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W Hotel (W酒店)属于精品五星级酒店。()



更多“W Hotel (W酒店)属于精品五星级酒店。()”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Weren't you going to confirm your booking at the hotel?M: You're right. I'd be

听力原文:W: Weren't you going to confirm your booking at the hotel?

M: You're right. I'd better call them. They always get quite busy this time of the year.

Q: What will the man probably do?


A.Get the books she needs.

B.Make sure the hotel is expecting him.

C.Make sure the time of the party is confirmed.

D.Call and ask about hotel rooms.



Roger did not stay long at the hotel because ______.A.it was forced to close downB.there w

Roger did not stay long at the hotel because ______.

A.it was forced to close down

B.there were too many guests

C.he was sued to living in the desert

D.he wanted more time for reading



听力原文:M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.W: Your name, please.M: Nelson, Charle

听力原文:M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.

W: Your name, please.

M: Nelson, Charles Nelson.

W: Ok, Mr. Nelson. That's a room for five and...

M: But excuse me, you mean a room for five pounds? I didn't know the special was so good.

W: No, no, no...according to our records, a room for 5 guests was booked under your name.

M: No, no...hold on. You must have two guests under the name.

W: Ok, let me check this again. Oh, here we are.

M: Yeah?

W: Charles Nelson, a room for one for the 19th...

M: Wait, wait. It's for tonight, not tomorrow night.

W: Ern..., I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a conference going on in town and...er, let's see...yeah, no rooms.

M: Oh, come on! You must have something, anything!

W: Well, let...let me check my computer here...Ah!

M: What?

W: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.

M: Great, I'll take it.

W: But, I'll have to charge you 150 pounds for the night.

M: What? I should get a discount for the inconvenience!

W: Well, the best I can give you is a 10% discount plus a ticket for a free continent breakfast.

M: Hey, isn't the breakfast free anyway?

W: Well, only on weekends.

M: I want to talk to the manager.

W: Wait, wait, wait...Mr. Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount...


A.The hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name.

B.The hotel clerk insisted that he didn't make any reservation.

C.The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience.

D.The hotel clerk couldn't find his reservation for that night.



A.He knows the route very. well.B.He often gets lost.C.He doesnt know w

A.He knows the route very. well.

B.He often gets lost.

C.He doesnt know where the hotel is.

D.He thinks its an expensive hotel.



听力原文:M: Can you spare a moment, dear? I want you to listen to this letter.W: Go ahead,

听力原文:M: Can you spare a moment, dear? I want you to listen to this letter.

W: Go ahead, then.

M: Dear Sir, my wife and I arrived home last night after a holiday arranged by your firm. We stayed at the hotel described in your brochure as a comfortable, medium-sized hotel, with a magnificent view of the sea, offering courteous, old-fashioned service and excellent food, served in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.

W: Yes, that's what the brochure said.

M: In fact tile hotel is situated at least half a mile from the sea. Our room overlooked a car park...

W: Through the gates of which motor vehicles were constantly arriving or departing.

M: Yes, that's good. The food was strictly beef burgers and chips or fish and chips. Wine was available, but at exorbitant prices, and as for the courteous, old fashioned service, the majority of the staff were foreign and virtually incapable of speaking or understanding the English language.

W: Yes, that's quite true.

M: In addition to this, we were most unhappy with the arrangements for our journey home. We were instructed to catch the 11:00 am ferry...

W: Wasn't it 12:00?

M: No, 11:00... but this was apparently delayed and we did not get away till 6 o'clock in the evening. Now that our holiday is over, it seems fairly pointless writing this letter, but I should like you to know that we were most disappointed with the hotel and travel arrangements and shall certainly not be booking any future holidays through Happy Tours. Yours faithfully, Robinson.

W: Yes dear, that's a very good letter.


A.It is comfortable, with a good view of the sea.

B.It offered courteous and old-fashioned service.

C.The food offered is excellent.

D.The hotel is situated half a mile from the sea.



听力原文:W: What type of term paper do you expect us to write and what is the deadline?M:

听力原文:W: What type of term paper do you expect us to write and what is the deadline?

M: Your term paper should be typed, double-spaced, and not less than twenty pages long.

Q: Who are the two speakers?


A.A professor and a student.

B.A hotel manager and a tourist.

C.A salesman and a customer.

D.A store owner and his manager.



听力原文:W: We hope you enjoy your stay here at the hotel. Here is your room key and by th
e way checkout time is at noon.

M: Oh. thanks for reminding me. It's a lovely hotel and I'm not at all in a hurry to leave, but I wouldn't want to be charged for. a second night.

Q: What will the man probably do?


A.Leave the hotel the next morning.

B.Ask the hotel clerk for his room key.

C.Stay in the hotel for at least two nights.

D.Complain to the manager about the extra charges.



听力原文:M:You can take the subway to the hotel;it's the most convenient and fastest.Or yo
u can take the bus if you don't mind the crowdness and time.Well,as for sightseeing,I suggest you take a taxi or just walk.

W:Well,thank you very much.I would like to do some physical exercises after meals,

Q:How will the woman go to the hotel?


A.Take the subway.

B.Take the bus.

C.Take a taxi.

D.On foot.




W: The hotel called, saying that because of the scheduling there, theywon’t be are able to cater for our banquet.

M: I know an Indian restaurant on the high street that offers a specialdiner for groups. The food is excellent, and the room is large enough toaccommodate us.

Q: What does the man suggest they do?



听力原文:W: Richard, I wonder if you can tell me something about hotels on the Costa Brava

M: Why? Sorry, Helen. I'm afraid I know little more than you do.

W: Well, it's just that we've been thinking of taking the family to Spain this summer and at this rather late stage we're trying to organize ourselves a suitable hotel. But I thought that you'd been to the Costa Brava.

M: It's absolutely late. But have you looked at the ads?

W: Yeah. As a matter of fact I was reading one ad just this morning in the Daily paper which sounded terrific..

M: For a hotel?

W: Yes. Just outside Barcelona. It said that this hotel was right on the beach, and that's essential as far as we have concerned..

M: I know just how it is.

W: And all the rooms have balconies facing the sea and overlooking the beach.

M: Expensive?

W: No. That was the amazing thing about it. But I'm not sure how much exaggeration there is in the ad.

M: The only way to find out for certain is to go and try it. And that's taking rather a risk.

W: Yes, I agree with you.





D.Costa Rica.



听力原文:W: Hello, this is Western Michigan Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?M:I heardfr

听力原文:W: Hello, this is Western Michigan Grand Hotel. What can I do for you?

M: I heard from the weather report that the temperature there in your city is up to 39 degree. I am afraid my poor heart condition will not allow of my appearance in your hotel.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The temperature in the man's city has come up to 39 degree.

B.The man has a serious heart problem.

C.The man is calling to cancel the hotel reservation.

D.The man is going to the hotel for a rest.


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