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You can inform. your embassy of your account number so that your money can be()directl

You can inform. your embassy of your account number so that your money can be()directl





更多“You can inform. your embassy of your account number so that your money can be()directl”相关的问题



A.I regret to inform. you, therefore, that we cannot give you a refund.

B.Therefore, I am pleased to inform. you that we cannot give you a refund.

C.I regret to inform. you, therefore, that we can give you a refund.

D.Therefore, I regret to inform. you that we cannot accept your request.



听力原文:Good morning, I'm Michael, housing director here at the university. I'm visiting

听力原文: Good morning, I'm Michael, housing director here at the university. I'm visiting all the dormitories this week to inform. students about cheek-out procedures. I know you have a lot on your mind with finals coming up, but there are a few things you need to be aware of as you prepare to leave for vacation. This dormitory will be closed during the summer months and will reopen on September 1st. You must vacate your room by June 3rd. Even if you are registered for classes during the summer, you must leave this dorm by June 3rd. If this poses a problem for you, you should contact my office as soon as possible. You should remember Io turn in your room key before you leave. Failure to return your key can result in a dollar fine. You must also make sure that all of your personal property has been cleared out of your room. I will be passing out a form. for you to fill out concerning the condition of your room. You should report on the form. of any damage to your room which has occurred over the last year, such as holes in the room's walls, doors or windows. That way our summer maintenance crew will know where to make re pairs before the next school year starts. If you have any questions during the next few days, please ask your resident advisers or call my office. Now, please take one of the forms as they are passed around.


A.Resident advice.

B.Summer vacation.

C.The housing office.

D.Check-out procedures.



Section CDirections: In this section,you will hear n passage three times.When the passage

Section C

Directions: In this section,you will hear n passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 t0 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 t0 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally,when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

In the humanities, authors write to inform. you in many ways. These methods can be (36) _________________into three types of informational writing: factual, descriptive, and process. Factual writing provides (37) __________ information on an author, composer or artist or on a type of music, literature, or art. Examples of factual writing include notes on a book jacket or (38) _____________cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style. of music which you might read in a music (39) ____________course. This kind of writing provides a (40) _____________for your study of the humanities.

As its name (41) ____________, descriptive writing simply describes or provides an (42)_____________ of, a piece of music, art or literature. For example, descriptive writing might list the colors an artist used in a painting or the (43) ______ a composer included in a musical composition, so as to make pictures of sounds in the readers’ mind by calling up specific details of the work. (44) __________________________________________________________________________________________.

Process writing explains a series of actions that bring about a result. (45) __________________________________________________________________________________. This kind of writing is often found in art, where understanding how an art has created a certain effect is important.




The key to any successful garage sale (家庭旧物出售)is to get the word out.The best me
The key to any successful garage sale (家庭旧物出售)is to get the word out.The best me

ans of advertising your sale is to place an ad in the local newspaper.If you have a city and neighborhood paper, make sure you advertise in both.The ad should be large enough that it stands out.It should also include information on where the sale is located with directions, the "hot" items you're selling and the time the sale will start and end.An ad should be placed at least two days before the sale and run until the day of your event.That way people can plan their route (路线)to the sale in advance.

Sig ns are another great way to inform. your community.Post them in places where people gather, such as stores and community centers.Some businesses have a central bulletin board (布告栏), which is the best place to advertise.Other places to post are at the loc al college or university campus.This is especially helpful if your sale is happening in August or early September when students have returned to school and are looking for cheap finds.

Post signs around your neighborhood.You should also place both ads a nd direction signs, especially if you're located on a side street without a major presence.Signs will attract and direct people.Just make sure you print in bold letters and use large direction signs so people can read the information from the front seat of their car.

1.The best way of getting out the news of your garage sale is to ().

A.publish the news online

B.visit people door-to-door

C.advertise in the local newspaper

D.make phone calls to your neighbors

2.You should place an ad at least two days before the sale so that people can ().

A.get enough cash for the sale

B.compare prices of the items

C.select the items they will buy

D.decide on their route in advance

3.Why should signs be po sted in a community center?()

A.Schools are nearby

B.There are many stores

C.Students often meet there

D.More people gather there

4.What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph?()

A.Colored signs are preferred

B.Bold letters should be used

C.Large pictures should be included

D.Phone numbers should be provided

5.The best title for the passage might be ().

A.Advertising Garage Sales

B.Advanta ges of Garage Sales

C.Importance of Garage Sales

D.Printing Ads for Garage Sales



If you are going to be more than a few minutes late for an appointment in America, youshou
ld call your friend to inform. him of your lateness.




听力原文:W: I come to remind you of a meeting scheduled for 10 o'clock this morning.M: I a

听力原文:W: I come to remind you of a meeting scheduled for 10 o'clock this morning.

M: I am available at that time.

W: That is great. The meeting will be held in the manager's office, do you know where the office is?

M: Yes, I have been there before.

