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A.Identify five types of taste.B.Rank five kinds of food.C.Find out two

A.Identify five types of taste.

B.Rank five kinds of food.

C.Find out two blank strips,

D.Compete in eating spicy food.

更多“A.Identify five types of taste.B.Rank five kinds of food.C.Find out two”相关的问题


The most important breakthroughs are coming in cancer, heart disease, brain afflictio
The most important breakthroughs are coming in cancer, heart disease, brain afflictions such as stroke, and autoimmune diseases such as Type I (juvenile) diabetes, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Here are some treatments that could reach patients within five to ten years.

The Topic:()



Would different organizations, such as IBM, Chevrolet, and Pizza Hut, have different

A.All organizations utilize a traditional control system design

B.All organizations must have their own unique control system

C.All organizations probably would not have the same control system

D.Organizations function with one of five different control systems, according to William Ouchi

E.Organizations in similar industries all use the same type of control system



听力原文:Play is the principal business of children, and more and more in recent years res

听力原文: Play is the principal business of children, and more and more in recent years research has shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being. From earliest infancy, every child needs an opportunity and the right materials for play, and the main tools of play are toys. Their main function is to suggest, encourage and assist play. Therefore it is important to choose suitable toys for different stages of a child's development.

In recent years research on infant development has shown the standard a child is likely to reach, within the range of his inherited abilities, is largely determined in the first three years of his life. so a baby's ability to profit from the right play materials should not be underestimated. A baby who is encouraged and stimulated, talked to and shown things and played with, has the best chance of growing up successfully.

The next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and construction toy; painting and make things; sand and water play; toys for imaginative and pretending play; the first social games for learning to play and get on with others.

By the third stage of play development—from five to seven or eight years the child is at school. But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning, at home or at school. It is easier now to see which type of toys the child most enjoys.


A.They can suggest and assist children's play.

B.They can give children opportunities to play things.

C.They can make children excited.

D.They can prevent children from crying.



A.Identify the suspect from pictures.B.Go upstairs to sign some document.C.Have her ph

A.Identify the suspect from pictures.

B.Go upstairs to sign some document.

C.Have her photo taken for their files.

D.Verify the record of what she had said.



Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.The earlier type of suburb, which wa
s most dependent on the railroad, had a special advantage that could be fully appreciated only after it had disappeared. These suburbs, spread out along a railroad line, were discontinuous and properly spaced; and without the aid of legislation (法规) they were limited in population as well as area; for the biggest rarely held as many as ten thousand people, and under five thousand was more usual. In 1950, for example, Bronxville, New York, a typical upper-class suburb, had 6,778 people, while Riverside, Illinois, founded as early as 1869, had only 9.153.

The size and scale of the suburb, that of neighborhood unit, was not entirely the result of its open planning, which favored low densities. Being served by a railroad line, with station stops from three to five miles apart, there was a natural limit to the spread of any particular community. House had to be sited “within easy walking distance of the railroad station,” as some old residents would point out; and only those wealthy enough to afford a horse and a carriage dared to penetrate farther into the open country.

Through its spaced station stops, the railroad suburb was at first kept from spreading or excessively increasing in numbers, for a natural greenbelt, often still under cultivation as park, gardens, remained between the suburbs and increased the available recreation area. Occasionally, in a few happy areas like Westchester, between 1915 and 1935 a parkway, like the Bronx River parkway, accompanied by continuous strip of park for pedestrian (散步的人) use, not yet overrun by a constant stream of urban traffic, added to the perfection of the whole suburban pattern. Whatever one might say of the social disadvantages this was in many ways a perfect physical environment. But it lasted less than a generation.

第26题:What was the special advantage of the old type of suburb?

A) Its nearness to the railroad.

B) The vastness of its open space.

C) Its small size in area and population.

D) The high social status of its residents.



A.Identify where contamination is likely to happen.B.Have measures to deal with

A.Identify where contamination is likely to happen.

B.Have measures to deal with emergency cases.

C.Make sure they have clean sources of raw materials.

D.Report regularly to the Food and Drug Administration.



Police hope that a member of the public will be able to ______a man seen acting suspicious
ly a few hours before the murder took place.







Color-blind people often find it difficult to ______ between red and green.A.identifyB.dis

Color-blind people often find it difficult to ______ between red and green.







Error analysis may be carried out in order to______.

A.identify strategies which learners use in language learning

B.try to identify the causes of learner errors.

C.obtain information on common difficulties in language learning

D.All of the above.



Questions 下列各are based on the following passage. A study of nearly 140,000 women in the
U. S. showed that regular helpings of a small portion of nuts can have a powerful protective effect against a disease that is threatening to become a global epidemic. Women who consumed a 28 gram packet of walnuts at least twice a week were 24 per cent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who rarely or never ate them. Eating walnuts just two or three times a week can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by almost a quarter. The latest findings, published in the Journal of Nutrition, are not the first to highlight the anti-diabetic effects of walnuts, with earlier research showing similar benefits. However, this is thought to be one of the largest studies to fmd regularly snacldng on them can help prevent the condition. Although the latest research was carried out on female nurses, its likely that the same benefits apply to men. According to the charity Diabetes UK, at the current rate of increase, the numbers affected by type 2 diabetes in the UK will rise from around 2.5 million currently to four million by 2025 and five million by 2030. Left untreated, it can raise the risk of heart attacks, blindness and amputation (截肢). Being overweight, physically inactive and having a poor diet are major risk factors for the disease. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, U. S. , tracked 137,893 nurses aged from 35 to 77 over a ten year period to see how many developed type 2 diabetes. Their dietary habits were closely monitored, including details on how often they ate nuts, particularly walnuts. After allowing for body fat and weight, the researchers found eating walnuts one to three times a month reduced the risk by four per cent, once a week by 13 per cent and at least twice a week by 24 per cent. In a report on the fmdiugs the researchers said: "These results suggest higher walnut consumption is associated with a significantly lower risk of type 2 diabetes in women: " Walnuts are rich in healthy fatty acids(脂肪酸)which have been shown to reduce inflammation (炎症) in the body and protect against heart disease, cancer and arthritis(关节炎). Last year, experts at the University of California Los Angeles also found young men in their twenties and thirties who ate walnuts every day increased their sperm count and boosted their fertility. The research comes just after a Louisiana State University study which showed that eating nuts can reduce peoples risk of obesity. The study found that those who consumed varieties such as almonds and pistachios(开心果) demonstrated a lower body weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference compared to non-consumers. They were also at lower risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. According to the passage, what does "a global epidemic" (Line 3, Para. 1 ) refer to?

A.A disease.

B.Type 2 diabetes.




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