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听力原文:A unique laboratory at the University of Chicago is busy only at night. It is a d

听力原文: A unique laboratory at the University of Chicago is busy only at night. It is a dream laboratory where researchers are at work studying dreamers. Their findings have revealed that everyone dreams from three to seven times a night, although in ordinary life a person may remember none or only one of his dreams.

While the subjects--usually students--sleep, special machines record their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that signal the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects sleep soundly.

Observers report that a person usually fidgets before a dream. Once the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes become more active, as if the curtain had gone up on a show. As soon as the machine indicates that the dream is over, a buzzer wakes the sleeper. He sits up, records his dream, and goes back to sleep--perhaps to dream some more.

Researchers have found that if the dreamer is wakened immediately after his dream, he can usually recall the entire dream. If he is allowed to sleep even five more minutes, his memory of the dream will have faded.


A.Content of dreams.

B.Dreamers while they dream.

C.The meaning of dreams.

D.The process of sleeping.

更多“听力原文:A unique laboratory at the University of Chicago is busy only at night. It is a d”相关的问题


听力原文:A recent film, The Cods Must Be Crazy, described the social change that can resul

听力原文: A recent film, The Cods Must Be Crazy, described the social change that can result in a society from the introduction of a single item from the outside world. While a pilot was flying in a light plane over a remote desert in South Africa, he finished the soda he was drinking and throw the bottle out of the window. It fell to the ground in an area where an Mrican tribe lived. The people there had almost no possession or sense of private property. No one in this small, remote society had seen a soda bottle before and, because it came from the sky, they believe that it must be a unique gift from the gods. When the bottle was first found, it was something new and people of all ages enjoyed admiring it, playing with it, and thinking about its purpose. It was not very long, however, before arguments and conflict arose among group members about who would possess the bottle and for what purpose. The harmony of this peaceful society was disturbed by the introduction of a new item of technology. And, as it was told in the film, ties of affection were broken, and people's trust in each other disappointed.


A.Because the bottle was empty and useless.

B.Because he wanted to lighten the load of his small plane.

C.Because the bottle might be useful to the native Africans.

D.Because he wanted to amuse the local tribe's people.



听力原文:In 1968, the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, had a problem. The city's school

听力原文: In 1968, the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, had a problem. The city's school system needed a new school building and teachers but did not have the money to pay for this multi-million-dollar project. City officials solved the problem in a unique way. They decided to use the many scientific and cultural institutions in the city and the classrooms. Experts who worked in the various institutions would be the teachers. About 100 institutions in Philadelphia--public, private, and commercial--helped the Program. The experiment in education, known as the Parkway Program, began in February 1969. John Bremer, an Englishman and education innovator, planned the program and became its director. The Program had grown in size from 142 to 500 high school students and is so popular that thousands of applicants are denied places each year. The Program gives a freedom to high school education never known before. Besides basic courses required for a diploma--languages, history, science--students may choose from more than a hundred other courses. Any subject will be offered if an instructor can be found. Every group of 15 boys and girls belong to a "tutorial group", led by a teacher and one assistant. Students in the Program say that school is no longer a place but an interesting activity.


A.City officials.

B.Experts in various institutions.

C.Newly-graduated university students.

D.Some famous scientists.



听力原文:Cornton Vale is a new prison specially designed for women in Scotland. The 226 pr

听力原文: Cornton Vale is a new prison specially designed for women in Scotland. The 226 prisoners there live in small units of seven rooms. There is a kitchen where they cook their own meals and a lounge with fitted carped and armchairs.

The "wake-up, wake-up" called by loudspeaker at 7 every morning is followed by a music program, which creates the atmosphere of a holiday camp. During the day, most of the prisoners are employed in three workshops, making toys or clothing. Their earning—up to 90 pence a week—can be spent in the prison shop.

The gymnasium, which also acts as a cinema and concert hall, has facilities for table tennis, basketball and dancing.

Prisoners, particularly those with long sentences, are encouraged to be independent and take responsibility for themselves and others. This is in many ways much more demanding than simply serving time. Just as the deputy governor of this prison once said, "We try to preserve the prisoners's self-respect as much as possible, by imagining ourselves in their position" ourselves in their position.' His words explain why this new prison is mn in a unique way.


