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《医疗器械(medical device)召回管理办法(试行)》已于()年6月28日经卫生部部务会议审议通过,现予以发布,自()年7月1日起施行






更多“《医疗器械(medical device)召回管理办法(试行)》已于()年6月28日经卫生部部务会议审议通过,现予以发布,自()年7月1日起施行”相关的问题


__________ could realize a combination of cells, engineering and materials methods and finally solve the problem of organ failure.


B、Tissue engineering scaffold

C、Drug carrier

D、Medical device



医疗美容(Medical Cosmetology)是指运用药物、手术、医疗器械以及其他具有创伤性或者不可逆性的医学技术方法对人的容貌和人体各部位形态进行的修复与再塑的美容方式()


A study published in the New England journal of Medicine estimated that there are an avera
ge of 30 in-flight medical emergencies on U.S. flights every day. Most of them are not grave; fainting, dizziness and hyperventilation (换气过度) are the most frequent complaints, But 13% of them-roughly four a day-are serious enough to require a pilot to change course. The most common of the serious emergencies include heart trouble (46%), strokes and other neurological problems (18%), and difficult breathing (6%).

Let&39;s face it: plane riders are stressful. For starters, cabin pressures at high altitudes are set at roughly what they would be if you lived at 5,000 to 8,000 feet above sea level. Most people can tolerate these pressures pretty easily, but passengers with heart disease may experience chest pains as a result of the reduced amount of oxygen flowing through their blood. Low pressure can also cause the air in body cavities to expand-as much as 30%+ Again, most people won&39;t notice anything beyond mild stomach cramping. But if you&39;ve recently had an operation, your wound could open. And if&39; a medical device has been implanted in your body-a splint, a tracheotomy(气管切开术)tube or a catheter (导管)-it could expand and cause injury.

Another common in-flight problem is deep venous thrombosis(深静脉血栓)-the so-called economy-class syndrome, When you sit too long in a cramped position. the blood in our legs tends to clot. Most people just get sore calves. But blood clots, left untreated, could travel to the lungs, causing breathing difficulties and even death. Such clots are readily prevented by keeping blood flowing; walk and stretch your legs when possible,

Whatever you do, don&39;t panic. Things are looking up on the in-flight-emergency front. Doctors who come to passengers&39; aid used to worry about getting sued; their fears have lifted somewhat since the 1998 Aviation Medical Assistance Act gave them"good Samaritan" protection. And thanks to more recent legislation, flights with at least one attendant are starting to install emergency medical kits with automated defibrillators (电击去颤器) to treat heart attacks.

Are you still wondering if you are healthy enough to fly? If you can walk 150 it. or climb a flight of stairs without getting winded, you&39;ll probably do just fine, Having a doctor close by doesn&39;t hurt, either.


Heart disease takes up about__________of the in-flight medical emergencies on US flights.







BluetoothWhen you use computers, entertainment systems or telephones, the various pieces a


When you use computers, entertainment systems or telephones, the various pieces and parts of the systems make up a community of electronic devices. These devices communicate with each other using a variety of wires, cables, radio signals and infrared light(红外线) beams, and an even greater variety of connectors and plugs.

The art of connecting things is becoming more and more complex every day. And Bluetooth has now become a new popular method of connecting devices that can streamline the process. A Bluetooth connection is wireless and automatic, and it takes small-area networking to the next level by removing the need for user intervention and keeping transmission power extremely low to save battery power.

Bluetooth Operation

Bluetooth networking transmits data via 10w-power radio waves. It communicates on a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz(千兆赫)(actually between 2.402 GHz and 2.480 GHz, to be exact). This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices(ISM).

A number of devices that you may already use fake advantage of this same radio-frequency band. Baby monitors(微型监视器), garage-door openers and the newest generation of cordless phones all make use of frequencies in the ISM band.

One of the ways Bluetooth devices avoid interfering with other systems is by sending out very weak signals of about 1 milliwatt. By comparison, the most powerful cell phones can transmit a signal of 3 watts. The low power limits the range of a Bluetooth device to about 10 meters(32 feet), cutting the chances of interference between your computer system and your portable telephone or television. Even with the low power, Bluetooth doesn't require line of sight between communicating devices. The Walls in your house won't stop a Bluetooth signal, making the standard useful for controlling several devices in different rooms.

