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You are too romantic about your future husband; such a man does not exist in real lif


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听力原文:W: What are the flowers for, Richard?M: Five years of happiness. Happy anniversar

听力原文:W: What are the flowers for, Richard?

M: Five years of happiness. Happy anniversary.

W: But our anniversary isn't until Saturday.

M: I couldn't wait. Besides, we are not going to be here Saturday.

W: Where are we going to be?

M: If you had your choice of all the places in the world, where would you choose to spend our anniversary?

W: The Watermill Inn. I loved that place when we went on our honeymoon.

M: Perfect! You picked the right place.

W: I don't understand.

M: You and I are going to spend a second honeymoon at the Watermill Inn.

W: Oh, Richard! That's wonderful, but...

M: No buts, absolutely not. The world's greatest grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Stewart, has agreed to take care of him for the weekend.

W: But isn't that too much to ask of your mother?

M: Too much? She loves taking care of Max.

W: But... I'll miss him.

M: Well, we'll phone every hour, and you can listen to him over the phone. Come on. Honey, it's time you and I had a romantic weekend alone together. We've earned it. What do you say?

W: It does sound tempting. You're right. We've earned it.

M: Great! I'll make a reservation fight now. Remember that wonderful little balcony where we had our meals... with a view of the Hudson River?

W: How could I forget?

M: My mom is available to baby-sit this weekend.

W: Well, OK. Check if they have a room.

M: I've already made arrangements. Right! You and I are going to have a wonderful, romantic weekend!


A.Two years.

B.Three years.

C.Five years.

D.Eight years.



听力原文:W: I haven't seen you here for a couple weeks. Have you stopped eating or somethi

M: No. Does it look like I've stopped eating? I've been spending a lot of time in the library.

W: Working on a paper?

M: I wish I was working on a paper! I'm working on three different papers: anthropology, English literature, and history.

W: Wow, that is a lot of work.

M: Yeah, and what's frustrating is that I'm studying the nineteenth century British Empire in all three classes, but I can't just write a single paper for all three.

W: Why not?

M: The professors won't let me even if I make it three times as long as the suggested length.

W: That's too bad. Could you write your papers on three aspects of one topic?

M: Hmm. What do you mean? Do you have something in mind?

W: Well, let's see. Hmm... Maybe you could do something with Romanticism, like, ohh.., write your anthropology paper on the cultural basis of Romanticism, and, uh, your history paper on the influence of the Romantic poets on British foreign policy, and, OK, and your English paper on an analysis of some Romantic poems. M: Hey, that's not a bad idea! I've already started the research for one of the papers, so I can use that. What can I do to repay you?

W: You want to write up my chemistry paper for me?

M: I'd love to, but I've never taken chemistry, so I'm not sure you'd like the results.

W: Oh well, no thanks necessary then. I'll do it myself. Have a good weekend, and try to get out of the library and get some sleep. You have big circles under your eyes.

M: OK, I'll try. See you later.


A.Writing papers for his classes.

B.Preparing for the coming exam in the library.

C.Doing extra work in the chemistry lab.

D.Working overtime at a library.



听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.M: Please do.

听力原文:W: Excuse me, Dr Tyler, your secretary said I should come right in.

M: Please do. Jenny, how can I help you?

W: I need to get your signature on my schedule card here, on the line above advisor's approval.

M: Sure, but let's look it over together first. How many courses do you have here?

W: Six.

M: Six? That's quite a heavy load. Any particular reason?

W: I had to drop my chemistry course last semester when I was in the hospital, so I need to take it again.

M: So you've already learnt a lot of the material.

W: Right. And calculus is a part of the second year requirement.

M: Let's see, chemistry, calculus. Oh, I See you'll be in my seminar on the modern American novel.

W: Yes, I'm looking forward to it and to the romantic poetry seminar, too.

M: Two seminars? That is rather a lot. Can you handle the work?

W: I think so. The introductory economics class is very easy and so is the music course.

M: Well, then I'll be happy to sign the card. However, I must insist that you come see me after the first week of classes so that we can make sure this isn't too much for you.

W: That's a promise.


A.In a professor's office.

B.In a medical doctor's office.

C.In an auditorium

D.In a gym.



听力原文:W: Hi, Scott, have you heard about Diana recently? M: No, I haven't talked to her

听力原文:W: Hi, Scott, have you heard about Diana recently?

