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Who goes first and who follows, and the【C1】______to which women are "emancipated(解放)" ar

Who goes first and who follows, and the【C1】______to which women are "emancipated(解放)" are some of the remaining variables in today's social world in the West. Women in the West are reasonably accepted in the business world and even【C2】______so in society, in educational establishments, and in community endeavors. They take part in sport activities with their husbands and often travel【C3】______with them, even【C4】______business trips.【C5】______, despite their growing【C6】______of equality, most of them still expect, receive and cherish a【C7】______of small special courtesies(礼仪).

Many men still rise when ladies enter the room on a social【C8】______rarely【C9】______business【C10】______the custom is fading with the younger【C11】______and under the impact of Women's Lib. Nonetheless, most women(of all【C12】______)still appreciate this courtesy when it【C13】______.

Men usually open doors【C14】______ladies, but they stand back and allow them【C15】______through first. This may be different in China, for the Chinese women traditionally【C16】______the men. Women in the West usually walk【C17】______of men into a room or theatre or restaurant【C18】______there is business to be done--such as choosing a table,【C19】______tickets or buying something. Then the man goes ahead to【C20】______to the details.






更多“Who goes first and who follows, and the【C1】______to which women are "emancipated(解放)" ar”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Pardon me, are you waiting in line for class registration?W: Yes, I am. I thin

听力原文:M: Pardon me, are you waiting in line for class registration?

W: Yes, I am. I think everybody in this line is as well.

M: I can't believe it! This line is huge. When I first walked up, I was hoping this wasn't for registration. How long have you been waiting?

W: About twenty minutes. It seems like the line goes pretty fast, but it's a long line.

M: I'll say!

W: I've watched a bunch of people who had been waiting in front of me leave. I guess they got disgusted and finally gave up. One couple said they had waited an hour and a half when they walked by.

M: Oh great! Do you have any idea why there are so many people?

W: I think the problem might be that the deadline as tomorrow. If you think it's had today, I bet tomorrow will be much worse.

M: I hope they don't close before we get to the front of the line.

W: I do too. I tried to use the automated telephone process to register, but it wasn't working right. That's probably another reason why the line is so long today. Last semester I registered for all of my classes over the phone.

M: Yeah, I've used that system before too, but I don't have a credit card anymore so I have to pay in person.

W: I don't know if that would have helped you very much. Apparently there were people who spent the night out here waiting to be first in line this morning.

M: That's really terrible. I can imagine somebody doing that for a concert, but just to register for classes it shouldn't be that difficult.

W: I know it, but I need to be in school this semester, so if that's what it takes, I'll do it.


A.They didn't have a credit card.

B.They couldn't want anymore.

C.They had spent the night in the line.

D.They felt ill.



听力原文:W: Ok, last night you were supposed to read an article about human bones. Are the
re any comments about it?

M: Well, to begin with, I was surprised to find out there was so much going on in bones. I always assumed they were pretty lifeless.

W: Well, that's an assumption many people make. But the fact is bones are made of dynamic living tissue that requires continuous maintenance and repair.

M: Right. That's one of the things I found so fascinating about the article the way the bones repair themselves.

W: Ok. So can you tell us how the bones repair themselves?

M: Sure. See, there are two groups of different types of specialized cells in the bone that work together to do it. The first group goes to an area of the bone that needs repair. This group of cells produces the chemical that actually breaks down the bone tissue, and leaves a hole in it. After that the second group of specialized cells comes and produces the new tissue that fills in the hole that was made by the first group.

W: Very good. This is a very complex process. In fact, the scientists who study human bones don't completely understand it yet. They are still trying to find out how it all actually works. Specifically, because sometimes after the first group of cells leaves a hole in the bone tissue, for some reason, the second group doesn't completely fill in the hole. And this can cause real problems. It can actually lead to a disease in which the bone becomes weak and is easily broken.

M: Ok, I get it. So if the scientists can figure out what makes the specialized ceils work, maybe they can find a way to make sure the second group of cells completely fills the hole in the bone tissue ever time. That'll prevent the disease from every occurring.


A.Two different types of bones in the human body.

B.How bones help the body move.

C.How bones continuously repair themselves.

D.The chemical composition of human bones.



听力原文:W: Let's continue with the issue involving the mother caught on videotape who was
hitting her child.

What's your opinion on the adopted Romanian children who suffer neglect, trauma and abuse during childhood?

