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Those who worry that America is becoming a nation of lawyers may have some evidence:

there're now 1.4 lawyers for every farmer.

更多“Those who worry that America is becoming a nation of lawyers may have some evidence: ”相关的问题


What is said about GM, Ford and Chrysler in the third paragraph?A.They are all light truck

What is said about GM, Ford and Chrysler in the third paragraph?

A.They are all light trucks that are efficient in fuel.

B.Their sales drop as more people are more interested in foreign cars.

C.Their lower prices attract those who don't worry about high gas prices.

D.They have to provide better after service to compete with Toyota and Honda.



If you had to sum up the problems of American health car intwo words, they would be "cost"

If you had to sum up the problems of American health car in

two words, they would be "cost" and "coverage". The country spends

16% of its GDP on health. Yet a six of the population lacks medical 【S1】______.

coverage. Most Americans receive health insurance through their

employer. The government picks up the hill for the elder and the poor. 【S2】______.

But an estimating 47 million people fall through crack--a number 【S3】______.

that is rising as premiums (保险金) soar.

Because so many people should be without medical coverage in 【S4】______.

the world's richest country is a disgrace. It spoils the lives of the

uninsured, who are unable to get access with affordable treatment at

an early age. And it casts a shadow of fear well beyond, to America's

middle classes who worry about not their jobs but their healthcare 【S5】______.

benefits as well. It is also grossly inefficient. Hospitals are forced,

by law, to help anyone who arrived in the emergency room. 【S6】______.

Since those with insurance coverage usually cannot pay for that car, 【S7】______.

the bill is passed on everyone else, driving up premiums. Higher

premiums, by turn, swell the ranks of the uninsured. 【S8】______.

Breaking that spiral would be a big step towards fixing American

healthcare. And it is one that politicians at last seem ready to get. Not 【S9】______.

in Washington, where reform. is still stalled (延误) by an argument

between conservatives, who more consumer choice, with those on the 【S10】______.

left, who think government intervention is the answer. Instead, state

governors are taking the lead.




听力原文:Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fuel. As you know, our suppl

听力原文: Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fuel. As you know, our supplies of oil and gas are very limited. There is just not enough on hand to meet all our future energy needs. And when Mother Nature says that's all, that's all. The only way we can delay hearing those words is by starting to save energy now and by using other sources, such as the sun.

We won't have to worry about the sun's running out of energy for another several billion years or so. Besides being an endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as well. For example, the sun does not offer pollution as other energy sources.

Furthermore, owners of solar homes will have extra protection against rising fuel costs. They will also have some protection against fuel shortage. When utility costs go up, owners of solar homes won't have to face the burdens brought about by increased costs.

With all these good points, why don't we see more of solar power? There are many reasons for this. The biggest reason is money. Until now, it was just not practical for a home owner to put in a solar unit. There were cheaper sources of energy around. Solar costs are starting to equal the costs of oil and electricity. And experts say that gas will triple in cost in the next few years. In fact, gas is in such short supply right now that, in some places, it is not sold to new customers. Some customers are even having their supplies cut back.


A.Rising fuel costs to limit the use of it.

B.Saving energy and use other sources.

C.Having protection against fuel shortage.

D.Putting in a solar unit in every house.



听力原文:Accidents are caused; they don't just happen. The reason may be easy to see: an o

听力原文: Accidents are caused; they don't just happen. The reason may be easy to see: an overloaded tray, a shelf out of reach, a patch of ice on the road. But more often than not there is a chain of events leading up to the misfortune—frustration, tiredness, or just bad temper—that show what the accident really is, a sort of attack on oneself.

Road accidents, for example, happen frequently after a family quarrel, and we all know people who are accident-prone, so often at odds with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.

By definition, an accident is something you cannot predict to avoid, and the idea which used to be current, that the majority of road accidents are caused by a minority of criminally careless drivers, is not supported by insurance statistics. These show that most accidents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness or thoughtlessness.

