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When the leaders of the new economy say they're not in it for the money, that's not just b

ad for business. It's bad for everyone.

Some of the pioneers of the new economy are saying very strange things. These moguls of modern-day capitalism solemnly deny that they are engaged in business for the purpose of making money. What's going on here? Adam Smith, the founding father of capitalism, presumed that people engage in commercial activity for the purpose of economic gain. Have capitalism's most successful practitioners evolved beyond such base intentions? Are we to infer that the world's largest wealth-creation scheme is being driven largely by nonprofit motives?

Not really. New-economy tycoons still like to make money. They simply want to make clear that they are also driven by higher motives. And this trend in pursuit of higher things is spreading through the business world. A recent editorial in the Red Herring posited business as an expression of the highest human capacities: "Money comes to those who do it for love." Such talk has become so common that we have to remind ourselves that it is a fairly recent innovation. You probably don't have the time to review the immense sociological literature on the attitudes of workers in the early and middle part of the 20th century. A single book, Studs Terkel's Working, should be enough to make the point, or perhaps just a brief talk with some old guys about their work philosophy. You won't hear a lot of mush about saving the world or finding nirvana in the workplace. To these people, today's rhetoric about meaning in the workplace must sound absurd.

The attempt to find higher purpose and meaning in work is likely to fail. In the few cases where it does not, it will probably fall short of our expectations. Modem technological capitalism, for all its vitality and efficiency, cannot supply on its own a meaning to life. This isn't just a philosophical matter. When we seek meaning in work at the expense of the institutions society has built specifically to contain meaning—the arts, our families, the church and so on—we risk a great deal. We may not merely disappoint ourselves; we could disrupt the very prosperity the free market has provided us.

The traditional capitalist view is that people ______.

A.engage in commercial activity for the purpose of economic gain

B.are driven largely by non-profit motives

C.do the things that they do for love

D.tend to search for meaning in their lives

更多“When the leaders of the new economy say they're not in it for the money, that's not just b”相关的问题


When this selection was written, Liberian leaders seemed anxious to______.A.attain politic

When this selection was written, Liberian leaders seemed anxious to______.

A.attain political and economic independence

B.depend oil further loans

C.give up the country's independence

D.bring other foreign industries to Liberia



It starts when organizational leaders, planners, and consultants are ______ the alternativ
es available to them at a strategic moment.







It can be inferred from the passage that the author mainly concerns that______.A.female le

It can be inferred from the passage that the author mainly concerns that______.

A.female leaders can change the course of our political and economic future

B.who will benefit most when the political power is controlled by women

C.why the political leadership of women is one kind of world crises

D.the ways in which women can obtain the leadership in the future



听力原文:Leo Tolstoy was a famous Russian writer of the nineteenth Century. He lived betwe

听力原文: Leo Tolstoy was a famous Russian writer of the nineteenth Century. He lived between 1828 and 1910. He wrote many novels. Two of his most famous works are War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

Tolstoy was born into a wealth family. However, he was not happy that others were poor. He did not like living the rich life when others did not have food or money. In fact, Tolstoy often dressed like a peasant. He wanted the simple life.

In his novels, Tolstoy wrote about many things, but one of his most important themes was nonviolence. His ideas about nonviolence influenced two other famous leaders: Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. In fact, Tolstoy and Gandhi wrote letters to each other when Gandhi was in South Africa. Tolstoy's ideas helped Gandhi to use nonviolence.

Martin Luther King, the American civil rights leader, also believed in nonviolence. In his demonstrations during the 1960s, he always avoided violence. He helped to win more rights for Blacks.

Thus, Tolstoy the great Russian writer of the nineteenth century, greatly influenced two other great leaders of the peace movement.


A.A peasant.

B.A famous man.

C.A Russian.

D.A writer.



