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The education grants will be given from third grade to high school, rising each year in or

der to ______.

A.avoid administrative cost

B.avoid corruption

C.avoid parents using it

D.avoid children dropping out

更多“The education grants will be given from third grade to high school, rising each year in or”相关的问题


There are more than forty universities in Britain--nearly twice as many as in 1960. During
the 1960s eight【67】new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were created by【68】old colleges of technology into universities. In the same period the number of students【69】doubled, from 70000 to over 200000. By 1973 about 10% of men aged from eighteen to twenty-one were n universities and about 5% of women. All the universities are【70】institutions. Each has its own governing councils,【71】some local businessmen and local politicians as【72】as a few academics (大学教师). The state began to【73】grants to them fifty years ago, and by 1970 eachuniversity【74】nearly all its【75】from state grants. Students have to pay【76】and living costs, but every student may receive from the local authority of the place where he lives a personal【77】which is enough to pay his full costs, including lodging and food【78】his parents can well【79】them. Most students take jobs in the summer for about six weeks,【80】they do not normally do outside work【81】the academic year. The Department of Education takes【82】for the payment which covers the whole expenditure of the university, but it does not【83】direct control. It canhave an important【84】on new developments through its power to【85】funds, but it takes the advice of the University Grants Committee, a body which is mainly【86】of academics.








听力原文:A new report says the cast of studies at public colleges in the United States inc

听力原文: A new report says the cast of studies at public colleges in the United States increased fourteen percent this year. This is the biggest increase in tuition in thirty years. But the study also found that the average student pays a lot less than the published costs of a college education, because of grants. And it points out that American students received a record amount of financial aid last year.

Students do not have to repay grants, unlike financial aid in the form. of loans. About half of American college students receive grants. This means that education costs differ from student to student.

The report is from the College Board. This is a non-profit membership group of schools and other educational organizations. One of its best-known jobs is to administer college entrance tests.

The College Board says tuition at two-year public colleges rose at the same rate as four-year schools.

The College Board says the increases were mainly caused by cuts in state spending on education. But a congressman says colleges have increased their prices in both good and bad economic times. John Boehner of Ohio is chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. He says colleges do not want to talk about their decisions to spend money to build things like rock-climbing walls.

The College Board collected information from four-thousand colleges and universities. It says the average total charge for students who live at a public college in their state is ten-thousand-six-hundred dollars. While tuition rose fourteen per cent this year, housing and other costs increased at a lower rate.

At a private college, total charges are almost twenty-seven-thousand dollars. That is an increase of about six percent over last year.


A.It is a kind of costs the students should pay for studies.

B.It is a form. of financial aid the students don't have to pay hack.

C.It is the money that the students get from the colleges.

D.It is a kind of loans the students should repay when they have jobs.



There are more than forty universities in Britain—nearly twice as many as in 1960s. During
the 1960s eight【B1】new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were created by【B2】old colleges of technologies into universities. In the same period the【B3】of students more than doubled, from 70,000 to more than 200,000. By 1973 about 10% of men【B4】from eighteen to twenty-one were in universities and about 5% of women. All the universities are【B5】institutions. Each has its own governing councils,【B6】some local business men and local politicians as【B7】as a few academics. The state began to give【B8】to them fifty years ago, and by 1970 each university derived nearly all its【B9】from state grants. Students have to pay fees and living costs,【B10】every student may receive from the local authority of the place where he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay his full【B11】, including lodging and food unless his parents are【B12】Most students【B13】jobs in the summer for about six weeks, but they do not【B14】do outside work during the【B15】year. The Department of Education takes【B16】for the payment which covers the whole【B17】of the universities, but it does not exercise direct control. It can have an important influence【B18】new developments through its power to【B19】funds, but it takes the advice of the University Grants Committee, a body which is mainly【B20】of academics.








