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A.It'll cost him a lot of money.B.He isn't serious about going.C.Other people will pay

A.It'll cost him a lot of money.

B.He isn't serious about going.

C.Other people will pay for his air-fare and supplies.

D.He is excited and can't wait to go.

更多“A.It'll cost him a lot of money.B.He isn't serious about going.C.Other people will pay”相关的问题


听力原文:W: I hear you're joining that expedition across Alaska. Did you get much funding
for it?

M: You must be joking! I have to pay my own airfare and contribute toward the cost of supplies.

Q: What does the man say about the expedition?


A.It'll cost him a lot of money.

B.He isn't serious about going.

C.Other people paid for his airfare.

D.It isn't fair for him to go alone.



听力原文:M: Is this table on the comer okay?W: Sure. We can sit here.M' Gee. You've hardly

听力原文:M: Is this table on the comer okay?

W: Sure. We can sit here.

M' Gee. You've hardly got anything on your tray.

W: Yeah. I guess I'm just not that hungry.

M: What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well?

W: Well, I've been really worried. It's my car. It's in the shop again.

M: Really? What's wrong this time?

W: I don't know exactly. Something's wrong with file brakes, I think.

M: Well, at least that shouldn't cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

W: He said he would call me with an estimate later on today.

M: Watch out he doesn't try to take advantage of you.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.

W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

M: Oh, that's good to know. Maybe I'll try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?

W: Oh, I'll sure appreciate it. It's really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.


A.It's a new car.

B.It's an old one.

C.It always breaks down.

D.It's expensive.



听力原文:M: Is this table in the corner okay?W: Sure. We can sit here.M: Gee. You' ve hard

听力原文:M: Is this table in the corner okay?

W: Sure. We can sit here.

M: Gee. You' ve hardly got anything on your tray.

W: Yeah. I guess I' m just not that hungry.

M: What' s the matter? Aren't you feeling well?

W: Well, I've been really worried. It' s my car. It' s in the shop again.

M: Really? What' s wrong this time?

W: I don' t know exactly. Something is wrong with the brakes, I think.

M: Well, at least that shouldn't cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

W: He said he would call me with an estimate later on today.

M: Watch out, he doesn't try to take advantage of you.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, Some car mechanics. If they think that someone doesn' t know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.

W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

M: Oh, that' s good to know. Maybe I'll try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?

W: Oh, I' d sure appreciate it. It' s really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.


A.It has broken down before.

B.She generally doesn't allow people to borrow it.

C.She is trying to sell it,

D.She bought it from a friend,



听力原文:M: Carol, did you take the car to the garage today?W: Yes, I did. Still at that g

听力原文:M: Carol, did you take the car to the garage today?

W: Yes, I did. Still at that garage that we used to get the car repaired.

M: What did the repairman say? (23)And every time I start it up, the engine runs for a minute or so, and then dies, so that it is very oil consuming.

W: The man said the plugs were bad. He checked it very carefully and said that the brakes should be fixed, too. I told him to go ahead.

M: How much is it going to cost all together?

W: That depends. And it may take a little long time to get the car back, (24) because so many cars are on the list of repair.

M: Well, I asked Ed to stop by in the morning. I'll ride to work with him. How are you going to work?

W: It does some inconvenience for me, but don't worry about that. You see, I can take the bus or cab.

M: I think I'd better start working some overtime. We need a new car.

W: Do you think so?

M: (25) Well, we have promised our son to drive to California next summer; I don't want something that's going to have trouble.

W: Maybe we should wait a couple of years and just go to New York next summer, or we could visit your mother in Chicago.

M: No, the kids really want to go and we've been planning it for so long.

W: Well, we may save the money to buy a new one.


A.It can not be stopped properly.

B.The brakes got loose.

C.It can not start up.

D.The engine tends to die.



A: Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.B: I won’t.As soon as he ________ (come), I’l
A: Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.B: I won’t.As soon as he ________ (come), I’l

A: Don’t forget to ask him to write to me.

B: I won’t.As soon as he ________ (come), I’ll ask him to write to you.



听力原文:M: Is this table in the comer okay?W: Sure. We can sit here.M: Gee. You've hardly

听力原文:M: Is this table in the comer okay?

