture

L) mistreatment

M) abolish

N) parade

O) practically




Passage Four Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. If you want to teach

Passage Four

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

If you want to teach your children how to say sorry, you must be good at saying it yourself, especially to your own children. But how you say it can be quite tricky.

If you say to your children “I’m sorry I got angry with you, but …” what follows that “but” can render the apology ineffective: ” I had a bad day” or “your noise was giving me a headache ” leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior. in expecting an apology.

Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say “I’m sorry you’re upset” ; this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.

Then there is the general, all covering apology, which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting, and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again. Saying “I’m useless as a parent” does not commit a person to any specific improvement.

These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness, Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength, and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.

But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition, children still need help to become a ware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does, and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology. A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children’s expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable, but that borrowing a parent’s clothes without permission is not.

36.If a mother adds ”but” to an apology,________.

A.she doesn’t feel that she should have apologized

B.she does not realize that the child has been hurt

C.the child may find the apology easier to accept

D.the child may feel that he owes her an apology



My country's greatest symbol to the world is the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像), an
d it was designed by special care. I don't know if you've ever seen the Statue of Liberty, but if you look closely, she's holding not one object, but two. In one hand is the familiar torch we call the "light of liberty."And in the other hand is a book of law.

We're a nation of laws. Our courts are honest and they are independent. The President -- me -- I can't tell the courts how to rule, and neither can any other member of the government. Under our law, everyone stands equal. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath it.

All political power in America is limited and only given by the free vote of the people. We have a Constitution, now two centuries old, which limits and balances the power of the three branches of our government, the judicial(法庭的)branch, the legislative(立法的)branch, and the executive branch, of which I'm a part.

Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just as they are in your country.American moms and dads love their children and work hard and sacrifice for them, because we believe life can always be better for the next generation. In our families, we find love and learn responsibility and character.

America is a nation guided by faith. Someone once called us "a nation with the soul of a church." This may interest you -- 95 percent of Americans say they believe in God, and I'm one of them.

1、How many objects are held in the hands of the Statue of Liberty?()





2、According the passage, all people are _____ under the law of the United States.

A、the same


C、sometimes different

D、sometimes equal

3、The Constitution mentioned in this passage is round _____ years old.





4、According to the author many of the values of life are first developed _____.

A、in school

B、in the family

C、in work

D、in college

5、From the passage we can easily see that _____.

A、the majority of Americans often go to church

B、the government plays a very important role in a law court

C、light music is popular with old people

D、parents have little influence over their children



Passage 5Once they decided to have children, MiShel and Carl Meissner tackled the next big

Passage 5

Once they decided to have children, MiShel and Carl Meissner tackled the next big issue: Should they try to have a girl? It was no small matter. MiShel’s brother had become blind from a hereditary (遗传的)condition in his early 20s, and the Meissners had learned that the condition is a _1_ passed from mothers to sons. If they had a boy, he would have a 50 per cent chance of having the condition. A girl would be _2_. The British couple&39;s _3_ about gender selection led them to Virginia, US where a new sperm (精子)-separation technique, called MicroSort, was under _4_ . When MiShel became pregnant, she gave birth to a daughter. They will try to have a second daughter using the technique later this year. This is not only a _5_ effective way to select a child’s gender. It also brings a host of ethical (伦理的)and practical considerations—especially for the majority of families who use the technique for _6_ reasons. The clinic offers sex selection for two purposes: to help couples _7_ passing on a gender-linked _8_ disease and to allow those who already have a child to “balance” their family by having a baby of the opposite sex. The technology is still _9_. However, Blauer says the company has an _10_ success rate: 91 per cent of the women who become pregnant after sorting for a girl are successful, while 76 per cent who sort for a boy and get pregnant are successful.

A) genetic

B) overlapped

C) impressive

D) unaffected

E) perpetually

F) investigation

G) inquiries

H) feats

I) disorder

J) gropes

K) experimental

L) seemingly

M) elicit

N) nonmedical

O) avoid




Passage 1Conrad Hilton really wanted to be a banker. Instead, he successfully changed the

Passage 1

Conrad Hilton really wanted to be a banker. Instead, he successfully changed the _1_purchase of a Texas low-end hotel into a multimillion-dollar hotel empire that earned him the _2_ “innkeeper to the world.” Born in New Mexico in 1887, Hilton was 19 when his parents began renting out rooms in their home. The business didn&39;t interest him, however, so he became a _3_ legislator, founded a bank and went off to war. In 1919, after Hilton’s father died, a friend suggested he go to Texas to make his _4_. Hilton ended up in Cisco; when his bank deal there _5_, he headed to a nearby hotel, the Mobley. It _6_ to oil-field workers, so its 40 rooms turned over every eight hours. A week later, Hilton owned it. He soon acquired more hotels—and started to build new ones. His first, the Dallas Hilton, opened in 1925. By the late 1940s, Hilton’s list included the Town House in Beverly Hills and Chicago’s Palmer House, as well as _7_ nightclubs featuring A-list stars. He also expanded internationally. And in 1949, he bought the “greatest of them all”: New York City&39;s magnificent Waldorf- Astoria. Typically American, Hiltons were _8_ too: the first to have rooms with air-conditioning, TVs, ironing boards and sewing kits. Even modern hotel-reservations systems _9_ from one Hilton which was established in 1948. Today the Hilton Hotels Corp. owns some 3,300 _10_ in 78 countries. Last year more than a quarter-billion guests checked in.


B) motivated

C) nickname

D) catered

E) previously

F) luxurious

G) properties

H) features

I) fortune

J) evolved

K) casual

L) severe

M) inherited

N) creative

O) state



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