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If your argument lacks logical______, it will be impossible for you to make others believe

what you say.





更多“If your argument lacks logical______, it will be impossible for you to make others believe”相关的问题


Even though your argument is_______ , I still would like to have more proof.A.plausibleB.p

Even though your argument is_______ , I still would like to have more proof.







This information is not sufficient by itself to prove your argument but it may be used as
__________. evidence.








For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on people’s addiction to smartphones. You should give sound argument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.




听力原文:M: I had thought to drop in and find out exactly where I went wrong with this las
t paper. Do you remember marking it?

W: Yes I do and... well, my impression was that you were trying to connect argument after argument without any grounds to support each assertion.

M: But surely, you would agree that there simply isn't a lot of research out there to support my arguments.

W: Ah, but research is only one way to back up an argument.

M: May I know what other things I can use?

W: For starters, your experiences. Experiences form. the basis for conclusion. Then perhaps try to look at analogies to see all that can help you.

M: Are there any guidelines available on how I can use these experiences and analogies?

W: I did give a whole lecture on it dated February 7. You were there; weren't you?

M: Whoops, that was one that fell on the week I couldn't be there. I had to rush back home for personal reasons.

W: Well, perhaps on your next paper you'll know that every argument you make needs legs or your paper will remain on the ground.

M: Thanks, Mrs. Morse. It's all food for thought and you can bet the next one will have a solid base.

W: That's the spirit.


A.His point of view was improper and could be easily attacked.

B.He provided too many personal experiences.

C.He provided too many analogies.

D.He didn't support his arguments enough.



Most of us grow up taking certain things for granted. We tend to assume that experts and r
eligious leaders tell us" the truth". We tend to believe that things advertised on television or in newspapers can't be bad for us.

However, encouragement of critical thinking in students is one of the goals of most colleges and universities. Few professors require students to share the professors' own beliefs. In general, professors are more concerned that students learn to question and critically examine the arguments of others, including some of their own beliefs or values. This does not mean that professors insist that you change your beliefs, either. It does mean , however, that professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.

If your premises (前提) are shaky, or if your arguments are not logical, professors personally point out the false reasoning in your arguments. Most professors want you to learn to recognize the premises of your arguments, to examine whether you really accept these premises, and to understand whether or not you draw logical conclusions. Put it this way. Professors don't tell you what to think; they try to teach you how to think.

On the other hand, if you intend to disagree with your professors in class, you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas. Arguing just for the sake of arguing usually does not promote a critical examination of ideas. Many professors interpret it as rudeness.

In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that people______.

A.easily accept certain things without a second thought

B.grow up through learning certain things in life

C.are forming their views during their growth

D.have strong beliefs in authorities while getting old



听力原文: This incident occurred one morning outside Albert Schweitzers hospital in the
African jungle. A patient had gone fishing in another mans boat. The owner of the boat thought he should be given all the fish that were caught. Dr Schweitzer said to the boat owner, "You are right because the other man ought to have asked permission to use your boat. But you are wrong because you are careless and lazy. You merely twisted the chain of your canoe round a palm tree instead of fastening it with a padlock. Of laziness you are guilty because you were asleep in your hut on this moonlit night instead of making use of the good opportunity for fishing." He turned to the patient, "But you were in the wrong when you took the boat without asking the owners permission. You were in the right because you were not so lazy as he was and you did not want to let the moonlit night go by without making some use of it." Dr Schweitzer divided the catch among the fisherman, the boat owner, and the hospital. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. Why did Dr Schweitzer settle the argument? 20. What did Dr Schweitzer tell the men? 21. What was the final judgment?20.

A.He told the men that both men were completely right.

B.He told the men that both men were completely wrong.

C.He told the men that each was partly right and partly wrong.

D.He told the men that one man was guiltier than the other.



Almost every English language examination paper contains a question on writing a precis, o
r summary, as it is sometimes called.

