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What he told us about the affair simply doesn't make any——.





更多“What he told us about the affair simply doesn't make any——.”相关的问题


He told us he had learnt French for years, but what he said _________ (结果证明是假

He told us he had learnt French for years, but what he said _________ (结果证明是假的).



听力原文:W: Michael told us he likes classical music.M: But every time we invited him to t

听力原文:W: Michael told us he likes classical music.

M: But every time we invited him to the concert, he always found some excuses and he never showed up.

What can be inferred about Michael'?


A.He wants to be invited to a concert.

B.He told them what his favorite hobbies are.

C.He doesn't really enjoy classical music.

D.He doesn't know much about classical music.



听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. (19) She is one of Reagan's Surg

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. (19) She is one of Reagan's Surgeon General. Thank you very much for joining us ,joining us from Hanover, New Hampshire, correct?

W: That's correct. Thank you for calling. And I am very happy to be here to attend this meeting.

M: Thanks for taking the time. I understand you'll be coming to Washington tomorrow and will join us in the White House. So the time is very urgent.

W: That's my intention, sir.

M: We've been told it's going to be 1:30 in the afternoon in the Rose Garden. Is that what the White House told you? Or how did you get the time?

W: That's the same timetable I was given. To me it was assigned very well.

M: Oh, very good. Mrs. Koop, tell us what you will understand the President will do tomorrow? And what this means practically to the American problem?

W: Well, it's been a few years since he first announced that this was his intention and during that time the FDA had gone through its usual protocol. And they have published the proposed regulations at the Federal Register and there have been comments from the people and that is all over now. (20)And what the President will be presenting to the public tomorrow are the revised regulations: Now I have not seen them, but it's my impressions from what I've heard that they're pretty much the same as the things as he talked about the last year. And (21)President Clinton seldom repeatedly suggested an end to using trade marks of cigarette on baseball caps.


A.A surgeon general who will be present in a rose garden

B.A woman who used to be one of Reagan's Surgeon General.

C.A spokesman for President Clinton on drug regulations.

D.Ronauld Reagan.



听力原文:W: Johnny, what's your impression on English people?M: Well, they are the most re

听力原文:W: Johnny, what's your impression on English people?

M: Well, they are the most reserved, the most suspicious, the most unreceptive, the most unfriendly, the coldest-hearted, and the most domineering of all western peoples.

W: Why? It seems that you have great prejudice against the English people.

M: Not necessarily. This is the judgment by all other European people. Ask a Frenchman, an Italian, a German like me, or even an American, what he thinks about Englishmen, and every one will tell you the very same thing.

W: Don't you have any compliment for the English people?

M: Oh, yes. You would find that nearly all nations would speak highly of certain other English qualities—energy, courage, honor and justice. Although no man is so difficult to make friends with, the friendship of an Englishman once gained is more strong and true than any other. What do you think of them anyway?

W: I don't know much about English people. But last semester, we had a teacher, Mr. McCourt, teaching us writing, he is from Liverpool, he is rather silent, reserved, and not amiable. Some of us were really afraid of him. But he was a great teacher, and he taught us many writing techniques. I have made much progress.

M: Then he is a typical English man.

W: That's right. He often told us that kindness is an emotional impulse, and we should on our guard against every kind of emotional impulse.

M: But with all this, the character is a grand one, and its success has been the best proof of its value.








听力原文:W: Frank, what's your impression of English people?M: Well, they are the most res

听力原文:W: Frank, what's your impression of English people?

M: Well, they are the most reserved, the most suspicious, the most unreceptive, the most unfriendly, the coldest-h, and the most domineering of all western people.

W: Why? It seems you're you are really prejudiced against the English people.

M: Not necessarily. This is the judgment by all other European people. Ask a Frenchman, an Italian, a Germen like me, or even an American, what he thinks about Englishman; and every one will tell you the very same thing.

W: Don't you have any compliments for the English people?

M: Oh, yes. You would find on the other hand that nearly all nations would speak highly of certain other English qualifies energy, courage, honor, and justice. Although no man is so difficult to make friends with, the friendship of an Englishman once gained is more strong and true than any other. What do you think of them anyway?

W: I don't know much about English people. But last semester, we had a teacher named Mr. McCourt teaching us writing, he is from Liverpool. He is rather silent, reserved, and not amiable. Some of us were really afraid of him. But he was a great teacher, and has taught us many writing techniques. I have made much progress.

M: Then he is a typical English man, for the Englishman of the best type is much more inclined to be just than be is to he kind.

W: That's fight. Mr. McCourt often told us that kindness is an emotional impulse, and we should be on our guard against every kind of emotional impulse.

M: But with all this, the character is a good one, and its success has been the very proof of its value.


A.The Englishmen's habits.

B.The Englishmen's accent.

C.The Englishmen's character.

D.The Englishmen's teaching styles.



How to unleash our creativity? Begin by "letting down your shield". Stop being self consci
ous, afraid of playing the fool, and be open to experience.

Next, "erase your blackboard." We all have blackboards, too—scribbled upon by other people. No one comes into the world a blank slate; there are messages in the unconscious from far back in time, imprints from ancestors lost in the misty past and from our own parents. In such a way are we programmed by our culture to provide continuity for the race. But, again, what is good up to a point can become stultifying (无用的). To be creative, we have to "erase" some of what others have written upon us and "reinvent" ourselves.

It is not easy. You have to pay attention to your unconscious, which slips messages to you much as a note is slipped under the door; to your own intuition and intelligence, and to the world around you.