There are more than forty universities in Britain—nearly twice as many as in 1960.Duri
ng the 1960s eight completely new ones were founded, and ten other new ones were created (1) converting old colleges of technology into universities.In the same period the (2) of students more than doubled, from 70,000 to (3) than 200,000.By 1973 about 10% of men

aged from eighteen (4) twenty-one were in universities and about 5% of women.All the universities are private institutions.Each has its (5) governing councils, (6) some local businessmen and local politicians as (7) a few academics(大学教师).The state began to give grants to them fifty years (8) , and by 1970 each university derived nearly all its (9) from state grants.Students have to (10) fees and living costs, but every student may receive from the local authority of the place (11) he lives a personal grant which is enough to pay his full costs, including lodging and (12) unless his parents are (13) .Most (14) take jobs in the summer (15) about six weeks, but they do not normally do outside (16) during the academic year.The Department of Education takes (17) for the payment which cover the whole expenditure of the (18) , but it does not exercise direct control.It can have an important influence (19) new developments through its power to distribute funds, but it takes the advice of the University Grants Committee, a body which is mainly (20) of academics.

1.A.with B.by C.at D.into

2.A.amount B.quantity C.lot D.number

3.A.more B.much C.less D.fewer

4.A.with B.to C.from D.beyond

5.A.self B.kind C.own D.personal

6.A.making B.consisting C.including D.taking

7.A.good B.long C.little D.well

8.A.ago B.before C.after D.ever

9.A.suggestions B.grades C.profits D.funds

10.A.make B.pay C.change D.delay

11.A.what B.which C.where D.how

12.A.living B.drinking C.food D.shelter

13.A.poor B.generous C.kindhearted D.rich

14.A.professors B.students C.politicians D.businessmen

15.A.at B.since C.with D.for

16.A.travel B.work C.experiment D.study

17.A.responsibility B.advice C.duty D.pleasure

18.A.government B.school C.universities D.committees

19.A.at B.to C.on D.form

20.A.consisted B.composed C.made D.taken



听力原文:The word "university" comes from the Latin word "universitas", meaning "the whole

听力原文: The word "university" comes from the Latin word "universitas", meaning "the whole". Later, in Latin legal language, "universitas" meant a society or corporation. In the Middle Ages, the word meant "an association of teachers and scholars". The origins of universities can be traced back to the 12th to 14th centuries. In the early 12th century, long before universities were organized in the modern sense, students gathered together for higher studies at certain centers of learning. The earliest centers in the Europe were at Bolonia in Italy, founded in 1088. Other early centers were set up in France, the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany from 1150 to 1386. The first universities in Britain were Oxford and Cambridge. They were established in 1185 and 1209 respectively. The famous London University was founded in 1836. This was followed by the foundation of several universities such as Manchester and Birmingham, which developed from provincial colleges. It was in the 1960's that the largest expansion of higher education took place in Britain. This expansion took 3 basic forms: existing universities were enlarged, new universities were developed from existing colleges and completely new universities were set up. In Britain, finance for universities comes from three source: the first, and file largest source, is grants from the government, the second source is fees paid by students and the third one is private donations. All the British universities except one receive some government funding. The exception is Buckingham, which is Britain's only independent university.


A.A business corporation.

B.The universe as a whole.

C.A society of legal professionals.

D.An association of teachers and scholars.



The __________ grants the president with the power to declare war.







This ticket ________ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.A) givesB) grantsC) e

This ticket ________ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.

A) gives

B) grants

C) entitles

D) credits



Slash Your Bills — 6 Ways to Keep More CashLike a lot of hardworking couples, Ilah and Den

Slash Your Bills — 6 Ways to Keep More Cash

Like a lot of hardworking couples, Ilah and Dennis Hardesty of Long Beach, California, live paycheck to paycheck. Their $1,200 monthly rent eats up about half of Dennis's take-home pay as a manager for a racing car engine manufacturer. Private school tuition for their three teens takes another $400 bite. Income from Ilah's two part-time jobs — as a fitness trainer and school secretary—disappears at the gas station and the grocery store.

The bottom line? Even with no car payments and just $300 in credit card debt, the family barely gets by. "We don't have a penny in savings", says Ilah. "No, I actually do have one cent in my account".

With inflation outpacing wage growth in recent years, it's not hard to find families like the Hardestys running out of money before they run out of month. According to the nonpartisan (无党派的) Economic Policy Institute, which studies lower-and middle-class economic trends, the median hourly wage of an American worker after inflation is less today than in 2003. The result is less buying power after the bills are paid.

These days, inflation is hovering around three percent, so anyone who remembers the double-digit price spikes of the 1970s might wonder what all the fuss is about. But even moderate inflation takes its toll, says personal finance expert Jonathan Pond, author of You Can Do It! The Boomer's Guide to a Great Retirement. In fact, annual inflation of just three percent doubles the cost of living every 23 or 24 years. Meanwhile, some essential expenses — energy, health care, higher education — are far outpacing the inflation index. No wonder families are feeling pinched.