M: I say that all the children should be removed from the parents, and that the parents need to attend parenting classes, and that the children could be referred to a safe place and meet with the parents two to three hours out of a week and they would be supervised.

W: Now you're a social worker, right?

M: Correct, I am.

W: When a kid is removed at that young age, what kind of trauma does the child go through and how long does it last?

M: Usually the child is very happy and they are glad to see the parents and what I've seen happen all too often is that the parents don't show up on time or at all.

W: Yeah, but if you're physically removing the child from the house, from the parents, okay, what kind of trauma does that bring to the children? Do they get depressed? Do they cry? What do they do?

M: A lot, well at first, yes they cry. And when they're in an environment that is treating them much better and they're happy, then it's.

W: Then it goes away.

M: Yes it does.

W: In the long run they are resilient. I think. I mean, you have the damage inflicted, but I've seen children just the worst. I mean particularly kids overseas--these Romanian babies and people like that. Once they get into an environment where they feel secure and loved—it's like flowers, they bloom.

M: Yes, they do.

W: And that's the resiliency that was being talked about.

M: Right, and that's why I am for removing the children until the parents get the help they need. There are court ordered parenting classes.

W: I agree.


A.He cries all the time all the way.

B.He feels happy since he is freer than before.

C.His parents do not visit him on schedule.

D.His parents miss him too much to stand the departure.



听力原文:M: Mm, it's not a bed sizable room, is it?W: Oh, it's great! It's lovely. Oh, and

听力原文:M: Mm, it's not a bed sizable room, is it?

W: Oh, it's great! It's lovely. Oh, and look at that great! Oh, we can have the two chairs right in front of the fireplace there in the middle of the room and toast our feet.

M: The first tiring we ought to do is just decide where the bed's going.

W: What about right here next to the door, sort of behind the door as you come in?

M: Yes, that's a good idea, just as you come in, just in that corner then.

W: Yes. Well now, let's think. What else?

M: What else is there? Well there's that huge wardrobe of yours. That's got to go somewhere.

W: What about over here-you know - across from the fireplace there, because then, in that little corner where it... where the wall goes back...look, over there. That'd do, wouldn't it?

M: Ok, well we'll put the word, be them then.

W: What about your desk? Where you going to put that?

M: I need lots of fight, so I think, in that far corner between the two windows, OK?

W: Oh, I see in the comer there. That'd be good.

M: So the desk goes there.

W: So you'd have your chair with your back to the fireplace? Yes,

M: Yes. And there's the chest of drawers.

W: Oh, that'd be nice between the two windows there, right in the middle. I know you're going to like it.


A.It's not a bad sizable room for the couple.

B.The first thing they ought to do is just decide where the bed's going.

C.The man needs lots of light.

D.There in the middle of the room is the fireplace.



听力原文:M: Where were you today? I searched for you everywhere. I. thought we could study
together for tomorrow's quiz.

W: I went to the countryside. I forgot we would have the history quiz tomorrow. In fact, my trips to the countryside are few and far between.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She lives between the countryside and her school.

B.The countryside is too far from the city.

C.This was the first time she went to the countryside.

D.She seldom goes to the countryside.



听力原文:M: How is your term paper coming along?W: I have just finished the draft, and han

听力原文:M: How is your term paper coming along?

W: I have just finished the draft, and handed it in to Miss Harper.

M: Wow, you are really a doer. I planned to start writing the main body today. What did Miss Harper say about your draft?

W: Well, she suggested I reconsider the whole structure of my paper, as she saw no links between Chapter Three and the whole theme.

M: Oh, so what are you going to do?

W: Miss Harper advised me to delete Chapter Three, and enrich the other chapters. She also recommended a few books. I think that will be of great help. And I'm going to the library this afternoon.

M: I wish I could have Miss Harper be my supervisor. She tends to help her students with patience.

W: Who is your supervisor, then?

M: Mr. Simpson. You should know that he is famous for being strict, and rather, picky.

W: In my opinion, Mr. Simpson is quite responsible, though sometimes he seems to be too direct. All in all, he is quite nice.

M: If you were in my shoes, I'm sure you wouldn't say so. Anyway, I have revised the outline at least three times to meet his requirements. That's why I fall far behind you.

W: Just as the saying goes, a strict master brings up accomplished disciples. You are lucky enough to have Mr. Simpson be your supervisor.

M: You've got a point there. Do you mind my going to the library with you together? Maybe you could give me some advice on writing the term paper.

W: Of course not. I'll gladly do what I can to help.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. How is the man's term paper coming along?