Everyone has a moment in history, which belongs particularly to him. It is the moment when
his emotions achieve their most powerful sway over him; and afterward when you say to this person "the world today" or "life" or "reality", he will assume that you mean this moment, cyan if it is fifty years past. The world, through Ms unleashed emotions, imprinted itself upon him, and he carries the stamp of that passing moment forever.

For me, this moment—four years in a moment in history—was the war. The war was and is reality for me. I still instinctively live and think in its atmosphere. These are some of its characteristics: Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the president of the United States, and he always has been. The other two eternal world leaders are Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. America is not, never has been, and never will be what the songs and poems call it, a land of plenty. Nylon, meat, gasoline, and steel are rare. There are too many jobs and not enough workers. Money is very easy to earn but rather hard to spend, because there isn't very much to buy. Trains are always late and always crowded with "service men". The war will always be fought very far from America, and it will never end. Nothing in America stands still for very long, including the people who are always either leaving or on leave. People in America cry often. Sixteen is the key, crucial and natural age for a human being to be, and people of all other ages are ranged in an orderly manner ahead of and behind you as a harmonious setting for the sixteen-year-olds of the world. When you are sixteen, adults are slightly impressed and almost intimidated by you. This is a puzzle finally solved by the realization that they foresee your military future: fighting for them. You do not foresee it. To waste anything in America is immoral. String and tinfoil are treasures. Newspapers are always crowded with strange maps and names of towns, and every few months the earth seems to lurch(突然倾斜) from its path when you see something in the newspapers, such as the time Mussolini, who almost seemed one of the eternal leaders, is photographed hanging upside down on a meat hook.

Which statement best depicts the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.Reality is what you make of it.

B.Time is like a fiver.

C.Emotions are powerful.

D.Every person has a special moment.



Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civ
il War ended. About a million and a half soldiers flora both sides has to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy. Civil government also had to be put back on a peacetime basis and interference from the military had to be stopped.

The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that reconstruction had to be undertaken also in the North, though less spectacularly. Industries had to adjust to peacetime conditions: factories had to be retooled for civilian needs.

Financial problems loomed large in both the North and the South. The national debt had shot up from a modest 565 million in 1861, the year file war started, to nearly 53 billion in 1865, the year the war ended. This was a colossal sum for those days but one that a prudent government could pay. At the same time, war taxes had to be reduced to less burdensome levels.

Physical devastation caused by invading armies, chiefly in the South and Border States, had to be repaired. This herculean task was ultimately completed, but with discouraging slowness.

Other important questions needed answering. What would be the future of the four million black people who were freed from slavery?. On what basis were the Southern States to be brought back into the Union?

What of the southern leaders, all of whom were liable to charge of treason? One of these leaders, Jefferson Davis, president of the Southern Confederacy, was the subject of an insulting popular Northern song, "Hang Jeff Davis from a Sour Apple Tree" and even children sang it. Davis was temporarily chained in his prison cell during the early days of his two-year imprisonment. But he and the other southern leaders were finally released, partly because it was unlikely that a jury from Virginia, a southern confederate state, would convict them. All the leaders were finally pardoned by President Johnson in 1868 in an effort to help reconstruction efforts proceed with as little bitterness as possible.

The word "demobilized" (Line 2, Para 1 ) is closest in meaning to______.







It's very interesting to note where the debate about diversity(多样化)is taking place. It

It's very interesting to note where the debate about diversity(多样化)is taking place. It is taking place primarily in political circles. Here at the College Fund, we have a lot of contact with top corporate(公司的)leaders; none of them is talking about getting rid of those instruments that produce diversity. In fact, they say that if their companies are to compete in the global village and in the global market place, diversity is an imperative. They also say that the need for talented, skilled Americans means we have to expand the pool of potential employees. And in looking at where birth rates are growing and at where the population is shifting, corporate America understands that expanding the pool means promoting policies that help provide skills to more minorities, more women and more immigrants. Corporate leaders know that if that doesn't occur in our society, they will not have the engineers, the scientists, the lawyers, or the business managers they will need.

