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According to the 9th paragraph, a reality show is most likely to be successful if ______.A

According to the 9th paragraph, a reality show is most likely to be successful if ______.

A.it is a new unprecedented program

B.it is a tried-and-true concept

C.it is a decades-old format

D.it is a hot spot issue

更多“According to the 9th paragraph, a reality show is most likely to be successful if ______.A”相关的问题


听力原文:Women often used the term "secondary handicapped" to describe short men in the pa
st. Nowadays, this wonting has long been out of use. Research done by Peking University has proved that between 1985 and 2000, Chinese women have become more and more practical in choosing their partners. The height and appearance of men are seldom mentioned.

A sample investigation made by people including Qian Mingyi, psychology professor and director of doctoral candidates on the advertisements for partners in the magazine Women of China from 1985 to 2000 shows that in terms of physiological conditions, age, which was number 1 in 1985 and 1995, is an important criterion for women in choosing their partners. However, women have been less strict about men's height year by year and their requirements on their appearance to the 10th place. Women now care more about the personal, social and economic conditions of men. However, women have always valued the health of their partners and this has not changed much during the 15 years.

In terms of social and economic conditions, during the 15 years, the rate of mention women's requirements on the job and educational experience of their partners has been falling, but the requirement on career rose from the 9th place in 1985 to second place by the end of 1990s. The changes of criteria on partners are a reflection of the political, economic and cultural changes in society. According to experts' analyses, in early 1980s, educational experience and job represented the income level of an individual, while in late 1990s, with diversified channels of income and increasingly frequent occupational differentiation, educational experience and job could not directly indicate one's income. Comparatively, the elements of career, social and economic status are more relevant. Men with high achievement in terms of career are more attractive to women and quality of life after marriage can be better ensured.


A.Vertically handicapped.


C.Secondary handicapped.

D.Height challenged.



试利用Heilbron:Dictionary of Organic Compounds(5th版);MerckIndex(9th版)与Aldrich Catalog
试利用Heilbron:Dictionary of Organic Compounds(5th版);MerckIndex(9th版)与Aldrich Catalog

Handbook of Fine Chemicals(1992~1993)查:的物理常数合成、NMR与毒性文献.



A.Between 19th and 20th Jefferson Street.B.Between 19th and 20th Jackson Street.C.Betw

A.Between 19th and 20th Jefferson Street.

B.Between 19th and 20th Jackson Street.

C.Between 9th and 10th Jackson Street.

D.Between 90th and 91th Jefferson Street.



听力原文:M: I need to send in an accident report. Tell me in your own words Mrs. Nanthy.W:

听力原文:M: I need to send in an accident report. Tell me in your own words Mrs. Nanthy.

W: Well, I was driving along Jefferson Street, between 19th and 20th Street. I wasn't going fast at all. I saw a car backing out of the drive way. It was Mrs. Kathy who didn't stop at all. She hacked right into me.

Q: Where did the accident happen?


A.Between 19th and 20th Jefferson Street.

B.Between 19th and 20th Jackson Street.

C.Between 9th and 10th Jackson Street.

D.Between 90th and 91 th Jefferson Street.



The Vikings' Voyage to EternitySince the Merovingian Age, during the postRoman era of the

The Vikings' Voyage to Eternity

Since the Merovingian Age, during the postRoman era of the 6th7th centuries AD, Norsemen have been associated with ships— for trade, exploration, and war. No aspect of Viking culture was entirely separate from the influence of ships, including their view of death. In fact, kings and heroes, believing that they would sail to the other world after death, had themselves buried in their ships. This is proved by the epics and sagas which tell of the heroic deeds of the Vikings, many of which have survived to our own day. The greatest details regarding early Scandinavian history, including the custom of ship burial, come from the writings of the Icelandic chronicler Snorri Sturluson, who composed the Heimskringla (History of the Kings of Norway) .sometime between AD 1220 and 1235, plus numerous other works. Although much is lost in modern translations, the original poetry of the sagas remains on many levels, and historians are ever grateful to their predecessor for his attention to detail. For about four centuries, the sagas and legends were elaborate in their portrayal of ships. Documentation, of course, may have been added some untrue details for the sake of a good story.

In addition to the legends, there is visible evidence of the influence of ships and the sea in Viking lore (口头流传的知识), as a number of ship burials have been discovered in the past two centuries. Therefore, we can use both the archaeological and the literary evidence to piece together a small window into the world of the Vikings. It is particularly interesting that the ships that do remain to this day were buried on land, an intriguing practice which, due to its pagan(异教徒) implications, died out soon after the Viking con version(皈依) to Christianity. Boat burials, in combination with sagas, indicate that Viking activity, whether trading or raiding, de pended upon reliable ships to sail, and without them the longer sea crossings that we know to have occurred would have been impossible. The voyages that had become commonplace in the 9th century would have been unthinkable 100 years earlier.

The Vikings treated their mortal warriors with as much respect as their Gods, and this is evident in Norse mythology, particularly with the tale of Balder. This god of light was killed by a "dart of mistletoe" thrown by tile mischievous Loki, resulting in "the greatest misfortune ever to befall gods and men". Balder was given a luxurious ship burial as recorded in the Prose Edda.

Epics and sagas were tales of pride and grandeur. Naval power, perfected early by Norsemen, had an exceptional place in these tales, and continued to be used in Christian narratives after the Conversion. There is not a great deal in the way of illustrated evidence for the earliest period of boat building by the Nordic people, but the record does increase from about the 11th century AD until the end of the Viking era. There is also literary evidence, present in many heroic sagas, of the abundance of Viking exploration and acquisition of land, beginning in about the 9th century. The most valuable evidence, however, undoubtedly comes from archaeology.

In archaeological terms, the survival of a boat burial depends entirely upon the soil in which it was buried. For example, soil that surrounded the early 7th century AD find at Ladby is highly acidic, thus all that remained of the original vessel were the rivets(铆钉) in a ghostly outline. Nevertheless, this and other finds, allows us to determine how the ships were made.

The Nydam boat, found in 1863 in Southern Jutland, dates from the fifth century and is a former form. of the characteristic long boat associated with the height of the Viking period. Previously, ships had been designed for both trading and warfare, but the Nydam boat, measuring 76ft overall, shows characteristics that indicate that it was built primarily as a warship. This tre






According to the retailers, the shoppers are ______ with their money.A.pessimisticB.restra

According to the retailers, the shoppers are ______ with their money.







According to the author many of the UFO reports are believable.A.YB.NC.NG

According to the author many of the UFO reports are believable.






You may take an oral or written exam ____ what you prefer.

A) according as B) according to C) accordingly D) in accord



According to the writer, forecasting is fairly accurate in ______.A.politicsB.scienceC.soc

According to the writer, forecasting is fairly accurate in ______.






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