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听力原文:Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other pla

听力原文: Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other planets, using telescopes. When they saw the geography of Mars, they thought they could see canals and that this might be evidence of intelligent life on the planet. More recently, however, spacecraft have been sent to analyze the soil for signs of life. The results were negative and astronomers are now convinced that no life exists on the surface of any other planet in our solar system. To send a spacecraft far beyond our solar system is not realistic because of the huge distances involved.

The only way we are likely to know of its existence is from radio messages unless life comes and visits us. Listening for intelligent life is not a new idea, but the techniques now being used to offer much better chance of success than before. Looking for evidence of life in other solar systems now means using special radio receivers called radio telescopes to listen out for messages. The assumption is that intelligent forms of life would have discovered radio waves and would, like us, be using them to communicate.

Through its research work, astronomers have developed two means of systematically searching for intelligent life. The first method is to select the closet 800 stars like our sun and to direct a radio telescope to scan each one of them for electromagnetic waves. The second way is to survey the entire sky, listening for continuous signals. All this, as well as the chance of discovering that maybe we are not alone in the universe!


A.Intelligent life.

B.Canals of some kind.

C.Signs of life.

D.Natural resources.

更多“听力原文:Astronomers have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other pla”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Waiting in line to copy just one page of an article wastes so much time.M: Hav

听力原文:W: Waiting in line to copy just one page of an article wastes so much time.

M: Have you ever tried the photocopier on the third floor of the library? I don't think as many people know about it.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?


A.Have her copies made outside the library.

B.Use a different machine to make her copies.

C.Read the article while she waits in line.

D.Look for a different magazine article.



听力原文:The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea. He was Prin

听力原文: The modern sailing ship was developed by a man who never went to sea. He was Prince Henry of Portugal, the younger son of the Portuguese King and an English princess.

Prince Henry lived in the 15th century. As a boy he became devoted to the sea, and he dedicated himself to improving the design of ships and the methods of sailing them. In 1416, Henry founded a school for mariners, to which he invited everyone who could help him--Jewish astronomers, Italian and Spanish sailors, and Arab mathematicians and map makers who knew how to use the crude compass of the day and improve it.

Henry's goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to hug the shore. The caravel carried more sail and was longer and slimmer than any ship then made, yet was tough enough to withstand gales at sea. He also developed the carrack, which was a slower ship, but one that was capable of carrying more cargo.

To Prince Henry the world owes credit for the development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible. He lives in history as "Prince Henry the Navigator".


A.To help mariners.

B.To improve ship design and sailing methods.

C.To study astronomy and mathematics.

D.To improve his own skill as a sailor.



听力原文:W: Dave told me he had had 10 papers published this year. Is that true?M: You hav

听力原文:W: Dave told me he had had 10 papers published this year. Is that true?

M: You have to take what Dave says with a grain of salt.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.The woman shouldn't believe everything Dave tells her.

B.The woman shouldn't let Dave get the best of her.

C.Dave is not serious with the woman.

D.Dave is always true to his words.



听力原文:M: Hello. This is Greg Rice reporting live in Barrow, Alaska.W: Hello, Greg. Is e

听力原文:M: Hello. This is Greg Rice reporting live in Barrow, Alaska.

W: Hello, Greg. Is everything going smoothly?

M: Yes. I've just arrived here in Barrow, Alaska, to bring you live coverage of what appears to be the results of a huge meteorite impact, perhaps the largest in recent history, that occurred just twelve hours ago. The exact location of the impact is unknown, but estimates put it about 20 kilometers south of Barrow based on shock waves felt throughout the region.

W: Are there any witnesses?

M: Yeah. Some witnesses say they saw a bright light streaking through the sky, accompanied by a roaring boom, moments before the impact. It's unknown whether there are any casualties, but it is unlikely considering this sparsely populated area.

W: It's said that such impacts were commonplace during the formation of our solar system, and many believe that a meteorite 10 kilometers in diameter which crashed into Earth 65 million years ago led to the mass extinction of many animal species including the dinosaurs.

M: You're right. But it is often difficult to calculate the number of such large impacts on Earth because erosion and vegetation make it difficult to spot them. In recent years, astronomers have focused more of their attention on the paths of many uncharted space rocks or asteroids floating out there in the hope that we might be able to determine the threat they pose on mankind...This is Greg Rice reporting from Alaska.

W: Thanks, Greg...We'll keep you up-to-date on any development there.


A.An alien spacecraft landing.

B.The impact of a meteorite.

C.A volcanic eruption.

D.The blizzard conditions in Alaska.



听力原文:M: Hello. This is Greg Rice reporting live in Barrow. Alaska.W: Hello. Greg. Is e

听力原文:M: Hello. This is Greg Rice reporting live in Barrow. Alaska.

