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听力原文:Today, I'll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The cam

听力原文: Today, I'll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The camera is often thought to be a modem invention. But as early as 1727, a German physicist discovered that light darkens silver salt, a chemical compound. Using as a camera, a big box with small hole to let the light in, he made temporary images on the salt. Silver salt is still the base of film today.

Then a French scientist made the first permanent picture by using a special piece of metal sensitized with silver salt. A photograph he made in 1826 still exists. The painter, Daguerre improved on the process by placing common salt on the metal, This was in 1839, the official date of the beginning of photography, but the problem was the printing of the photographs, and it wasn't until other scientists developed the kind of paper we now use, that good printing was possible and photograph became truly modern.

In 1860's, Matthew Bradey was able to take his famous pictures of the American Civil War. In the 20th century, George Eastman of the Untied States simplified film developing, and Dr. Edwin Land invented the so-called "instant" camera with self-developing film. If we say that photography came into existence in 1839 it follows that it has taken more than one hundred years for the camera to reach its present condition of technical refinement.


A.Light darkens silver salt.

B.Light darkens natural salt.

C.Light darkens silver.

D.Light darkens self-developing film.

更多“听力原文:Today, I'll be talking about the invention of the camera and photography. The cam”相关的问题


听力原文:W: It's so hot today that I can't work. I wish there were a fan in the library.M:

听力原文:W: It's so hot today that I can't work. I wish there were a fan in the library.

M: So do I. I'll fall asleep if I don't get out of this stuffy room soon.

Q: What are these people complaining about?


A.The noise.

B.The heat.

C.The workload.

D.The crowdedness.



听力原文:W: It's so hot today that I can't work. I wish there was a fan in the office.M: S

听力原文:W: It's so hot today that I can't work. I wish there was a fan in the office.

M: So do I. I'll fall asleep if I don't get out of this unpleasantly warm room.

Q: What are these people complaining about?


A.The noise in the library.

B.The crowded room.

C.The heat in the office.

D.The disturbed sleep.



听力原文:W: I've got two tickets to today's game. Do you want to come along?M: It'll be on

听力原文:W: I've got two tickets to today's game. Do you want to come along?

M: It'll be on television. Besides, it's really too cold for me.

What will the man probably do?


A.He will go to see the game.

B.He will stay at home.

C.He will play a role in one TV program.

D.He will go to a doctor.



听力原文:In today's class we'll be examining some nineteenth-century pattern books that we

听力原文: In today's class we'll be examining some nineteenth-century pattern books that were used for building houses. I think it's fair today that these pattern books were the most important influence on the design of North American houses during the nineteenth century.

This was because most people who wanted to build a house couldn't afford to hire an architect. Instead, they bought a pattern book, picked out a plan, and took it to the builder. The difference in cost was substantial. In 1870, for example, hiring an architect would have cost about a hundred dollars. At the same time, a pattern book written by an architect cost only five dollars.

At that price, it's easy to see why pattern books were so popular. Some are back in print again today, and of course they cost a lot more than they did a hundred years ago. But they're an invaluable resource for historians, and also for people who restore old houses. I have a modern reprint here that I’ll be passing around the room in a moment so that everyone can have a look.


A.Advice about landscaping.

B.Hints about saving to buy a house.

C.Photographs of the homes of famous people.

D.Plans for houses.



听力原文:Today I'd like to mention an interesting television program that will be shown on

听力原文: Today I'd like to mention an interesting television program that will be shown on October 10th. It's about the brain. It's a new public television show produced in New York City. The program will investigate how the brain functioned and new functions. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are dreaming, memory, and depression. These topics will be illustrated by using computer imitations of the brain to make explanation easy to follow. The show is not for children. But don't worry. It's not intended for scientists either. I think the program will be very helpful with the work we're doing in class on the brain. I hope you'll watch it. Remember it's on October 10th.


A.A computer specialist.

B.A scientist.

C.A television announcer.

D.A teacher.



听力原文:M: More than a colleague complains that I smell of garlic for a couple of days af
ter we've been to the Italian restaurant.

W: Then, how about the Korean today?

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.They'll go to the Italian restaurant.

B.They'll go to the Korean restaurant.

C.They decide not to eat garlic any more.

D.They'll invite the man's colleagues to have some Italian food.



听力原文:Good morning everyone. My name is Craig Stone, and I'll be your guide for today's

听力原文: Good morning everyone. My name is Craig Stone, and I'll be your guide for today's tour of Kyoto. First, I want to go over the itinerary of the tour, so everyone can enjoy the trip without being worried about being left behind along the way. Of course, no one has gotten lost so far.

First of all, we'll be leaving at 9:i5 outside the main train station exit. Be sure to board the bus by 9:00 sharp.

We'll be visiting some of the most famous historical spots in Kyoto. Our first stop will be at the Golden Pavilion, a temple constructed in 1397. We'll be leaving there at 10:30. You'll have about forty-five minutes to stroll around the temple and its gardens.

Our next destination will be Ryoanji Temple. That's always a difficult one to pronounce. This temple is famous for its beautiful rock garden. We'll depart from the temple at 11:45.

Next, we'll have lunch from 12:00 to 12:45.

In the afternoon, we'll be making a brief stop at Heian Jingu Shrine, which was constructed in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of the founding of the city of Kyoto.