Pinched doesn't have to mean powerless, though. Here, then, are six ways to save money on the big bills.

Education Options

Here's a pop quiz: Who's turned out move current CEOs of S&P 500 corporations — Harvard or the University of Wisconsin? Pencils up: They're running neck and neck, according to a recent study by Spencer Stuart, an executive recruiting firm. The study reinforces what should be common sense: There's no direct correlation between where a child goes to undergraduate school and later success. In fact, the pricey Ivies trained only ten percent of those CEOs.

So if your family's budget favors State College over Snooty U., don't sweat it. Kids who are motivated will succeed, no matter the color of their cap and gown. Look for quality institutions in your area. Consider a local four-year college and save on mom and board.

Or opt for a community college the first two years (tuition is bargain-basement), then finish up at a state school or private university. Don't forget: Once your child moves on to, say, Tufts, he will get a Tufts diploma.

Financial planners also suggest that parents give priority to their own retirement savings over c ollege funds, since there are no loans, grants or scholarships for surviving your senior years.

Taking Care of Health Care

Like education; health care costs have been outpacing inflation, which is one reason why employers are shifting more of the insurance burden to individuals. To control the expense, many people are opting for higher deductibles and lower monthly premiums. What's more, says Pond, "four-fifths of Americans enjoy pretty darn (非常) good health and could be safe choosing a policy with fewer bells and whistles. If no one in your family uses expensive pharmaceuticals, why pay for a high-priced drug benefit?"

But what happens if you suddenly need a costly long-term drug? Many policies allow you to upgrade to a plan with better benefits, after a six-month waiting period. You might also check out WalMart. The company recently started a program in 27 states to fill 30-day generic prescriptions for just $4 each. Nearly 300 drugs are covered. Among them are cloni






Passage Two Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage. What a waste of money
!In return for an averageof£44,000 of debt,students get an average of only 14 hours of lecture and tutorial time a week in Britain. Annual fees have risen from£1,000 to $9,000 in the last decade. But contact time at university has barely risen at all. And graduating doesn’t even provide any guarantee of a decent job:sixin ten graduates today are in non-graduate jobs. No wonder it has become fashionable to denounce many universities as little more that elaboratecom-tricks(骗术). There’s a lotfor students to complain about the repayment threshold for paying back loans will be frozen for five years, meaning that lower-paid graduals have to start repaying their loans, and maintenance grants have been replaced by loans meaning that students from poorer backgrounds face higher debt than those with wealthier parents. Yet it still pays to go to university. If going to university doesn’t work out, students pay very little—if any—of their tuition fees back, you only start repaying when you are earning £21, 000 a year. Almost half of graduates—those who go on to earn less—will have a portion of their debt written off. It’s not just the lectures and tutorials that are important. Education is the sum of what students teach each other in between lectures and seminars. Students do not merely benefit while at university, studies show they go on to be healthier and happier than non-graduates, and also far more likely to vote. Whatever your talents, it is extraordinarily difficult to get a leading job in most fields without having been to university. Recruiters circle elite universities like vulturous(兀鹰). Many top firms will not even look at applications from those who lack a 2.1, i.e., an upper-second class degree, from an elite university. Students at university also meet those likely to be in leading jobs in the future, forming contacts for life. This might not be right, but school-leavers who fail to acknowledge as much risk making the wrong decision about going to university. Perhaps the reason why so many universities offer their students so little is they know studying at a top university remains a brilliant investment even if you don’t learn anything .Studying at university will only become less attractive if employers shift their focus away from where someone went to university—and there is no sign of that happening anytime soon. School-leavers may moan, but they have little choice but to embrace university and the student debt that comes with it. What is the author’s opinion of going to university?

A.It is worthwhile after all.

B.It is simply a waste of time.

C.It is hard to say whether it is good or bad.

D.It is too expensive for most young people.



What can you learn about the trademark protection in the U. S. ?A.It prevents a product fr

What can you learn about the trademark protection in the U. S. ?

A.It prevents a product from being copied.

B.It tells the consumers what kind of product it is.

C.It gives the inventor or author exclusive right.

D.It is granted by the same office that grants the patent.


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