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One Sunday, Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happen

ed to be away. Dane's brother John offered to go instead though he did not know anything about sailing. Mark agreed and they set out to sea. Soon they found themselves in a thick fog. Mark was sure they would be hit by a big ship. Fortunately he saw a large buoy (浮标 )through the fog and decided to tie the boat to it for safety. As he was getting onto the buoy, however, he dropped the wet rope. The boat moved away in the fog carrying John, who did not know how to use the radio. He drifted (漂移 ) about and was not seen until twelve hours later. Mark spent the night on the buoy. In the early morning he fell asleep. He was having a bad dream when a shout woke him up. A ship, the Good Hope, came up and he climbed onto it and thanked the captain. The captain told him that John had been picked up by another ship and the ship's captain had sent out a message. "Without the message I would not have found you on the buoy," he said.

1.Why didn't Mark and Dan go sailing together?()

A、Dan asked his brother to go instead

B、Dan was in some other place

C、Mark was in some other place

D、Mark would like to go with John

2.What made it possible for Mark to be found on the buoy?()

A、John told people where to look for him

B、John radioed to the Good Hope to get him

C、He shouted when he caught sight of the Good Hope

D、The captain saw him as the fog cleared

3.Mark tried to tie the boat to the buoy so that().

A、he could spend the night on it while John was looking for help

B、he and John could go sailing again when the fog cleared

C、it wouldn't be hit by other ships

D、he might be picked up by a passing ship

4.John and Mark became separated because().

A、there wasn't room for both John and Mark on the buoy

B、John couldn't control the boat and drifted away

C、Mark thought it safe to stay on the buoy but John didn't

D、John had to stay in the boat to radio for help

5.The word "he" in the last sentence refers to().

A、the captain that got the message

B、the captain that sent the message



更多“One Sunday, Mark decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happen”相关的问题


A.Self-confidence is most important for a job seeker.B.Professional knowledge is a dec

A.Self-confidence is most important for a job seeker.

B.Professional knowledge is a decisive factor in a job interview.

C.Finding a job is more difficult than one can imagine.

D.A job seeker should create a good image during an interview.



听力原文:A recent report has shown that in the United States, people have experienced an e

听力原文: A recent report has shown that in the United States, people have experienced an evolution concerning their attitudes towards the workweek and weekend. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of a week as Sunday, more and more of Americans are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two-day period thought of as the weekend. In fact, the word "weekend" didn't even exist in English until about the middle of the last century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s, but as the workweek shortened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, the weekend expanded to two full days—Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought that this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the workweek might decrease to four days or even fewer. But so far this hasn't happened. The workweek seems to have stabilized as forty hours made up of five eight-hour days. And nowadays the idea of adding Monday to the weekend has also been proposed by some people.


A.Shifting job opportunities.

B.The evolution of the weekend.

C.Attitudes toward employment,

D.Attitudes toward leisure activities.



听力原文:A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced the r

听力原文: A recent report has shown that here in the United States, we've experienced the revolution concerning our attitudes towards the work week and weekend. Although some calendars still mark the beginning of the week "Sunday", more and more of us are coming to regard Monday as the first day of the week with Saturday and Sunday comprising the two- day periods thought of as the weekend. In fact, the word "weekend" didn't even exist in English until about the middle of the last century. In England at that time, Saturday afternoons had just been added to Sundays and holidays as a time for workers to have off from their jobs. This innovation became common in the United States in the 1920s. But as the work weak shortened during the Great Depression of 1930s, the weekend expanded to 2 full days, Saturday and Sunday. Some people thought this trend would continue due to increasing automation and the work week might decrease to 4 days or even fewer. But so far, this hasn't happened. The work week seems to have stabilized at 40 hours made up of 5 eight-hour days. After this commercial, I'll be back to talk about the idea of adding Monday to the weekend.


A.Which days people should work.

B.How the week is divided into days.

C.Which day begins the week.

D.How many weeks there are in a month.