Likewise, I don't hear people in the academy saying "Let's go backward. Let's go back to the good old days, when we had a meritocracy(不拘一格选人才)"(which was never true--we never had a meritocracy, although we've come closer to it in the last 30 years). I recently visited a great little college in New York where the campus has doubled its minority population in the last six years. I talked with an African who has been a professor there for a long time, and she remembers that when she first joined the community, there were fewer than a handful of minorities on campus. Now , all of us feel the university is better because of the diversity. So where we hear this debate is primarily in political circles and in the media--not in corporate board rooms or on college campuses.

The word "imperative"(Line ,Para. 1 )most probably refers to something ______.







Should a leader strive to be loved or feared? This question, famously posed by Machiavelli
, lies at the heart of Joseph Nye's new book. Mr. Nye, a former dean of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, is best known for promoting the idea of "soft power", based on persuasion and influences, as a counterpoint to "hard power", based on coercion (强迫) and force.

Mr. Nye has now turned his attention to the relationship between power and leadership, in both the political and business spheres. Machiavelli, he notes, concluded that "one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared than loved." In short, hard power is preferable to soft power. But modern leadership theories have come to the opposite conclusion.

The context of leadership is changing, they observe, and the historical emphasis on hard power is becoming outdated. In modern companies and democracies, power is increasingly diffused and traditional hierarchies (等级制) are being undermined, making soft power ever more important. But that does not mean coercion should now take a back seat to persuasion, Mr. Nye argues. Instead, he advocates a synthesis of these two views. The conclusion of The Powers to Lead, his survey of the theory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power, which he calls "smart power", is the best approach.

The domination theoretical model of leadership at the moment is, apparently, the "transformational leadership pattern". Mr. Nye has performed a valuable service in rounding up and summarizing the various academic studies and theories of leadership into a single, slim volume. He examines different approaches to leadership, the morality of leadership and how the wider context can determine the effectiveness of a particular leader. There are plenty of anecdotes and examples, both historical and contemporary, political and corporate.

Leadership is a slippery(狡猾的) subject, and as he depicts(描述) various theories, even Mr. Nye never quite nails the jerry to the wall. He is at his most interesting when discussing the moral aspects of leadership—in particular, the question of whether it is sometimes necessary for good leaders to lie—and he provides a helpful 12-point summary of his conclusions. A recurring theme is that as circumstances change, different sorts of leaders are required, a leader who thrives in one environment may struggle in another, and vice versa. Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadership offers no easy answers.

According to the passage, the reason why Mr. Nye is so popular is that ______.

A.he advocates that leaders should be feared

B.he advocates the importance of persuasion and influence

C.he was once the leader of Harvard

D.he thinks that coercion should give way to persuasion



It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them
for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modem ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crises; that they talk too much about certain problems--and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.

I think it is tree that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young. Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, if it turns out that their music or entertainers or vocabulary or clothes or hairstyles irritate their parents, this gives them additional enjoyment. They feel they are superior, at least in a small way, and that they are leaders in style. and taste.

Sometimes you are resistant and proud because you do not want your parents to approve of what you do. If they approve, it looks as if you are betraying your own age group. But in that case, you are assuming that you are the underdog (受压迫者); you cannot win but at least you keep your honor. This is a passive way of looking at things. It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents' control. But it ignores the fact that you are now beginning to be responsible for yourself. If you plan to control your life, cooperation can be part of that plan. You can charm others, especially your parents, into doing things the way you want. You can impress others with your sense of responsibility and initiative, so that they will give you the authority to do what you want to do.

The author is primarily addressing______.

A.parents of teenagers

B.newspaper readers

C.those who give advice to teenagers




听力原文:Life in the twentieth century must demand preparations. Today, all individuals in

听力原文: Life in the twentieth century must demand preparations. Today, all individuals in a country must have adequate schooling to prepare them for their work as well as for their responsibilities as citizens. With this faith in mind, national leaders everywhere placing more emphasis on the education of the young.

