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They were determined to carry out their plan no matter_________________________(他们将面临

They were determined to carry out their plan no matter_________________________(他们将面临什么样的障碍).

更多“They were determined to carry out their plan no matter_________________________(他们将面临”相关的问题


Who were those toolmakers?A.Neanderthals.B.Modern humans.C.Archaeologists.D.Not determined

Who were those toolmakers?


B.Modern humans.


D.Not determined.



Why did Chaya Fish say "it was obvious who the 'in' teachers were"?A.Because the principal

Why did Chaya Fish say "it was obvious who the 'in' teachers were"?

A.Because the principal's son was her student.

B.Because the other teacher was worse than her.

C.Because her dress won the parental favor.

D.Because her talk determined parental favor.



In the Roman Republic, citizenship was determined by blood only. In other words,only when both parents were native Romans could a person become Roman citizen。()




Oscar and Jack are identical twins, separated when they were babies by their parent'
s divorce.Jack was brought up by their Jewish father in Trinidad, Oscar went to live with their mother's family in Czechoslovakia.In fact Oscar did not know he was Jewish until Jack found him in Germany in 1954.Jack is proud to be a Jew, but Oscar still does not like to talk about his Jewish heritage.Yet the twins are similar in many ways.They both like spicy food and sweet drinks.In school they both did well in sports but poorly in mathematics.

Are thoughts and behavior. determined by heredity (遗传) or by environment? Social scientists have long been interested in this question; the results of "twin studies" are particularly interesting to them.Twin studies of the similarities and differences between twins.There are two types of twins: identical twins, who look exactly the same because they have identical genetic characteristics, and fraternal twins, who have different genetic characteristics.In a 1937 study, Newman, Freeman, and Halzinger found that identical twins are more similar in height and weight than fraternal twins.Because identical twins have the same genetic characteristics, the conclusion was that size is determined more by heredity than by environment.In 1962, James Shields compared the height, weight, and intelligence of identical twins who were brought up together (in the same environment) with those of identical twins brought up apart (in different environments).He found that although the differences were small, identical twins who were brought up together were more similar than those brought up apart.Shields concluded that height, weight, and intelligence are largely determined by heredity.However, because of the differences between identical twins brought up together and those brought up apart, these characteristics may be partly determined by environment.

In the case of Oscar and Jack, heredity seems to determine physical and mental abilities, tastes, and behavior.Environment seems to determine thought.

1.After their parents' divorce, Oscar and Jack ______.

A.went to live with their mother's family

B.were brought up by their father

C.never saw each other again

D.were separated until 1954

2.Although Oscar and Jack are similar in many ways, they seem to be different in_______.

A.physical ability


C.mental ability


3.Identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins because_______.

A.they have the same mother

B.they have the same genetic characteristics

C.they were brought up together

D.they were born at the same time

4.The conclusion of Newman, Freeman and Halzinger's 1937 twin study was that_______.

A.size is determined by height, weight, and environment

B.identical twins are taller and heavier than fraternal twins

C.size is determined more by heredity than by environment

D.identical twins are more similar than fraternal twins

5.Shield drew a slightly different conclusion from his study because_______.

A.he also compared the intelligence of the twins in his study

B.he compared twins brought up together with those brought up apart

C.only identical twins were included in his study

D.all of the environment factors were carefully controlled



听力原文:A person's social prestige seems to be determined mainly by his or her job. Occup

听力原文: A person's social prestige seems to be determined mainly by his or her job. Occupations are valued in terms of the incomes associated with them, although other factors can also be relevant—particular the amount of education a given occupation requires and the degree of control over others it pro vides. The holders of political power also tend to have high prestige.

Unlike power and wealth, which do not seem to be becoming more equally shared, the symbols of prestige have become available to an increasing number of Americans. The main reason is the radical change in the nature of jobs over the course of this century. In 1900 nearly 40 percent of the labor force were farm workers and less than 20 percent held white-collar jobs. At the beginning of the 1980s, however, less than 5 percent of the labor force worked on farms and white-collar workers were the largest single occupation al category. Blue-collar workers, the largest category in the mid-fifties, now constitute less than a third of all workers. The increase in the proportion of high-prestige jobs has allowed a much greater number of Americans to enjoy these statuses and the life-styles that go with them.



B.Academic degree.





听力原文:A person's social prestige seems to be determined mainly by his or her job. Occup

听力原文: A person's social prestige seems to be determined mainly by his or her job. Occupations are valued in terms, of the incomes associated with them, although other factors can also be relevant-particular the amount of education a given occupation requires and the degree of control over other it provides. The holders of political power also tend to have high prestige.

Unlike power and wealth, which do not seem to be becoming more equally shared, the symbols of prestige have become available to an increasing number of Americans. Tim main reason is the radical change in the nature of jobs over the course of this century. In 1900, nearly 40 percent of the labor force were farm workers and less than 20 percent held white-collar jobs. At the beginning of the 1980s, however, less than 5 percent of the labor force worked on farms and white-collar workers were the largest single occupational category. Blue-collar workers, the largest category in the mid-fifties, now constitute less than a-third of all workers. The increase in the proportion of high prestige jobs has allowed a much greater number of Americans to enjoy these statuses and the lifestyle. that go with them.





D.Political status.