听力原文:W: Have you bought the mobile phone you've ever talked about with me?M: I've foun

听力原文:W: Have you bought the mobile phone you've ever talked about with me?

M: I've found a good one for eighty dollars at the supermarket. But the next Sunday they will be on special for sixty-five dollars. I would save fifteen dollars if I wait.

Q: How much would the man pay if he bought now?








Every Sunday morning millions of Indians settle down with a cup of tea and the special wee
kend issues of their newspapers, just as Americans do. But here, with the marriage season approaching, many of them turn quickly to a Sunday feature that is particularly Indian--the columns and columns of marriage advertisements in which young people look for husbands or wives.

"Beautiful Brahman girl wanted for bank officer from well-connected family," one says. "Vegetarian man (doctor, engineer preferred) for church-educated girl with light complexion," says another. "Solid 25-year-old, salary four figures, wants tall, charming, educated Punjabi," says a third.

This is a relatively modem change in the age-old custom of the arranged marriage. The thousands of advertisements published each week increasingly reflect social changes that are coming to this traditional society. For example, although women are still usually described in terms of appearance, or skills in "the wifely arts", information about their earning power is entering more and more of the advertisements. This reflects the arrival in India of the working wife.

Divorce, which used to be almost unheard of in India, is sometimes now mentioned in the advertisements as in the case of a woman whose advertisement in a New Delhi newspaper explained that she had been "the innocent party" when her marriage broke up.

Because the custom of the dowry (marriage payment) is now illegal, some advertisements say "no dowry", or "simple marriage," which means the same thing. However, the fathers of many bridegrooms still require it.

As a sign of the slight loosening of the rigid caste (social class) system, a number of advertisements promise "caste not important", or "girl's abilities will be main consideration". The majority of them, however, still require not only caste, such as Brahman or Kshatriya, but also a certain home region or ethnic origin.

In a land where light skin is often regarded as socially preferable, many also require that a woman have a "wheat color" complexion or that a man be "tall, fair and handsome". Advertisements are placed and eagerly read by a wide range of people in the upper classes, mostly in cities. Many of them receive dozens of answers. "There's nothing embarrassing about it," explained a Calcutta businessman advertising for a son-in-law. "It's just another way of broadening the contacts and increasing the possibility of doing the best one can for one's daughter."

Because of high unemployment and a generally poor standard of living here, one of the best attractions a marriage advertisement can offer is a permit to live abroad, especially in Canada or the United States. A person who has one can get what he wants.

One recent Sunday in Madras, for example, a Punjabi engineer living in San Francisco advertised for a "beautiful slim bride with lovely features knowing music and dance". And a man whose advertisement said that he had an American immigration permit was able to say, "Only girls from rich, well-educated families need apply."

The main idea of Paragraph 3 is ______.

A.that India's society is changing

B.women work

C.arranged marriages are an age old custom

D.working wife arrives



听力原文:Today it is perfectly natural for us to shake hands when we greet someone, or say
goodbye. But like so many other things we do without thinking such actions at one time probably symbolized something else.

For example, in primitive life the hand was probably a symbol of power and strength. The hand was used to fight enemies, kill animals and make spears and implements. So when the hand was extended to someone, it could have represented good will, since it showed that the person was not armed or ready to fight.

We know that the hand was an important symbol in early religion, probably as a mark of power. The Greeks prayed to their gods with raised hands. Presenting hands palm to palm was at one time the way an inferior person paid respect to a superior.

Among the Arabs, it was customary at one time to kiss the hand of a superior. Later on, polite Arabs began to resist the efforts of people to kiss their hands, and some- times they would end up clasping hands as each tried to prevent the other from showing this mark of "inferiority".

The early Greeks held out the right hand when they wished to indicate friendship to a stranger. The hand and what was done with it have been full of meaning to people down through the ages. And while we shake hands, we are really carrying on a custom that has been handed down to us from ancient times.








