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Global warming only results from rapid increases in emissions of greenhouse gases.A.YB.NC.

Global warming only results from rapid increases in emissions of greenhouse gases.




更多“Global warming only results from rapid increases in emissions of greenhouse gases.A.YB.NC.”相关的问题


听力原文: Climate researchers still do not agree on whether the earth will become warmer d
uring the century. Even more importantly, none of them expect the planet to get very much warmer in the foreseeable future. They say that the earth is likely to warm by no more than 2 degrees Centigrade during this century.

Satellite studies indicated that additional cloud cover would moderate any warming trend. Highly ac curate satellite data for the last nineteen years show a slight cooling of the atmosphere. Most of the one-half-degree Centigrade of warming that has occurred in the last one-hundred years took place before 1940—before humanity put very much CO2 into the air. Thus there is strong evidence that the two are unconnected.

Research has only recently produced a computerized climate model able accurately to mimic the weather the world has accurately had. This more-accurate model projects only a 2-degree Centigrade increase in temperatures.

Between 900 AD and 1300 AD, the earth warmed by some 4 to 7 degrees Fahreheit—almost exactly what the models now predict for this century. History books call it the Little Climate Optimum. Written and oral history tells us that the warming created one of the most favorable periods in human history, crops were plentiful, death rates diminished, and trade and industry expanded—while art and architecture flourished,

Researchers tell us that we need not fear a return of the Little Climate Optimum. If there is any global warming in the 21th century, it will produce milder weather that marked the medieval Little Optimum—with the added benefit of more CO2 in the atmosphere and therefore a more luxuriant natural environment.


A.The earth will get warmer in the next century.

B.Some researchers wish the weather to become warmer.

C.Any warming up of the earth's atmosphere will be limited.

D.The earth's atmosphere will cool significantly.



Throughout George Bush's presidency, the federal government has refused to support any reg
ulation of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Whenever the subject comes up, officials tend to mumble (咕哝) about uncertainties. But on April 2nd, the Supreme Court at last settled one of the biggest outstanding questions: whether the government has the authority to curb emissions in the first place.

The court ruled that the Clean Air Act a law from the 1960 designed to combat smog--gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the power to regulate carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. It also said the EPA would need an excuse if it decided not to use this power. It dismissed the justifications the EPA had provided for inaction-that emissions from American cars were insignificant ill the grand scheme of things and that unilateral action by America would undermine efforts to achieve international consensus' on global warming—as inadequate. Strictly speaking, the ruling applies only to emissions from vehicles, but a very similar case regarding coal-fired power plants is pending (未决的) in federal court. The EPA says it is now examining the ruling.

The EPA might examine it for some time, of course. Any regulation it comes up with in response might still defer action into the distant future, since the law allows the EPA to delay implementation until appropriate technology can be acquired at a reasonable cost. Even if it proceeds quite swiftly, a new president and Congress with globe-cooling ideas of their own will be in place long before any new rule come into effect.

That suits the environmental lobby just fine. They hope the ruling will spur Congress to address global warming with proper legislation. After all. it makes little sense for such an important issue to be tackled tangentially (无关的) through a 40-year-old law. And if 2009 sees the inauguration of a greener president, he or she will now have the power to dictate stricter fuel efficiency, in the form. of lower CO2 emissions, without reference to Congress.

California set an example. In 2002, the state assembly passed a law regulating emissions of CO2 from vehicles, based on a provision of the Clean Air Act that allows California to adopt stricter pollution standards than the federal government. Carmakers have challenged the law. in part on the ground that CO2 was not an air pollutant. The car industry quickly declared that the issue of global warming is best handled at the federal level by Congress.

What is the Supreme Court's attitude towards the government's function in control of greenhouse gases?

A.It is the government's obligation to set up stricter regulation.

B.It is disappointing for the public that the government shies away from this problem.

C.The government is the only organization that can control greenhouse gases.

D.The government is not the chief organization authorized to control greenhouse gases.



How Global Warming WorksGases in the Earth's atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse—tra

How Global Warming Works

Gases in the Earth's atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse—trapping heat and making life on Earth possible. But there is a delicate balance. Burning coal, oil and natural gas increases atmospheric concentrations of these gases. Over the past century, increases in industry, transportation, and electricity production have increased gas concentrations in the atmosphere faster than natural processes can remove them leading to human-caused warming of the globe.

The Sources Of Global Warming

The major source of global warming is carbon dioxide pollution from power plants, automobiles, and industry. Another source is global deforestation.

Power plants are responsible for more than a third of U.S. CO2 emissions, yet there are no caps on CO2 emissions from power plants or any other industry.

Gas guzzling cars and light trucks are also responsible for a third of U.S. CO2 emissions. Current regulations allow for very inefficient vehicles which spew tons of CO2.

Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. When they are cut and burned CO2 is released back into the atmosphere. Massive deforestation around the globe is releasing large amounts of CO2 and decreasing the forests' ability to take CO2 from the atmosphere.


The U.S., with only four percent of the world's population, is responsible for 22 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, solutions exist to cut our global warming emissions. Decision makers in the United States should take the following steps.

Increasing fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks would cut millions of tons of CO2 pollution as well as decreasing dependence on foreign oil.