听力原文:Not long ago, some of you may have read about the team of mountain climbing scien

听力原文: Not long ago, some of you may have read about the team of mountain climbing scientists who helped to recalculate the elevation of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. Of course the elevation of Mount Everest was determined many years ago using traditional surveying methods. But these scientists wanted to make a more precise measurement, using a new method that takes advantage of recent advances in technology; it's called the Glob al Positioning System. The Global Positioning System uses 24 satellites that circle the earth. Each of the satellites is constantly sending out signals, and each signal contains important information that can be used to determine the longitude, latitude and elevation at any point on the earth’s surface. Well in order to use the system to calculate a mount of Everest's elevation, scientists need to put a special receiver on the summit to receive signals from the satellites. The problem with this was that in the past, the receivers were much too heavy for climbers to carry. But now these receivers have been reduced to about the size and weight of a hand-held telephone, so climbers were able to take the receiver to the top of the Everest, and from there, to access the satellite system signals that would allow them to determine the precise elevation. And it turns out that the famous peak is actually a few feet higher than us previously thought.


A.The advantages of traditional surveying methods.

B.Using satellites to communicate with mountain climbers.

C.Obtaining new information about a mountain.

D.Controlling satellites from the top of a mountain.



During McDonald's early years French fries were made from scratch every day. Russet Burban
k potatoes were【C1】______, cut into shoestrings, and fried in its kitchens.【C2】______the chain expanded nationwide, in the mid-1960s, it sought to【C3】______labour costs, reduce the number of suppliers, and【C4】______that its fries tasted the same at every restaurant McDonald's began【C5】______to frozen French fries in 1966--and few customers noticed the difference.【C6】______, the change had a profound effect【C7】______the nation's agriculture and diet. A familiar food had been transformed into a highly processed industrial【C8】______.McDonald's fries now come from huge manufacturing plants【C9】______can process two million pounds of potatoes a day. The expansion【C10】______McDonald's and the popularity of its low-cost, mass-produced fries changed the way Americans eat.

The【C11】______of McDonald's French fries played a【C12】______role in the chain's success--fries are much more profitable than hamburgers--and was【C13】______praised by customers, competitors, and even food critics. Their【C14】______taste does not stem【C15】______the kind of potatoes that McDonald's【C16】______, the technology that processes them, or the restaurant equipment that fries them: other chains use Russet Burbank, buy their French fries from the【C17】______large processing companies, and have similar【C18】______in their restaurant kitchens. The taste of a French fry is【C19】______determined by the cooking oil. For decades McDonald's cooked its French fries in a mixture of about 7 per cent cottonseed oil and 93 per cent beef fat. The mixture gave the fries their unique【C20】______.








The celebration of mediocrity is on full bloom at Cuesta Community 【M1】______College in Sa

The celebration of mediocrity is on full bloom at Cuesta Community 【M1】______

College in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Cuesta has instituted a lottery system for

admission to it's nursing program. This semester, 38 names were pulled 【M2】______

at randomly from 156 "qualified applicants" —those with at least C averages 【M3】______

in core courses. According to the chancellor of California's community

colleges, grade point averages are an "artificial barrier" to professional

school admission. "We can't discriminate in favor of students who get A's

over students those who may be getting B's," says Amy Grant, dean of 【M4】______

nursing instruction at Cuesta. Prior this year, nursing school admissions at 【M5】______

Cuesta were determined by grade point average, recommendations, medical

experience, and an interview. College officials deny that they are attempting

to circumvent California' s Proposition 209. which bans affirmative action

in state hiring and admissions.

There is a substantial anti-elitism in American life. Job applicants are 【M6】______

ejected for being "overeducated" or "over-qualified". David Halberstam 【M7】______

wrote scornfully of "the best and the brightest" and the "whiz kid" who got 【M8】______

us into Vietnam. The intellectual inclined arc dismissed as "eggheads." 【M9】______

Many college students wear Homer Simpson T-shirts: "Underachiever and

proud of it." NBA players who threaten to kill their coaches earn more in

two weeks than many educators earn in a decade. And Dan Quayle or Ronald

Reagan certainly didn't win admission in Phi Beta Kappa. The Cuesta 【M10】______

lottery admissions program is consistent with the ration's revolt against academic





听力原文:Mary did not like getting up early in the morning. If her sister did not wake her

听力原文: Mary did not like getting up early in the morning. If her sister did not wake her, she would be late often for her classes. One day a lecture was going to be given By a famous artist at nine o'clock. Her sister and brother-in-law were away. She set her alarm for half past seven. This should give her plenty of time to get ready and arrive early enough for a good seat. She was determined to be there in time. She would never forgive herself for missing the lecture. She had been admiring the artist's work since she was a child.

The next morning, she slept through the alarm and woke up at half past eight. She was not used to rushing and everything went wrong. At last, she was ready, and rushed out to catch a bus. She jumped on the first one. She looked at her watch, but it was not there. She must have forgotten to put it on in her rush. When she arrived at the university, she hurried to the lecture hall. She was astonished to find that the doors were locked. She looked round to find someone, and saw a clock which said half past seven, "I can't understand it!" she cried out. "Nobody's here and the clock is slow!" Then she suddenly remembered. Her alarm clock had stopped the day before and she must have forgotten to reset the hands. "This is the first time I'll hear the beginning of a lecture," she said to herself, laughing.


A.Because the speaker was an artist.

B.Because she was always a hard-working student.

C.Because the artist's paintings appeal to her so much.

D.Because the subject was an important one.


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