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听力原文:M: I am getting frustrated. We are supposed to do our assignments on the computer

, but I have difficulty getting access to the computers in the library.

W: I understand the way you feel. I' m looking forward to the day when I could afford to get my own.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She can't finish her assignment, either.

B.She can't afford a computer fight now.

C.The man can use her computer.

D.The man should buy a computer fight now.

更多“听力原文:M: I am getting frustrated. We are supposed to do our assignments on the computer”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Your blood pressure is quite normal and there was nothing wrong with your hear
t or lung.

W: But what about these heartaches I am always getting? I'm still worrying about them.

Q: What's wrong with the woman?


A.She's got heart trouble.

B.She's got a lung disease.

C.She's got high blood pressure.

D.She's got headaches.



听力原文:W: Have you found a job yet?M: No, and I'm getting discouraged. I went to the job

听力原文:W: Have you found a job yet?

M: No, and I'm getting discouraged. I went to the job market yesterday, but no one was really interested in hiring an English major.

W: I know what you mean. I was told by many of the companies there that they are looking for people with other skills. Fortunately, I am good at computing. I think I have a job lined up.

M: Tell me about it.

W: The first people I talked to said they were very interested in me, because I am familiar with Word Perfect. When they interviewed me, I was able to speak English better than the boss and he was very impressed with my combination of skills.

M: I was hoping to find a sales job with an import-export company.

W: You'd be good at that kind of job. Your English is very good. My older brother works for a Chinese American joint venture in Guangzhou and he is doing very well. He wanted me to go down there and work with him, but I think I would rather take this job here. If you would like, I will call him and ask him to help you find a job there.

M: I would really appreciate that. I know several of our classmates have found jobs there. It's a long way from home, but I hear the pay is good there. Thank you for your help.

W: Don' t mention it.


A.Because he was not interested in any job in the market.

B.Because he is not skillful at computing.

C.Because he is an English major.

D.Because the companies in the job market were looking for people good at English speaking.



听力原文:M: So, Claire, you are into drama.W: Yes, I've a master's degree in Drama and The

听力原文:M: So, Claire, you are into drama.

W: Yes, I've a master's degree in Drama and Theater. At the moment, I am hoping to get onto a PHD program.

M: What excites you about drama?

W: Well, I find it's a communicative way to study people, and you learn how to read people in drama. So usually I can understand what people are saying, even though they might be lying.

M: That would be useful.

W: Yeah, it's very useful for me as well. I'm an English lecturer, so I use a lot of drama in my classes, such as role-plays. And I ask my students to create mini-dramas. They really respond well. At the moment, I am hoping to get onto a PHD course. I would like to concentrate on Asian drama and try to bring Asian theater to the world attention. I don't know how successful I will be, but here is hoping.

M: Oh, I'm sure you will be successful. Now, Claire, what do you do for stage fright?

W: Ah, stage fright. Well, many actors have that problem. I get stage fright every time I'm going to teach a new class. The night before, I usually can't sleep.

M: What? For teaching?

W: Yes! I get really had stage fright, but the minute I step into the classroom or get onto the stage, it just all falls into place. Then I just feel like "Yeah, this is what I'm made to do." and I am fine.

M: Wow, that' cool.


A.It helps her to attract more public attention.

B.It improves her chance of getting promoted.

C.It strengthens her relationship with students.

D.It enables her to understand people better.



听力原文:M: Good morning, Jill. Welcome to our program.W: Thanks, Richard. M: It is said t

听力原文:M: Good morning, Jill. Welcome to our program.

W: Thanks, Richard.

M: It is said that you have quite a few hobbies.

W: Yes, Richard. To be frank, I am interested in doing a lot of different things. Some of them have turned out to be my hobbies.

M: Great! Can you share with us this moment?

W: My pleasure. I used to spend much of my available free time surfing the web and creating web pages, but these days I don't.

M: Then what do you do these days?

W: I go camping, hiking, canoeing with my friends because it is warm and nice these days. You know, I like doing some outdoor sports. And I love the water, so living by the sea affords a lot of opportunities for boating, sailing, water skiing, and of course, girl watching.

M: Oh, you are a sportsman. What else?

