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Bill Gates, the head of the world’s biggest computer software company, the Microsoft C

orporation, has a mission: “to put a computer on every office desk and in every home”. Bill Gates has had this mission since he was a university student years ago. This deep personal interest, together with his technical skills and his business marketing skills helped him to create a giant computer company and to make him wealthy.

Although he is so wealthy, Bill Gates does not want to give up. He is still very interested in his vision and he travels the globe, making quick stops in cities to sell the new software products of his company.

The central vision of Bill Gates is the “information highway”. This is a network for computers that will link every home, office and shop in the future. This computer network system will have an effect on business, shopping and education. Bill Gates says that the main use of this new technology will be in communication. It will be a way to find people with common interests and to share opinions with them.

But is this communication by computer along the “information highway” really a good thing? Won’t we be sitting at home, only “socializing” with our computer, paying big companies money so that we can receive information that some large communication corporation somewhere had decided is “acceptable” for us to read? No, says Bill Gates, he thinks that the phrase “information highway” is a terrible phrase. It makes people think that we are all going down the same road, he says. In fact, the computer network will let us choose our own intellectual direction. It will give us freedom. It will also bring good to society, because it will allow for the spread of education. When more and more people receive education, the gap between the rich and the poor will narrow.

In the meantime, however, the gap between the rich and the poor is still there. To be added to this now is the gap between those with computers and those without.

1.Ever since he was a college student, Bill Gates has __________.

A. become very interested in the computer

B. set up a goal to popularize the computer

C. discovered great potentials in computer business

D. dreamed of having a giant computer company

2.Bill Gates’ success depends on the following except ___________.

A. his vision and his travel over the globe

B. his technical skills and business marketing skills

C. his deep personal interest in developing computer science

D. his strong desire to make big money

3.The word “vision” (line 2, parA.2) probably means________.

A. sight

B. idea

C. effort

D. daydream

4.The “information highway” will mainly be used _______.

A. in human communication

B. to help link every home, office and shop

C. in business, shopping and education

D. to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor

5.The best title for this passage is probably _________.

A. Bill Gates, his Vision and Mission

B. Computer and Information

C. Advantages of the Computer Network

D. One of the World’s Computer Giants

更多“Bill Gates, the head of the world’s biggest computer software company, the Microsoft C”相关的问题


Bill Gates is_ for managing Microsoft successfully。














Bill Gates is often thought to be the richest man in the world. (), his personal life s
eems not luxury.







Bill Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has ________ to be the Greatest Amer

A) appointed

B) appeased

C) nicknamed

D) dominated



The author mentions such millionaires as the Rockefellers and Bill Gates to show that ____

A.they are examples for us on our road to wealth

B.a portfolio is essential to financial success

C.they are really rich people

D.they started out on their own



Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1995 in the United States.A 19【M2】 photo shows Bill as

Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1995 in the United States.

A 19【M2】 photo shows Bill as a rapt young teenager,

watched his friend Paul Allen type at a computer terminal. 【M1】______

Allen became a co-founder of Microsoft. As for a child, Gates 【M2】______

had neat hair and an eager, pleasant smile. He entered Harvard

and dropped out to found Microsoft in 19【M9】Microsoft's first 【M3】______

product was a version of the programming language BASIC, for

the Altair 8800, arguably the world's first personal computer.

BASIC, invented by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1964,

was someone else's idea. Such was the Alter. 【M4】______

By 1980, IBM had decided to build personal computers

and needed a PC operating system. So they fired Microsoft to 【M5】______

build its operating system. Microsoft bought Q-DOS from a

company called Seattle Computer Products and retailed them 【M6】______

for the PC.

The PC was released in August 1981 and was following 【M7】______

into the market by huge flocks of honking, beeping clones.

Apple released the Macintosh in 1984: a sophisticated

computer was now available to the masses. In May 1990,

Microsoft finally perfected it's own version of Apple windows 【M8】______

3.0, another huge hit.

By the early 1990s, electronic mail and the Internet were

big. Technologists forecast an Internet centered view of computing

called "mirror worlds". The World Wide Web was emerged in 【M9】______

1994, marking browsers unnecessary, and Netscape was founded 【M10】______

that same year.




听力原文:Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington in 1955. He co-founded Microsoft in 19

听力原文: Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington in 1955. He co-founded Microsoft in 1975 with Paul Allen, his high school friend and partner in computer-language development since 1967.

