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听力原文:W: Can I he p you? I'm Nancy, the clerk of Human Resources Deportment.M: My name

听力原文:W: Can I he p you? I'm Nancy, the clerk of Human Resources Deportment.

M: My name is Wang Fang, how do you do?

W: I see by your resume that you have been working?

M: Yes, I have worked for four years with a Canadian company.

W: Tell me what you know about our company, please.

M: Well, Mark Smith, who was the first president, founded the com pony in 1955. It has 1.5 billion dollars in capital; it employs 8,000 people, and it is the largest company in its field in Canada.

W: What do you know about our major products and our share of the market?

M: Your company products are mostly marketed in Canada and the United States, but particularly have sold very well bore in China.

W: What made you decide to change your job?

M: Because I want to change my working environment and seek new challenges.

W: Do you like this job?

M: Yes.

W: What do you think is the most important qualification for a sales person?

M: I think it is confidence in himself and his products,

W: I agree with you. Do you have any questions to ask about this job?

M: Yes, I like to know something about the salary.

W: I think the starting salary for a salesperson is between 1,500-2,000 yum. But the specific number will be determined according to your sales.

M: When can I get the final decision?

W: We cannot reach a final decision until we have talked to all of the other five applicants. Anyhow, we'll contact you within this month. See you.

M: Nice meeting you, too. Good-bye.


A.The CEO of the company.

B.The creator of the company.

C.The founder of Ottawa.

D.The manager of the department.

更多“听力原文:W: Can I he p you? I'm Nancy, the clerk of Human Resources Deportment.M: My name”相关的问题


听力原文:M: When can I make the earliest appointment with Dr. Johnson?W: Dr. Johnson has a

听力原文:M: When can I make the earliest appointment with Dr. Johnson?

W: Dr. Johnson has appointments on Monday and Tuesday mornings, Thursday and Friday afternoons, and he has a conference the whole day, Wednesday.

Q: When can the man meet Dr. Johnson at the earliest?


A.Monday morning

B.Monday afternoon.

C.Wednesday morning.

D.Friday afternoon.



听力原文:M: Did you see the sketches that Jason did of the lake?W: How he can capture so m

听力原文:M: Did you see the sketches that Jason did of the lake?

W: How he can capture so much with just a few lines is more than I can figure out!

Q: What does the woman think of Jason's sketches?


A.She prefers the ones of hunting scenes.

B.She dislikes those that lack detail.

C.She can't understand what they represent.

D.She admires them.



听力原文:W: Have you seen Tom lately?M: Yeah. He is really something nowadays. I can’t eve

听力原文:W: Have you seen Tom lately?

M: Yeah. He is really something nowadays. I can’t even get close to him.

Q: What does the man think about Tom?


A.Tom is very rich now.

B.Tom is a very important person.

C.Tom has become very bad guy.

D.Tom is arrogant to his old friends.



听力原文:W: I've never seen you have such confidence before in tile exam!M: It's more than

听力原文:W: I've never seen you have such confidence before in tile exam!

M: It's more than confidence! Right now I felt that if I got less than a A, it will be the fault of the exam it self.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He enjoys finding fault with exams.

B.He is sure of his success in the exam.

C.He doesn't know if he can do well in the exam.

D.He used to get straight A's in the exams he took.



听力原文:W: Have you seen my Guide to WiM Birds anywhere, Bill?M: Oh, yes. I lent it to a

听力原文:W: Have you seen my Guide to WiM Birds anywhere, Bill?

M: Oh, yes. I lent it to a guest. But I thought he had given it back already.

Q: Why can't the woman find her book?


A.A visitor has borrowed it.

B.She had given it to her guide.

C.A friend took it to the West.

D.Bill gave it back to his friend.



听力原文:W: George, can you help me? I couldn't work out this math problem.M: I'm sorry. Y

听力原文:W: George, can you help me? I couldn't work out this math problem.

M: I'm sorry. You can hardly expect me to do that.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He doesn't think he'll do that.

B.He finds it easy to do that.

C.He has no time to do that.

D.He can help her.



听力原文:W:I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well.I'm told you lived there.M:O

听力原文:W:I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well.I'm told you lived there.

M:Oh,but I was really young at the time.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.He moved to Baltimore when he was young.

B.He can provide little useful information.

C.He will show the woman around Baltimore.

D.He will ask someone else to help the woman.



听力原文:W:Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly? I'm ten minutes late already.

M:I don't know. I'll try. It will take at least twenty minutes.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?


A.She will reach the restaurant ten minutes late.

B.She has ten minutes to reach the restaurant.

C.He thinks he can reach the restaurant in ten minutes.

D.He thinks he can't arrive at the restaurant very soon.



听力原文:W: I really can' t stand the way Harry dominates the conversation all the time. I
f he's going to be at the party, I just won' t come.

M: I'm sorry you feel that way, but my wife insists that he come.

Q: Why is Harry being invited to the party?


A.He is the man's friend.

B.To make the woman happy.

C.To please the man's wife.

D.To please Harry himself.



听力原文:M: I can't talk for long. I'd better get my paper printed if I still have time.W:

听力原文:M: I can't talk for long. I'd better get my paper printed if I still have time.

W: Why do you always wait till the last minute?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She thinks it's too late anyway.

B.She thinks he shouldn't wait a minute.

C.She thinks he should do things earlier.

D.She thinks there might still be a chance even if it is the last minute.


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