It is not always clear, either, what sort of conditions made people more likely to have an accident. For instance, the law requires all factories to take safety precautions and most companies have safety committees to make sure that the regulations are observed, but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are absent from work due to accidents. These accidents are largely the result of human error or misjudgment—noise and fatigue, boredom or worry are possible factors which contribute to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people, who have a high anxiety level, run three times the normal risk of accidents at work.


A.External conditions.

B.People's internal conditions influenced by physical or mental factors.

C.Slippery roads.

D.A chain of events.



Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry about going into collection of those f
ascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is【C1】______I became an animal collector in the first【C2】______. The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any【C3】______was not the conventional "mamma" or "daddy",【C4】______the word "zoo", which I would【C5】______over and over again with a shrill【C6】______until someone, in order to【C7】______me up, would take me to the zoo. When I grow a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great【C8】______of pets,【C9】______from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time【C10】______the countryside in search of fresh specimens to【C11】______to my collection of pets.【C12】______on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student【C13】______, to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears and ostriches,【C14】______were not easy to keep at home. When I left, I【C15】______had enough money of my own to be able to【C16】______my First trip and I have been going【C17】______ever since then. Though a collector' s job is not an easy one and is full of【C18】______, it is certainly a job which will appeal【C19】______all those who love animals and【C20】______.








Those people and countries restricting and opposed to planting and importing ofgenetically
modified $ plants worry about their safety.



Why do people marry? People divorce often, it can be 【S1】______seen by the rising divorce

Why do people marry? People divorce often, it can be 【S1】______

seen by the rising divorce rate in the U.S. and elsewhere. But they

remarry soon enough after they divorce. Now many of them

divorce at a much younger age than before. That is also found 【S2】______

that the young have a big share of divorce. But what many

sociologists find difficult to understand is because they seem to 【S3】______

be eager to rush into marriage than get out of it. 【S4】______

In the old days, there was every reason to marry young—

specially among the working class. In Chinese communities, 【S5】______

unmarried men and women seemed to be disadvantaged in many

ways. Women were in a more difficult position than men since

in earlier time, girls were not allowed to be educated. They also 【S6】______

did not enjoy social freedom. In the past, women who were not

"married off" if they turned 30 were considered to be a problem 【S7】______

or a worry for the family. They might have to remain with their

families as they could not find jobs, and thus were able to support 【S8】______

themselves. For men, they often led an unpleasant and uncomfortable 【S9】______

life as they did not have a wife to do the sewing, cooking,

and cleaning and take care of the husband and children. In those 【S10】______

days, the family was the cornerstone of society. Both sexes needed

marriage far more than now.




Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. You’re in trouble if

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

You’re in trouble if you have to buy your own brand-name prescription drugs. Over the past decade, prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate. Treatments for chronic conditions can easily top $2,000 a month-no wonder that one in four Americans can’s afford to fill their prescriptions. The solution? A hearty chorus of “O Canada.” North of the border, where price controls reign, those same brand-name drugs cost 50% to 80% less.

The Canadian option is fast becoming a political wake-up call, “If our neighbors can buy drugs at reasonable prices, why can’t we? Even to whisper that thought provokes anger. “Un-American!” And-the propagandists’ trump card (王牌)—“Wreck our brilliant health-care system.” Supersize drug prices, they claim, fund the research that sparks the next generation of wonder drugs. No sky-high drug price today, no cure for cancer tomorrow. So shut up and pay up.

Common sense tells you that’s a false alternative. The reward for finding, say, a cancer cure is so huge that no one’s going to hang it up. Nevertheless, if Canada-level pricing came to the United States, the industry’s profit margins would drop and the pace of new-drug development would slow. Here lies the American dilemma. Who is all this splendid medicine for? Should our health-care system continue its drive toward the best of the best, even though rising numbers of patients can’t afford it? Or should we direct our wealth toward letting everyone in on today’s level of care? Measured by saved lives, the latter is almost certainly the better course.

