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听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy.Cou

听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy. Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk back home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot. But I'm having some people over, and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: Now the people ! live with, the Kremers, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome home dinner.

W: Oh, that's really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it's the least I can do for them. They've been letting me stay with them rent-free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you're a student. They've been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.

更多“听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy.Cou”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time.If h

听力原文:M: I really can’t stand the way David controls the conversation all the time.

If he’s going to be at your Christmas party, I just won’t come. W: I’m sorry you feel

that way, but my mother insists that he come. Q: What does the woman imply?

A.She will ask David to talk less.

B.She will meet the man halfway.

C.She is sorry the man will not come.

D.She has to invite David to the party.



听力原文:M: It seems to me that I can't find Uncle David's house. It's not far from here,

W: Why not call him? He surely is familiar with here.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She knows where it is.

B.She wants to go to the park.

C.He should get help in finding the way.

D.He can't see the place very well.



听力原文:W: Hello, Tom.M: Hello, Mother.W: I want to buy David a pet for his birthday.M: Y

听力原文:W: Hello, Tom.

M: Hello, Mother.

W: I want to buy David a pet for his birthday.

M: Yes, I know.

W: What shall I give him?

M: Why don't you buy him a dog? He likes dogs because they are friendly.

W: But he' s already got a dog.

M: Yes, that's true. What about buying a cat? Cats eat mice.

W: But he's got a pet mouse. Prod lie can't take a eat for a walk, can he? Anyway, I want to buy him something unusual.

M: You could buy him a rabbit.

W: A rabbit? What can he do with a rabbit?

M: Well, rabbits are very pretty. He can feed it, and play with it. He can build a house for it. He likes building things.

W: I don't think that's a very good idea. Rabbits aren't interesting. What about a snake?

M: A snake?

W: Lots of people have snakes. They me very clean and easy to look after. And they're very unusual pets. David likes snakes.

M: I don' t. No, don' t buy a make. I don' t want to open my bedroom door and find a snake.

W: What do you suggest then?

M: Why don' t you buy a bird? They've got some parrots at the market. They've very pretty and they can talk, too. Parrots are unusual.

W: I don't like birds. They everywhere, and they make a lot of noise and a lot of mess.

M: Oh, I really don' t know what else I can suggest.

W: I want to buy something unusual.


A.Because David liked animal.

B.Because it was David's birthday.

C.Because she liked pets.

D.Because David had asked her for one.



听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?W: Yes.M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want t

听力原文:M: Are you the head resident?

W: Yes.

M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want to change roommates.

W: Really? That surprises me. I thought that you and David were good friends.

M: We were. You see, we knew each other before. We are from the same home town, but it looks like we had different reasons for coming to college.

W: How so?

M: Well, David is really into having fun, which is great. But he has so many people in our room all the time that I can't study. And the stereo is on constantly.

W: Have you talked to him about it?

M: Yes, but he just doesn't take me seriously.

W: I see.

M: Miss Todd, I have to study. I'm on scholarship. David isn't.

W: Okay. Here's what we can do. Let me talk to David, and then you see how it goes. Just one week.


A.The man wants to get authorization for a room change.

B.The man is worried about his friendship with his roommate.

C.The man needs a scholarship to continue living in the dormitory.

D.The man wants the head resident to talk to David for him.



听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy. Co

听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy. Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk back home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot. But I'm having some people home and I guess I need more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: The people I live with, the Williams, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome home dinner.

W: Oh, that's really thoughtful of you.

M: I think it's the least I can do for them. They've been letting me stay with them rent free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to be a student. They've been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for the generosity.

W: You are lucky to meet such a good family.


A.He is preparing to go on vacation.

B.He is going to have a long journey.

C.He is going to hold a birthday party.

D.He is preparing a home coming dinner.



听力原文:M: Hurry up, Kate. We'll be late.W: I am hurrying. I can't move any faster.M: It'

听力原文:M: Hurry up, Kate. We'll be late.

