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AL: How nice to see you, Liu. Do come in, Let me()your coat.LIU: It’s very kind of yo





更多“AL: How nice to see you, Liu. Do come in, Let me()your coat.LIU: It’s very kind of yo”相关的问题


AL: How nice to see you, Liu. Do come in. Let me take your coat. LIU: It' s very


一Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?--().


B. Thank you. And you?

C.I miss you

D.This way, please

E.Are you OK?



听力原文:W: Hi! Mark.Nice to see you again. How is everything?M: Great! I didn't expect to

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark. Nice to see you again. How is everything?

M: Great! I didn't expect to see you again. What a small world!

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They are talking about the world.

B.They met some time ago.

C.They are discussing how small the world is.

D.They don't want to meet again.



听力原文:M: Hi, Mary, this is John. Do you mind my calling at this early hour?W: Not at al

听力原文:M: Hi, Mary, this is John. Do you mind my calling at this early hour?

W: Not at all. What's on your mind—anything special?

M: It's only to find out what you're doing Friday night.

W: That depends, what's up?

M: There's a folk concert at the auditorium.

W: Folk music, I dig, but that would take a whole evening and I have an appointment with Mrs. David to help her with Chinese History.

M: Can you cancel it or postpone it?

W: I'm sorry, it wouldn't be nice to call off an appointment that was set up a week ago. May I take a rain check?

M: Sure, what about Saturday then?

W: What's on the schedule?

M: We have a good football game at two.

W: That's just great. I hear a lot of people can't get the tickets.

M: I'll treat you to some Chinese food in Cincinnati after the game. I'm sure you'd enjoy Chinese food. After dinner if you like, we can take in a movie. How does that sound?

W: But I won't have time to change after the game. I don't want to wear slacks to dinner.

M: Then wear a sweater and skirt with your car coat. Or how about your green knit suit and top coat? You look sharp in that. I'll wear the new scarf you gave me with my brown sports jacket and slacks. Then, we won't be too dressed up for football or too dressed down for dinner. How's that?

W: Will we be OK for the movie too?

M: We'll be fine! Only one thing missing. I'll have to get you a big gold chrysanthemum to wear. All the girls must have one, especially for their first football game—it's a tradition.

W: What movie are we going to see?

M: What kind of movie do you like most—detective, western, romance, cartoons?

W: I like love stories better.

M: You would! Girls always do.

W: Anyway, thanks for calling, I'm late for class—then see you Saturday.



B.A concert.


D.A football.



听力原文:With the introduction of the radio, newspaper publishers wondered how broadcastin

听力原文: With the introduction of the radio, newspaper publishers wondered how broadcasting would affect them. Many feared that radio as a quick and easy means of keeping people informed would displace the newspaper industry altogether.

Others hoped that the brief newscast heard on the air would stimulate listeners' interests in the story so they would buy the paper to get more information. This second idea turned out to be closer to the truth. Radio & print were not substitutes for each other but actually supported each other. You see the relationship between different media is not al ways one of displacement but can be one of reinforcement. However, this is not always the case. Take television & motion pictures for example. With the popularization of T. V, the motion picture industry suffered greatly. Movie attendance dropped when audience members chose to stay at home and be entertained. Likewise, when a football game was shown on the air, the stands were often empty because fans chose to watch the game at home.


A.The role of the print media.

B.Television's effect on the movie industry.

C.The relationships between different media.

D.Radio news as a substitute for newspapers.



听力原文: As more and more people lose their jobs, now it is perhaps the time to consider
the experience of unemployment. What are the first feelings? Well, losing a job, or not being able to find one, almost always brings unwelcome changes. (29) If you've lost a job, the first feeling is often one of shock. As well as the loss of income, many people find the whole routine of their life is shattered. their contact with other people reduced, their ambitions halted and their identity as a worker removed.

At first there may be good feelings too. A new and better job is just around the corner. It's nice to be able to lie in bed in the morning or spend more time with the children; have more time to think. But, unless a better job does turn up, the chances are the days start getting longer. and time becomes harder to fill. (31) Many people pass through periods of difficulty in sleeping and eating. They feel irritable and depressed, often isolated and lonely.

Despite all these problems though, unemployment can be a chance for a fresh start. You can discover that (30) it provides an opportunity to sort out or rethink what you want from life and how best you can get it. (31)You can use the time to plan how to field a new job, learn a new skill, develop your hobbies or see if you can run your own business.


A.They feel irritable.

B.They feel depressed.

C.They feel shocked.

D.They feel isolated.



听力原文:M: Come on Jody, how're we going to convince everybody that my car wash idea is t
he best way to raise money for the Thanksgiving party at the student center?

W: It won't be easy.

M: Thanks a lot !

W: Oh, I'm just kidding. Actually, I think once we show how much money it could bring in, we'll be sure to convince everyone on campus to pitch-in.

M: Well... how are we going to get the message out?

W: One thing I was thinking of is to hang up handout on the bulletin boards.

M: But that's not going to attract much attention. We need to do something interesting.

W: Let me finish: I know someone who works at the campus print shop. Last week he said he could get hold of materials to make a big banner. That'll attract the attention of a lot of students if we can hang it in front of the student center.

M: Nice work !

W: I've also arranged to have an article published in the school paper next Wednesday. That way you can get the message out to the entire campus.

