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What kind of animal affected by man-made chemicals is not referred in the passage?A.Polar

What kind of animal affected by man-made chemicals is not referred in the passage?

A.Polar bears.




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Do you know what kind of animal is playing the buildingblocks in the teaching vedio?()







听力原文:The University of Tennessee's Walters Life Sciences Building is a model animal fa

听力原文: The University of Tennessee's Walters Life Sciences Building is a model animal facility — spotlessly clean, careful in obtaining prior approval for experiments from an animal care committee.

Of the 15,000 mice housed there in a typical year, most give their lives for humanity. These are "good" mice and as such were the protection of the animal care committee. At any given time, however, some mice escape and run free. These mice are pests. They can disrupt experiments with the bacterial organisms they carry. They are "bad" mice and must be captured and destroyed. Usually, this is accomplished by means of sticky traps, a kind of flypaper, on which they become increasingly stuck. But the real point of this cautionary tale, says animal behaviorist Herzog, is that the labels we put on things can affect our moral responses to them.

Using stick traps, or the more deadly snap traps, would be deemed unacceptable for good mice. Yet the killing of bad mice requires no prior approval. Once a research animal hits the floor and becomes an escapee, says Herzog, its moral standing is instantly diminished.

In Herzog's own home, there was a more ironic example. When his young son's pet mouse Willie died recently, it was accorded a tearful ceremonial burial in the garden. Yet even as they mourned Willie, says Herzog, he and his wife were setting snap traps to kill the pest mice in their kitchen. With the bare change in labels from pet to pest, the kitchen mice attained a totally different moral status.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What does the passage say about most of the mice used for experiments?

27. Why did the so-called bad mice have to be captured and destroyed?

28. When are mice killed without prior approval?

29. Why does the speaker say what the Herzogs did at home is ironical?


A.They are looked after by animal-care organizations.

B.They sacrifice their lives for the benefit of humans.

C.They look spotlessly clean throughout their lives.

D.They are labeled pet animals by the researchers.



A ferret is probably a kind of ______.A.tame animalB.fierce animalC.lovely animalD.tamable

A ferret is probably a kind of ______.

A.tame animal

B.fierce animal

C.lovely animal

D.tamable animal



For me, scientific knowledge is divided into mathematical sciences, natural sciences or sc
iences dealing with natural world, and sciences dealing with mankind. Apart from these sciences is philosophy. All this is pure or【C1】______ knowledge, sought only for the【C2】______ of understanding in order to fulfill the need to understand what is intrinsic and consubstantial (同质的) to man. What【C3】______ man from animal is that he knows and needs to know. ff man did not know that the world existed, and that the【C4】______ was of a certain kind, that he was in the world and that he himself was of a certain kind, he wouldn't be man. The technical aspects or applications of knowledge are equally necessary for man and are of the greatest importance,【C5】______ they also contribute to【C6】______ him as man and permit him to【C7】______ a life increasingly more truly human.

【C8】______ even while enjoying the results of technical progress,【C9】______ must defend the primacy and autonomy of our knowledge. Knowledge sought【C10】______ for its practical applications will have immediate and 【C11】______ success, but not the kind of important result【C12】______ revolutionary scope is in large part unforeseen, except by the imagination of the Utopians. Let me recall a well-known example, ff the Greek mathematicians had not applied themselves 【C13】______ investigation of conic (二次曲线) sections zealously and without the least suspicion 【C14】______ it might someday be useful, it would not have been possible【C15】______ later to navigate far from shore. The first man to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments, carried on because of mere【C16】______ curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely【C17】______ of contemporary life. Pure knowledge is valuable for its own sake, because the human spirit cannot【C18】______ itself to ignorance. But,【C19】______ ,it is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought【C20】______ .








A ferret is probably a kind of_______. A.tame animalB.fierce anitaalC.l

A ferret is probably a kind of_______.

A.tame animal

B.fierce anitaal

C.lovely animal

D.tamable animal



Generally speaking, people want to keep a wild animal as a pet for one of many reasons: th
ey want to impress other people by owning an unusual, uncommon animal as a pet. In no case is the happiness of the animal at the heart of the matter.

If you do want to own a wild animal, for instance a fox (usually a little larger than your average house cat), you have to take this test first: go to your nearest Humane Society Shelter and bring home a grown cat and a very active dog. Raise them and be with them; consider them your best friends. Do not leave them alone for more than 9 hours in any given day; do not hit them or shout at them; and do not abuse them in any way. If, after two years, both animal are alive and are still with you without your caging them or locking them in a part of your home most of the day, then maybe you have what it takes to own a wild animal.

If the test sounds stupid or unworkable, or if you just can’t bring yourself to stand such unlovable animals for two years, then you are not suited to owning a fox.

The problem here is in the definition of the word pet. A pet is something you keep in your house or around your yard as a companion---- a companion who is usually prevented from escaping one way or another. Some animals---- dogs and cats, will voluntarily stay with a human even if given the chance to get away. In this sense, dogs and cats are true pets. Please don’t make the life of some wild animals a living hell by trying to raise one as a pet.

Which reason is true for people keeping a wild animal as a pet in the passage?

A.They want to show off to other people

B.Wild animals are orderly.

C.They just want to keep a wild animal for business purpose

D.They love wild animals heartily.

To pass the test, you must make it certain that ____.A.you take the trying animals with you most of the time

B.you are kind to the trying animals

C.the trying animals are still in good condition in two years.