W: I also like skating on the real ice. That's a fantastic feeling just like flying. Have you tried?

M: I dare not. I'm not as brave as you.

W: Ah, then I have my chance to show you my skill. While at home and not absorbed in the WWW, I like to garden and wander around my house getting little accomplished.


A.Richard hosts' the program.

B.Jill has many hobbies.

C.Richard is a sportsman.

D.Jill is brave.



听力原文:M: I am so relieved, I just finished the story I was working on for our creative
Writing course.

W: I haven't quite finished mine yet. I had trouble getting past the beginning.

M: How come?

W: Well, I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. I just couldn't write any more.

M: The same thing happened to me. I thought it meant I lack imagination.

W: Well, Professor Wilson said it's pretty common for writers to get stuck like that.

M: Yon went to talk to her about it?

W: Actually, I went to ask for more time to finish the assignment. But instead she gave me some advice about bow to keep from getting stalled writing like that. She said that the first thing I should do is just write anything that comes into my head even if it doesn't make any sense, sort of warm up exercise.

M: That is interesting. When I get stuck, I shift to something else, you know, do some work for one of my other courses.

W: Well, hex methods seem to have worked for me. I've written most of the story, and I should be able to hand in on time. But first I need to go to the jewelry store.

M: You are going shopping? Can't you wait until you finish your story?

W: I am going there for my story. My detective solves a jewelry store robbery, so I went to take a look at how the jewelry cases are arranged, where the security cameras are located, that sort of thing.


A.A detective story.

B.Their writing assignment.

C.Professor Wilson's writing course.

D.A jewelry store robbery.



听力原文:M: [19] I am so relieved I just finished the story I was working on for our creat
ive writing course.

W: I haven't quite finished mine yet. [20] I had trouble getting past the beginning.

M: How come?

W: Well, I was really happy to be writing a detective story. [20] But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. I just couldn't write any more.

M: The same thing happened to me. I thought it meant I lack imagination.

W: Well, Prof. Wilson said it's pretty common for writers to get stuck like that.

M: You went to talk to her about it?

W: Actually, I went to ask for more time to finish the assignment. But instead she gave me some advice about how to keep from getting stalled writing like that. [21] She said that the first thing I should do is just write anything that come into my head even if it doesn't make any sense, sort of warm up exercise.

M: That's interesting. When I get stuck, I shift to something else, you know, do some work for one of my other courses.

W: Well, her methods seem to have worked for me. I've written most of the story, and I should be able to hand it in on time. But first I need go to the jewelry store.

M: You are going shopping? Can't you wait until you finish your story?

W: [22] I am going there for my story. My detective solves a jewelry store robbery. So I want to take a look at how the jewelry cases are arranged, where the security cameras are located, that sort of thing.


A.A jewelry store robbery.

B.Buying a birthday present.

C.Writing a story.

D.Doing research for a class assignment.



听力原文:M: I thought Nancy and Mike were going to get married in June.W: No, that’s when

听力原文:M: I thought Nancy and Mike were going to get married in June.

W: No, that’s when his cousin's wedding is. They are getting married the following month.

Q: When are Nancy and Mike getting married?








听力原文:M: I had a hard time getting through this novel.F: I know how you feel. Who can r

听力原文:M: I had a hard time getting through this novel.

F: I know how you feel. Who can remember the names of 40 different characters.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The novel describes a man with many different kinds of character.

B.Thoro're too many characters in the novel to remember.

C.The man is good at memorizing people's names.

D.She hasn't read the novel yet.



听力原文:M:I am taking up a collection for the jazz band.Would you like to give?W:Just a m

听力原文:M:I am taking up a collection for the jazz band.Would you like to give?

W:Just a minute while I get my wallet.

Q:What will the woman probably do next?


A.Put some money in her wallet.

B.Buy a band-concert ticket.

C.Make a donation.

D.Lend the man some money.



听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?W: Not yet, but I've bee

听力原文:M: Did you buy a birthday present for your sister, Susan?

W: Not yet, but I've been thinking about getting her a tape. She is fond of classical music.

Q: Which tape would Susan like best?


A.The Best of Jazz.

B.Classical Favorites.

C.Christmas Carols.

D.Rock Music Collection.


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