In the United States, government officials, parents, and teachers are working hard to give the children tomorrow's decision - makers best preparation available.

There is no national school policy in the United States. Each of the fifty states makes its own rules and regulations for its schools, but there are many similarities among the fifty school systems. Public schools in all states are supported by taxes paid by the citizens of the individual state. In most states the children are required to attend school until they reach the age of sixteen.

When they become six years old, children begin elementary school. After six years in elementary, they go into junior high school and remain there for three years. The last three years of their public school education are spent in senior high school from which they graduate at the age of eighteen.

A great number of high school graduates continue their education in one of the many colleges or universities in the country. After four years, they receive a bachelor's degree. Some continue studying for a master's degree and perhaps a doctor's degree.


A.School and Education.

B.Individuals in the United States.

C.Responsibilities as Citizens.

D.Tomorrow's Decision- makers.



The U.S. Congress Composition of the U.S. CongressThe U.S. Congress is the legislative bra

The U.S. Congress

Composition of the U.S. Congress

The U.S. Congress is the legislative branch of the Federal Government. It is a bicameral (两院制的 ) law-making body of more than 500 members. Its two chambers are respectively called the House of Representatives and the Senate. The American two-house legislature, a product of the compromise between big states and small ones, embodies the American principle of balances and checks. All bills must carry both houses before becoming law.

The Membership and Election of Both Chambers

The House of Representatives is the lower house of the bicameral Congress. The membership of the House is distributed among the states according to their different populations. Since 1910, the House has had a permanent membership of 435, with each representative representing about half a million Americans. Under the principle that each state is guaranteed at least one representative, Nevada, a state with a small population, sends only one representative to the House. California has more than 40 Representatives in the House because of its large population.

The election of Representatives is organized by the state legislature which divides the state into a number of districts known as Congressional districts. Each district, with a population of nearly half a million, elects one Representative to the House. A Representative's term of office is set at two years, but there is no limit to the number of his terms. A new Representative can hardly feel easy about his position. Hardly has he begun his work in the Congress when he finds it's time for him to seek re-election.

The Senate is the upper house of the US Congress. Representation in the Senate is based on the principle of state equality. The Senate is comprised of 100 Senators, two from each of the fifty states. Senators have been directly elected by voters of their respective states since 1913. Their term of office is six years. A Senator must be at least thirty years of age and a citizen for nine years.

Senators with Greater Prestige

Generally speaking, Senators are accorded greater prestige than their colleagues in the lower house. Many Representatives aspire to win the election to the Senate. Senators derive their prestige from the following facts. They are less numerous, for there are fewer than one-fourth as many Senators as Representatives, or Congressmen. Elected by the whole state instead of a single congressional district, most Senators represent more constituents than do House members. They are less worried by the problem of seeking re-electives. What's more, the Senate is vested with special powers which it does not share with the House. It has the power to ratify or deny proposed treaties, nominations proposed by the President. In line with the tradition of "senatorial courtesy," the Senate always rejects a nominee who is objected to by a Senator of the state from which he comes.

It won't do to neglect the importance of the Senate in foreign affairs. Without its cooperation and support, the President can hardly take any significant action in foreign relations. A Secretary of State on good terms with the Senators is always important for the President. Foreign countries must try to establish good relations with the US Senate if they intend to make a bargain with the United States.

The Work of the Two Chambers

The presiding officer of the Senate is the Vice President who functions as a kind of chairman when the Senate is in session. The chief spokesman of the House is known as the speaker who is the leader of the majority party in the House. The Speaker is the most influential figure in the House because he directs his party's forces in legislative battles.

Leaders of Both Parties

Both parties have their leaders in the Congress, who are known as floor leaders.

Floor leaders are elected by their res





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