M: Uh-oh, that means I better come up with an article pretty quickly. How about if I write it up and I'll let you be the first to read it. How about alter English class tomorrow?

W: Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then.

M: You're the greatest. I don't think I would have known what to do without your help.


A.A car wash plan.


C.A newspaper.

D.A message service.



听力原文:Are you interested in knowing about how to find a place to stay when traveling in

听力原文: Are you interested in knowing about how to find a place to stay when traveling in the United States?

Well, If you arrive by air, you will see plenty of hotels advertised at airports. If you arrive by train or car, probably the best thing to do is to look into the Yellow Pages under Hotels, Motels or Lodgings. You can start by comparing the services offered in their ads. In any case, you'll have to call them and see if they have the kind of room you're looking for.

Places for stay may be called hotels, motels or motor hotels, inns, lodges or resorts. They are all similar. Motels have plenty of parking space and are usually near a freeway or highway. Inns are usually like hotels. Lodges and resorts, or resort hotels, are in the mountains, on the coast or near lakes. Beds also go by many different names. Starting with the smallest, there are single, twin, double, queen and king size ones. "Long boys" are for exceptionally tall people. At some hotels, queen beds are of smallest size, so a double room has two of them. Some hotels even offer their guests waterbeds. Hide-a-beds are sofas that unfold out to make beds.

People who prefer camping to staying in hotels will have a hard time in American cities, because most of them don't have campgrounds nearby. You can camp in state and national parks, though, which generally have facilities for both tents and trailers.

It is my sincere wish that you will have a good time touring the States, and find a nice place to rest yourself.


A.To look at the hotels advertised at airports.

B.To look into the Yellow Pages under Hotels, Motels or Lodgings.

C.To compare the rooms offered by the hotels.

D.To call the hotels and book a room in advance.



听力原文:W: What do you want to do tonight?M: How about going to tile movies? I should be

听力原文:W: What do you want to do tonight?

M: How about going to tile movies? I should be home from work at 5:20. Then we can go out and eat and then to the movies.

W: What do you want to see?

M: Let's see the ad in the newspaper.

W: It starts at 6:30. I don't think we can get there in time to see the beginning. How about the one at the New State Cinema? That starts at 7:00.

M: I don't like Tom Cruise.

W: Well there's one with Zelta Jones and Tom Hanks that starts at 6:50, Maybe we can go to that.

M: I've already seen it. Maybe we should just stay home and watch TV.

W: There's a Julia Roberts movie on TV. How does that sound?

M: Yeah, let's just stay home and watch that. Then we can go out Friday night.

W: Did you forget that Allan and Catherine are coming to dinner that night? In addition we probably couldn't get a baby-sitter Friday. There's a school dance.

M: OK. I hope Saturday is all right. Do we have anything planned for then?

W: No, Saturday is fine. And there's a good movie starting on Saturday too.

M: Good. I'm going to play bowling Saturday morning but I'll be home by 2:00 p.m. Then we can go out for s big dinner and to the movies, if nothing else comes up.

W: I'm sure we'll be able to. It's so nice to share the wonderful romantic movie with my darling.

M: It's the same to me.


A.The weekend dancing.

B.The weekend shopping.

C.The weekend party.

D.The weekend arrangement.



听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: Oh, n

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I'm just calling to see how you and Mom are. It's been quite a while since I saw you last.

M: Oh, we're both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center, shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time. How's Tom?

W: He's fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, and I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy's home from school today. It's nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it's his birthday, too.

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the 23rd.

M: Well, that's too bad. Tell him we sent him a present.

W: All right. Sally's taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I'd like to see her sometime. And how's Ted?

W: He's OK. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it's certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I'm afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything's all right. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye, Dad.


A.Because she wanted to know ii everything was OK with her parents.

B.Because she wanted to invited her parents to Billy's birthday party.

C.Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything was OK with her children.

D.Because she wanted to tell her parents that Tom was given a raise.



听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. How is your vacation?W: Terrific! I went to Washington D.C. to visit

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. How is your vacation?

W: Terrific! I went to Washington D.C. to visit my cousin. I saw the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Institution, and the White House.

M: I've never been to Washington. What did you like the best?

W: Oh, the White House. Did you know that it's been the official home of our presidents since 1800? And every president except George Washington has lived in it.

M: I didn't know it was that old. Is it really as nice as everyone says it is?

W: It's only a three-storey building built of stone. But it's simple and definite. It used to be called the "President's House". President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901. The White House has a fascinating history. It survived a fire at the hands of the British in 1814.

M: I remember now. The president then was James Madison. And his wife Dolley ran out of the burning building carrying Gilbert Stuart's portrait of Washington.

W: Yes, that's right. It's hanging in the East Room now.

M: How big is the White House?

W: It's big. Imagine 18 acres of land with gardens and 132 rooms. It has to be painted every four years.

M: How much were you allowed to see?

W: Not very much. Only six of the rooms are open to the public. It's a popular tour, and there is always a line of people waiting. They want to look at their property, I guess.

M: Their property?

W: Sure. The White House is owned by the people of the United States. We elect the leaders who live in it.

M: But can just anyone go inside?

W: Of course. Anyone can see our president's home.


A.George Washington.

B.Thomas Jefferson.

C.James Madison.

D.Abraham Lincoln.


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