There are two reasons for this. First, examiners recognize that the ability to reduce a passage to about one—fourth or even less of its original length without leaving out the important points is very useful in many professions. Perhaps the man who does this more than anyone else is the newspaper reporter, who listens to long speeches and then reduces them into a few paragraphs before they are printed. Government officials, businessmen, lawyers, radio editors and the police, to mention a few, often find it necessary to summarize a report so that someone with little time on hand can quickly get what he needs without having to read a lengthy piece.

There is a second important reason for developing this skill: it is an excellent mental exercise. It trains and tests your ability to understand the real meaning of a passage, to follow an argument and to separate the important from the unimportant. It is very easy to read a passage and then think that you understand it; writing a precis will soon show whether you really do understand it or not. It will also test your own vocabulary and command of language when you try to reproduce the writer's ideas in your own words.

Very closely connected with this skill is the ability to pick out certain points and ignore others, when we are asked to do so. In this case, it does not mean that the points left out are less important but that for some reason they are not required.

The passage is mainly about______.

A.how to make an examination paper

B.the reasons for writing a precis

C.how to improve your writing skills

D.the people who write precis



A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the m

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the man who does not. If the instructions are not very clear, or the shape of a piece is puzzling his experience helps him to conclude that it must fit there, or that its function must be that. In the same way, the reader's sense and experience helps him to predict what the writer is likely to ,say next; that he must be going to say this rather than that. A reader who can think along with the writer in this way will find the text.

This skill is so useful that you may wish to make your students aware of it so that they can use it to tackle difficult texts. It does seem to be the case that as we read we make hypotheses (假设) about what the writer intends to say; these are immediately modified by what he actually does say, and are replaced by new hypotheses about what will follow. We have all had the experience of believing we were understanding a text until suddenly brought to a halt by some word or phrase that would not fit into the pattern and forced us to reread and readjust our thoughts. Such occurrences lend support to the notion of reading as a constant making and remaking of hypotheses.

If you are interested in finding out how far this idea accords with (符合) practice, you may like to try out the text and questions. To do so, take a piece of card and use it to mask the text. Move it down the page, revealing only one

t a time. Answer the question before you go on to look at the next section. Check your prediction against what the text actually says, and use the new knowledge to improve your next prediction. You will need to look back to earlier parts of the text if you are to make accurate prediction, for you must keep in mind the general organization of the argument as well as the detail within each sentence. If you have tried this out, you have probably been interested to find how much you can predict, though naturally we should not expect to be right every time -- otherwise there would be no need for us to read.

Conscious use of this technique can be helpful when we are faced with a part of the text that we find difficult: if we can see the overall pattern of the text, and the way the argument is organized, we can make a reasoned guess at the next step. Having an idea of what something might mean can be a great help in interpreting it.

The author uses the examples of carpentry and reading to show______.

A.the importance of making prediction

B.the similarity in using one's senses

C.the necessity of making use of one's knowledge

D.the most effective method in doing anything



Now every service or product meets your satisfaction.When you are dissatisfied, you shou
ld voice your dissatisfaction.One reason for doing so is to help the vendor know there is a problem.The problem may have been created at a lower level in the vendor's company, and the vendor himself may know nothing about it at all.You render him a service when you bring weaknesses or failures to his attention.

A second reason for writing a letter of complaint to a vendor is to seek redress.You may not wish to pursue the matter so far as to take legal action, but you may wish to give the vendor the opportunity of making good.Most vendors value your business and their reputation sufficiently to replace defective goods, resupply work that did not meet specifications, or refund money when necessary.No vendor likes to do so, but your carefully worded letter of complaint may motivate him to do so.

When you write a letter of complaint, you'd better keep these TIPS in mind: First, be courteous though firm.You will not win a vendor's cooperation by anger.Secondly, be reasonable.Show logically and factually that the fault lies with the vendor or his claims.The vendor should be impressed with your fairness and quiet grasp of the facts in the matter.Thirdly, be specific about what is wrong.Be equally specific about what you want done about it.Lastly, tell how you have been hurt or inconvenienced by the problem.This strengthens your argument for redress.

