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听力原文:W: The law on car is very interesting and I know in London it's different from ot

her places and rules are quite strict, aren't they'?

M: (22)Any London cab driver does a thing called the Knowledge, which is an examination really. It's called the Knowledge and it's a basic test of 468 runs what they call runs from a blue book.

W: Is it difficult to learn the Knowledge?

M: (23)On average, it took me nineteen months. Now it's taking guys three years. It can take anywhere from now to three years. And then you do a driving test at the end.

W: It get the impression they're very strict about taxis. Quite apart from the Knowledge, there's the license. Do you have to get a new license every year?

M: The license is renewed every three years, but your cab, whether you rent it or you own it, has to have a yearly overhaul. I enjoy being a taxi driver and, not only that, it does keep the standard very high, which is what we want in London.

W: (24) Do you feel proud to be a Londoner? Were you born in London?

M: No, I was actually born in Bristol.

W: What do you do in your spare time?

M: Well, (25)I'm into body building. That takes up quite a good deal of my spare time. I might do a system of three days' training with a day off, followed by another three days' training and a day off.


A.It's composed of 568 runs.

B.It's a blue book.

C.A London driver has to do it.

D.It's an exam.

更多“听力原文:W: The law on car is very interesting and I know in London it's different from ot”相关的问题


听力原文:M: So, have you finished reviewing all the materials for our law exam?W: Just abo

听力原文:M: So, have you finished reviewing all the materials for our law exam?

W: Just about, but I still have to brush up on a few facts I'm not sure of.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She just finished studying for the exam.

B.She is not certain about what materials will be covered on the exam.

C.She needs to prepare a little more for the exam.

D.She is willing to help the man study for the exam.



听力原文:M: The question of having a handgun raises a lot of discussion in this country. D
r. Brown, what's your opinion about it?

W: Well, as far as I am concerned, the law on this should be amended.

Q: What's the most probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.Salesman and customer.

B.Reporter and interviewee.

C.Judge and jury.

D.Doctor and patient.



听力原文:W:Have Todd and Lisa Taylor started a family yet? They've been married for two ye
ars now.

M:Todd indicated to me that they'd postpone having children until he gets his law degree.

Q:How do the the Taylors feel about children?


A.They don't want children for the time being.

B.They have two children already.

C.Mrs. Taylor wishes to have children, but her husband doesn't.

D.They will start a family as soon as they get married.



听力原文:W: If you are accepted as an assistant lawyer, which area will you choose?M: I th

听力原文:W: If you are accepted as an assistant lawyer, which area will you choose?

M: I think I will choose criminal law. You see, we have too many criminals out there. Besides, my uncle works in this area. He says it's really challenging.

Q: Why does the man want to work in the area of criminal law?


A.Work in this area is easy and relaxing.

B.There are too many criminals and the work is challenging.

C.The job is challenging and the pay is high.

D.It is easy for him to find job after graduation.



听力原文:W: I heard in the United States advertisers are not allowed to show young people
smoking cigarettes, neither are ads targeted at youth allowed.

M: But advertisers keep finding ways around the law. Some years ago one cigarette ad showed a deer smoking. But it was dressed in a university sweater. Obviously the ad is trying to attract young people.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Advertisers try to find the law to support them.

B.Advertisers used deer in ads to show the cigarette is even liked by deer.

C.The university sweater is another way of advertising.

D.Advertisers think of ways to avoid breaking the law even though their acts are illegal to some extent.



听力原文:W: This evening, the guest speaker with us is Dr. Bush. (22)He's going to talk ab

听力原文:W: This evening, the guest speaker with us is Dr. Bush. (22)He's going to talk about copyrighting works of art.

M: Well, a copyright is a proof of authorship. (22)It protects artists against someone else using their work without their permission.

W: So, all artists' works will be protected by copyright law?

M: It's important to remember that United States Copyright Law protects artistic expressions such as paintings, (23)but does not protect any ideas, concepts, procedures or techniques.

W: How can artists obtain copyright protection?

M: The law has changed in 1978 and again in 1989. (24)For artists the current law means everything they create is automatically and immediately copyrighted. They don't have to file any documents and under the protection of the Copyright Law, any recreations of their original work such as prints are also covered by the artist's copyright.

Further more, any changes artists made to their original works are covered. The Law also makes it dear that when someone buys the work of art, they are not allowed to destroy or change that work of art.

W: What if the work was sold to a new owner?

M: (25)Artists keep the copyright even after selling the work of art. The purchaser may buy the physical work, but the right to make prints or copies is still the artists' and the buyer does not automatically have any right to make and sell prints or copies of work.

W: Do you have any suggestions to our artists in this area?

