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He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday. That’s what he______.

A.should do

B.should have done

C.should be doing


更多“He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday. That’s what he______.”相关的问题


I ________ to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards. A) ought to have writte

I ________ to him because he phoned me shortly afterwards.

A) ought to have written

B) must have written

C) couldn’t have written

D) needn’t have written



听力原文:Ought you to give other people advice about how to live their lives? I don't know

听力原文: Ought you to give other people advice about how to live their lives? I don't know. But sometimes it is possible to give good advice.

When I was young, a stranger came to my house: a small man with shabby clothes and a round red face. He told me he was working in a small hospital but didn't like his job there. He asked whether there would be any opportunities for an English doctor in Spain. I warned him that Spain was not always the Spain of grand opera, but that he might earn enough to keep body and soul together. He must decide for himself. He left me and I soon forgot him. Some years later I happened to be in Valencia. Feeling rather unwell, I asked the hotel porter if there was an English speaking doctor in the town. He gave me an address.

When I reached the house, a small cheerful-looking man met me. He was the English-speaking doctor and invited me in. After he had examined me and told me what to do, I asked what his fee was.

He shook his head. "There's no fee. Don't you recognize me? I was wondering whether I'd ever have a chance to thank you for what you've done. You told me I might earn enough money to keep body and soul together and I haven't done much more than that. I shall never be rich, but that doesn't matter at all. I'm happy, I enjoy my job, and I wouldn't exchange it for anything else in the world."


A.He thinks that it is somewhat impolite.

B.He thinks that it is sometimes possible.

C.He thinks that it is something one ought to do.

D.He thinks that it is always too difficult for a job to do.



听力原文:Air travel is such an everyday experience these days. We are not surprised when w

听力原文: Air travel is such an everyday experience these days. We are not surprised when we read about a politician having talks with the Japanese Prime Minister one day, attending a conference in Australia the following morning and having to be off at midday to sign a trade agreement in Bangkok. But frequent long-distance flying can be very tiring. The traveler begins to feel his brain is in one country, his digestion in another and his powers of concentration nowhere. In short, he hardly knows where he is.

The fatigue we normally experience after a long journey is more intensely felt when we fly from east to west or the other way round because we cross time zones. Air travel is so quick nowadays that we can leave London after breakfast and be in New York in eight hours, yet what really disturbs us most is that when we arrive it is only lunch time but we have already had lunch on the plane and are expecting dinner.

Doctors say that since air travelers are in no condition to work after crossing a number of time zones, they should go straight to bed on arrival. Airline pilots, in fact, whose experience is so obviously relevant that it ought to serve as a guide, often live by their own watches ignoring local time, and have breakfast at midnight if necessary. The less reason to worry about their health is because they are used to flying and are physically fit.


A.Because he is a politician.

B.Because he is a businessman.

C.Because he travels by air.

D.Because he has to attend different meetings.



听力原文: This incident occurred one morning outside Albert Schweitzers hospital in the
African jungle. A patient had gone fishing in another mans boat. The owner of the boat thought he should be given all the fish that were caught. Dr Schweitzer said to the boat owner, "You are right because the other man ought to have asked permission to use your boat. But you are wrong because you are careless and lazy. You merely twisted the chain of your canoe round a palm tree instead of fastening it with a padlock. Of laziness you are guilty because you were asleep in your hut on this moonlit night instead of making use of the good opportunity for fishing." He turned to the patient, "But you were in the wrong when you took the boat without asking the owners permission. You were in the right because you were not so lazy as he was and you did not want to let the moonlit night go by without making some use of it." Dr Schweitzer divided the catch among the fisherman, the boat owner, and the hospital. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. Why did Dr Schweitzer settle the argument? 20. What did Dr Schweitzer tell the men? 21. What was the final judgment?20.

A.He told the men that both men were completely right.

B.He told the men that both men were completely wrong.

C.He told the men that each was partly right and partly wrong.

D.He told the men that one man was guiltier than the other.



Time spent in a bookstore can be enjoyable, if you 【S1】______are a book-lover or merely th

Time spent in a bookstore can be enjoyable, if you 【S1】______

are a book-lover or merely there to buy a book as a

present. You may even have entered the shop just to

find shelters away a sudden shower. 【S2】______

Whatever the reasons, you can soon become totally

unaware of your surroundings. The desire to pick up a

book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, even 【S3】______

this method of selection ought not to be followed, as

you might end up with a rather bored book. You soon 【S4】______

become engrossed in some book or other, and usually it

is only much later that you realise you have spent far far 【S5】______

much time there and must dash off to keep some

forgotten appointment without buying a book, of


This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday

life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop.

There are not many places where it is impossible to do 【S6】______

this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You

can wander round such places to your heart's content. If

it is a good shop, no assistant will approach to you with 【S7】______

the inevitable greeting: "Can I help you, sir?" You

needn't buy anything if you don't want. In a bookshop

an assistant should remain the background until you 【S8】______

have finished browsing. Then, only then, are his

services necessary. Of course, you may want to find out

where a particular section is, since when he has led you 【S9】______

there, the assistant should retire discreetly and look as 【S10】______

he is not interested in selling a single book.




She proposed that he _______ into hospital at once.


B.must go


D.ought to go



听力原文:M: How is your term paper coming along?W: I have just finished the draft, and han

听力原文:M: How is your term paper coming along?

W: I have just finished the draft, and handed it in to Miss Harper.

M: Wow, you are really a doer. I planned to start writing the main body today. What did Miss Harper say about your draft?

W: Well, she suggested I reconsider the whole structure of my paper, as she saw no links between Chapter Three and the whole theme.

M: Oh, so what are you going to do?

W: Miss Harper advised me to delete Chapter Three, and enrich the other chapters. She also recommended a few books. I think that will be of great help. And I'm going to the library this afternoon.

M: I wish I could have Miss Harper be my supervisor. She tends to help her students with patience.

W: Who is your supervisor, then?

M: Mr. Simpson. You should know that he is famous for being strict, and rather, picky.

W: In my opinion, Mr. Simpson is quite responsible, though sometimes he seems to be too direct. All in all, he is quite nice.

M: If you were in my shoes, I'm sure you wouldn't say so. Anyway, I have revised the outline at least three times to meet his requirements. That's why I fall far behind you.

W: Just as the saying goes, a strict master brings up accomplished disciples. You are lucky enough to have Mr. Simpson be your supervisor.

M: You've got a point there. Do you mind my going to the library with you together? Maybe you could give me some advice on writing the term paper.

W: Of course not. I'll gladly do what I can to help.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. How is the man's term paper coming along?

24. What does the man think of Mr. Simpson?

25. What does the man ask the woman to do?


A.He has finished the first draft.

B.He has just got started.

C.He has finished the main body.

D.He has handed the paper in.



He certainly ought to be ()(提升).
He certainly ought to be ()(提升).



We have done things we ought not to have done and ________ undone things we ought t
o have done.

A) leaving

B) will leave

C) left

D) leave



You ___ be very careful in your work.

A.ought to





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