A.A small town in Britain.

B.A new type of jail.

C.A labor camp.

D.A big gymnasium in Scotland.



听力原文:I'll still be working. But things will be different. With any luck, I'll be earni

听力原文: I'll still be working. But things will be different. With any luck, I'll be earning more money. The most important thing will be the job itself, and how interesting it is. I mean, I hope I'll be able to choose the kind of job I do and 5vho I work for. Of course, I' d like to have more money and more authority than I have now. But I don' t think that' s the only thing in life. What I really want is to be more independent than I am now, to have more control over my own life. Perhaps open a small restaurant, or write a book or something like that. I' m not really sure if I'll ever have children, or even if I want to be married. It all depends. Of course, if I meet the right person, anything could happen. But I won' t feel that my life is empty and meaningless if I' m still living alone ten years, or even twenty years from now. Not at all. My mother is always saying there is nothing like a good relationship. But I am not so sure. There is nothing worse than a really bad one, either.


A.Her unique experience.

B.Her future prospects.

C.Her favourite job.

D.Her lonely life.



听力原文:M: Hi, Hellen. How are you doing?W: Pretty good. Thanks. Have you helped me look

听力原文:M: Hi, Hellen. How are you doing?

W: Pretty good. Thanks. Have you helped me look at my graduate school application, and the statement of purpose I wrote?

M: Well, yeah. Basically it's good. What you might actually do is to take some of the different points here and actually break them out into separate paragraphs, like your purpose for applying for graduate study, specialty, and why do you want to do the area you specify, what you want to do with your degree when you get it.

W: OK, right.

M: So you may expand on each point. Expand some more on what's happened in your life and what shows your motivation and interest in this area geology.

W: OK, so make it a little more personal? That's OK?

M: That's fine. They look for that stuff. It's critical that somebody see what your passion is and your personal motivation for doing this. You might give a little more explanation about your unique undergraduate background, like the music program, what you got from that and why you decided to change. I mean it is kind of unusual to go from music to geology. Right?

W: Yeah. I was, I was afraid of that, you know, maybe the personal type stuff wouldn't be what they want. But...

M: You know, I think probably your music background is the most unique thing that you get your records.

W: Right.

M: So you see, you get to make yourself stand out from a couple of a hundred of applications. Does that help any?

W: Yeah, it does. It gives me some good ideas.

M: Also, think about presentation, I mean the presentation formats, your grammar, and all that stuff they are looking at in your materials at the same time.

W: Right. OK.


A.The woman asked the man to help her apply for a job.

B.The Woman asked the man to read her graduate school application.

C.The woman asked the man to help her with her homework.

D.The woman asked the man to prepare a presentation for her.



听力原文:M: Hi, Hellen. How are you doing?W: Pretty good. Thanks. (19)Have you helped me l

听力原文:M: Hi, Hellen. How are you doing?

W: Pretty good. Thanks. (19)Have you helped me look at my graduate school application, and the statement of purpose I wrote?

M: Well, yeah. Basically it's good. What you might actually do is to take some of the different points here and actually break them out into separate paragraphs, like your purpose for applying for graduate study, specialty, and why do you want to do the area you specify, what you want to do with your degree when you get it.

W: OK, right.

M: So you may expand on each point. Expand some more on what's happened in your life and what shows your motivation and interest in this area geology.

W: OK, so make it a little more personal? That's OK?

M: That's fine. They look for that stuff. It's critical that somebody see what your passion is and your personal motivation for doing this. (20)You might give a little more explanation about your unique undergraduate background, like the music program, what you got from that and why you decided to change. I mean it is kind of unusual to go from music to geology. Right?

W: Yeah. I was, I was afraid of that, you know, maybe the personal type stuff wouldn't be what they want. But...

M: You know, I think probably your music background is the most unique thing that you get your records.

W: Right.

M: So you see, you get to make yourself stand out from a couple of a hundred of applications. Does that help any?

W: Yeah, it does. It gives me some good ideas.

M: Also, (21)think about presentation, I mean the presentation formats, your grammar, and all that stuff they are looking at in your materials at the same time.

