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Let's try a bit harder, ____

A.will we

B.shall we

C.do we

D.are we

更多“Let's try a bit harder, ____”相关的问题


听力原文: Six consecutive days of spring rain had created a raging river running by Nancy
Brown's farm. As She tried to herd her cows to higher ground, she slipped and hit her head on a fallen tree think. The fall knocked her out for a moment or two. When she came to, (32) Lizzie, one of her oldest and favorite cows, was licking her face. The water was rising. Nancy got up and began walking slowly with Lizzie. The water was now waist high. It was quite hard to walk in the water. Nancy's pace got slower and slower. Finally, all she could do was to throw her arm around Lizzie's neck and try to hang on. About twenty minutes later, Lizzie managed to successfully pull herself and Nancy out of the raging water and onto a bit of high land, a small island now in the middle of acres of white water.

Even though it was about noon, the sky was so dark and the rain and lightning so bad that it took rescuers another two hours to discover Nancy. A helicopter lowered a paramedic, who attached Nancy to a life-support hoist. (33) They raised her into the helicopter and took her to the school gym, where the Red Cross had set up an emergency shelter.

When the flood finally subsided two days later, Nancy immediately went back to the "island". (34) To her great grief, Lizzie was gone. She was one of nineteen cows that Nancy lost. "I owe my life to her," said Nancy sobbingly.


A.She was a farmer.

B.She was a cow.

C.She was a rescuer.

D.She was a horse.



听力原文:M: Let me try it on.W: Oh, terrific. It looks perfect on you, and it's half- pric

听力原文:M: Let me try it on.

W: Oh, terrific. It looks perfect on you, and it's half- price.

Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?


A.In the clinic.

B.In the post office.

C.In the grocery.

D.In the department store.



听力原文:W: Hi, Jack.How's it going? Have you just had a class? You look a little tired.M:

听力原文:W: Hi, Jack.How's it going? Have you just had a class? You look a little tired.

M: Yes. I just finished my listening class. It was a little bit difficult to me. Sometimes I really cannot follow the teacher.

W: Yeah, it's always difficult in the beginning. I found it quite hard when I first arrived. Mnn... (23)but you know, what really made a difference was going on these social activities that the college arranges for you. It gives you a chance to practice your English and...

M: Hmm... I've heard that the college is pretty good about organizing those kinds of things. I'd love to go of course. But how do I find out about them?

W: Well, I've just picked up a schedule today. Let's... let's have a look at it. Here it is... They've got Singing with Guitar on Monday nights. So I went to this last week.

M: Really'?

W: Yes. It's quite good fun. They teach you modern and traditional songs.

M: But, I'm not much of a singer.

W: Oh, come on. You should go. It's OK if you do not sing well. (24)It'd be a good way to practice your English.

M: (24)Yes. All right. Wait, what time does this singing thing finish? (25)I have an appointment with one of my professors at 8: 30.

W: Usually it starts at 7:00, and kind a lasts about two hours, but I mean, we can always leave earlier--they don't mind.

M: Oh, that will be great. I can do both.


A.He should listen more to the teacher.

B.He should take part in some social activities.

C.He should ask his professor for advice.

D.He should learn to sing English songs.



听力原文:M: Come in Sharon and take a seat. So, where shall we start? Should we begin with
a look at last year?

W: Fine.

M: How do you feel about your work in your first full year in the company?

W: Well, the job is exactly as it was advertised in the paper, so there have been no surprises. I like dealing with customers and 1 don't mind answering the phones and preparing invoices. Sometimes it's a bit boring to type long price lists, but someone has to do it.

M: That's true. Does anything make your job difficult?

W: The computer. To begin with, I was slow because I didn't know the program, but now I get annoyed when the computer just stops working for no reason. I think the computers are too old for our software and we need some new machines.

M: Is there anything else you would like to change?

W: Let me see. I'd like the manager to issue credit notes without having to ask you first. You're often away on business and sometimes customers ring up with a complaint. And if we can't contact you, then we can't deal with the complaint properly.

M: Yes, but some of our customers always find something wrong and try to get a credit note with every order. You can't believe everything they say. What about your objectives for the future?

W: Well, I need to get to know the customers better and try to make fewer mistakes. But I think the most important thing is to broaden my product knowledge, so I can help when customers make enquiries.

M: Don't worry, you'll learn all that in time.


A.Some time last year.

B.One year ago.

C.Over a year ago.

D.Half a year ago.



听力原文:M: Let's go to the movie after dinner.W: Well, I'll go if you really want to, but

听力原文:M: Let's go to the movie after dinner.

W: Well, I'll go if you really want to, but I'm a little bit tired.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She likes the movie very much.

B.She would rather not go to the movie.

C.She has to stay at home after dinner.

D.She is a little bit tired of Watching movies.



The purpose of the author's investigation is to study ______.A.why people try hard to seiz

The purpose of the author's investigation is to study ______.

A.why people try hard to seize luck

B.why people worship gods since ancient time

C.why some people are always lucky and others aren't

D.why people are feeling lucky while worshiping gods



听力原文:M: As hard as I try to get along with Eric, I just don't understand him.He hardly

听力原文:M: As hard as I try to get along with Eric, I just don't understand him. He hardly talks to me.

W: I used to feel the same way too. It just takes him a while to open up.

Q: What does the woman imply about Eric?


A.He doesn't like her.

B.He's very understanding.

C.He's usually late for work.

D.He tends to be shy at first.



听力原文:W: Let's try to find our seat near the stage.M: Listen! We'll be lucky if we can

听力原文:W: Let's try to find our seat near the stage.

M: Listen! We'll be lucky if we can find a place to stand at this concert!

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't find the tickets.

B.He doesn't want to sit close to the stage.

C.He would rather stand than sit down.

D.He expects the hall to be crowded.



A.He will allow the woman to miss class.B.He will reconsider the woman's excuse.C.He s

A.He will allow the woman to miss class.

B.He will reconsider the woman's excuse.

C.He suggests that the student try to reschedule the operation.

D.He won't let students leave unless they have medical excuses.



听力原文:M: Let's try to find seats near the stage.W: We'll be lucky if we can find a plac

听力原文:M: Let's try to find seats near the stage.

W: We'll be lucky if we can find a place to stand,

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He can't find the ticket.

B.He prefers to stand.

C.The ball is expected to be crowded.

D.He wants to sit close to the stage.



A.In Frost's poem the poet describes walking on a meadow.B.In the poem the poet plans

A.In Frost's poem the poet describes walking on a meadow.

B.In the poem the poet plans to try another after taking one way.

C.The choice in the poem means the choice of his career.

D.The risk of being a poem is that writing poems is hard work.


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