After that, we'll head downtown and stop in Gion. Many people asked me about different traditional shopping areas, and this is a place we don't want to miss. You'll have about an hour to look around, and I'm sure you'll enjoy the atmosphere of the entire area—the shops, the homes, and the restaurants. We'll be leaving Gion at 2:30.

Finally, we'll visit Nijojo Castle, which was the residence of the first Tokugawa Shogun. You'll have about an hour to tour the .castle. and we'll meet at the bus at 4:00.


A.At 9:00.

B.At 9:15.

C.At 9:50.

D.At 9:30.



听力原文:I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to introduce you to the f

听力原文: I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to introduce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them. The first room on our tour is the reference room, where you'll find all sorts of reference materials: dictionaries, bibliographies, literature guides, e-yen telephone books. You may use these books only in the reference room itself. The next room is the periodicals room, where you'll find various newspapers, magazines and academic journals. The current issues are usually directly available to you on the shelves. And you can get an older issue by filling out a slip for the librarian. These items must also be used in this room. This next room contains the card catalogs. All the library's books are listed here by title, by author and by topic. When you are looking for a book you must write the book's call number, title and author on these slips and present them with your library card at the desk. The books themselves axe kept h the slacks, which am open only to graduate students faculty members and library staff Our library has over a million volumes these stacks which cover five floors. If you have any further questions about using the library, I'd be glad to help you after the tour. Thank you for your attention.


A.Use of library facilities.

B.Library regulations.

C.Library personnel.

D.Location of the library.



听力原文:As you prepare to become elementary school teachers, you'll be hearing a lot of d

听力原文: As you prepare to become elementary school teachers, you'll be hearing a lot of discussions about the relevance of teaching penmanship. Now years ago when I was studying education in college, reading, writing and arithmetic were the basics of elementary school education. It went without saying that writing meant first and foremost penmanship. That is, the neatness of a child's handwriting. It was considered so important that sometimes prizes were even awarded for the best handwriting. But when we move ahead a few decades into the 1980s, we see teachers and administrators and even parents telling us that teaching penmanship is a waste of time. With computers, they said, children can successfully manipulate the keyboard or mouse of their home computers before they can even hold a pencil.

This change in attitude had an impact on the classroom. In your homework for this week you'll be looking at what statewide curricular standards in the US say about penmanship. You'll see that in many states penmanship has been deemphasized in a required curriculum, especially in the later years of elementary school. In California, for example, the curriculum calls for fourth-grade students to... and I quote, "write fluently and legibly in cursive or grades." But after this, the curriculum makes no further mention of penmanship in Grades Five, Six or beyond. Any higher level of quality or neatness is simply not among the curricular objectives. Your assignment is to look at what the curricular standards for all fifty states say about penmanship.


A.It's now taught with the aid of computers.

B.It isn't considered as important today as it was in the past.

C.Children today learn it earlier than those did in the past.

D.A lot of time is spent teaching it.



听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.W: Hello. This is Mary.M: Oh, hello.W: I'm afraid I can't

听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.

W: Hello. This is Mary.

M: Oh, hello.

W: I'm afraid I can't come to work today, Mr. Thompson.

M: Oh, what's the problem?

W: I've got a very sore throat.

M: Yes, you sound ill on the phone.

W: Yes, I'll stay in bed today, but I'll be able to come tomorrow.

M: That's all right, Mary.

W: Thank you, Mr. Thompson...Goodbye.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

(At Mary's gate.)

M: Hello, Mary!

W: Oh...hello.., hello, Mr. Thompson...er...er...

M: I've brought some fruit for you, Mary.

W: Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.

M: Well, how's your throat?

W: It seems a little better. I'll be OK tomorrow.

M: Well, don't come in until you feel better.

W: All right...but I'm sure I'll be able to come in tomorrow.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

W: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.

M: I want to tell you a story, Mary.

W: Oh?

M: Last day, it was England against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither team could score a goal. Then the crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting. Then at 3:20, England scored from a penalty. I jumped out of his chair. I was very excited. I was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd. My smile disappeared and I looked very angry. Mary Walker's face, in close-up, was there on the screen. She didn't look ill, and she didn't sound ill. She was smiling happily and cheering wildly!

W: Oh, my god.


A.They're close friends.

B.She wanted to ask for leave.

C.She was terribly' ill.

D.She greeted him.



听力原文:M: Do you know what happened to me today? I was so embarrassed.W: What?M: Well, D

听力原文:M: Do you know what happened to me today? I was so embarrassed.

W: What?

M: Well, Dr. Brown's class finished ten minutes early, so I went to the library between classes. I knew I didn't have much time, but I wanted to get those books on the Industrial Revolution. I looked them up in the card catalog and went right to the stacks and found them. So t put them in my book bag and headed back toward the door. Then it happened. The exit gate in front of the door wouldn't open, and a guard immediately, warned me that I hadn't checked out my books. He thought I was trying to steal them.

W: That must have been embarrassing. But why didn't the exit gate open?

M: I asked them that. It seems the books in the library are all magnetically coded, and when you check them out, the librarian behind the desk demagnetizes them, then the exit gate will open.

W: How interesting! I still don't quite understand how they do it, though. I'll have to go to the library and see it for myself.


A.One of his classes finished early.

B.His books were ten days overdue.

C.He wanted to get some studying done.

D.The library had a special display on the Industrial Revolution.


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