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The planes have to()strict safety checks.





更多“The planes have to()strict safety checks.”相关的问题


A.We can do without railways.B.Trains have much in common with motorcars and planes.C.

A.We can do without railways.

B.Trains have much in common with motorcars and planes.

C.Motorcars and planes are not as good as trains.

D.Trains are as good as motorcars and planes.



According to the spokesman of Delta, preferred economy-class tickets_________A.usually hav

According to the spokesman of Delta, preferred economy-class tickets_________

A.usually have a fixed price

B.Can be obtained with additional charge

C.are available 24 hours prior to the planes departure

D.are only for Medallion members



This latest theory has yet to be proved but seems to offer a better explanation()why F
This latest theory has yet to be proved but seems to offer a better explanation()why F

light 19 and all the other planes, ships and people have disappeared in theBermuda Triangle.

A.thanks to

B.as to

C.up to

D.prior to



The Bermuda TriangleThere is a place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and airplanes seem

The Bermuda Triangle

There is a place in the Atlantic Ocean where ships and airplanes seem to disappear more often than anywhere else on Earth. It seems to form. a triangle between Miami, Bermuda, and the ocean east of Puerto Rico. This place is called the Bermuda Triangle. Over 100 planes and ships have been lost there since 1945. Over 1,000, people have disappeared.

It is almost as ff the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky, as if the slips had been suddenly sucked clown into a huge whirlpool. The strangest thing is that nothing is ever found: no bodies in the water or washed up on the beach.

The biggest single loss of planes happened in December of 1945. Five Navy planes from Florida were flying together. There were 14 men in them. They radioed back to their Base that their flying instruments were not working, they did not know where they were. The base radioed back to them to follow the sun vest. They answered that they could not see the sun, even though the weather was good. They also said that the ocean didn't look as it should. Finally they said they could not hear the base. But the base tower could still hear them talking about strange "white water". The last thing the tower heard was: "Don't come after us. It looks like..." Then there was silence.

In the meantime, 13 men in another plane had been sent to help them. But they sent just one message. It said that they were coming to the place where the planes were lost. Then it also disappeared and was never heard from again. After checking and searching for many months, a Navy officer said, "It's almost as if they had gone to Mars."

Sometimes a plane or ship will disappear fight after sending a message saying that everything is OK. During Christmas of 1963 a DC-3 passenger plane was coming into Miami for a landing. The pilot asked for landing directions. Then he said, "Would you believe it? The passengers are still singing Christmas carols!" Then suddenly the plane's radio went off the air. Neither the plane nor any of the passengers in it were ever heard from again.

It is known that pilots of planes often have trouble with their instruments in the Bermuda Triangle. Many people have studied the Triangle to find out what could be causing such things to happed there. In 1965 a Navy plane was sent to study the magnetic field in the Bermuda Triangle. Soon after flying into the area, the plane disappeared. The 10 men in it were gone, too.

Instrument trouble alone can't be the whole answer. Most of the ships and planes have vanished close to land, in good weather, and often in daytime. Whatever happens seems to happen very quickly. A small boat once disappeared right off Miami harbor. Its owner, Dan Burack, had stopped at Buoy No. 9 to admire the Christmas lights on shore. He suddenly sent a call for help to the Coast Guard. He didn't say what was wrong. A Coast Guard boat hurried to Buoy No. 9.

On its radio, the men heard Burack say," I've never seen one like that before." Nobody knows what he meant. By the time the Coast Guard boat got there, Burack's boat and its passengers had disappeared.

Many large ships have vanished, too. One weighed 20,000 tons. Another had more than 300 people on board. The radio on one large ship from Japan sent a very strange last message. It said, "Danger like dagger now. Come quickly! We cannot escape." After this message, the ship vanished from the sea.

Something in the Bermuda Triangle causes flight instruments to go out of order. This might explain how planes get lost and crash. But it would not explain why planes would vanish suddenly in good weather and sometimes when they are coming in for a landing. Some of the ships could have been turned over or destroyed by accidents. Or a small boat could be run into and sunk by a larger one. This is not likely, though. And in any case, something would have b






听力原文:Have you ever had travel problems because your airplane was late? It is a common

听力原文: Have you ever had travel problems because your airplane was late? It is a common problem and it is getting worse. Airport delays make people angry and cost the country billions in lost work time.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the government agency that oversees air travel. They studied the problem of airline delays.

They found eleven major problems and proposed eleven ways to fix them. Some of the problems are caused because different regions of the country do things differently. The regions don't talk to each other enough. Some of them need new computers.

Also, more planes are flying. A strong economy has more people using airplanes to get around. Airplanes are a form. of mass transportation now, like trains and buses were in the past. More planes in the airport cause delays.

The airport in San Francisco is a good example. It is growing fast. Many people go through San Francisco to get to other places around the world.

Ron Wilson of the San Francisco International Airport says, "If you've got 18 flights that all want to take off at 8:00 a. m. and you're on the 18th plane in line, you're going to 'be 40 minutes late."

Weather is another main reason for delays. Weather causes about 70% of delays. Fog or freezing rain can cause delays.

The first thing the FAA wants to do is to take control away from the regions during heavy traffic times and bad weather. A national center would make decisions on things that affect the whole country. The FAA also wants to put more distance between planes in the sky when the weather is bad. This rule could cause even more delays.

The FAA knows that their solutions will not cure the problems with airport delays. But, they hope to make things better. There are just too many planes, too few traffic controllers, and not enough new technology.