1.How many pieces of advice does the author list to voice your dissatisfaction?

A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five

2.What is the best way the author thinks to seek redress?

A.to take legal actionB.to let the vendor make good voluntarily

C.to urge the vendor to make goodD.to quarrel with the vendor

3.What does the word “TIPS”(Para.3, Line 1) refer to?

A.money for personal service B.pieces of advice

C.thin end of something D.rubbish can

4.Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

A.You are seldom satisfied with the products you bought.

B.You'd better word your dissatisfaction firmly and politely.

C.The vendor can also benefit from your complaint.

D.You write a letter to get compensation.

5.What's the main purpose of you writing a letter of complaint?

A.to break off a deal B.to lower the vendor's reputation

C.to get compensation D.to give vent to your anger



The Truth about LyingI've been wanting to write on a subject that intrigues and challenges

The Truth about Lying

I've been wanting to write on a subject that intrigues and challenges me: the subject of lying. I've found it very difficult to do. Everyone I've talked to has a quite intense and personal but often rather intolerant point of view about what lies he can and can never tell. I've finally reached the conclusion that I can't present any ultimate conclusions, for too many people would promptly disagree. Instead, I'd like to present a series of moral puzzles, all concerned with lying. I'll tell you what I think about them. Do you agree?

Social Lies

Most of the people I've talked with say that they find social lying acceptable and necessary. They think it's the civilized way for folks to behave. Without these little white lies, they say, our relationships would be short and nasty. It's arrogant, they say, to insist on being incorruptible and so brave that you cause other people unnecessary embarrassment or pain by compulsively presenting them with your honesty. I basically agree. What about you?

Will you say to people, when it simply isn't true, "I like your new hairdo," "you're looking much better," "It's so nice to see you," " I had a wonderful time"? Will you praise ugly presents and ugly kids?

And even though, as I do, you may prefer the polite evasion of "You really cooked a storm" instead of "The soup "—which taste like warmed-over coffee—"is wonderful, "will you, if you must, proclaim it wonderful?

There's one man I know who absolutely refuses to tell social lies. "I can't play that game, "he says," Fm simply not made that way. "And his answer to the argument that saying nice things to someone doesn't cost anything is, "Yes, it does--it destroys your credibility. "My friend does not indulge in what he calls "flattery, false praise and sweet comments". When others tell lies he will not go along. He says that social lying is lying, that little white lies are still lies. And he feels that telling lies is morally wrong. What about you?

Peace-keeping Lies

Many people tell peace-keeping lies; lies designed to avoid irritation or argument; lies designed to shelter the liar from possible blame or pain; lies designed to keep trouble at bay without hurting anyone.

I tell these lies at times, yet I always feel they're wrong. I understand why we tell them, but still they feel wrong. And whenever I lie so that someone won't disapprove of me or think less of me or yell at me, I feel I'm a bit of a coward, I feel I'm dodging responsibility, I feel guilty. What about you?

Do you, when you arc late for a date because you overslept, say you're late because you got caught in traffic jam?

Do you, when you didn't remember that it was your father's birthday, say that his present must be delayed in the mail?

Finally, do you keep the peace by telling your husband lies on the subject of money? And in general do you find yourself ready, willing and able to lie to him when you make absurd mistakes or lose or break things?

Protective Lies

Protective lies are lies folks tell—often quite serious lies--because they're convinced that the truth would be too damaging. They lie because they feel there are certain human values that are more important than the wrong of having lied. They lie, not for personal gain, but because they believe it's for the good of the person they're lying to. They lie to those who trust them most of all, on the grounds that breaking this trust is justified.

They may lie to their children on money or marital matters.

They may lie to dying about the state of their health.

I sometimes tell such lies, but I'm aware that it's quite presumptuous to claim I know what's best for others to know. That's called playing God. That's called manipulation and control. And we never can be sure, once we start to ju





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