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I wonder if it would be __________(convenience) to meet you today.

I wonder if it would be __________(convenience) to meet you today.

更多“I wonder if it would be __________(convenience) to meet you today.”相关的问题


听力原文:W: I wonder what makes Mother so upset these days.M: Father would like to afford

听力原文:W: I wonder what makes Mother so upset these days.

M: Father would like to afford a new villa in the faraway suburbs, which goes against her wishes. And, what is more, he turns a deaf ear to her words.

Q: Why is Mother very unhappy recently?


A.She wants to live in the suburbs.

B.She is offended by her naughty children.

C.She disagrees with father.

D.She turns a deaf ear to her husband's words.



听力原文:M: I wonder if you can finish your paper by Monday afternoon.W: I'm sorry Dr. Joh

听力原文:M: I wonder if you can finish your paper by Monday afternoon.

W: I'm sorry Dr. Johnson, I don't think I can finish it that early. Thursday morning would be the earliest that you could have it.

Q: When will the woman hand in her paper?


A.Before Monday afternoon.

B.Before Thursday morning.

C.On Monday afternoon.

D.After Thursday morning.



听力原文:M: I wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single

W: Sorry, Sir. All the single rooms are occupied. But if you like, I can check with Imperial Hotel to see if they have any.

Q: What is the woman going to do for the man?








听力原文:W: I wonder if you have time to go to the school to meet our daughter. She has mi
ssed the bus.

M: I do wish to, but I haven't got my report ready yet. My boss needs it tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He will go to instead of his wife.

B.He will go to when he finishes his report.

C.He will ask his boss for a leave.

D.It would be better for her wife to go to.



听力原文:M: I wonder what makes Mother so upset these days.W: Father would like to buy a n

听力原文:M: I wonder what makes Mother so upset these days.

W: Father would like to buy a new apartment in the faraway suburbs, which goes against her wishes. And, what's more, he turns a deaf ear to her words.

Q: Why is Mother unhappy recently?


A.She disagrees with father.

B.She wants to live in the suburbs.

C.She turns a deaf ear to her husband's words.

D.She is offended by the children.



听力原文:F: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and Susan would be f
ree to join us.

M: Sounds great. But I'd better tall to Susan before we say yes.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.He accepts the woman's invitation.

B.He doesn't want to accept the woman's invitation.

C.He has to ask for Susan's opinion and then he can decide.

D.He doesn't think Susan will agree to go.



听力原文:M: I fell off my bike last week, and my back is still hurting now. I wonder if I
should go to see a doctor. What would you say?

W: Well, it might be an internal injury. I think you want to go make sure that there is nothing wrong with your back.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.The man has an internal injury.

B.The man should buy a new bike.

C.The man should go to see a doctor.

D.The man has nothing wrong with his back.



听力原文:W: I wonder if Tom will come. It's already 10: 00, and he was supposed to come at

M: He told me he would start 30 minutes earlier. Maybe something happened to him.

Q: How long have the man and the woman been waiting?


A.1 hour.

B.30 minutes.

C.1.5 minutes.

D.2 hour.



听力原文:W:(19) You are an expert on urban problem. Mr. Cross. I wonder how you would desc

听力原文:W:(19) You are an expert on urban problem. Mr. Cross. I wonder how you would describe the characteristics of these enormous cities.

M:The first point to make is that they are different from large cities in Europe and America.

W:Surly all large cities are essentially similar.

M:It's true that all large cities experience similar problems provisioning housing and services,but the difference lies in the time factor.

W:Surly some of the cities we are considering are just as old and, in some cases,much older, than cities in the United States,for instance.

M:Very true, but the large cities of Europe and the United States grew relatively slowly.(21) London had a population of more than a million at the beginning of the nineteenth century and this number of more than eight million. And this growth was parallel to industrial growth throughout the country.The same is true of New York, for example.

W:But this is not true of Mexico city or Buenos Aires?

M:No,it is not.(20) Throughout Latin America and in parts of Asia, cities have grown much faster than industry,or agriculture for that matter.Some of these cities have quadrupled in size in less than two decades,while industrial growth over the same period may have only reached thirty to forty percent.

W:What does this mean?

M: Essentially the population growth is not equal to the number of employment opportunities. Much of the increase is due to immigration from the countryside, a movement of people in search of better conditions.


A.The tourist and the guide.

B.The student and the teacher.

C.The reporter and the urban expert.

D.The worker and the manager.



听力原文:W: I'm all packed. (22)Take-off time is 2:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow, but I h

听力原文:W: I'm all packed. (22)Take-off time is 2:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow, but I have to check-in at the airport one and half an hour earlier.

M: Who is taking you to the airport? I'd like to see you off. You need someone to keep an eye on your luggage.

W: That would be awfully nice of you. Are you sure you want to see me off at that hour of the morning?

M: (23)Of course, as long as there is enough room for me.

W: I'll call you then. I wonder what I should wear.

M: As for me, I'd wear a sports shirt and would take a jacket or sweater or something comfortable in case it got chilly on the way. For girls, honestly, I have no clue.

W: Oh, I almost forgot. (24)They will put my checked suitcases and bags in the luggage compartment on the plane and I can't get at them until I arrive at my final destination. I'll ask my mother what I should carry with me.

M: Well, my mother suggested that I should take a clean set of underwear, socks, a shirt, and slacks to put on after I land. So girls would probably need a fresh skirt and blouse plus a change of underwear.

W: That's an awesome idea. Thanks for the advice. (25)Now I just have to say goodbye to my relatives and friends. Some I have to visit or they will be very put out.


A.2:30 a.m. tomorrow.

B.1:00 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

C.1:30 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

D.1:30 a.m. tomorrow.


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