Bluetooth can connect up to eight devices simultaneously. With all of those devices in the same 10-meter(32-foot) radius; you might think they'd interfere with one another, but it's unlikely. Bluetooth uses a technique called spread-spectrum.(扩展频谱) frequency that makes it rare for more than one device to be transmitting on the same frequency at the same time. In this technique, a device will use. 79 individual, randomly chosen frequencies within a designated range, changing from one-to another on a regular basis. In the case of Bluetooth. the transmitters change frequencies 1,600 times every second, meaning that more devices can make full use of a limited slice of the radio spectrum. Since every Bluetooth transmitter uses spread-spectrum transmitting automatically, it's unlikely that two transmitters will be on the same frequency at the same time. This same technique minimizes the risk that portable phones or baby monitors will disrupt Bluetooth devices, since any interference on a particular frequency will last only a tiny fraction of a second.


Let's say you have a typical modern living room with the typical modern Stuff inside. There's an entertainment system with a stereo, a DVD player, a satellite TV receiver and a television; there's also a cordless telephone and a-personal computer. Each of these systems uses Bluetooth, and each forms its own piconet to talk between the main unit and peripheral(外围设备).

The cordless telephone has one Bluetooth transmitter in the base and another in the handset. The manufacturer has programmed each unit with an address that falls into a range of addresses it has established for a particular type of device. When the base is first turned on, it sends radio signals asking for a response from any units with an address in a particular range. Since the handset has an address in the range, it responds, and a tiny network is formed. Now, even if one of these device






听力原文:Human beings enjoy challenges. Many of them like physical challenges. They ask th

听力原文: Human beings enjoy challenges. Many of them like physical challenges. They ask themselves questions like these: How fast can I run ? How high can I climb? How deep can I dive? How far can I swim? How long can I hold my breath? How much can I lift? How high can I jump? Because people enjoy challenges, they like to play sports and watch other people play sports. They like climbing, running, diving, lifting, jumping, and so on. Every four years millions of people all over the world enjoy the international sports competitions called the Olympics.

There are challenges that are not physical challenges. There are social and intellectual challenges, too. Leonardo Da Vinci, who lived in Italy during the fifteenth century, enjoyed every possible challenge. He was an artist and painted the well-known picture, the Mona Lisa. He was an inventor who invented a device to let people breathe under water. He was a scientist, and he learned a great deal about human anatomy.

Another kind of challenge faced the Egyptians between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago when they decided to build the first pyramid. They used six million tons of rock. That is enough to build a ten-foot wall around all of France. Four hundred thousand men worked for twenty years to build it.

So, for thousands of years, people accept challenges. Today we still have many challenges before us. Medical science faces the challenges of conquering the many diseases which still attack human beings. Engineers and planners must build new cities and new kinds of transportation. Scientists must develop new forms of energy. And many of us are interested in the challenge of space. We live in an age of challenge.


A.Intellectual challenge.

B.Social challenge.

C.Physical challenge.

D.Economic challenge.



Antiseptics(杀菌剂) have saved countless lives, but they are most effective when the bacte

Antiseptics(杀菌剂) have saved countless lives, but they are most effective when the bacteria they are attacking are individual cells in suspension. Once bacteria have attached themselves to solid surfaces and formed films, they are far harder to eradicate with standard disinfectants. Bacterial pollution of medical devices is a particular problem, as those devices are then used on people whose immune systems may be in less than best condition. Surgical instruments may be treated with ultraviolet light, but that is not appropriate for everything. The result is that infections arising from bacteria attached to surfaces in clinics and hospitals are reckoned to cause up to 1.4m deaths per year.

In order to develop a better method of disinfection, a team led by David Whitten of the University of New Mexico and Kirk Schanze of the University of Florida set out to design the equivalent of a mousetrap for bacteria. The device they came up with is an empty capsule five microns across. It is made of alternating layers of two polymers'(聚合体) ,one of which is positively charged, and the other negatively so. These opposite charges serve to hold the capsule together.

The polymers in question also absorb light in a way that is likely to transfer the absorbed energy to nearby oxygen molecules (氧分子) to create what is known as singlet oxygen, a particularly reactive form. of the element that would kill any bacteria inside the capsule.

To test this idea, the two researchers ran a series of experiments in which they exposed their newly built microcapsules to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a fatal bacterium commonly, found in hospitals, and also to Cobetia marina, a bacterium that frequently adheres to ships and marine equipment, causing dirt. They found that in both cases the microcapsules attracted and captured bacteria that were nearby. After one hour of exposure to light, they report in a forthcoming issue of Applied Materials & Interfaces, the capsules killed more than 95% of the bacteria used in the study.