W: I am hurrying. I can't move any faster.

M: It's always the same. We can never get anywhere on time.

W: Right! I'm ready. Really, David, if you gave me some help around the house, we'd never have to hurry like this. I can't do everything, you know.

M: Well, we'd better be off. We're late already.

W: Oh, no! It's absolutely pouring. We can't go out in that. We'll be soaked.

M: Nonsense! Come on. It's only a shower. It won't last long.

W: A shower? That! It's set in for the night. I'm not going out in that.

M: Well, you've got your umbrella, haven't you? Use that. And anyway. it's only five minutes to the Johnsons' house.

W: It might just as well be five miles in that rain. And I haven't got my umbrella. I left it in the office.

M: That wasn't very clever of you, was it?

W: Well, we could use your umbrella, I suppose.

M: We can't. I left it on the train six weeks ago.

W: Oh, David, Really, you are impossible.

M: Well, we can't stand here all night. We're late enough as it is. Let's go.

W: I'm not going out in that. And that's final.

M: I'd better ring for a taxi then.

W: Yes. You'd better, hadn't you?


A.Because she hasn't got ready yet.

B.Because she is waiting for David.

C.Because she is waiting for a taxi to pick her up.

D.Because it is raining very hard and she doesn't have an umbrella.



听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy! Co

听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy! Could you take this one, please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot—but I'm having some people over and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What' s the occasion?

M: The people I live with, the Kramers, have been on vacation for a month, and I thought I' d surprise them. I' m inviting some of their friends and family for a welcome-home dinner.

W: That' s really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it' s the least I can do for them. They' ve been letting me stay with them rent-free while I' m in school.

W: Really? That' s pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you' re a student. They' ve been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.



听力原文:M: Maths Department, Doctor Winston speaking.W: Hello, Prof. Winston. This is Eli

听力原文:M: Maths Department, Doctor Winston speaking.

W: Hello, Prof. Winston. This is Eliza Smith calling. I'm living two doors down from your teaching you because he lost his voice and can't talk to you himself.

M: Lost his voice? Oh, what a shame! Is there anything I can do for him?

W: Well, he has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 and he won't be able to teach it, but he doesn't want to cancel it either.

M: Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No, not exactly. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the mid-term exams. He's already marked them and they are on the desk in his office. The whole thing wouldn't take more than ten minutes.

M: His class is at 2: 30, eh? Well at that time I am going to be on campus anyway; so I can do it for him. What room is his class in?

W: Building 4, Room two-fourteen. Will you need his office key to get the exams? He's given it to me and I could bring it to you.

M: Actually, that won't be necessary. We have a master key in the maths department. So I can get into his office if necessary.

W: Thanks very much, Prof. Winston. David doesn't have another class to teach until Tuesday, and hopefully, he will be able to talk by then. He'll call you as soon as he can. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Could you put the next assignment on the board, too? It's all the problems on Page 45, and they are due at the next class.

M: No trouble at all. Thanks for passing all the news about David, and please tell him not to worry about anything.


A.He can't find his office key.

B.He has misplaced some exams.

C.He is unable to speak.

D.He doesn't like his classroom.



听力原文:W: I feel so uneasy about trusting David with our money, How about you?M: Some pe

听力原文:W: I feel so uneasy about trusting David with our money, How about you?

M: Some people say he's not reliable, but others have a lot of confidence in him. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He thinks David is not reliable.

B.He's willing to trust David.

C.He has told his doubts to David.

D.He thinks David will benefit from this experience.



听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, David?M: Fine. This week I have been reading the

听力原文:W: How do you like your new job, David?

M: Fine. This week I have been reading the financial reports and studying the books. Next week I will probably start to handle some of the accounts.

What docs the man do for a living?


A.He is a librarian

B.He is a professor.

C.He is an accountant

D.He is a reporter.


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