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Which son of Loong is good at carrying weighty objects?()

A.Pulao (蒲牢)

B.Chaofeng (嘲風)

C.Chiwen (螭吻)

D.Bixi (赑屃)

更多“Which son of Loong is good at carrying weighty objects?()”相关的问题


My kids take a lot of pride in being ahead of their friends in their best subjects.With
children who have learning disabilities, however, it is easy to underestimate (低估) their abilities, simply because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.My son recently does a good job at the public school for his learning disabilities, and I was shocked to realize how excellent he was in many of his subjects.Because he couldn't give me good written answers to the questions, I hadn't realized how much he knew.I took away the sixth grade history book he and his sister were using and gave them both high school books, with the expectation that we would move up to college books next year if they did well.

Reading is their strongest subject, but I had not realized they had college reading abilities until they were tested.Both children enjoy history more, and my son likes to carry his history book to the grade school, where he attends part time.When his classmates do their grade school history, he pulls out his high school book and works independently from it.Surprisingly, this has also increased his ability to fit into his public school class.He was the youngest child in his class, has some disabilities, including speech disorders, and hadn't been in public school since first grade.He had complained that the public school class he had longed to try was boring, but after I increased his challenges at home, he seemed to adapt better at public school as well, choosing to participate more in the group activities, and making new friends.

36.According to the passage, which of the following belong to learning disability?

A.Being unable to say clearly.

B.Being unable to say anything.

C.Being unable to read anything.

D.Being unable to write anything.

37.Which statement can describe the mother's feeling when she found how excellent her son was in many of his subjects?

A.She is painful

B.She is excited

C.She is surprised

D.She is indifferent(无动于衷)

38.___is the strongest subject for the writer's son.

A .Listening




39.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A.My son has never been to public school.

B.My son has done well in many of his subjects.

C.It is difficult for those with learning disability to express clearly.

D.It is easy to underestimate the abilities of those with learning disability.

40.What is reason for the mother's underestimating his own son's ability?

A.Because she pays on attention to it.

B.Because the boy shows it in a wrong way.

C.Because the mother has difficulty to understand her son.

D.Because it can be so difficult for them to show what they know.



听力原文:25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one-year-old son witnessed a t

听力原文: 25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one-year-old son witnessed a terrible accident which took place when the driver of a truck ran a red light and collided with the car of Sandra D. The impact of the collision killed Sandra instantly. But her three-month-old daughter was left trapped in the burning car.

While others looked on in horror, Andersen jumped out of his vehicle and crawled into the car through the shadowed rear window to try to free the infant. Seconds later, the car was enclosed in flames. But to everyone's amazement, Andersen was able to pull the baby to safety. While the baby was all right, Andersen was seriously injured. Two days later he died. But his heroic act was published widely in the media.

His son was soon adopted by relatives. The most remarkable part of the story unfolded only last week. Karen and her boyfriend Michael were looking through some old boxes when they came across some old newspaper clippings. "This is me when I was a new born baby. I was rescued from a burning car. But my mother died in the accident," explained Karen.

Although Michael knew Karen's mother had died years earlier, he never fully understood the circumstances until he skimmed over the newspaper article. To Karen's surprise, Michael was absorbed in the details of the accident. And he began to cry uncontrollably. Then he revealed that the man that pulled Karen from the flames was the father he never knew. The two embraced and shed many tears, recounting stories told to them about their parents.


A.Michael's parents got divorced.

B.Karen was adopted by Ray Anderson.

C.Karen's mother died in a car accident.

D.A truck driver lost his life in a collision.



A Simple Truth about HappinessAfter I gave a talk on the subject of happiness, a woman in

A Simple Truth about Happiness

After I gave a talk on the subject of happiness, a woman in the audience stood up and said, "I wish my husband had come." "Much as I loved him." she explained, "it wasn't easy being married to someone so unhappy." This woman enabled me to put into words what I had been searching for—altruistic, as well as the personal, reasons for taking happiness seriously. I told her that each of us owes it to our spouse, our children, our friends to be as happy as we can.