W: Hello. Greg. Is everything going smoothly?

M: Yes. I've just arrived here in Barrow. Alaska, to bring you live coverage of what appears to be the results of a huge meteorite impact, perhaps the largest in recent history, that occurred just twelve hours ago. The exact location of the impact is unknown, but estimates put it about 20 kilometers south of Barrow based on shock waves felt throughout the region.

W: Are there any witnesses?

M: Yeah. Some witnesses say they saw a bright light streaking through the sky, accompanied by a mating boom, moments before the impact. It's unknown whether there are any casualties, but it is unlikely considering this sparsely populated area.

W: It's said that such impacts were commonplace during the formation of our solar system, and many believe that a meteorite 10 kilometers in diameter which crashed into Earth 65 million years ago led to the mass extinction of many animal species including the dinosaurs.

M: You're right. But R is often difficult to calculate the number of such large impacts on Earth because erosion and vegetation make it difficult to spot them. In recant years, astronomers have focused more of their attention on the paths of many uncharted space rocks or asteroids floating out there in the hope that we might be able to determine the threat they pose on mankind...This is Greg Rice reporting from Alaska.

W: Thanks, Greg...We'll keep you up-to-date on any development there.


A.An alien spacecraft landing.

B.The impact of a meteorite.

C.A volcanic eruption.

D.The blizzard conditions in Alaska.



听力原文:M: Doctor Cole, thank you for agreeing to this interview for the Daily Campus New
s. Can you tell us about what you and your colleagues discuss at the annual astronomy society meeting last month?

W: Yes. For the first time ever the scientific community has established the existence of planets outside our own solar system. Of course we knew that certain distant stars existed, but only recently did we learn that several of them are orbited by their own planets.

M: Why did it take so long to locate these planets?

W: Well, you have to understand that they are a billion times dimmer than their parent stars. It would be like trying to see the light of a candle next to a huge explosion. We don't currently have a telescope that can be used to see them.

M: But if the astronomers didn't see the planets through a telescope, how did they find them?

W: By a very indirect method. The astronomers measured subtle distortions in the frequency of the light from the parent stars and observed that some of the stars seem to rock back and forth. They determined that this was caused by gravitational pull from orbiting planets.

M: There is a powerful new telescope being built in Arizona. Will that help them see these planets?

W: They should be able to see them at least in the form. of small spots of light. And then the scientists will be able to break down and analyze this light. By doing this, they hope to learn about the chemical composition of these planets--oxygen and ozone molecules, for example, would be telltale signs of life on these planets.

M: I'm looking forward to hearing more when the telescope is in operation. And I'm sure our readers would be interested too.


A.The possible existence of life on other planets.

B.A technical problem that astronomers can't solve.

C.Methods for building powerful new telescopes.

D.The discovery of planets orbiting distant stars.



听力原文:Throughout history, sports have played an important role in society. Not only hav

听力原文: Throughout history, sports have played an important role in society. Not only have they been a source of entertainment for both the player and the spectator, but they have served as a pleasurable way of ensuring the physical fitness of citizens of all ages.

The popularity of different sports varies from one country to another. Factors such as tradition, climate and cost obviously influence the types of sports that are played by both amateur and professional athletes in various countries. Contrary to winter sports like ice hockey and downhill skiing, table tennis, badminton and fishing, for example, do not require expensive equipment or expensive sports facilities.

Television has increased the popularity of sports like football, basketball, tennis and golf. Millions of men and women all over the world watch live broadcasts of the Olympic Games and the World Cup, for example. Star athletes become the topic of conversation, and often serve as models of courage and determination. The re cord-breaking accomplishments of many athletes are inspirational examples of men and women approaching the limits of human endeavor. Although their performances have been enhanced by major improvements in equipment and training, these sports stars usually deserve the glory and celebrity status they receive.

However, many educators feel that too much emphasis has been placed on the development of professional athletes. Physical education teachers often stress the importance of competitive sports for all young people, not just a select few of the excellent ones. They point out that sports help channel energy in a positive way and contribute to the development of determination and self-discipline. All boys and girls, irrespective of their athletic abilities, should be able to benefit from the joys and disappointments of competitive sports.




C.Table tennis.

D.Ice hockey.



听力原文:What was the topic of the lecture?(21)A.The Arctic land.B.Active volcano.C.Iceber

听力原文:What was the topic of the lecture?


A.The Arctic land.

B.Active volcano.


D.Ice age.



听力原文:What kind of class went on the field trip?(21)A.Biology.B.Photography.C.Swimming.

听力原文:What kind of class went on the field trip?







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