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If you had to sum up the problems of American health car intwo words, they would be "cost"

If you had to sum up the problems of American health car in

two words, they would be "cost" and "coverage". The country spends

16% of its GDP on health. Yet a six of the population lacks medical 【S1】______.

coverage. Most Americans receive health insurance through their

employer. The government picks up the hill for the elder and the poor. 【S2】______.

But an estimating 47 million people fall through crack--a number 【S3】______.

that is rising as premiums (保险金) soar.

Because so many people should be without medical coverage in 【S4】______.

the world's richest country is a disgrace. It spoils the lives of the

uninsured, who are unable to get access with affordable treatment at

an early age. And it casts a shadow of fear well beyond, to America's

middle classes who worry about not their jobs but their healthcare 【S5】______.

benefits as well. It is also grossly inefficient. Hospitals are forced,

by law, to help anyone who arrived in the emergency room. 【S6】______.

Since those with insurance coverage usually cannot pay for that car, 【S7】______.

the bill is passed on everyone else, driving up premiums. Higher

premiums, by turn, swell the ranks of the uninsured. 【S8】______.

Breaking that spiral would be a big step towards fixing American

healthcare. And it is one that politicians at last seem ready to get. Not 【S9】______.

in Washington, where reform. is still stalled (延误) by an argument

between conservatives, who more consumer choice, with those on the 【S10】______.

left, who think government intervention is the answer. Instead, state

governors are taking the lead.


更多“If you had to sum up the problems of American health car intwo words, they would be "cost"”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Mike, have you ever thought about winning the lottery and becoming a millionai
re overnight?

M: Of course I have. I bought a few tickets each time for a couple of yearn, but up till now I haven't had any luck.

W: Me, either. By the way, what would you do with millions of dollars if you won the lottery?

M: Let's see...if I had the sum of money, I would buy a house for my parents in Shanghai and deposit the rest in the bank for future use. How about you, Mary?

W: If I had the sum of money, I would buy a nice car, a Porsche, and a software-designing company.

M: What would you want that for?

W: With a company of this kind in my hands, I could hire top computer programmers to make the best online games for even more money,

M: That sounds like fun.


A.About one movie.

B.About a millionaire.

C.About how to get the luck.

D.About how to become a millionaire.



Beth: You look a little pale. Are you OK? Jerry: ______, I feel terrible.A.To speak outB.T

Beth: You look a little pale. Are you OK? Jerry: ______, I feel terrible.

A.To speak out

B.To begin with

C.To sum up

D.To tell you the truth



Many years ago, a merchant in London had the misfortune to owe a huge sum to a money-lende
r who, old and ugly, fancied the merchant's beautiful daughter. He said he would cancel the merchant's debt if he could have the girl instead.

Both the merchant and his daughter were horrified. So the cunning money-lender proposed they let chance decide the matter. He told them he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty money-bag and then the girl would have to pick out of the pebbles. If she chose the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father's debt would be cancelled. If she chose the white one, she would stay with her father and the debt would be cancelled. But if she refuses to pick out a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

Reluctantly the merchant agreed. They were standing on a pebble-strewn path as they talked and the money-lender stooped to pick up the two pebbles. The girl, sharp-eyed with fright, noticed that he picked up two black pebbles and put them into the money-bag.

What would you do if you were the unfortunate girl? If you had to advise her what would you advise her to do?

What type of thinking would you use to solve the problem? You may believe that careful logical analysis must solve the problem if there is a solution. This type of thinking is straight-forward vertical thinking. The other type of thinking is lateral thinking.

Vertical thinkers are not usually of much help to a girl in this situation. The way they analyze it, there are three possibilities:

1. The gift should refuse to take a pebble.

2. The girl should show that there are two black pebbles in the bag and expose the money-lender as a cheat.

3. The girl should take a black pebble and sacrifice herself to save her father from prison.

None of these suggestions is very helpful, for if the girl doesn't take a pebble her father goes to prison, and if she does take a pebble, she has to marry the money-lender.

The girl in the story put her hand into the bag and took out a pebble. Without looking she fumbled and let it fall to the path and immediately, it lost among the others. The girl apologized for her clumsiness and suggested that the money-lender look at the remaining pebble in the bag and then they could tell the color of the pebble she has chosen. And the money lender dare not admit his dishonesty. The girl had changed an impossible situation into an extremely advantageous one.

This story shows the difference between vertical thinking and lateral thinking. Vertical thinkers take very reasonable view of a situation and proceed logically and carefully worked it out. Lateral thinkers tend to explore all the different ways of looking at something, rather than accepting the most promising and proceeding from that.

The author begins this article with ______.

A.an amusing anecdote

B.a well-known fable

C.an illustrative story

D.an enlightening folk-tale



Your Math instructor would have been happy to give you a make up exarmination, had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.(英译中)


I never expect you to turn _______ at the meeting. I thought you had gone abroa







When Elon Musk says, as he did this week, that his new priority is using artificial inte
lligence to build domestic robots, we should not only take note, but look forward to the day we can put our legs up in admiration.

Mr. Musk is a guy who gets things done. The founder of two “moonshot” tech companies, Tesla Motors and SpaceX, is bringing electric vehicles to mass market and 26 humans to live on other planets. Lest this strike the amateur techie—not that readers of The Independent would ever count among them—as so much hot air, you can be reassured that the near $13bn (£8.8bn) fortune this entrepreneur has 27 comes from practical achievements rather than hypothetical ones.

A lot of clever people are 28 about artificial intelligence, fearing that robots will one day become so 29 they’ll murder all of us. These fears are mostly 30 : as with hysteria about genetic modification, we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with alacrity and care.

And just think of how wonderful it would be if you had a live-in robot. It could — 31 — be like having a babysitter and masseuse rolled into one — or, if that required 32 intelligence beyond the ken of Mr. Musk’s imagined machine, at least some one to chop the carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn. Once purchased and trained, this would allow the 33 user to save money and time, freeing up 34 space in our busy lives to, for instance, read The Independent.

That is why we welcome Mr. Musk’s latest 35 , and wish him well. As long as robots add to the sum of human happiness, reduce suffering or cumbersome activity, and create time to read world-class journalism, The Independent will be their fans. Especially since journalism is one job robots will never do.

A) amassed

B) casual

C) emotional

D) enabling

E) eventually

F) exaggerated

G) extravagant

H) generously

I) misleading

J) precious

K) reward

L) smart

M) sphere

N) terrified

O) venture



听力原文:W: You didn't turn up for yesterday's English Evening as you had promised.M: You

听力原文:W: You didn't turn up for yesterday's English Evening as you had promised.

M: You know what. I went to see my supervisor about my essay. And then I forgot all about the party.

Q: What happened to the man?


A.He had to rewrite his essay.

B.He thought it's better not to take part in the party.

C.He forgot about the English Evening.

D.His supervisor wanted to talk to him.



Your child is too young to play football. You had better have him _______ table tennis ins

A.take for

B.take up

C.take in

D.take over



听力原文:W:If the traffic wasn't held up for so long, I would have been to class by ten o'

M: It's too bad you didn't make it. The professor was looking for you all morning.

Q: What happened to the woman?


A.She had a bad cold.

B.She had a car accident.

C.She got home before 10 o'clock.

D.She was delayed.



听力原文:M: Did you get a study manual for your driver's test?W: I had Dan pick one up for

听力原文:M: Did you get a study manual for your driver's test?

W: I had Dan pick one up for me.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She picked Dan up after his driver's test.

B.Dan got the book for her.

C.Dan will help her study.

D.She thinks Dan passed the driver's test.


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