Putting a cap on CO2 from power plants would cut millions of tons of CO2 pollution as well as decreasing pollution that causes acid rain, smog, and respiratory illness.

Shifting investment from fossil fuels like coal and oil to renewable energy and energy efficiency would allow cleaner, more sustainable sources of energy to take their rightful place as market leaders.

Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol would be a modest but important first step toward international emissions reductions.

The Evidence

Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effects of climate change have become more and more commonplace. The global average temperature has increased by about 0.5℃ and sea level has risen by about 10 inches(25 cm) in the past century. Official confirmation came in 1995, when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an officially appointed international panel of over 2,500 of the world's leading scientific experts, found that evidence suggests a human influence on the global climate.

The following are events which consistent with scientists' predictions of the effects of global warming:

The past two decades have witnessed a stream of new heat and precipitation records. The 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since 1980, the hottest year ever on record is 1997, and the hottest January through July on record occurred in 1998.

Glaciers are melting around the world. Alaska's Columbia Glacier has retreated more than eight miles in the last 16 years while temperatures there have increased. A section of an Antarctic ice shelf as big as the District of Columbia broke off.

Severe floods like the devastating Midwestern floods of 1993 and 1997 are becoming more common.

Infectious diseases are moving into new areas as seen in the recent outbreaks of Dengue fever in Texas and Malaria in New Jersey.

The Opposition

The Global Climate Coalition, a powerful coalition of oil, power, and auto companies has followed the lead of tobacco companies by denyi






Coping with Climate ChangeWhat we have learned so far about how climate changes is affecti

Coping with Climate Change

What we have learned so far about how climate changes is affecting our global environment. Studies show that it adversely affects human and natural systems by reducing biodiversity, impairing biological and chemical cycles and making it more difficult to restore degraded ecosystems.

Climate is not the only factor in the deterioration of natural systems. We are making big changes to the landscape, altering land use and land cover in major ways. These changes combined present a challenge to environmental management. Adaptive management is a scientific approach to managing the adverse impacts of climate and landscape change.

Nature and Impacts of Climate Change

Every week it seems there is an article about global warming in the news media. It may be difficult for some to grasp the big picture of the issue, but in general, climate change has already or is expected to

?increase temperatures, particularly in the interior of continents, toward the poles and in winter

?boost precipitation (降水量) in wetter areas and suppress precipitation in drier areas

?increase rain and decrease snow

?lessen peak spring runoff and cause more even year-round flows of water, thereby reducing water availability during summer irrigation and navigation seasons

?increase evaporation of water during the summer

?enhance the likelihood of lower mean lake levels, drier wetlands, and water shortages, particularly in mountain regions

?raise the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods

?raise global sea levels, causing some populated coastal areas to become inundated (被淹没的)

?reduce the extent and duration of Arctic sea ice with adverse consequences for marine mammals

?increase the loss of glaciers in middle and equatorial latitudes, including premier mountain ecosystems such as Glacier National Park in Montana

Global average temperature has increased by about 0.6℃ over the past 100 years, with a major warming upswing in the 1970s. Warming is the result, in part, of rapid increases in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a byproduct of the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, used for power generation and transportation.

When global temperatures rise and precipitation patterns change, it is expected there will be consequences on ecosystems, such as an increase in the spread of exotic species; redistribution of plants, animals, energy, water, and nutrients; alteration of natural processes and the structure and function of ecosystems.

Northerly latitudes are particularly vulnerable to climate change. The Arctic Council, an intergovernmental forum for Arctic nations and indigenous people, reported that the northern ice cap is warming at twice the global rate and the Arctic region is expected to warm at two to three times the rate for the rest of the world. Arctic warming will have serious consequences on human and ecology.

Nature and Impacts of Landscape Change

Landscape change results from natural disturbances and human activities. Natural disturbances include fire, windstorms, avalanches, landslides, tree fall, floods, and insect epidemics. Human activities causing landscape change include conversion of forestland to agriculture, drainage of wetlands, and forest fragmentation from road construction and timber harvesting.

Human activities often have a more significant effect on landscapes than natural disturbances because they alter the availability of energy, water, and nutrients to ecosystems; increase the spread of exotic species; accelerate natural processes of ecosystem change; and adversely affect the structure and functioning of ecosystems.






Global warming leads to many new diseases.A.YB.NC.NG

Global warming leads to many new diseases.






Which statement is NOT true concerning the controversy about global warming?A.The new repo

Which statement is NOT true concerning the controversy about global warming?

A.The new report from NRC is motivated by the controversy over Michael Mann's claim.

B.Those who doubt global warming consider that warming is a natural phenomenon.

C.Those suspicious of global warming take an inconsistent stance on the issue.

D.The argument ends in the defeat of global-warming-doubters.



What is the message the author intends to convey?A.Global warming is more of a moral issue

What is the message the author intends to convey?

A.Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B.The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.

C.The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.

D.People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.



What is the author's attitude towards global warming theory?A.Negative.B.Indifferent.C.Fav

What is the author's attitude towards global warming theory?







Scientists and environmentalists think that global warming can be ______.A.continuedB.impr

Scientists and environmentalists think that global warming can be ______.







What is the message the author intends to convey?A) Global warming is more of a moral i

What is the message the author intends to convey?

A) Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B) The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.

C) The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.

D) People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.


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