M: No, I haven't talked to her for a couple of months. How are things going with her?

W: Well, she is OK. She only had a little accident last week in her new car.

M: Oh, It’s too bad! Was anybody hurt? Was there much damage?

W: No, it was really a small accident and everybody was fine. It was the other driver's fault.

M: Well, that's good. By the way, is she still going out with David?

W: Haven't you heard yet? They're getting married!

M: You are kidding!

W: She said he gave her a ring on her birthday.

M: My! How romantic! When is the big day?

W: This October.

M: Will it be a church wedding or a civil one?

W: Diana is a catholic. So, there will be a church wedding.

M: Good. No doubt, she will be very beautiful in her wedding gown.

W: Surely, and she’s invited me to be her maid of honor.

M: Did you promise her?

W: Yes, I did. It'll be my first time.

M: Whom did David ask to be his best man?

W: He told me that you would be his best choice.

M: Me? My God! It’s also my first time.

W: You don’t want to do that?

M: Yes. I do. Now, I must have a talk with him. See you.


A.She bought a new car.

B.She was injured in an accident.

C.She went out with David.

D.' She had a little accident.



A: Would you like to see an action film?B: Not again. I___ a romantic film this time.

A.prefer to


C.would rather



听力原文:M: Hello, Janet. I'm glad to see you back. Did you have a nice holiday?W: Yes, gr

听力原文:M: Hello, Janet. I'm glad to see you back. Did you have a nice holiday?

W: Yes, great! (20)We arrived at our hotel at five o'clock on Saturday afternoon and didn't really do anything much until the next morning when my father hired a small family car and we all went to Safari Park.

M: Safari Park? Where is it?

W: It is not far from London, full of lovely wild animals. (19)We motored through the monkeys' compound first and that was an experience. They climbed all over our car and we had a wonderful view of the monkeys.

M: Oh, it sounds interesting. It is the kind of park I like. Did you see any bigger animals?

W: Of course. We had to lock ourselves in when we were in the lions' compartment, because the lions could come very close.

M: Oh, it must have been terrifying. Did they come to you?

W: No. We saw them sleeping under trees, quite far away from us. We were unlucky and didn't see them clearly. Anyway, we had a good time there.

M: What else did you do?

W: On Monday we all went off to Oxford and spent a whole day there. On the way to Oxford we stopped at Stone henge (史前巨石柱).

M: Stonehenge! (22)It reminds me of my own experience when I was a student at Oxford. (21)I think it will be a rather romantic thing to drive off in the early hours of the morning and watch the sun rise behind the stones.

W: Right. It was a beautiful day when we got there. We took lots of photographs there.

M: You were lucky. You couldn't have seen the view if there bad been too much fog.


A.It has a beautiful scenery.

B.The lions there are all locked.

C.The monkeys there are very entertaining.

D.It is in a very remote place with wild animals.



-Are you fond of action movie?-().

A.I'm afraid not I enjoyed romantic movi

B.No, I have a passion for singing

C.Yes. I really go for watching movies.

D.I never think about it



听力原文:M:Paris is such a romantic place.I hope Dad call take you there to spend your wed
ding anniversary.

W:The day your Dad takes me to Paris is the day pigs fly.

Q:what does the woman mean?


A.Paris is not romantic enough.

B.Paris is not modern enough.

C.They're not very likely to go to Paris.

D.It's impossible that they will go to Paris.



A.It is very beautiful when the sun rises.B.It's good to appreciate the beauty.C.It is

A.It is very beautiful when the sun rises.

B.It's good to appreciate the beauty.

C.It is more beautiful when there is some fog.

D.It looks very romantic when you drive past it.



A.It is very beautiful when the sun rises.B.A person needs experience to appreciate th

A.It is very beautiful when the sun rises.

B.A person needs experience to appreciate the beauty.

C.It is more beautiful when there is some fog around it.

D.It looks very romantic when you drive past it.



听力原文:W: How was the movie that you went to last night? I know how much you wanted to s
ee it.

M: Well, I was hoping for something really wonderful But the movie was full of stereotypes, and relationships that never fully developed.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.The movie was really wonderful.

B.The movie was so full of violent scenes.

C.The movie wasn't as good as he had expected.

D.The movie was overly concerned with romantic relationships.


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