I was not a particularly happy child, and like most teenagers, I took pleasure in my anguish. One day, however, it occurred to me when I was taking the easy way out. Anyone could be unhappy, it took no courage and efforts. True achievement lay in struggling to be happy. The notion that we have to work at happiness comes as news to many people. We assume it's a feeling that comes as a result of good things that just happen to us, things over which we have little or no control. But the opposite is true: happiness is largely under our control. It is a battle to be fought and not a feeling to be awaited. To achieve a happy life, it's necessary to overcome some stumbling blocks, three of which are:

Comparison with Others Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier—a relative, an acquaintance or, often someone we barely know. I once met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their three daughters, and of his joy at being a radio talk-show host in a city he loved. I remember thinking that he was one of those lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Then we started talking about the Internet. He blessed its existence, he told me, because he could look up information on multiple sclerosis the terrible disease afflicting his wife. I felt like a fool for assuming nothing unhappy existed in his life.

Images of Perfection Almost all of us have images of how life should be. The problem, of course, is that only rarely do people's jobs, spouses and children live up to these imagined ideals. Here's a personal example: no one in my family had ever divorced. I assumed that marriage was for life. So when my wife and I divorced after five years of marriage and three years after the birth of our son, my world collapsed. I was a failure in my own eyes. I later remarried and confided to my wife that I couldn't shake the feeling that my family life had failed. She asked me what was wrong with our family now (which included her daughter from a previous marriage and my son). I had to admit that, aside from the pain of being with my son only half the time(my ex-wife and I shared custody), our family life was wonderful. "Then why don't you celebrate it?" she asked. That's what I decided to do. But first I had to get rid of a "perfect" family.

"Missing the" Syndrome One effective way of destroying happiness is to look at something and focus on even the smallest flaw. It's like looking at the tiled ceiling and concentrating on the space where one tile is missing. As a bald man told me, "whenever I enter a room, all I see is hair." Once you've determined what your missing tile is, explore whether acquiring it will really make you happy. Then do one of the three things: get it, replace it with a different tile, or forget about it and focus on the tiles in your life that are not missing.

We all know people who have had a relatively easy life yet are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. The first secret is gratitude. All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that being unhappy leads people to complain, but it's truer to say that complaining leads to people becoming unhappy.

The second secret is realizing that happiness is a byproduct of something else. The most obvi






听力原文:25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one year-old son witnessed a t

听力原文: 25 years ago, Ray Anderson, a single parent with a one year-old son witnessed a terrible accident which took place when the driver of a truck ran a red light and collided with the car of Sandra Jankins. The impact of the collision killed Sandra instantly. But her three-month-old daughter was left trapped in the burning car. While others looked on in horror, Anderson jumped out of his vehicle and crawled into the car through the shadowed mar window to try to free the infant. Seconds later, the car was enclosed in flames. But to everyone's amazement, Anderson was able to pull the baby to safety. While the baby was all right, Anderson was seriously injured. Two days later he died. But his heroic act was published widely in the media. His son was soon adopt ed by relatives. The most remarkable part of the story unfolded only last week. Karen and her boyfriend Michael were looking through some old boxes when they came across some old newspaper clippings. "This is me when I was a new born baby. I was rescued from a burning ear. But my moth er died in the accident," explained Karen. Although Michael knew Karen's mother had died years earlier, he never fully understood the circumstances until he skimmed over the newspaper article. To Karen's surprise, Michael was absorbed in the details of the accident. And he began to cry uncontrollably. Then he revealed that the man that pulled Karen from the flames was the father he never knew. The two embraced and shed many tears, recounting stories told to them about their patens.


A.Michael's parents got divorced.

B.Karen was adopted by Ray Anderson.

C.Karen's mother died in a car accident.

D.A truck driver lost his life in a collision.



His son was found guilty, which brought _____ to the whole family.