听力原文:There is a strange area in the Atlantic Ocean called the Bermuda Triangle. People

听力原文: There is a strange area in the Atlantic Ocean called the Bermuda Triangle. People have been fascinated by the Bermuda Triangle for years, because of the mysterious disappearance of many ships and planes in the area. There is hardly any agreement about the cause of these disappearance, in fact, it is difficult to find any agreement about the boundaries of the area. Whereas most people argue that the triangle's northern most point is Bermuda, its western most point is Florida, and its eastern point is the coast of Africa, a few researchers prefer the northern point to be in the Boston area.


A.Something in the Bermuda Triangle is strange.

B.Where the Bermuda Triangle is.

C.On very little about this.

D.Ships were not lost.



Departing for Los Angeles is no ordinary 【C1】______ whereas for foreign students who are s
tarting a new experience living on their own for 10 months. Their 【C2】______ in studying in the United States include to increase their command 【C3】______ English, to finish high school, and to understand the American way of life as much as possible. Students get a certificate granted 【C4】______ the American government if they can pass the final exams at the 【C5】______ of each term. Most of them have difficulty 【C6】______ all the necessary arrangements. Gloria succeeded in finding a host family in 【C7】______ because she wrote a detailed letter showing 【C8】______ religious and 【C9】______ character. Students' parents help with packing because 【C10】______ teenagers don't have enough experience 【C11】______ tend to take many unnecessary things with them. These students feel nervous 【C12】______ waiting for their domestic planes because they really have to rely on 【C13】______ for everything from now on, and they are not sure whether they can manage to adapt 【C14】______ new situations. Two problems encountered 【C15】______ they arrive are not liking the food and 【C16】______ sick for home. Some 【C17】______ to the regulation about the time they must be 【C18】______ home on weekend nights. Students who are not fluent 【C19】______ in English must take private lessons and, 【C20】______ increase total costs.








听力原文:The terrible destruction of the World Trade Center, on September 11th 2001, has u

听力原文: The terrible destruction of the World Trade Center, on September 11th 2001, has united the States in a way that they have not known for many years. It has also united most of the world. We will never forget what happened on that day of tenor.

Two planes, carrying passengers and crew, were hijacked by terrorists and flown into the two towers of the World Trade Center, which later collapsed.

Two other planes were also hijacked. One was thrown against the Pentagon; in the other, heroic passengers fought the terrorists, making the plane crash in a forest in Pennsylvania That resistance probably saved hundreds of lives.

In all, over 5 000 people--from over 60 different countries--died in New York or in Washington: among them there were over 200 people from the emergency services, the police and the New York Fire Department.

While frightened workers poured downstairs to escape from the two burning towers, emergency workers were going upstairs, climbing towards the death and destruction above them; they were climbing to their own deaths. Others remained below, to receive the casualties as they were brought down. They too died when the 104 stories of the massive buildings above them collapsed in a fury of dust and smoke and masonry.

"They were the bravest men I've ever seen," said a man who escaped from the towering inferno of the world Trade Center.

All over the USA, people offered their blood to help the injured; but in fact there was not a lot of need for blood. When the massive buildings collapsed, most people died instantly. Only a few injured people were brought out from the debris.

The disaster united Americans in grief, because almost every American felt personally attacked. The fanatical murderers who planned this attack, and carried it out, thought that they would make America weaker; in fact, they have made it stronger. Almost the whole world has been united in horror and sympathy.








听音频,回答下面各题。 Old friends, they finish your sentences, they remember the cat that r
an away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when youve had a bad 26 But mostly, they are always there for you--whether its in person or via late night phone calls--through good times and bad times. But as the years pass, it becomes 27 difficult to see each other and to 28. Fortunately, my high school girl friends and I 29 long ago not to let this happen. A few months ago, we met up for a three-day weekend in the American Southwest. We grew up together in Maine and have said for years that we should have an 30 event, yet its often postponed or canceled due to schedule 31 Not this year. Four of us--two from San Francisco, one from Boston, one from Seattle--boarded planes 32 Santa Fe, the capital of the New Mexico, where one of the gang lives an 33 life and works for an art gallery. Two years ago, she moved there--escaped, rather--from the film industry in New York City, where she led a life that felt too fast, too unfulfilling. The artist in her longed for lively 34 and starry moonlit skies. She wanted to drive a truck on dusty roads, a trusty dog at her side, riding shotgun. She got all that. She is happy. We were no longer girls 35 adults, no longer post-college grads. Yes, we are different, but we are also the same. The years of our youth say so. 请回答(26)题__________.



The next decade could see commuters speeding to work at about 300 miles per hour aboard ma
gnetic levitation vehicles, according to a report by Argonne National Laboratories. But before "maglev" vehicles can become commercial successes, the report says, people need to stop thinking of them as high-speed trains. Instead, consider them low-flying aircraft. Argonne contends that maglev vehicles will be best suited to replace commuter aircraft. Plane flights under 600 miles are the least energy-efficient, and maglev "planes" should cut these fuel needs by up to 75 percent. Reportedly, the money saved by a 2,000-mile maglev network linking major cities world more than pay for its construction in 20 years. The quiet purr of levitating crafts would also be a balm for neighborhoods tormented by the roar of conventional takeoffs and landings. The technology behind magnetic levitation is already well understood, the report notes. The West Germans and the Japanese already well understood, the report notes. The West Germans and the Japanese have several full-scale working models. Meanwhile, research in the United States has lapsed.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.The Future of Transportation

B.Argonne Develops Maglev Train

C.The Disadvantages of Commuting by Airplane

D.Commuting in the Future


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