What kills the bacteria is clear: it is the singlet oxygen. What is attracting them into the microcapsules, though, is not well understood. The researchers infer that the positive electric charge may have the function of attracting bacteria, since many bacteria are negatively charged and would thus be attracted to the polymer in question. Alternatively, because both bacteria and polymers are repelled by water they may be pushed together by this joint repulsion. However it works, the result is what Dr. Whitten describes as a micro-sized Roach Motel ("Bacteria check in, but they don't check out"). If the idea can be scaled up, it may prove a useful weapon in the fight against hospital-caused infection and marine-dirt alike.

According to the passage, the antiseptics will be less effective when ______.

A.the bacteria are floating in individual cells

B.the bacteria pollute the medical devices in the hospital

C.the bacteria adhere to solid surfaces, wrapped by films

D.the disinfectants are not so standard



BluetoothWhen you use computers, entertainment systems or telephones, the various pieces-a


When you use computers, entertainment systems or telephones, the various pieces-and parts of the systems make up a community of electronic devices. These devices communicate with each other using a variety of wires, cables, radio signals and infrared light(红外线) beams, and an even greater variety of connectors and plugs.

The art of connecting things is becoming more and more complex every day. And Bluetooth has now become a new popular method of connecting devices that can streamline the process. A Bluetooth connection is wireless and automatic, and it takes small-area networking to the next level by removing the need for user intervention and keeping transmission power extremely low to save battery power.

Bluetooth Operation

Bluetooth networking transmits data via low-power radio waves. It communicates on a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz(千兆赫)(actually between 2.402 GHz and 2.480 GHz, to be exact). This frequency band has been set aside by international agreement for the use of industrial, scientific and medical devices(ISM).

A number of devices that you may already use take advantage of this same radio-frequency band. Baby monitors(微型监视器), garage-door openers and the newest generation of cordless phones all make use of frequencies in the ISM band.

One of the ways Bluetooth devices avoid interfering with other systems is by sending out very weak signals of about 1 milliwatt. By comparison, the most powerful cell phones can transmit a signal of 3 watts. The low power limits the range of a Bluetooth device to about 10 meters (32 feet), cutting the chances of interference between your computer system and your portable telephone or television. Even with the low power, Bluetooth doesn't require line of sight between communicating devices. The walls in your house won't stop a Bluetooth signal, making the standard useful for controlling several devices in different rooms.

Bluetooth can connect up to eight devices simultaneously. With all of those devices in the same 10-meter (32-foot) radius, you might think they'd interfere with one another, but it's un- likely. Bluetooth uses a technique called spread-spectrum(扩展频谱) frequency that makes it rare for more than one device to be transmitting on the same frequency at the same time. In this technique, a device will use 79 individual, randomly chosen frequencies within a designated range, changing from one to another on a regular basis. In the case of Bluetooth, the transmitters change frequencies 1,600 times every second, meaning that more devices can make full use of a limited slice of the radio spectrum. Since every Bluetooth transmitter uses spread-spectrum transmitting automatically, it's unlikely that two transmitters will be on the same frequency at the same time. This same technique minimizes the risk that portable phones or baby monitors will disrupt Bluetooth devices, since any interference on a particular frequency will last only a tiny fraction of a second.


Let's say you have a typical modern living room with the typical modern stuff inside. There's an entertainment system with a stereo, a DVD player, a satellite TV receiver and a television; there's also a cordless telephone and a personal computer. Each of these systems uses Bluetooth, and each forms its own piconet to talk between the main unit and peripheral(外围设备).

The cordless telephone has one Bluetooth transmitter in the base and another in the handset. The manufacturer has programmed each unit with an address that falls into a range of ad- dresses it has established for a particular type of device. When the base is first turned on, it sends radio signals asking for a response from any units with an address in a particular range. Since the handset has an address in the range, it responds, and a tiny network is formed. Now, even if one of these devices should receive a signal






Which of the following steps is necessary to add a new device driver to a Linux machin

A.Copy the device driver to the device driver directory.

B.Extend the Linux kernel by incorporating the device code.

C.Insert the device into the Linux system and allow the system to choose the device files from its device directory.

D.Insert the cd-rom with the device driver into the machine Linux will detect it and prompt you through installation.










For a PW of PTN device, local label of local device should be consistent with remote l


CINDI is a device most probably for ______.A.civil purposeB.military useC.telecommunicatio

CINDI is a device most probably for ______.

A.civil purpose

B.military use


D.weather forecast


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