听力原文:Mr and Mrs Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mrs Jones sa

听力原文: Mr and Mrs Jones very seldom go out in the evening, but last Sunday, Mrs Jones said to her husband, "There is a good film at the cinema tonight. Can we go and see it?"

Mr Jones was quite happy about it, so they went, and both of them enjoyed the film.

They came out of the cinema at 11 o'clock, got into their car and began driving home. It was quite dark. Then Mrs Jones said, "Look, Bill. A woman's running along the road very fast, and a man's running after her. Can you see them?"

Mr Jones said, "Yes, I can." He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, "Can we help you?"

"No, thank you," the woman said, but she did not stop running. "My husband and I always run home after the cinema, and the last one washes the dishes at home !"


A.They went out for a walk.

B.They went to a dark road.

C.They stayed at home.

D.They went to a movie.



听力原文:M: Hello, Jenny. What are you doing here?W: Hello, Mark! This is my daughter, Sar

听力原文:M: Hello, Jenny. What are you doing here?

W: Hello, Mark! This is my daughter, Sarah. It's the school holidays, so we're shopping now. We're not sure what to do after that.

M: Well, there's a show for children this afternoon in the library where I work.

W: Oh? What time is it at?

M: It starts at two and finishes at three thirty, it's only a quarter past one now. Do you think Sarah would like that?

W: How much is a ticket?

M: Well, it's one pound fifty for adults and seventy-five pence for children. Programmes are twenty-five pence.

W: And does your library run a reading course in the holidays?

M: Yes, and if children under ten, like Sarah, read four books in six weeks, we give them something to take home.

W: What? like a book?

M: Well, this year it's a pen, but sometimes it's a book or a school bag. Meet me after the show and I'll give you more details.

W: Thanks. See you later then.








听力原文:If you plan to remain in the United States for any length of time, you will soon

听力原文: If you plan to remain in the United States for any length of time, you will soon find it too expensive to stay in a hotel and will want to find another place to live in. As is true in cities everywhere in the world, the farther you live outside the city, generally the lower the rents will be. However, traveling to and from the city by bus, car, or train may make it as expensive as living in the city. Naturally, it is easier to join in the life of a city if one is close to the center. For this reason, you may prefer to live as close to the center of the city as possible. Or, you may prefer to rent a place for only a month or two until you become more familiar with the area.

Your best source of information about either houses or apartments is likely to be the local newspaper. Usually, the week's most complete listing of houses or apartments to rent appears in the Sunday newspaper, which, in many cities, can be obtained late Saturday night. Many people looking for hours or apartments believe that they have a better chance of finding a place to live in if they have all the information as soon as possible. On Sunday morning, they are ready to call or visit.


A.Near a market.

B.In the city center.

C.Near the city.

D.Far away from the city.



听力原文: Whenever Mark Twain went, his droll wit won him almost immediate favor. One of t
he best-known anecdotes about him was in his reply to be dying, "The charge is not true. I would not do such a thing at my time of life."

His real name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. "Mark Twain" is a river term, meaning a depth of two fathoms, namely twelve feet. He comments on it like this, "It was always a pleasant sound for a pilot to hear on a dark night, it means safe water."

Mark Twain was born in 1835. He left school at twelve in order to earn a living. As printer's apprentice, river pilot on the Mississippi, and newspaper reporter, he accumulated a world of humorous material for writing. Both Torn Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are dear to hearts of boys. The Prince and the Pauper has gained him additional popularity. Joan of Arc is his most serious work, and in his own point of view the best. Innocent around the World and Roughing it keep the readers chuckling. Because "laughter is gift of gods", Mark Twain will always hold a warm spot in the affections of the American people.


A.He said it was true.

B.He said it was an accusation against him.

C.He said it was hard to believe.

D.He said it was impossible at his age.



SectionBDirections: In this section,you will hear3 short passages.At the end of each pas


Directions: In this section,you will hear3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 26 t0 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A. There were no planets without moons.

C. Life was not possible in outer space.

B. There was no air or water on Jupiter.

D. The mystery of life could not be resolved.


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