24. What does the man think of Mr. Simpson?

25. What does the man ask the woman to do?


A.He has finished the first draft.

B.He has just got started.

C.He has finished the main body.

D.He has handed the paper in.



听力原文:M: Mm, it's not a bad sizable room, is it?W: Oh, it's great ! It's lovely. Oh, an

听力原文:M: Mm, it's not a bad sizable room, is it?

W: Oh, it's great ! It's lovely. Oh, and look at that fireplace! Oh, we can have the two chairs right in front of the fireplace there in the middle of the room and toast our feet.

M: The first thing we ought to do is just decide where the bed's going.

W: What about right here next to the door, sort of behind the door as you come in?

M: Yes, that's a good idea -just as you come in, just in that comer there.

W: Yes. Well now, let's think. What else?

M: What else is there? Well there's that huge wardrobe of yours. That's got to go .somewhere.

W: What about over here -you know -across from the fireplace there, because then, in that little comer where it ... where the wall goes back ... look, over there. That'd do, wouldn't it?

M: Ok, well we'll put the wardrobe there then.

W: What about your desk? Where are you going to put that?

M: I need lots of light, so I think, in that far comer between the two windows, OK?

W: Oh, I see in the comer there. That'd be good.

M: So the desk goes there.

W: So you'd have your chair with your back to the fireplace? Yes, that'll be all right.

M: Yes. And there's the chest of drawers.

W: Oh, that'd be nice between the two windows there, right in the middle. I know you're going to like it.


A.It' s not a bad sizable room for the couple.

B.The first thing they ought to do is just decide where the bed's going.

C.The man needs lots of light.

D.There in the middle of the room is the fireplace.



听力原文:W: Hi. Can I help you?M: Hi. I've, uh, just opened a checking account and I want

听力原文:W: Hi. Can I help you?

M: Hi. I've, uh, just opened a checking account and I want to withdraw 150 euros. What I want to know is, who do I make the check out to?

W: Well, since the money is for you yourself, you make it out to cash.

M: OK. W... how do I do that?

W: You just write the word "cash" on this line.

M: This line here?

W: Yes, next to "pay to the order of".

M: OK. C-A-S-H. Now, I want to make this 150 euros. There, howls this?

W: Well, you've written the amount in numbers, but you have to write it out in words, too. That goes on the second line, there.

M: Oh, yeah.

W: By the way, it's a good idea to draw a line from the end of the amount to the word "euros" so nobody can change the amount.

M: Oh, thanks. Well, tlaat should do it. Here you go.

W: You forgot to sign your name. There, in the bottom right corner.

M: Woops, sorry. Here you go.

W: The date.

M: W... huh?

W: The date--you forgot it. It goes in the top right corner.

M: Oh, right. OK, am I done?

W: Yes, That's fifty--a hundred--a hundred and fifty euros.

M: Thanks a lot. Have a good day!

W: You too.


A.A bank clerk and customer.

B.Waiter and diner.

C.Professor and student.

D.Manger and secretary.



听力原文:W: Hello, John, how are you doing?M: Not very well. I was dropped from a class th

听力原文:W: Hello, John, how are you doing?

M: Not very well. I was dropped from a class that I needed to take this semester.

W: You were dropped from the class? What happened?

M: Well, this class was added at the last minute because there Were so many students who needed it. I went to the class the first day it opened, and I thought that I would be added to the class because I was there that day. The professor said something about turning in the add slip right away, but I needed to get a signature for another class I was adding, so I waited.

W: So you didn't turn in the add slip right away?

M: Right. Then I got sick the next day and missed the class. The following day when I went in to class, the teacher announced that anyone who had not turned in an add slip or missed any classes had been dropped. She said that there were too many students who wanted to take the class, and she had to accept the students who had added and were attending.

W: So what did you do at that point?

M: I left the class because I was so upset. I really needed that class to fulfil my requirements, and now my plans are ruined.


A.The class was added at the last minute at the request of many students.

B.Many of the students dropped the class the first day it opened.

C.A signature of the teacher was required for the registration of the class.

D.It was a compulsory class for college senior students.



听力原文:W: I used to really enjoy reading novels until I took a literary history class in

M: You're not the first person who has had his pleasure in something mined by a bad tether.

Q: What do we learn about the woman?


A.She had disliked novels until she went to college.

B.She would rather read novels than history books.

C.She enjoyed the class even though the teacher was poor.

D.Her study of literature spoiled her enjoyment of novels.


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