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A.His steering wheel isn't working properly.B.He will go on a holiday at once.C.He pra

A.His steering wheel isn't working properly.

B.He will go on a holiday at once.

C.He practices vandalism (破坏财物)

D.His speedometer is out of order.

更多“A.His steering wheel isn't working properly.B.He will go on a holiday at once.C.He pra”相关的问题



A.rake lock

B.Steering lock

C.Wheel chock

D.Park Brake



While steering by autopilot you notice that the vessel has deviated 15 degrees from course and there is no corrective rudder being applied.As a standard operating procedure you should first ().

A.Check the setting of the rudder adjustment

B.Check the setting of the weather adjustment

C.Switch to hand steering

D.Immediately engage the trick wheel



Bruce Stephen gripped the ________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.A) sti

Bruce Stephen gripped the ________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.

A) stirring

B) driving

C) steering

D) revolving



According to the passage, road accidents in Europe are mainly caused by ______.A.drivers f

According to the passage, road accidents in Europe are mainly caused by ______.

A.drivers falling asleep at the wheel

B.long-distance lorry driving

C.cars without a safety system

D.drivers' sudden changes in steering



When driving in an automated lane, the driver ________. A) should harmonize with n

When driving in an automated lane, the driver ________.

A) should harmonize with newly entering cars

B) doesn’t have to rely on his computer system

C) should watch out for potential accidents

D) doesn’t have to hold on to the steering wheel



听力原文:The young executive weaving through the traffic in his BMW, one hand on the steer

听力原文: The young executive weaving through the traffic in his BMW, one hand on the steering wheel, the other holding a telephone, has become a familiar sight on our city streets. It doesn't look safe and it isn't. It is not just that the serous discussion he is having is distracting. There is also the tangled cable by the gear lever and the fact that he's only got one hand free if someone suddenly steps off the kerb.

Car phone have been available in Britain since 1959 but have only become common since January 1985 when two "cellular" systems were introduced. These are licensed by the government and take advantage of new technology and ultra-high radio frequencies. About 2500 subscribers were expected in the first years of operation but the actual figure for 1985 was more than double that. It is estimated that 75000 cellular phones were then in use, and there were well over 100000 by the end of 1986.

The Highway Code has been rewritten to include a warning that driver should not use hand-held telephone when the car is moving, because the drivers may concentrate more on the phone-work than the road ahead. Authority warns that those who drive and talk into a telephone will be prosecuted.


A.Talking to another person while driving.

B.Holding a telephone in one hand while driving.

C.Not keeping both hands on the steering wheel while driving.

D.Driving without any shoes on.



Although the possibility of living a long and happy life nowadays is greater than ever bef
ore, every day we witness the incredible killing on the roads. Man versus the motorcar! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing.

It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality, which often undoubtedly brings out a man's very worst qualities. Normally quiet and pleasant people may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering wheel. They swear; they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and utterly selfish. All their hidden frustrations, disappointments and jealousies seem to be brought to the surface by the act of driving.

The surprising thing is that society smiles on the motorist and seems to tolerate his behaviour. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost uninhabitable because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; and the mass annual death becomes nothing more than a statistic, to be conveniently forgotten.

It is high time a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. With regard to driving, the laws of some countries are extremely loose and even the strictest are not strict enough. A code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate.

Here are a few examples that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years or so; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through annual tests for safety. Present drinking and driving laws should be made much stricter. Maximum and minimum speed limits should be imposed on all roads. Governments should lay down safety specifications for manufacturers, as has been done in the U.S.A. All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned. These measures may sound terribly harsh. But remember: The world is for human beings, not motorcars.

The main idea of this passage is ______.

A.traffic accidents are mainly caused by motorists

B.thousands of people the world over are killed each year

C.the laws of some countries about driving are too loose

D.stricter traffic laws should be made to prevent accidents



听力原文:As the offspring of a man and woman who are barely 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet tal

听力原文: As the offspring of a man and woman who are barely 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet tall respectively, you can probably guess how I made out in the way of stature.

With the exception of a short stint of towering over my third-grade class at a height of about 4 feet 6 inches, I've always looked up-literally-to, well, pretty much everyone. Shorty, Halfpint, Shortstack, Little One, Vertically Challenged and (my personal favorite) Ankle Biter are just a few of the endearing monikers that have been repeatedly seared into my memory over the years. I've also been likened much more often to Maggie rather than Lisa Simpson, even now that I'm nearly 20 years old.

But growing older has taught me that nicknames and cheap shots are the very least of my worries. Now I have real problems, like not being able to drive my car a safe distance from the steering wheel without pedal extensions. Seeing over the hood is even a bit of a challenge at times.

Inconveniences have been a part of every job I had in high school. From juggling large stacks of ice cream cones while trying to fill the cone racks at Dairy Queen to begging for assistance in filling ice machines while working at a movie theater, I've had to count on someone pushing 6 feet tall to come to my rescue.

Like many college students, I, too, love music. At concerts, I can usually be seen jumping up and down sporadically to the beat of a good rock song. But, unlike many college students, I do this because otherwise the concert would be no more exciting than listening to the radio in a large group of sweating, wriggling, bellowing young enthusiasts.



B.ankle biter





It used to be the case that if you left your car in the sun on a hot summer's day, then ge
tting back in again afterwards was agony. Not any more. Now you press your key into the door lock and the car's air-conditioning system automatically starts cooling the interior. You just have to wait a minute before you get in.

That is just one of the newer gimmicks that make the modem car so much more comfortable to drive than those produced not so long ago. Another innovation is the self-adjusting seat. When you put the key in the car door, the front seat will automatically adjust itself to the driver's preferred driving position.

These ideas were dreamt up at General Motors' research laboratories in Detroit. The laboratory was set up in the mid-sixties, in response to consumer groups who attacked the company for its safety record. Since then, the company has set itself an impossible goal: that you'll be able to walk away from most car accidents. It spends roughly one billion US dollars every year on safety research.

The company is working on helping drivers survive crashes at higher speeds. The idea is that the driver won't fly out of the car because of his seat belt, He won't be crushed by the side door coming in because it will be strengthened by a side beam. His ribs won't be crushed, nor his organs injured by the steering wheel, because it will bend when the body hits it. His face won't be slashed by broken glass because the windscreen won't shatter.

Every year, the total world-wide bill for injuries of all types is estimated at US $ 500 billion. Transport injuries of all sorts account for one quarter of this. This gives some indication of the size of the problem the scientists working at General Motors' research laboratory have set themselves.

"Not any more." in paragraph one indicates that ______.

A.the sun is no longer as hot these days

B.the car's air-conditioner can make the interior cooler

C.the painful experience doesn't exist any longer

D.the driver doesn't need to wait before he gets in the ear now



Which of the following protections can perform. protection switch without APS mechani

A.Tunnel 1+1

B.Steering ring network steering

C.Wrapping ring network wrapping

D.Tunnel 1:1


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