D.all of the above

It can be inferred that of all the animals mentioned in the passage a ____ is the most difficult one to keep as a pet.A.wild pig




According to the author, you can raise a wild animal if you ____.A.think the test ridiculous

B.can’t bear dogs and cats

C.may work more than 9 hours

D.may raise the trying animals well for 2 years.

What does the word “ hell” in the last sentence mean?A.The miserable place after death

B.A place of great suffering

C.Sufferers in a miserable place

D.Evil and dark forces.




Being taught to train dogs in a kind way, troubled boys get love from the animal and also



听力原文:Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to

听力原文: Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. Unfortunately, our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted one.

Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages. It is only by traveling in, or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like. How different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns out to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources! How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different at all!

Differences between peoples do of course exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so. The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike. Some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs. With the much greater rapidity and ease of travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned. However this may be, at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.


A.They will find out what its people like.

B.They will know how to live in another way.

C.They will know the country and its people better.

D.They will like its inhabitants and their language.



Why Are You Laughing?Man is the only animal that laughs. Wily is this true? What makes us

Why Are You Laughing?

Man is the only animal that laughs. Wily is this true? What makes us respond as we do to pleasurable experiences? What is the history of this "happy convulsion(痉挛)", as someone once termed it, and just what is its function?

We are not short of theories to explain the mystery; for centuries, biologists, philosophers, psychologists and medical men have sought a definitive explanation of laughter. One writer theorized that its function is to intimidate others or to gain stature over them by humiliating them. Another took the opposite view: that we laugh in order not to cry. A psychologist offered the explanation that laughter functions as a remedy for painful experiences, and that it serves to defend a person against what the psychologist termed: "the many minor pains to which man is exposed". In the seventeenth century a writer set forth the theory that we laugh when we compare ourselves with others and find ourselves superior: in effect, we laugh at the frailty of others.

Virtually every theory has concerned with either the structure or the function of laughter, whereas relatively few have been devoted to the question of its origin. I propose to offer a theory which, so far as I am aware, has not previously been set forth, that only those animals capable of speech are capable of laughter, and that therefore man, being the only animal that speaks, is the only animal that laughs.

Those of us who have observed chimpanzees closely feel quite confident that the chimpanzee occasionally exhibits behavior. that looks very much like a primitive human laughter. This behavior, however, has been observed only in a human context; whether or not it occurs under natural conditions is dubious; but the very fact that under any conditions an ape is capable of such behavior. is more than passing interest—for does it not indicate that early man had the rudiments(初级阶段) of laughter?

Laughter is defined as an emotional response, expressive normally of joy, involving characteristic sounds of the voice and movements of the features and the body. The joy may take the form. of gladness, amusement, ridicule, and so on. Why should laughter be as intimately associated with the power of speech as I have suggested? Speech is the verbal, or vocal, expression of symbols and the relations between symbols. Probably at about the same time speech evolved, laughter originated too, as a kind of semiverbalized social expression of pleasure. With the development of speech, the number of occasions producing sudden experiences of pleasure increased, and, since laughter was closely associated with speech, man had this means of expressing his pleasure. Having broken the "sound barrier", as it were, man could express with laughter what other animals could not. Since the lower animals had no speech, they encountered fewer pleasurable situations and, furthermore, were unable to laugh no matter what the stimulation.

Once the first laughter had been laughed by primitive man, with such apparently pleasurable effects all around, laughter began to take on an intrinsic value within the society of man. The person possessing the ability to communicate pleasure in a loud laugh began to enjoy social advantages over his more serious colleagues; he became a "good mixer", socially selected and liked by society. Thus the process of natural selection would tend to operate in favor of those able to express their pleasurable states in laughter, as compared with those not so able. Throughout the course of evolution, laughter would become established throughout the human species as a function of sociological and psychological value.

Thus laughter gradually became established as a capacity among virtually all human beings. In addition, laughter's infectious quality, helped distribute it as a characteristic common to all mankind. Laughter was advantageous; therefore it su






听力原文:M: What kind of prints that are popular among teenagers? Which color do Japanese
people usually wear?

W: I think the most popular prints are those of Cookie Monster, Hello Kitty, and animal characters. And Japanese don't wear bright clothes. Usually they wear dark ones, like black or brown.

M: Who is the most well-known Thai singer in Japan?

W: Tata Young is the most famous Thai singer in Japan. She held a live tour in Tokyo and it was a big success. Her debut album for Japan recorded great sales all over Asia. Her music is played on the Japanese dance scene. Tata Young is so famous, not only in Japan, but also around the world.

M: What is still the tradition nowadays and what is the main reason for the making tea ceremony?

W: In Japan, we send New Years cards to our relatives and friends at the beginning of the year. By making tea ceremony, we regain our composure and we can enjoy drinking tea more.

M: What is "samurai"?

W: Samurai were people who had a special position in traditional Japanese society. Their hairstyle. was called chonmage. They carried an edged tool, called nihonto. There are not any more samurai in Japan now.

M: What do you usually do in nightlife?

W: I usually listen to the radio, play die guitar and the piano at home in the night time. I think many other university students go out to dinner at an Izakaya and drink beer with their friends.

M: What's the population of your country and where do most people live?

W: Most people live in Tokyo: The population of Tokyo is 12 million. And the second largest population is that of Osaka, which is 8.8 million. In Kynto, there are only 1.5 million people.


A.About some aspects of social life in Thailand.

B.About some aspects of social life in Japan.

C.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Thailand.

D.About what prints are popular among teenagers in Japan.


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