Creativity, then, is first about paying attention to the unexpected. One artist told me, "If you know what you are looking for, you will never see what you do not expect to find." To pay attention means to expect without knowing what to expect. Writers say this experience happens to them all the time. "I have no idea whence (从哪里) this tide comes, or where it goes," author Dorothy Canfield once explained, "but when it begins to rise in my heart, I know that a story is in the offing (即将来临)."

It also happens to scientists. Physicist Charles Townes has told of the time he was frustrated in solving a huge problem on which he and others had worked long and hard. One Sunday morning he went to the park to sit on a bench among the azaleas (杜鹃花), "and there in the early spring morning enjoyed the freshness and beauty of these gay flowers, musing over why we had so far failed. Suddenly I recognized the fallacy in my previous thinking and that of others."

Famed Hollywood director John Huston told me that when he encountered a mental block while on location, he was careful not to "spook", not to panic. Instead, he relaxed and waited. "When the right idea comes along," he said, "you'll recognize it."

No one, of course, can pay attention to everything. All of us are bombarded (轰击) daily with stimuli pouring in from society around us. Creativity requires that we stop paying general attention to everything in order to pay particular attention to something. Then we can see what previously we missed. We can look at the commonplace in a brand-new way and discover the surprising in the familiar. In the words of one student of creativity, "If most of us tend to keep on going through the same old familiar notion, that is not because we are short on creativity but because we stifle it. Creativity demands certain leaps that we consider too daring."

There are ______ ways to unleash our creativity.







听力原文: A proud US father has named his son after a computer software term. Jon Blake
Cusack, from Michigan, told local newspapers the US traditional way of adding "Junior" or " II " after a boys name was too common. So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2.0, as if he were a software upgrade. Mr Cusack admitted that it took months to persuade his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea. Mrs Cusack said she asked several friends whether they can accept this name or not. All the men, she said, felt the name was "cool". However, her women friends did not think so. "I think the women will end up liking it," she said. Mr Cusack told the local newspaper he got the idea from a film called The Legend of 1900, in which an abandoned baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its birth. "I thought that if they can do it, why cant we?" he said. After little Jon Version 2.0 was born, Mr Cusack even sent a celebratory email to the family and friends designed to look as though he and his wife had created new software. "I wrote things like there are a lot of new features from Version 1.0 with additional features from Jamie," he said. And he is already planning for his sons future. "If he has a child, he could name it 3.0," he said. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23. What do we know about "Jon Black Cusack 2.0" according to the passage? 24. What do the names of "1900" and "Jon Version 2.0" have in common? 25. What does "Version 1.0" refer to according to the passage?23.

A.They"re both untraditional.

B.They"re to be equally popular.

C.They both tell about the births.

D.They"re both connected with computer.



听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop.She is one of Reagan's Surgeon Ge

听力原文:M: Now, first of all, let's introduce Mrs. Koop. She is one of Reagan's Surgeon General. Thank you very much for joining us ,joining us from Hanover, New Hampshire, correct?

W: That's correct. Thank you for calling. And I am very happy to be here to attend this meeting.

M: Thanks for taking the time. I understand you'll be coming to Washington tomorrow and will join us in the White House. So the time is very urgent.

W: That's my intention, sir.

M: We've been told it's going to be 1:30 in the afternoon in the Rose Garden. Is that what the White House told you? Or how did you get the time?

W: That's the same timetable I was given. To me it was assigned very well.

M: Oh, very good. Mrs. Koop, tell us what you will understand the President will do tomorrow? And what this means practically to the American problem?

W: Well, it's been a few years since he first announced that this was his intention and during that time the FDA had gone through its usual protocol. And they have published the proposed regulations at the Federal Register and there have been comments from the people and that is all over now. And what the President will be presenting to the public tomorrow are the revised regulations: Now I have not seen them, but it's my impressions from what I've heard that they're pretty much the same as the things as he talked about the last year. And President Clinton seldom repeatedly suggested an end to using trade marks of cigarette on baseball caps.


A.A surgeon general who will be present in a rose garden

B.A woman who used to be one of Reagan's Surgeon General.

C.A spokesman for President Clinton on drug regulations.

D.Ronauld Reagan.



He never told us why he was late for last meeting, ______?

A.wasn't he

B.didn't he

C.did he

D.had he



From his own experience, he told us that ____________________(那些面试未来雇员并具有决定权

From his own experience, he told us that ____________________(那些面试未来雇员并具有决定权的人喜欢有充分准备的人).



When you start talking about good and had manners youimmediately start meeting difficultie

When you start talking about good and had manners you

immediately start meeting difficulties. Many people just cannot

agree what they mean. We asked a lady, who replied that she

thought you could tell a well-mannered person on the way they 【S1】______.

occupied the space around them-- for example; when such a

person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of 【S2】______.

others. Such people never bump into other people.

However, a second person thought that this was more a

question of civilized behavior. as good manners. Instead, this 【S3】______.

other person told us a story, it he said was quite well known, 【S4】______.

about an American who had been invited to an Arab meal at 【S5】______.

one of the countries of the Middle East. The American hasn't 【S6】______.

been told very much about the kind of food he might expect. If

he had known about American food, he might have behaved 【S7】______.


Immediately before him was a very flat piece of bread that

looked, to him, very much as a napkin(餐巾). Picking it 【S8】______.

up, he put it into his collar, so that it falls across his shirt. 【S9】______.

His Arabian host, who had been watching, said of nothing, but 【S10】______.

immediately copied the action of his guest. And that, said this

second person, was a fine example of good manners.



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