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Due to the booming real estate market, the accountant for Pearl Real Estate Company ad

A.The accounting period principle

B.The business entity concept

C.The stable-dollar assumption

D.The realizaton principle

更多“Due to the booming real estate market, the accountant for Pearl Real Estate Company ad”相关的问题


— Your library book is due next Thursday. If you want it for longer, you will have to r

A. That’s impossibl

B. Can I keep it a little longer?

C. It doesn’t matter at all.

D. Thanks. I only need it for a few days.



A)surviving B)thriving C)booming D)existing



Soon after John Steinbeck described the booming sardine canning industry inCannery Row aro
und 1950s, the last time sardine crash occurred in the Pacific Ocean.




From the report the researcher published, we can know that______.A.charter schools are boo

From the report the researcher published, we can know that______.

A.charter schools are booming these years

B.charter schools deliberately admit the best students

C.the students entering lotteries have no difference in intelligence

D.teaching methods play an important role in training students



根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 According to the passage, the extinction of whales is caused

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。According to the passage, the extinction of whales is caused by__________

A. man's continuous evolution process

B. the changing living conditions in nature

C. people's excessive hunting and killing

D. the demand from a booming economy



听力原文:A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced the r

听力原文: A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced the revolution concerning our attitudes towards the work week and weekend. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of the week "Sunday", more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two- day periods thought of as the weekend. In fact, the word "weekend" didn't even exist in English until about the middle of the last century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s. But as the work weak shortened during the Great Depression of 1930s, the weekend expanded to 2 full days, Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the work week might decrease to 4 days or even fewer. But so far, this hasn't happened. The work week seems to have stabilized at 40 hours made up of 5 eight-hour days. After this commercial, I'll be back to talk about the idea of adding Monday to the weekend.


A.Which days people should work.

B.How the week is divided into days.

C.Which day begins the week.

D.How many weeks there are in a month.



This is a major, but long__reform. which will benefit around 4 million low-paid people

A.due to

B.over due

C.due for

D.due from



They were due to pay for the balance on delivery.()

A.were due

B.pay for

C.the balance

D.on delivery



The next train to Beijing()here at 3'o clock
The next train to Beijing()here at 3'o clock

A.is due

B.is due to

C.is due for

D.due to



If it were simply a matter of passing strong laws to protect it, the Amazon rainforest—the
world's largest tropical forest, around the size of western Europe—would be safe. Brazil, whose territory includes about two-thirds of the forests has impressively tough laws that, on paper, set most of it aside as a nature reserve and impose stiff penalties for illegal logging. But the latest annual figures for deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, published by the government on Wednesday May 18th, have confirmed a disturbing recent trend: the destruction is accelerating despite all efforts to control it. In 2004 August, more than 26,000 square kilometres(10,000 square miles) of forest were chopped down, an area larger than the American state of New Jersey.

The area deforested in the past year was up 6% in 2003, far worse than the Brazilian government's predictions that it would rise by no more than about 2%. It was the second worst year for the destruction of the rainforest since satellite surveys began. It is reckoned that almost a fifth of the Brazilian part of the forest has now been wiped outs if it were to continue at this rate, it would all be flattened within the next two centuries. Things are hardly any better in those portions of Amazonia that lie in neighboring countries: Ecuador has lost about half of its forest, mainly due to illegal logging, in the past 30 years. Worse still, tropical forests have been disappearing at an even faster rate elsewhere in the world, such as in Africa. The world's greatest stores of biodiversity—and some of its main suppliers of the oxygen we breathe—are still being chewed up at an alarming rate, despite decades of talk among world leaders and environmentalists about the need to preserve them.

As has been seen before in Brazil, the surge in the rate of deforestation is a sign that the country's economy is booming—recently it bas been growing at an annual rate of around 5%. Most of the timber felled illegally in Amazonia is sold to domestic buyers, in particular to the construction industry in Brazil's richer southern states. But the forest is also threatened by the rapid expansion of farming and ranching. In the past year, almost half of the total deforestation was in the state of Mato Grosso on the forest's southern part, where huge areas have been flattened to grow soybeans. Last year Brazil earned about $10 billion from exporting soy products, exceeding its income from coffee' and sugar, the country's traditional export crops. Mato Grosso's governor, Blairo Maggi, is also its soybean king—his family's farms are' the world's largest single producer of the crop.

The rate at which the forest is being flattened could easily rise further. To boost the region's economic development and make attack on poverty, the government plans to asphalt(铺设沥青) and widen the BR-163 highway that slices the forest roughly in half, running from north to south. Though the government has been working with environmental groups and others to try to limit the scheme's impact, past experience has shown that improved road access invariably means more intrusion of the forest by loggers, ranchers, farmers, mineral prospectors and others.

For much of Brazil's recent history, in particular during the country's 1964-85 military dictatorship, successive governments were obsessed(困扰) with populating and "developing" Amazonia, convinced that otherwise a foreign power might seize it. Large sums were spent building highways to open up the forest and a lot of subsidies were offered to get people to resettle there. However, the huge area of abandoned former forest land alongside previous road schemes show that, in fact, much of the region lacks suitable soil and climate for agriculture.

More recent governments have taken the axe to the worse schemes that encouraged people to destroy the rainforest. Besides Brazil's tough conservation laws, there are now countl





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