W: Right. OK.


A.The woman asked the man to help her apply for a job.

B.The Woman asked the man to read her graduate school application.

C.The woman asked the man to help her with her homework.

D.The woman asked the man to prepare a presentation for her.



听力原文:Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense

听力原文: Are you aware that you actually possess six senses? The sixth is a muscular sense responsible for directing your muscles intelligently—to the exact extent necessary for each action you perform. For example, when you reach for an object, the sensory nerves linking the muscles to the brain stop your hand at the correct spot. This automatic perception of the position of your muscles in relation to the object is your muscular sense in action.

Muscles are stringy bundles of fibers varying from one five-thousandth of an inch to about three inches. They have three unique characteristics: they can become shorter and thicker; they can stretch; and they can retract to their original positions. Under a high powered microscope, muscle tissue is seen as long, slender cells with a grainy texture like wood.

More than half of a person's body is composed of muscle fibers, most of which are involuntary--in other words, work without conscious direction. The voluntary muscles, those that we move consciously to perform. particular actions, number more than five hundred. Women have only 60 to 70 percent as much muscle as men for their body mass. That is why an average woman can't lift as much, throw as far, or hit as hard as an average man.


A.It means that one always knows what his muscles are doing.

B.It means that one performs simple actions without working.

C.It means that one's muscles are used only to the extent necessary for each action they perform.

D.It means that one improves muscular action consciously.



听力原文:Why are so few tigers man-eaters? Why are fewer than three percent likely to be m

听力原文: Why are so few tigers man-eaters? Why are fewer than three percent likely to be man-eaters? Why are we off the menu for tigers?

It's widely assumed that tigers keep us off the menu through fear. But what are they afraid of? Do they know that we may be better armed than they are? Can they really realize that if they kill just one of us they'll get a whole army after them? Do they find our smell unpleasant? Perhaps.

I think the explanation is simpler and, in a way, more interesting. I suspect that a tiger's fear of humans lies in the way he perceives us at the unique moment of contact.

I am 1.8m tall. A tiger is less than lm tall but may be up to 3m long. So when a tiger sees me, it might reasonably assume that I'm 6m long. If I were a huge deer, he'd leap on my back, but he discovers I have no back. From the front I'm huge, but from the side I all but disappear very upset. A hunter has to be confident that it can tackle its prey, and no one's confident when upset.

If I'm correct, the opposite should be tree of a sitting human, who is half the size, presents twice the spread of back and more closely resembles a medium-sized deer. And, indeed, many attacks on people involve villagers sitting or bending over to cut grass.

When that tiger appeared within inches of me on that twilight evening, I know what was going through my mind. But perhaps I should not even try to guess what he was thinking.


A.Because men are seldom seen in the forest.

B.Because tigers are afraid of something.

C.Because men are not edible.

D.Because men shout aloud.



听力原文:M: Hi, Susan. Where have you been?W: Hi, David. I was just at the library. I have

听力原文:M: Hi, Susan. Where have you been?

W: Hi, David. I was just at the library. I have to hand in my biology paper tomorrow.

M: Tomorrow? Oh, no[ I thought it wasn't due until next week.

W: Oh. Don't worry. It is due next Tuesday. But I'm going away for the weekend and won't be back till Monday night.

M: Oh, where are you going?

W: Philadelphia. We're having a family reunion. It's my grandmother's eightieth birthday.

M: Great! How many people will be there?

W: Around sixty.

M: It seems that your family are pretty close.

W: You said it. So have you started working on your biology paper?

M: Yeah. I'm doing it on bees and how they're able to recognize whether another bee is related to them.

W: How can they tell?

M: They use their sense of smell. The bees guard their nests this way. If another bee approaches the nest, the guard determines if the new bee is familiar. If it is, it's allowed to enter.

W: Sounds interesting. Can other insects do this?

M: Well, as far as I am concerned, some wasps can. Each wasp nest has a special combination of plant fibers and so the wasps that live there have a unique smell.

W: Urn, it sounds like that the bees are picky about who comes to their family reunion.


A.They're roommates.

B.They're classmates.

C.They're cousins.

D.They're lab partners.


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