W: Will you need any additional equipment set up for your presentation?

M: No. I have a laptop computer. (23) As long as I can hook that up to the office, I should be all set. Are you responsible for the minutes?

W: Yes. Since I am new here, I am not very familiar with the work until now. Can I consult you with a few questions?

M: Sure.

W: Should I record every word that everyone says?

M: No, you needn't. You just make a note of the topics.

W: And should I type out the minutes from the notes?

M: Yes, of course. (24) In fact, the most important thing is to draft a reasonable agenda, which must be centered on the topic of the meeting and take all the factors into consideration.

W: I see.

M: For the preparation work, you need to notify every person who should attend the meeting. Especially, you need by inform. related staff members who are responsible for some specific affairs at the meeting. (25) And after the meeting, you need to clear up their reports and decisions made at the 'meeting.

W: Thank you very much. You have done me a great favor.

M: Not at all. That's what I should do. See you then.

W: See you.


A.Find another equipment.

B.Connect his computer to the office.

C.Find the manger's office.

D.Do preparation for the minutes.



听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?W: Not too good, I suppose.M: What happened?

听力原文:M: Hi, Mandy. How's everything going?

W: Not too good, I suppose.

M: What happened?

W: Well, you know I moved out from Mrs. Henzer's nine months ago. And all along I forgot to inform. the registration office to get my address changed. Guess what? The library sent three reminder notices on the fines incurred on the overdue books and Mrs. Henzer kept the letters without returning them to the senders.

M: How did you find out?

W: Well, I went to the registration to get my transcript. but they said there are some outstanding fines that I have to settle before they can release it.

M: Then just pay the fine and you. can get your transcript. What's the big problem?

W: Yeah, that's exactly what I thought but the fine came to $150 and that was a shock to me. I didn't expect it to come to that much.

M: Oh. That's a bit of a bite! Did you keep the book for long? That's the first time I've come across such a big fine on the library loan.

W: Guess what? I checked with the library and they told me three books are still outstanding. They're from 8 months ago. I thought I'd returned them.

M: Are you sure you returned the books yourself or did you get someone to do it?

W: Well, hard to recall now since it was so long ago. At that time I was holding two jobs and had to juggle with school. I really thought I had returned them.

M: Tell you what. Why don't you go back in Mrs. Henzer and see if the books are still there? Otherwise, you'll have to pay for the lost books and I'm sure they will cost more than $150.

W: I guess that's the only choice I'm left with right now.


A.She had moved out of the old address.

B.She ignored it.

C.The library didn't try to inform. her about it.

D.The landlord refused to give the books back to her.



You are Bob, working at Sunshine Car Wash.Your shop is about to move to a new site.In
order to keep its regular customers, the shop will offer a free car-wash service for the first three days after the move.Write an e-mail to your customers (about 50 words):

(1) to tell them when and where you are moving;

(2) to inform. them of your offer;

(3) to invite them to come.



听力原文:W: Hi, Professor Johnson.M: Hi, Anna. What can I do for you?W: Remember, I e-mail

听力原文:W: Hi, Professor Johnson.

M: Hi, Anna. What can I do for you?

W: Remember, I e-mailed you about getting the handouts from the class I missed the other day, and you said I could stop by and pick them up today.

M: Oh, that's right. You know, that's the fourth class you've missed this semester, and that's not doing your grade any good. I assume you had a good reason for being out....

W: I know, I really hated to miss another class, but I had the flu, and I could hardly get out of bed. That'll be the last class I miss, though. I promise.

M: Okay, uh...Oh yes, the handouts. There were three of them, and I'll get those for you in just a minute. They're pretty self-explanatory, but if you have any questions, just send me an e-mail.

W: Okay, thank you.

M: Sure. Uh, but we also watched a video, and we'll be having an essay question about it on the next exam, so, Hmmm...Do you have a VCR at home?

W: Actually, I don't, but I do have access to one.

M: Okay...Well I can lend it to you, but the only thing is, you'd have to watch it tonight and get it back to me early tomorrow, because I'm going to be showing it in the other section of that class tomorrow afternoon.

W: That'd be great.

M: Okay...You know what? How about if we do it this way? I'll keep it for now and show it in my class tomorrow, and uh then you can drop by here and pick it up on Friday morning and bring it with you when you come to class next week. How does that sound?

W: Oh, yeah. Thank you.


A.To get materials for a class she missed.

B.To discuss an assignment she is working on.

C.To ask a question about a video her class recently watched.

D.To inform. the professor of changes in her schedule.



One of the effcts of lower pay than your.peers,Is that().
One of the effcts of lower pay than your.peers,Is that().

A.it can motivate you to struggle for a similar salary

B.it can inspire you to argue with your manager

C.it may make you feel proud of your peers

D.it may force you to quit your current work



You can start your own business ________________________(只要得到当局允许).

You can start your own business ________________________(只要得到当局允许).


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