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A.He answered all her questions correctly.B.He received a good grade in cooking class.

A.He answered all her questions correctly.

B.He received a good grade in cooking class.

C.She likes what he has just cooked.

D.She's impressed with his knowledge.

更多“A.He answered all her questions correctly.B.He received a good grade in cooking class.”相关的问题


听力原文:Mr. Robinson won a lot of money on the football pools, but he did not know what w

听力原文: Mr. Robinson won a lot of money on the football pools, but he did not know what would be the best thing to do with it, so he went to a friend who knew a lot about money matters. This friend said to him, "Go and buy some modern paintings. Their value goes up every year. '

Mr. Robinson went to a good art shop and looked at some modern paintings. He did not understand them at all, and thought that they were terrible--and also very expensive. At last he saw a small picture which did not have a price on it. It was square and white, and had a black spot in the middle, and a narrow brass frame. Mr. Robinson liked it better than any of the others in the shop.

"How much is this one?" he said to the shopkeeper.

"That, sir," answered the shopkeeper, "is the electric light switch."


A.He won a lot of money on the lottery.

B.He won a lot of money on the football pools.

C.He won a lot of money by buying some modern paintings.

D.He won a lot of money in an art shop.



听力原文:Joe Smith had been brought up in an orphanage. He envied people who were rich and

听力原文: Joe Smith had been brought up in an orphanage. He envied people who were rich and decided that when he grew up he could make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, Joe was not clever and he failed all his school exams. "I will either have to find a good job or I will have to become a thief." Joe said to himself. He knew he would never find a well-paid job.

For several months Joe watched a bank out of town. He noticed when it had the fewest customers. He watched, waited and planned.

One afternoon he found that only two tellers were on duty there. "I will either succeed and be very rich or fail and go to prison." said Joe. He was willing to take the risk.

Then he watched in and pushed a demand note over the counter. The teller read it, turned pale and quietly opened a small safe behind him. He took out $ 50,000 and placed the bank notes in Joe's open bag. Then Joe ran as fast as he could.

That night Joe had to bury money in case the police caught him. He chose a deserted piece of land near the house, he was glad when the money was safely hidden in the round.

The next day he was woken by bangs on his door. He answered and there came two policemen. "Joseph Smith, you are under arrest for robbing a bank!"

Joe protested in vain. The bank had hidden cameras and the whole raid had been photographed. Joe was caught and into prison.

Ten years later Joe was set free. He made sure no one was following him and quickly made his way to the spot where he had buried the money.

Neither happiness nor money waited for him, however. A big building had been built on the site.


A.He thought that he would either find a good job or he would be a thief.

B.He said that he would become rich by way of robbing the bank.

C.He said that he could rob the rich of their money.

D.He might be rich if he worked harder.



A.He and Andrea have proved to be a perfect match.B.He changed his mind about marriage

A.He and Andrea have proved to be a perfect match.

B.He changed his mind about marriage unexpectedly.

C.He declared that he would remain single all his life.

D.He would marry Andrea even without meetin8 her.



A.He was full of confidence at his success.B.He felt like a circus performer.C.He felt

A.He was full of confidence at his success.

B.He felt like a circus performer.

C.He felt as if he had been performing all his life.

D.He was determined to travel round the world.



A.He can buy meals whenever he wants at a cheaper price.B.He can eat all his meals off

A.He can buy meals whenever he wants at a cheaper price.

B.He can eat all his meals off campus so that he doesn't have to pay the university.

C.He can buy a reasonable number of meals and don't have to pay meals they don't eat.

D.He can eat on campus every day.



查看材料A.He is lucky to have visited many exotic places.B.He is able to forget all the tr


A.He is lucky to have visited many exotic places.

B.He is able to forget all the troubles in his life.

C.He is able to meet many interesting people.

D.He is lucky to be able to do what he loves.



A.He has some pet apes in his apartment.B.He is worried that the chicken he left out w

A.He has some pet apes in his apartment.

B.He is worried that the chicken he left out will spoil.

C.He is worried that his roommates will eat all the chicken.

D.He is worried that he will miss out on his dinner.



A.He and Andrea have proved to be a perfect match.B.He changed his mind about mar

A.He and Andrea have proved to be a perfect match.

B.He changed his mind about marriage unexpectedly.

C.He declared that he would remain single all his life.

D.He would marry Andrea even without meeting her.



A.He would buy him a house.B.He would buy his parents a house in USA.C.He would save s

A.He would buy him a house.

B.He would buy his parents a house in USA.

C.He would save some money in the bank.

D.He would consume all the money he had.



听力原文:A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a univers

听力原文: A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to give a lecture at a university to a large group of students. As most of them could not understand spoken English, he had to have an interpreter.

During his lecture he told an amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when the man did this in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed loudly.

After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him, "Now please tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short Japanese one."

"I didn't tell the story at all," the interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said, 'The honorable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all laugh, please. '"


A.To tell a story to a group of students.

B.To translate some books.

C.To act as an interpreter.

D.To give a lecture at a university.


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