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Modern linguistics is mainly prescriptive. It studies what is normally known as “gram

更多“Modern linguistics is mainly prescriptive. It studies what is normally known as “gram”相关的问题


听力原文:W: I'm going to the bank, then to the jewelry store, and after that, I have to pr
epare a presentation for my linguistics seminar.

M: I'd say you have a pretty busy afternoon, Ann.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Ann can go with him this afternoon.

B.Ann's almost as busy as he is.

C.Ann has a lot to do today.

D.Ann might be finished by noon.



I no longer care ____ modern jazz.







I should like to rent a house—— modern, comfortable and ________, in a quiet neighbor

A.for all

B.above all

C.after all

D.in all



听力原文:M: I went to a modern art exhibition yesterday. It's really abstract. Do you like
the modern art?

W: I certainly do, yet not so much as the classical art.

Q: What kind of art does the woman prefer?


A.The man likes both modern and classical art.

B.The man likes neither modern nor classical art.

C.The man likes the modern art better.

D.The man likes the classical art in a higher degree.



听力原文:M: I heard that the pre-turn-out for the opening of the new sculpture exhibit was
kind of disappointing.

W: I guess a lot of other people feel the way I do about modem art.

What does the woman mean?


A.She likes modem art.

B.A lot of other people like modern art, too.

C.A lot of people came to the opening.

D.Modern art is not attractive to the woman.



听力原文:M: Hi, Sandy. How are your finals going?W: Oh, hi, Michael. I finished my last ex

听力原文:M: Hi, Sandy. How are your finals going?

W: Oh, hi, Michael. I finished my last exam this morning, and I finished two term papers. I finally feel like I can see the light.

M: Great. Now how about a change? I've got two tickets for the new modern art exhibit downtown. Do you want to go with me?

W: Oh, I don't know. I don't know anything about modern art, and I'm no artist.

M: You don't have to be an artist to enjoy a good art show! Besides, at least it's something different from studying.

W: You are right. Have you seen this exhibit yet?

M: No, but I've heard that it's great. The exhibit was in New York last summer and in Chicago after that. And next week it goes to Los Angeles.

W: Oh. Well, it ought to be good then.

M: And, besides, next door to the modern art museum is a new Asian art museum. So we could hit both of them if you're up for it.

W: OK, you've talked me into it. Did you want to go this afternoon?

M: If you have time. I'm ready.

W: OK. Let's meet after lunch. Shall we meet right here?

M: Sounds good to me. See you then.








听力原文:M: Are you ready for the trip to museums in the Big Apple? I can hardly wait.W: T

听力原文:M: Are you ready for the trip to museums in the Big Apple? I can hardly wait.

W: The Big Apple? What are you talking about?

M: The Big Apple is the nickname for New York City.

W: Oh, tell me, where does the nickname the Big Apple come from?

M: The jazz musicians of the 1920's are responsible for the name. When they played a concert in a city, they called that city an apple.

W: Oh, but I still can't understand why they called it an apple instead of calling something else like a cake?

M: I am not very sure about that. New York was the biggest city in the country, and the best place for a jazz concert. So the musicians called it the Big Apple.

W: I think it's not only a big apple for the musicians but a big apple for everyone who wants to find an opportunity in that city.

M: That's a good idea. Well, you are going to New York with us, aren't you?

W: Yes, I'm going to. I'm especially looking forward to seeing the Museum of Modern Arts.

M: And I heard that there's a special show of 20th century American Painters there.

W: Amazing! New York is such a fascinating place. And it even has an interesting nickname.

M: Want to have a bite of the Big Apple, don't you?

W: Sure.


A.An exhibit of paintings.

B.A Broadway play.

C.A modern dance production.

D.An opera.



听力原文:M: Good morning, Dr. Smith. My name is Peter. I am a freshman in your department.
There are a few things that I am not quite sure of and I do need your advice.

W: Thank you very much for your trust, Peter. As your academic advisor I will try my best to help you.

M: Thanks. It's about my major...

W: Well, what's the matter?

M: I used to major in English, but now I have made up my mind to switch to Applied Linguistics, concentrating on Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

W: So you want to switch majors?

M: Yes. But I wonder if it is possible.

W: Well, usually we allow it, as long as you have enough credits.

M: That's good news for me. I'm not interested in literature and that sort of thing. I want to be a real teacher, Professor. But I'm worried about the make-up credits.

W: You usually do have to make up some credits when you switch majors. Are you OK on credits?

M: Not too many. I'll have to add about 12 credits as far as I can. figure from my transcript. Would you please let me know how many credits are required to get a master's degree?

W: Usually thirty-six credits are needed, ff you take five courses per term, you'll have enough credits after just two semesters. Usually each course is worth three credits. To get the six remaining credits you either prepare a thesis or take two more courses.

M: Is there anything else besides the 36 credits for the master's?

W: You have to have an oral defense.

M: I see.I really appreciate your help,Professor.

W: Glad I can help.Good luck.Peter.


A.A literature professor.

B.An academic advisor.

C.Dean of the English Department.

D.A Doctor of Applied Linguistics.



听力原文:W: In these couple of rooms, we have postwar American paintings done in New York
in the 1950s. All of this work is considered abstract.

M: Hmmm, interesting. Actually, I could never understand modern art. It's so abstract.

W: I happen to know a little bit about this type of art. The artists were motivated by the ideas of that time. Their works reflected how they made sense of the society around them.

M: Please tell me about the one on the wall. I don't understand it at all. It looks like a bunch of splashes of paint to me.

W: Actually, it is, and that's exactly what this particular artist intended to do. He placed the canvas on his studio floor and poured paint on it very quickly.

M: (Chuckling) I could have told you that] But why would he do that?

W: In the fifties, many artists were interested in psychological theories. They believed that most paintings were directed by the conscious mind, and they wanted to avoid that. By painting with accelerated speeds, they hoped to use the unconscious mind. By painting quickly, they felt that they were forcing their unconscious minds to make instant, intuitive decisions about the color. They believed that logical, deliberate decisions would interfere with the free flow of images and ideas. These artists believed that their work was more honest using this method and they believed that honest work was most important.

M: Thank you for telling me this. I always wondered why they painted this way. Modern art makes a lot more sense to me when I know the ideas behind it.


A.In a studio.

B.In a gallery

C.In an art supply store

D.In a psychologist's office.



()deals with how language is acquired, understood and produced.




D.Anthropological linguistics


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