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In the final stages what would be done to the Linux-based software ? A) The local

In the final stages what would be done to the Linux-based software ?

A) The local Laos would purchase the Linux-based software finally.

B) Some Laos who reside in America would translate the Linux-based software into Lao.

C) A group of experts in America would convince the Laos to use the Linux-based software.

D) The Laos would finally adopt the Linux-based software to run the computer.










听力原文:M: Hi, Janet. You are so lucky to be done with your final exams and test papers.W

听力原文:M: Hi, Janet. You are so lucky to be done with your final exams and test papers.

W: I still have 2 more final exams to take.

M: Really?

W: Yeah. What are you doing this summer? Anything special?

M: Well, actually yes. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States, you know, places with historical significance.

W: I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff you learned in school about history.

M: Maybe. And so even though we are older now, they still do it once in a while.

W: Oh, so where are you going this summer?

M: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

W: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous Civil War site in this country. and it's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places they've taken you to. I have been there a couple of times.

M: We were going to go there about ten… well, no, it was exactly ten years ago, but something happened. I cannot remember that.

W: Something changed your plans?

M: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year.


A.To take part in an English Summer Camp.

B.To travel around the whole Europe.

C.To teach the students in poor areas.

D.To visit the places with historical significance in America.



听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams. I still have 2 mo
re finals to take.

W: Oh, really?

M: Yeah. So do you have any plan for the summer?

W: Actually, I do. My parents have always liked taking me to different places of historical significance.

M: I guess they want to reinforce the stuff you've learned in school about history. So where are you going this summer?

W: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

M: Finally? You mean you've never been there? Gettysburg is probably the most famous civil war site in the country; and it's only a couple of hours away.

W: We had planned to go there about ten years ago, but we ended up not going anywhere that year.

M: What happened?

W: Don't ask me what it was. You know, I was too young to remember... Anyway, I hope that doesn't happen again this year.


A.Places the man has visited.

B.A paper the woman is writing for a class.

C.School activities they enjoy.

D.The woman's plans for the summer.



听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams and term paper. I
still have two more finals to take.

W: Really?

M: Yeah, so what're you doing this summer, anything special?

W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while.

M: Oh, so where are you going this summer?

W: Well, this summer. It's finally going to be Gettysburg.

M: Finally? You mean they never took you there yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous civil war site in the country. It's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times.

W: We were gonna to be about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago. But I don't know. Something happened, I cannot remember what...

M: Something changed your plans.

W: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class. I was to make a thorough investigation on the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, so I'm eager to see the place.


A.Their final exams and papers.

B.Plans for the coming summer.

C.A wonderful visit to Gettysburg.

D.Their parents' traveling habits.



The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called layue(the month to worship all the deities)
The 12th lunar month in Chinese is called layue(the month to worship all the deities)

.The 8th day of the 12the lunar month is the Laba Festival.It is treated as the beginning of the Chinese holiday season.After the Laba Festival,people enter into the busy preparation for the Lunar New Year.The main activity of the Laba Festival is cooking and sharing the special laba gruel(laba-zhou).Most people believe it has a close relation to Sakyamuni,the Buddha.He left his comfortable home and set off in search of the final enlightenment.After days of travelling without rest,he collapsed near a river in northern India.He was revived by a wandering shepherdess,who offered him her lunch of family leftovers consisting of sticky cereal,glutinous rice,dates,chestnuts and wild fruit.After consuming this repast,Sakyamuni took a batch and sat under a tree for meditation,where he finally attained enlightenment.The very day was the 8th day of the last lunar month.The meal was the original laba gruel.

Sakyamuni ate a meal which was made of all the following except()

A、wild fruit






听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with our final exams and term papers. I
have two more finals to take.

W: Really?

M: Yeah, so what are you doing this summer, anything special?

W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places, with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while. Oh, so where are you going this summer?

M: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

W: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Gettysburg, it's probably the most famous civil war site in the country, and it's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times.

M: We were gonna to go about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago, but I don't know, something happened, I cannot remember what.

W: Something changed your plans?

M: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended, up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class I was taking. Well about the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, So I'm eager to see the place.


A.Places the man has visited.

B.A paper the woman is writing for a class.

C.School activities they enjoy.

D.The woman's plans for the summer.



The task of being accepted and enrolled in a university or college begins early for some s
tudents. Long【C1】 ______ they graduate from high school, these students take special【C2】______ to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations that test how【C3】______ prepared they are for the university. 19 the final year of high school, they【C4】______ applications and send them, with their student records, to the universities which they hope to【C5】______ . Some high school students may be【C6】______ to have an interview with representatives of the university. Neatly【C7】______ , and usually very frightened, they are【C8】______ to show that they have a good attitude and the 【C9】______ to succeed. When the new students are finally【C10】______ , there may be one more step they have to【C11】______ before registering for classes and【C12】 ______ to work. Many colleges and universities【C13】______ an orientation program for new students.【C14】______ these programs, the young people get to know the【C15】______ for registration and student advising, university rules, the【C16】______ of the library and all the other【C17】______ services of the college or university.

Beginning a new life in a new place can be very【C18】______ . The more knowledge students have【C19】______ the school, the easier it will be for them to【C20】______ to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.








听力原文:Recently a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to beat the world basketball t

听力原文: Recently a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to beat the world basketball time record. They are to play for 90 hours and add 6 hours to the record. Now could 18 boys play for almost 4 days without stopping? The boys decided that each person would play for two and a half hours and then rest for two hours. They had to be able to sleep near the basketball hall, and they needed hot food and drink, day and night. Finally they started at 6 o' clock one evening.

The first night was very hard for the players. When it was their turn to rest, they were too excited to fall asleep at once. After sleeping for a short time, they had to play again. The nights were very long, when nobody was watching. The days were better, because plenty of people cheered the players' efforts. On the second night they fell asleep as soon as they stopped. Some of them had trouble with their hands and feet, but the only serious problem was a mental one. Each boy was thinking: What am I doing hero? How can I play any longer? After the third night the players knew they could finish the 90 hours. On the fourth night the play was very slow, but in the final hours it got better. For the last few minutes the players looked as fresh as when they started, they were tired, but very happy.


A.90 hours.

B.86 hours.

C.84 hours.

D.96 hours.



听力原文:M: I can' t believe that we finally graduated from high school.I'm so happy that
graduation is behind us!

W: Yeah! How are your preparations for the Academy? When is your(20)exhausting physical exam?

M: Well,I'm taking the physical this week. I know it will be rough but I have been training for two months now and I feel pretty strong. (20)After that, I must take a psychological test to see I am a good candidate for the stress of police work.

W: Is that all? It sounds pretty tough.

M: No,that's not all. Just listen. (20)Next, I have to take the lie detector test. Finally, if I pass all of these, I must submit to a background check. At this final stage, the Academy will call my family, friends and former employer to check for any criminal records or credit problems.

W: Wow! That's so intense!(19)Are you sere that you really want to be a policeman?

M: (19)Yes! I really want to be able to help and protect people.

W: Aren't you afraid? Something could happen to you.

M: Relax! I plan to eventually work on crime scene investigation. With any luck, I'll only have to spend one year pa- trolling on the street. How are your plans coming along for New York University? Are you all ready to move?

W: Are you kidding? It's a good thing that I have two months to get ready. (21)I will start my summer job the day after tomorrow, so that should keep me busy.

M: Where are you working? At the Starbucks on Market Street?

W: Yes. I'd better go. I promise my mom that I would help her pack for her two-week trip to Europe.


A.Training for a coming game.

B.Attending a police academy.

C.Becoming a physical teacher.

D.Being a psychologist.


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