Fascinated by computers by the age of 12, Gates was involved with various programming projects throughout high school. While attending Harvard in 1975, Gates teamed with Allen to develop a version of the BASIC computer-programming language for the Altair, the first personal computer. As a result of this work on BASIC, Gates decided to drop out of Harvard in 1977 to work at Microsoft full-time, pursuing his vision of "a computer on every desk and in every home," the idea behind the company. In the early 1980s, Gates led Microsoft's evolution from a developer of programming languages to a diversified software company producing operating systems and applications software as well as programming tools. This transition began in 1981 with Microsoft's introduction of MS-DOS, the operating system for International Business Machines Corporation's new Personal Computer. Gates persuaded other computer manufacturers to standardize on MSDOS, fueling software compatibility and computer industry growth in the 1980s. Gates also pushed Microsoft to introduce application software, such as Microsoft Word word-processing software for the IBM PC. In a key strategic move, Gates agreed to develop application software for the Apple Macintosh prior to the release of the first Mac in 1984. This was the beginning of strong position for Microsoft in applications that take advantage of the graphical user interface.

Much of Gates' success rests on his ability to translate technical visions into market strategy, and to blend creativity with technical acumen. He is one of the few founding CEOs from the technical side of the PC industry who has also survived and thrived on the business side.


A.At the age of 20.

B.By the age of 12.

C.When he was at high school.

D.When he studied in Harvard University.



When we think of entrepreneurs, most of us imagine【C1】______, successful, over-achievers l
ike Bill Gates of Microsoft, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, Inc. or Jim Boyle of Columbia Sportswear, to【C2】______a few contemporary heroes. The【C3】______is that we often fail to【C4】______entrepreneurs all around us. the corner grocery store owner, the family【C5】______who opens a medical【C6】______in our neighborhood, or the young person who【C7】______the morning paper.【C8】______is creating business opportunities【C9】______entrepreneurship, although the【C10】______of entrepreneurship would be markedly different from each other.

According to Jeffery Timmons, author of "New Venture Creation", there are three【C11】______components for a successful new【C12】______: the opportunity, the entrepreneur, and the【C13】______needed to start the company and make it grow. The opportunity is the【C14】______for a new business. The entrepreneur is the person who develops the idea for a【C15】______into a business. Resources include money, people and skill. In this part, we【C16】______on entrepreneurs, one of the critical【C17】______for success of a new business. Who are they? What makes them【C18】______?

One factor which【C19】______Bill Gates from the morning paper deliverer is the level of business success each desires to achieve. Determining【C20】______success means to you is a crucial element in the early stages of new venture planning.








听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?W: Yes.M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want t

听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?

W: Yes.

M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want to change roommates.

W: Really? That surprises me. I thought that you and David were good friends.

M: We were. You see, we knew each other before. We are from the same home town, but it looks like we had different reasons for coming to college.

W: How so?

M: Well, David is really into having fun, which is great. But he has so many people in our room all the time that I can't study. And the stereo is on constantly.

W: Have you talked to him about it?

M: Yes, but he just doesn't take me seriously.

W: I see.

M: Miss Todd, I have to study. I'm on scholarship. David isn't.

W: Okay. Here's what we can do. Let me talk to David, and then you see how it goes. Just one week.


A.The man wants to get authorization for a room change.

B.The man is worried about his friendship with his roommate.

C.The man needs a scholarship to continue living in the dormitory.

D.The man wants the head resident to talk to David for him.



The rich have traditionally passed their wealth on to their children. But an increasing nu
mber of billionaires are choosing not to. The reason? They want their children to live on themselves — and not to turn into spoiled successors. Nicola Horlick or " supermom" , a famous British billionaire, owing to the fact that she has high-flying jobs and five kids — has spent her career making a report £ 250m. She now seems determined to throw off large parts of it. She already gives away about 25% of her income each year; she has just revealed, in a report on the state of charity in the city, that she will not be leaving most of the remainder to her children. " I think it is wrong to give too much inherited wealth to children," Horlick told the reports authors. "I will not be leaving all my wealth to my children because that would just ruin their lives. " She is by no means the first to go public with this convition. Bill Gates has put an estimated $ 30bn into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was supplemented, in 2009, by another $ 24bn or so from his friend Warren Buffett. Buffett has always been colorful, quotably clear on where he stands. His daughter often tells a story of finding herself without change for a car parking ticket — her father lent her $ 20, then promptly made her write him a check. "To suggest that the children of the wealthy should be just as wealthy," he has said, " is like saying the members of Americas 2004 Olympic team should be made up only of the children of the 1980 Olympic team. " Antia Roddick, the late founder of the Body Shop, told her kids that they would not inherit one penny. The money that she made from the company would go into the Body Shop Foundation, which isnt one of those awful tax shelters, like some in America. It just functions to take the money and give it away.

The billionaires mentioned in the passage dont want to leave much of their wealth to their children because______.

A.they prefer to give their wealth to charity

B.they want their business to go on healthily

C.they believe too much wealth will harm their children

D.they hope their children can make more money themselves


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