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When questioned, he () doing anything legal.





更多“When questioned, he () doing anything legal.”相关的问题


When he was questioned about the missing disk, he firmly _______ that he had seen it.







__________home __________ he was questioned by the police.

A、No sooner did he come; than

B、No sooner had he come; than

C、No sooner did he come; when

D、No sooner had he come; when



Make sure you ______ the same story when you're questioned a second time.A.follow upB.draw

Make sure you ______ the same story when you're questioned a second time.

A.follow up

B.draw on

C.stick to

D.make up



听力原文: In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are
fast and do not make mistakes. Many banks put advertisements in the newspaper showing that their business deals are "untouched by human hands" and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal. Computer criminals don't use guns. And even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witnesses and often no evidences. A computer cannot remember who used it; it simply does what it is told. One clerk at a New York City bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half million dollars in just four years. No one noticed this because he moved money from one account to another. Each time a customer he had robbed questioned the balance in his account, the clerk claimed a computer error, then replaced the missing money from someone else's account. This clerk was caught only because he was gambling. When the police broke up an illegal gambling operation, his name was put in the records. Most computer criminals have been minor employees. But police wonder if this is true. As one official say, "I have a feeling that there is more crime out there than we are catching. What we are seeing now is all so poorly done. I wonder what the real experts are doing--the ones who really know how a computer works."


A.Computers are fast.

B.Computers do not often provide evidences or witnesses.

C.Computers can replace paperwork.

D.Computers are safe from human temptation.



But these beliefs about peptide hormones (肽激素) were questioned as laboratory after

But these beliefs about peptide hormones (肽激素) were questioned as laboratory after laboratory found that antiserums(抗血清) to peptide hormones, when injected into the brain, bind in places other than the hypothalamus(下丘脑), indicating that either the hormones or substances that cross-react with the antiserums are present.



When questioned, the children __________ that their homework remained untouched, as t
hey had idled away their time doing nothing







A new study says many young people in the United States take substances that are claimed t
o make people【B1】______sports better. The study says that about one million Americans between the ages of 12 and 17 have used these sports supplements. Those who【B2】______what sports supplements they used identified creatine(肌酸) as the most【B3】______. The body produces creatine【B4】______. Some famous American【B5】______use products with creatine to increase the【B6】______of their muscles. In the United States, the substance is sold【B7】______in candy and other foods. However, creatine has also been linked to health problems. One doctor said that the substance causes【B8】______pain. He said it also has been linked to muscle injury and kidney problems. A trade group for supplement makers said it believes that creatine is safe, when it is taken by someone responsible. The trade group says there is a large amount of evidence that shows creatine is helpful for healthy people. Seventy percent of the young people questioned in the study could not identify any harmful effects that might【B9】______using sports supplements. Yet 96 percent of them believed that people who use the supplements face the possibility of some health damage. The researchers urged American parents and teachers to【B10】______children about the issue. They also urged the government to take action to limit the marketing and sales of supplements to young people.




How did the police convict the charge against Mr. Dantas according to the passage?A.They s

How did the police convict the charge against Mr. Dantas according to the passage?

A.They seized a computer by chance and got some evidence.

B.They directly conducted a probe into him.

C.They found he tempered police officers to delete his name.

D.They questioned him and made sure the process of money laundering.



Passage OneAt Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Queens, he was known as Matthew Kaye, an

Passage One

At Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Queens, he was known as Matthew Kaye, an earnest social studies teacher shepherding his ninth-and tenth-grade students across the panorama of global history. But out of school-on the professional wrestling circuit- he was Matt Striker, a muscleman known for a move called the lung blower.

His double life may have body-slammed ins teaching career.

According to city investigators, Mr. Kaye, 31, falsely called in sick for 11 days in December and February when he was actually on the wrestling tour. Faced with disciplinary action, Mr. Kaye resigned in April, but yesterday be said that he hoped to get ins job back

"There are people out there who touch children inappropriately who are still allowed to work, "Mr. Kaye said in a telephone interview. "The only thing I did was I put in sick days instead of personal days, because I didn't know them was a difference."

