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听力原文:M: Have you heard that in another few years you may be able to buy a car that cha

nges colors every day to match the outfit you are wearing?

W: Oh, please be serious! I suppose they will change shapes as well. If you want a big car to take all your friends camping, I suppose you'll just be able to snap your fingers and make it happen. Or if you want a sporty two-seater, you could just tell the car what you wanted, and it would do the rest. Is that how it will work?

M: No, I am serious. They have found a way to alter the surface of metals so that they can reflect different colors just by passing a small amount of electricity over them.

W: Oh, I see. So anything that touches the outside of the car will get a shock. That sounds lovely.

M: It's only a tiny amount of electricity. It wouldn't be enough to shock anybody.

W: Well, it sounds pretty difficult to believe.

M: Yes, it's quite amazing. The important thing you have to remember is that the color of an object is really just an illusion created by the way light bounces off its surface. Engineers have been able to produce a car that changes colors at the touch of a button by slightly rearranging the position of the particles on the surface of the metal.

W: It sounds so amazing. But I guess it could be possible.

M: It is possible today. The only problem is that it is very expensive. To produce a car with a surface that changed colors would cost almost twice as much as what a regular car costs. For that much money you could just by the car and have it repainted twenty times, so it's not very practical yet.

W: Yes, but in other ways it could be more practical. If you took your car to be painted twenty times, it would use quite a bit of polluting chemicals, and it would take a long time.

M: You're right there, but how many people really get their car repainted that many time?

W: Hmm, I suppose you're right, but I sure would love to have my car match my outfit every day.


A.She is impressed.

B.She is doubtful.

C.She is shocked.

D.She is surprised.

更多“听力原文:M: Have you heard that in another few years you may be able to buy a car that cha”相关的问题


听力原文:M:You didn't go to the lecture last night either, did you?W:No,I had a severe hea

听力原文:M:You didn't go to the lecture last night either, did you?

W:No,I had a severe headache.

Q:What do we learn from this conversation?


A.The man went to the lecture, but the woman didn't.

B.The woman went to the lecture, but the man didn't.

C.Neither of speakers went to the lecture.

D.Both speakers went to the lecture.



听力原文:W: Have you had the brakes and tires checked? And do you have enough money?M: I'm

听力原文:W: Have you had the brakes and tires checked? And do you have enough money?

M: I'm taking care of everything, and I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful trip.

Q: What's the woman going to do?


A.Buy some traveler's checks.

B.Borrow some money from a friend.

C.Check the brakes and tires.

D.Spend some time traveling.



听力原文:W: Have you checked that the other programmes are working properly?M: Yes, I have

听力原文:W: Have you checked that the other programmes are working properly?

M: Yes, I have. It's just this one that doesn't work. I'll have to reinstall it using the disc.

Q: What is the man trying to do?


A.Use a computer program.

B.Watch TV.

C.Install an electrical system.

D.Use a car radio.



听力原文:W: Do you have change for the coffee machine?M: Sure. Four quarters all right?Q:

听力原文:W: Do you have change for the coffee machine?

M: Sure. Four quarters all right?

Q: What will the man probably do next?


A.Buy himself a cup of coffee.

B.Buy four quarters of milk.

C.Refill the coffee machine.

D.Hand the woman some money.



听力原文:M: Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?W: Perhaps

听力原文:M: Are you sure you have corrected all the typing errors in this paper?

W: Perhaps I'd better read it through again.

Q: What is the woman going to do?


A.Collect papers for the man.

B.Check the paper for typing errors.

C.Do the typing once again.

D.Read the whole newspaper.



听力原文:W: Do you think I have a chance of proving my case?M: Definitely, and we're going

听力原文:W: Do you think I have a chance of proving my case?

M: Definitely, and we're going to sue for injuries as well.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the man and the woman ?


A.Lawyer and client.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Boss and secretary.

D.Shop- assistant and customer.



听力原文:W: Are you coming with me to the art show?M: I already have my hands full with th

听力原文:W: Are you coming with me to the art show?

M: I already have my hands full with this project.

Q: What will the woman probably do next?


A.Buy two tickets for the show.

B.Go to the exhibit alone.

C.Stop working on the project.

D.Help the man washing his hands.



听力原文:M: Have you heard if Frank is coming back today?W: He was supposed to arrive next

听力原文:M: Have you heard if Frank is coming back today?

W: He was supposed to arrive next week, but he's coming the day after tomorrow.

Q: When will Frank arrive?




C.Next week.

D.The day after tomorrow.



听力原文:M: Have you called John to come and fix the faucet in our bathroom?W: I have call

听力原文:M: Have you called John to come and fix the faucet in our bathroom?

W: I have called several times but his phone was out of order.

Q: What can you infer from this conversation?


A.John was not at home when the woman called.

B.The woman dialed the wrong number.

C.John is a plumber.

D.John was too busy to come.



听力原文:W: We have a wide selection of color films. What exactly do you have in mind?M: I

听力原文:W: We have a wide selection of color films. What exactly do you have in mind?

M: I would like one that made in Japan.

Q: Where does this conversation most likely take place?


A.In a bookstore.

B.At the camera shop.

C.In a hospital.

D.At a jewelry store.



听力原文:W: Sorry to be here late. I'm starving. Have you ordered yet?M: I just got here m

听力原文:W: Sorry to be here late. I'm starving. Have you ordered yet?

M: I just got here myself. I got held up in traffic. Let's look at the menu together

Q: What will the speakers probably do next?


A.Pay the bill.

B.Choose a restaurant.

C.Leave the restaurant.

D.Decide what they want to eat.


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