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听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams and term paper. I

still have two more finals to take.

W: Really?

M: Yeah, so what're you doing this summer, anything special?

W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while.

M: Oh, so where are you going this summer?

W: Well, this summer. It's finally going to be Gettysburg.

M: Finally? You mean they never took you there yet? I mean Gettysburg. It's probably the most famous civil war site in the country. It's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times.

W: We were gonna to be about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago. But I don't know. Something happened, I cannot remember what...

M: Something changed your plans.

W: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class. I was to make a thorough investigation on the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, so I'm eager to see the place.


A.Their final exams and papers.

B.Plans for the coming summer.

C.A wonderful visit to Gettysburg.

D.Their parents' traveling habits.

更多“听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams and term paper. I”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with your final exams. I still have 2 mo
re finals to take.

W: Oh, really?

M: Yeah. So do you have any plan for the summer?

W: Actually, I do. My parents have always liked taking me to different places of historical significance.

M: I guess they want to reinforce the stuff you've learned in school about history. So where are you going this summer?

W: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

M: Finally? You mean you've never been there? Gettysburg is probably the most famous civil war site in the country; and it's only a couple of hours away.

W: We had planned to go there about ten years ago, but we ended up not going anywhere that year.

M: What happened?

W: Don't ask me what it was. You know, I was too young to remember... Anyway, I hope that doesn't happen again this year.


A.Places the man has visited.

B.A paper the woman is writing for a class.

C.School activities they enjoy.

D.The woman's plans for the summer.



听力原文:W: Janet insists she's coming to my graduation.M: But she has to work that week,

听力原文:W: Janet insists she's coming to my graduation.

M: But she has to work that week, doesn’t she?

Q: What does the man imply about Janet?


A.She won't be able to come.

B.She's not going to graduate.

C.She has a week to do the work.

D.She'll visit her sister in a week.



听力原文:M: Janet,here's the book you loaned me.But I'm a bit embarrassed I can't seem to
find the jacket for it.

W: I would have never even noticed. you are one of the few people who actually returns books to me.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The woman is satisfied that the book has been returned.

B.The woman doesn't like lending books to people.

C.The man feels sorry for losing Janet's jacket.

D.The man can't :find the book he bon'owed from the woman.



听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?M: It's right here. Just follow thes

听力原文:W: Hi, Mr. Talcott. Is my prescription ready?

M: It's right here. Just follow these directions and take one pill right after each meal.

Q: What is the man's occupation?








听力原文:M: Hi, Janet, you're so lucky to be done with our final exams and term papers. I
have two more finals to take.

W: Really?

M: Yeah, so what are you doing this summer, anything special?

W: Well, actually yeah. My parents have always liked taking my sister and me to different places in the United States. You know, places, with historical significance. I guess they wanted to reinforce the stuff we learned in school about history. And so even though we are older now, they still do once in a while. Oh, so where are you going this summer?

M: Well, this summer it's finally going to be Gettysburg.

W: Finally? You mean they never took you yet? I mean Gettysburg, it's probably the most famous civil war site in the country, and it's only a couple of hours away. I think that would be one of the first places that they've taken you. I have been there a couple of times.

M: We were gonna to go about ten, well, no, it was exactly ten years ago, but I don't know, something happened, I cannot remember what.

W: Something changed your plans?

M: Yeah, don't ask me what it was, but we ended, up not going anywhere that year. I hope that doesn't happen again this year. I wrote a paper about Gettysburg last semester for a history class I was taking. Well about the political situation in the United States right after the battle at Gettysburg, So I'm eager to see the place.


A.Places the man has visited.

B.A paper the woman is writing for a class.

C.School activities they enjoy.

D.The woman's plans for the summer.



听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Do you have acme change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.W: P

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. Do you have acme change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.

W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.

Q: What will the man most probably do?


A.Get some change from Jane.

B.Use the woman's phone.

C.Go and look for a pay phone.

D.Pay for the phone call.



听力原文:W: Hi! Mark.Nice to see you again. How is everything?M: Great! I didn't expect to

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark. Nice to see you again. How is everything?

M: Great! I didn't expect to see you again. What a small world!

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They are talking about the world.

B.They met some time ago.

C.They are discussing how small the world is.

D.They don't want to meet again.



听力原文:W: Hi, Morris. Any luck today?M: No, nothing. I've tried the shops, the supermark

听力原文:W: Hi, Morris. Any luck today?

M: No, nothing. I've tried the shops, the supermarkets and the restaurants, but no luck for me. I hope my last chance will lie in those cab companies.

Q: What has the man been doing?


A.He has been shopping around.

B.He has been looking for a job.

C.He has been dining in a restaurant.

D.He has been driving the cab.



听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.M: Oh, I originally

听力原文:W: Hi, Bill. You are so late. The meeting has already started.

M: Oh, I originally thought I knew the way well enough. I drove 20 miles one way, then 6 another before I got here.

Q: What is the distance should Bill drive to attend the meeting?


A.20 miles.

B.6 miles.

C.14 miles.

D.26 miles.



听力原文:W:Hi,Burt.I heard you're looking for a new job. How is it going?M:I just had an i

听力原文:W:Hi,Burt.I heard you're looking for a new job. How is it going?

M:I just had an interview yesterday.I think I did well.The director seemed to like me. They said they would make a decision by this Friday.I believe I have a very good chance.

Q:What does the man think of his interview?


A.He will probably get the job.

B.He will probably fail.

C.The chance is half-and-half.

D.He is not satisfied with the offer.


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