But Richard J. Condon, the special commissioner of investigation for the city schools, said it was not that simple. Teachers get 10 sick days a year and only 3 of those can he used for personal business.

Investigators from Mr. Condon's office said a woman who identified herself as Mr. Kaye's mother called Cardozo in December and said that he was out because of a family emergency. Mr. Kaye later told an assistant principal at the school flat his sister was ill.

Then Mr. Kaye was absent in February, when wrestling Web sites said that he appeared on die television show "Smack Down!" in a match against Kurt Angle.

Investigators sought to interview Mr. Kaye, but his lawyer canceled the session and Mr. Kaye resigned.

Mr. Kaye eventually provided two notes from doctors for his absences. But investigators questioned their validity and urged the State Health Department's Office of Professional Medical Conduct to investigate and take action.

Passage Two

The evidence of dietary protection against cancer is strongest and most consistent for diets high in vegetables and fruits, according to an earlier report by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF).

The WCRF panel of experts concluded that the daily consumption of 400 grains or more of a variety of vegetables and fruits could, irrespective of other diet and lifestyle. patterns, decrease overall cancer incidence by at least 20 per cent, according to the Asia Food Information Centre.

There is convincing evidence that diets high in vegetables and fruits protect against cancers of the mouth and pharynx, oesophagus, lung, stomach, rectum, larynx, pancreas, breast and bladder. High dietary fiber is also associated with lower risk of some cancers, especially bowel cancer.

The recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is 25-30 grams for a healthy adult. This can only be achieved by incorporating high fiber foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds into eating patterns every day and/or using a bran supplement.

Adequate fruit and vegetable intake has a protective effect, helping ward off chronic diseases while helping to elevate resistance to infections disease and reduce nutritional deficiencies. Fruit and vegetables actively promote health by providing bodies with essential vitamins, nutrients, fiber and a myriad of phytochemicals (植物化学物质) which acts as antioxidants (抗氧化剂 in the body. Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that accelerate the process of cell decay and increase the chances of cells becoming cancerous.

Four hundred grams of fruits and vegetables per person per day (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) for the prevention of chronic diseases translates to approximately "5-a-day" that is, eating five or more servings of fruit and vegetables every day.

One serving is roughly the amount that fits into the pa






Tens of thousands of 18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplom
as. These diplomas won't look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates. Their validity will be questioned only when their employers discover that these graduates are semiliterate(半文盲).

Eventually a fortunate few will find their way into educational-repair shops—adult-literacy programs, such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high-school graduates and high-school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificates will learn the skills they should have learned in school. They will also discover they have been cheated by our educational system.

I will never forget a teacher who got the attention of one of my children by revealing the trump card of failure. Our youngest, a world-class charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by. Until Mrs. Stifter.

Our son was a high-school senior when he had her for English. "He sits in the back of the room talking to his friends," she told me. "Why don't you move him to the front row?" I urged, believing the embarrassment would get him to settle down. Mrs. Stifter said, "I don't move seniors. I flunk(使…不及格) them." Our son's academic life flashed before my eyes. No teacher had ever threatened him. By the time I got home I was feeling pretty good about this. It was a radical approach for these times, but, well, why not? "She's going to flunk you," I told my son. I did not discuss it any further. Suddenly English became a priority(头等要事) in his life. He finished out the semester with an A.

I know one example doesn't make a case, but at night I see a parade of students who are angry for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up. Of average intelligence or better, they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish. "I should have been held back," is a comment I hear frequently. Even sadder are those students who are high-school graduates who say to me after a few weeks of class, "I don't know how I ever got a high-school diploma."

Passing students who have not mastered the work cheats them and the employers who expect graduates to have basic skills. We excuse this dishonest behavior. by saying kids can't learn if they come from terrible environments. No one seems to stop to think that most kids don't put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at risk. They'd rather be sailing.

Many students I see at night have decided to make education a priority. They are motivated by the desire for a better job or the need to hang on to the one they've got. They have a healthy fear of failure.

People of all ages can rise above their problems, but they need to have a reason to do so. Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it. But fear of failure can motivate both.

What is the subject of this essay?

A.view point on learning

B.a qualified teacher

C.the importance of examination

D.the generation gap


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