Hemingway was born in 1899 in Oak Park,Illinois,a prosperous suburb of Chicago.His fat
her,a physician,was an enthusiastic hunter and fisheman who taught his son to handle a rod and a gun.Hemingway's respect for these skills and his love of the open air run through his writing.He has tired to capture the point of view,actions,feelings,and speech of men who excel in the activities he admires.In school Hemingway was a good student,with a wide range of interests beyond the classroom.He was known as a boxer,a football player,a member of the swimming team,and manager of the track team.For 3 years he played in the school orchestra.But much of his activity was connected with words,which were to be his lifelong preoccupation.First as reporter,then as editor,he gained experience on the school paper,to which he contributed articles and stories.When Hemingway graduated from high school in 1917,World War I was still being fought.After a few months as a reporter on the Kansas City Star,he sailed for Europe in May,1918,as a volunteer ambulance driver and later transferred to the Italian infantry.Two weeks before his 19th birthday a leg wound brought him close to death.War and death have been recurrent themes in Hemingway's writing.Of war he has said," I thought about Tolstoi and about what a great advantage an experience of war was to a writer.It was one of the major subjects and certainly one of the hardest to write truly of ... "

a good title for the passage is ()

A、Hemingway's Interest in Writing

B、The Subjects for Hemingway's Writing

C、The Life of Young Hemingway

D、Hemingway's Understanding of War



He decided to give his son everything ______he owned after his death.







听力原文:M: (19)You know I've been thinking about applying for a job in Germany. Well, I'v

听力原文:M: (19)You know I've been thinking about applying for a job in Germany. Well, I've got the details about different jobs and I'd like your opinion about which would be the best one to go for.

W: Where are the jobs?

M: (20)One's in Munich, one's in Frankfurt and the other one's in Hamburg.

W: Munich's supposed to be a very nice place.

M: Yes, it is, and it's also in a beautiful part of Germany, not far from the Alps.

W: That would be great for the kids they'd love to be able to go skiing at weekends.

M: But, one problem with Munich is that it's growing very fast. That means the cost of living will probably be very high.

W: (21)How is the salary of the job in Munich compared with the other jobs?

M: It's higher than the salary of the job in Frankfurt but lower than the one in Hamburg. The Hamburg job has the most responsibility. From the point of view of career progression that would probably be the best job for me.

W: Hamburg's the closest to Britain, too, so it would be easy to come back for long weekends and holidays.

M: That's right, and there's a regular ferry service which would save quite a bit on fares.

W: What about the cost of living in Germany as a whole? How is it compared with British?

M: Well, It's definitely higher than over here, but salaries are substantially higher, so we'd certainly be better off than we are now.


A.The comparison in costs of living between different countries.

B.The advantages and disadvantages of working in different places.

C.Where to spend their forthcoming holidays.

D.Which university their eldest son should attend.



Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare's Son

A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature

B.The speaker satirizes human vanity

C.The speaker praises the power of artistic creation

D.The speaker meditates on man's salvation



听力原文: A proud US father has named his son after a computer software term. Jon Blake
Cusack, from Michigan, told local newspapers the US traditional way of adding "Junior" or " II " after a boys name was too common. So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2.0, as if he were a software upgrade. Mr Cusack admitted that it took months to persuade his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea. Mrs Cusack said she asked several friends whether they can accept this name or not. All the men, she said, felt the name was "cool". However, her women friends did not think so. "I think the women will end up liking it," she said. Mr Cusack told the local newspaper he got the idea from a film called The Legend of 1900, in which an abandoned baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its birth. "I thought that if they can do it, why cant we?" he said. After little Jon Version 2.0 was born, Mr Cusack even sent a celebratory email to the family and friends designed to look as though he and his wife had created new software. "I wrote things like there are a lot of new features from Version 1.0 with additional features from Jamie," he said. And he is already planning for his sons future. "If he has a child, he could name it 3.0," he said. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. What do we know about "Jon Black Cusack 2.0" according to the passage? 24. What do the names of "1900" and "Jon Version 2.0" have in common? 25. What does "Version 1.0" refer to according to the passage?23.

A.They"re both untraditional.

B.They"re to be equally popular.

C.They both tell about the births.

D.They"re both connected with computer.


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