To defend their profits, the drug companies have warned Canadian wholesalers and pharmacies (药房) not to sell to Americans by mail, and are cutting back supplies to those who dare.

Meanwhile, the administration is playing the fear card. Officials from the Food and Drug Administration will argue that Canadian drugs might be fake, mishandled, or even a potential threat to life.

Do bad drugs fly around the Internet? Sure-and the more we look, the more we’ll find, But I haven’t heard of any raging epidemics among the hundreds of thousands of people buying crossborder.

Most users of prescription drugs don’t worry about costs a lot. They’re sheltered by employee insurance, owing just a $20 co-pay. The financial blows rain, instead, on the uninsured, especially the chronically ill who need expensive drugs to live, This group will still include middle-income seniors on Medicare, who’ll have to dig deeply into their pockets before getting much from the new drug benefit that starts in 2006.

26. What is said about the consequence of the rocketing drug prices in the U.S.?

A) A quarter of Americans can’t afford their prescription drugs.

B) Many Americans can’t afford to see a doctor when they fall ill.

C) Many Americans have to go to Canada to get medical treatment.

D) The inflation rate has been more than doubled over the years.



Those who use solar energy help us save our precious fnel. As you know, our supplies of oi
l and gas are very limited. There is just not enough on hand to meet all our future energy needs. And when Mother Nature says that's all, that's all. The only way we can delay hearing those words is by starting to save energy now and by using other sources, such as the sun.

We won't have to worry about the sun's running out of energy for another several billion years or so. Beside being an endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as well. The sun does not offer as many problems as other energy sources. For example, fossil fuel plants add to already high pollution levels. With solar energy, we will still need these sources of energy, but we won't need as much. That means that we can cut down our pollution problems.

Furthermore, owners of solar homes will have extra protection against rising fuel costs. They will also have some protection against fuel shortages. When utility(公用事业的) costs go up, as they surely will, owners of solar homes won't have to face the burdens brought about by increased costs.

With all these good points, why don't we see more of solar power? There are many reasons for this. The biggest reason is money. Until now, it was just not practical for a home owner to put in a solar unit. There were cheaper sources of energy around. All that has changed now. Solar costs are starting to equal the costs of oil and electricity. And experts say that gas will triple in cost in the next few years. In fact, gas is in such short supply right now that, in some places, it is not sold to new customers. Some customers are even having their supplies cut back.

Solar energy is now in its infancy. It could soon grow to become a major part of our nation's energy supply.

What is this article about?

A.Energy from the sun.

B.Natural gas.

C.How oil is made.

D.Saving energy.



Who were those toolmakers?A.Neanderthals.B.Modern humans.C.Archaeologists.D.Not determined

Who were those toolmakers?


B.Modern humans.


D.Not determined.



听力原文:Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a

听力原文: Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of the city. In 1970, 18 percent of the city's population was foreign-born. By 1995, the figure had risen to 33 percent, and another 20 percent were the US-born offspring of immigrants. So immigrants and their children now form. a majority of the city's population.

Who are these New Yorkers? Why do they come here? Where are they from? OK, time to drop the "they". I'm one of the them. The last question at least is easy to answer: we come from everywhere. In the list of the top 20 source nations of those sending immigrants to New York between 1990 and 1994 are six countries in Asia, five in the Caribbean, four' in Latin America, three in Europe, plus Israel and former Soviet Union.

The mayor of New York once said, "Immigration continues to shape the unique character and drive the economic engine of New York City." He believes that immigrants are at the heart of what makes Now York great. [n Europe, by contrast, it is much more common to hear politicians worry about the loss of "unity" that immigration brings to their societies. In the quarter century' since 1970, the United States admitted about 125 million legal immigrants, and has absorbed them into its social structures with an ease beyond the imagination of other nations. Since these immigrants are purposeful and hard-working, they will help America to make a fresh start in the next century.


A.Ways to control New York's population.

B.The growth of New York's population.

C.The structure of New York's population.

D.Ways to increase New York's population.


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