M: Although works are automatically copyrighted, artists are encouraged to register their work with United States Copyright Office. Registering art provides additional legal protection and also gives the people around the world the ability to approach the honors about licensing and purchasing right.


A.Protecting buyers of paintings.

B.Why copies of famous paintings are made.

C.How paintings are sold in the United States.

D.Protecting artists from illegal use of their work.



听力原文:W: Time really flies. I can't believe I've been in China for almost four years.M:

听力原文:W: Time really flies. I can't believe I've been in China for almost four years.

M: (19) What do you want to do after your graduation?

W: I haven't quite decided, but I think I'd like to find a job with a joint venture company here.

M: That's quite an idea.

W: China has a rapidly developing economy and there're so many opportunities. (20) Besides, I like living here. It's not very expensive and people are friendly. What about you?

M: (21) Well, I'm thinking of doing a master's degree. I'm interested in law, so I hope to attend a good law school.

W: You are surely ambitious. It would be very expensive to go to a law school, though, wouldn't it?

M: Well, in China that would (22) depend on one's academic merits. If you are excellent you'd get accepted in a tuition-free status.

W: I see. So will it be possible to work part-time to support yourself?

M: I guess so. But I hope I wouldn't have to do that.

W: I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

M: Thanks, and I wish you good luck too.

19. What is the main point of the conversation?

20.Why does the woman choose to live in China?

21.What does the man plan to do after graduation?

22.On what condition can you get accepted in a tuition-free status?


A.Time really flies.

B.The plans after graduation.

C.The economic status of China.

D.How to get a master's degree.



听力原文:M: I just heard about your acceptance into law school. Do you think you will be a
ble to join your brother's firm when you graduate?

W: Not likely. He is a tax lawyer and I'm going to major in criminal law.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.She is going to graduate soon.

B.She is going to major in criminal law.

C.She will join her brother's firm.

D.She won't join her brother's firm.



听力原文:M: Miss Barnes, I understand that you are quitting.W: That's right. I gave my sup

听力原文:M: Miss Barnes, I understand that you are quitting.

W: That's right. I gave my supervisor two weeks advance notice yesterday.

M: If you don't mind my asking, why are you leaving us?

W: I'm going to work for another law firm, Ellington and Pitts,

M: Why are you going to work for them?

W: They offered me a better salary.

M: Well, Miss Barnes, good legal secretaries are hard to find and we've been quite satisfied with your work here. I'll be glad to match whatever Ellington and Pitts offered you.

W: You should have said that a month ago when I asked you for a raise. I started looking for a new job the next day.

M: I'll even give you ten dollars a week more than their offer.

W: It's not the money. I wouldn't work for you even if you offered to double my salary.

M: Then what is it for?

W: I want to work for someone who appreciates the work I do and gives me raises before I have to ask for them.

M: I'm sorry you feel that way, Miss Barnes.

W: And I'm sorry I spent the past year working for you.





D.Legal secretary.



听力原文:W: Does the Motor Voter Law cover all the states?M: No.W: Which ones? Why not?M:

听力原文:W: Does the Motor Voter Law cover all the states?

M: No.

W: Which ones? Why not?

M: Six states are not covered by the provisions of the National Voter Registration Act. They are: North Dakota (because this state does not have voter registration); and Minnesota, Wisconsin, Idaho, New Hampshire and Wyoming (because they have election-day registration). The Washington, D.C. coalition which was working to pass this legislation had to compromise in order to get sufficient U.S. Senate votes to pass the bill.

W: Will the Motor Voter Law help disadvantaged groups? If yes, how?

M: Of course. This law helps to reach disadvantaged people in several ways: It requires that all covered states offer voter registration whenever anyone applies for services at state-funded agencies primarily involved in serving people with disabilities. It also requires that all covered states offer voter registration by mail, which means that you don't have to travel long distances at inconvenient times to find someone who has been certified to be able to register you to vote.

W: What do you think is the greatest challenge faced by our democracy today in terms of voting?

M: One of the biggest challenges is putting a limit on the amount of money which goes into campaigns. Campaign finance reform. Too much money is allowing the candidates to run their campaigns with 30 second TV spots. They never have to meet people and really address what's on their minds. People then get frustrated, because the issues are narrow and the candidates don't speak to their interests.

W: What else?

M: Another major issue is third-party access. Other parties in addition to the Democrats and the Republicans need to be able to get candidates onto ballots more easily. Third parties will increase competition, increase quality, and increase substance of debates.


A.North Dakota and Washington D.C

B.South Dakota and Washington D.C

C.Wisconsin and Wyoming.

D.Wyoming and Washington.


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