W: Sure. We can sit here.

M: Gee. You've hardly got anything on your tray.

W: Yeah. I guess I'm just not that hungry.

M: What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well?

W: Well, I've been really worried. It's my car. It's in the shop again.

M: Really? What's wrong this time?

W: I don't know exactly. Something's wrong with the brakes, I think.

M: Well, at least that shouldn't cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

W: He said he would call me with an estimate later on today.

M: Watch out he doesn't try to take advantage of you.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't know much about ears, they might try to overcharge that person.

W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He Was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

M: Oh, that's good to know. Maybe I'll try using him in the future, By the way, do you need aride home after work today?

W: Oh, I'll sure appreciate it. It's really tough getting around without a car when you live far away from the office.


A.She generally doesn't allow people to borrow it.

B.She is trying to sell it.

C.She bought it from a friend.

D.It has broken down more than once.



听力原文:M: Is this table on the comer OK?W: Sure. We can sit here.M: Oh, you paused to ge

听力原文:M: Is this table on the comer OK?

W: Sure. We can sit here.

M: Oh, you paused to get anything on your tray.

W: Yeah. I guess I'm just not that hungry.

M: What's the matter? Aren't you feeling well?

W: Well, I've been really worded. It's my car. It's in the shop, again!

M: Really? What's wrong this time?

W: I don't know exactly. Something's wrong with the brakes, I think.

M: Well, at least that shouldn't cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

W: He said he'd call me with an estimate later on today.

M: Watch out he doesn't try to take advantage of you.

W: What do you mean?

M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesn't know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.

W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

M: Oh, that's good to know. Maybe I'll try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?

W: Oh, I'll sure appreciate it. It's really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.


A.She generally doesn't allow people to borrow it.

B.She bought it from a friend.

C.She is trying to sell it.

D.It has broken down before.



阅读理解 The angry woman stood by the station. “ The railway owes me £12,”she said to
Harry Jenks, the booking clerk (订票员). “My ticket was for May 22nd, and there was no ship from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me £12.”

Harry was worrieD. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “ Come into the office, madam,” he said, “ I’ll just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd .”

The woman and her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovereD. There was no sailing on May 22nD. How ever had he made such a big mistake? Wondering what to do, he smiled at the chilD. “You look healthy,” he said to her. “ Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”

“ Yes,” she answereD. “ The beach was beautiful. And I can swim too!”

“ That’s fine,” said Harry. “ My little girl can’t swim a bit yet. Of course, she’s only three-----”

“ I’m four,” the child said proudly. “ I’ll soon be four and a half.”

Harry turned to the mother. “ I remember your ticket, madam,” he saiD. “ But you didn’t get one for your daughter, did you?”

“ Er, well-----” The woman looked at the chilD. “ I mean-----she hasn’t started school yet. She’s only four.”

“ A four year old child must have a ticket, madam. A child’s return to Jersey costs----let me see----£13.50.So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe £1.50.The law is the law, but since we have made a mistake-----”

The woman stood up, took the child’s hand and left the office.

9.The angry woman went to the station __________.

A. to buy a ticket for her daughter

B. to ask the railway to pay her hotel bill

C. to have a friendly talk with the booking clerk

D. to buy the Jersey timetable

9.Harry had a talk with the girl in order to _________.

A. please the girl and her mother

B. find out how old the girl was and whether the girl had been to Jersey

C. get some information about Jersey

D. find out how many days they spent in Jersey

9.The hotel bill is __________.

A. more than the cost of a child’s ticket

B. exactly the same as the cost of a child’s ticket

C. less than the cost a child’s ticket

D. more than the cost of a woman’s ticket

9.The child is ___________ years old.

A. two

B. four

C. three

D. five

9.A girl of _________ should buy a ticket according to the law of the railway.

A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six



A.It ends in winter.B.It will cost her a lot.C.It will last one week.D.It depends on t

A.It ends in winter.

B.It will cost her a lot.

C.It will last one week.

D.It depends on the weather.



A.It increases the cost of car production.B.Carmakers are not sure if it is useful.C.T

A.It increases the cost of car production.

B.Carmakers are not sure if it is useful.

C.The research on it is still being carried out.

D.People still have their doubts.


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