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听力原文:W: Hi, Don, would you like to go swimming this afternoon?M: I wish I could, but I

听力原文:W: Hi, Don, would you like to go swimming this afternoon?

M: I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have a ten-page paper due tomorrow.

W: Oh, is that for Prof. Lowell's class?

M: Yes, I have to do an analysis of a poem we read in class.

W: That's hard. How is it going so far?

M: Not very well. And I also have to study a lot for math and history. I don't know how I'm going to do it all.

W: You know, Don, I've been doing well in math, so I'd be happy to help you.

M: Oh, that will be great, Jenny.

W: If you like, we can start after I come back from swimming.

M: OK. I'll see you in front of the library.

W: Gook luck with the poem.


A.He must speak with Professor Lowell.

B.He has to take a math test.

C.He's going to a conference.

D.He has to finish a paper.

更多“听力原文:W: Hi, Don, would you like to go swimming this afternoon?M: I wish I could, but I”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Hi! Mark.Nice to see you again. How is everything?M: Great! I didn't expect to

听力原文:W: Hi! Mark. Nice to see you again. How is everything?

M: Great! I didn't expect to see you again. What a small world!

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They are talking about the world.

B.They met some time ago.

C.They are discussing how small the world is.

D.They don't want to meet again.



听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again.W: Likewise. I remember the last time we me

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again.

W: Likewise. I remember the last time we met was 5 months age at Mike' s birthday party. How are you doing?

Q: What do we know about the speakers?


A.They don' t know how to get to Mike' s home.

B.They are discussing when to meet again.

C.They went to the same party some time ago.

D.They will go to Mike' s birthday party.



听力原文:W:Hi, Larry. I feel global warming is really something upsetting after Professor
Steve's lecture.

M:Oh, Alice, I just don't buy his theory that global warming is caused by humans. There is a lot we don't know.

Q:What can we learn from the conversation?


A.Prof. Steve's lecture on global warming is well-grounded.

B.Larry does not accept Prof. Steve's point as completely true.

C.Alice believes global warming is caused by human being.

D.Both Larry and Alice are optimistic about global warming.



听力原文:W: Professor, (19)I'm going to take part in a debate on advertising tomorrow. Wou

听力原文:W: Professor, (19)I'm going to take part in a debate on advertising tomorrow. Would you please give me some hint?

M: That's interesting. I should like to hear what young people think about advertising.

W: Well, (20)we wouldn't know what there was to buy if we didn't have advertisements.

M. Yes. that's true up to El point. Advertisements provide information that we need. If someone has produced a new article, naturally the seller wants to tell us about it.

W: Yes, and (20) advertisements tell us which product is the best.

M: Do they? I don't think so. Every manufacturer says that his product is the best, or at least tries to give that impression. Only one can be the best, so the others are misleading us, aren't they?

W: Well, in a way, I suppose, but we don't have to believe them, do we?

M: Are you saying that advertisements aren't effective? (21)I don't think that intelligent businessmen would spend millions of dollars on advertising if nobody believed the advertisements, do you?

W: (20)Perhaps not, }0ut after all, it's their money that they're spending.

M: Is it? I think not. The cost of advertising is added to the price of the article. You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising!

W: Well, (20)I suppose we get something for our money--some information.

M: Yes, but don't forget it's often misleading information, and sometimes harmful.


A.To ask the man to debate with her.

B.To get some suggestion about advertisement.

C.To invite him to be a judge for a debate.

D.To get some ideas for a debate.



听力原文:M: Hi, Sandy. How are your finals going?W: Oh, hi, Michael. I finished my last ex

听力原文:M: Hi, Sandy. How are your finals going?

W: Oh, hi, Michael. I finished my last exam this morning, and I finished two term papers. I finally feel like I can see the light.

M: Great. Now how about a change? I've got two tickets for the new modern art exhibit downtown. Do you want to go with me?

W: Oh, I don't know. I don't know anything about modern art, and I'm no artist.

M: You don't have to be an artist to enjoy a good art show! Besides, at least it's something different from studying.

W: You are right. Have you seen this exhibit yet?

M: No, but I've heard that it's great. The exhibit was in New York last summer and in Chicago after that. And next week it goes to Los Angeles.

W: Oh. Well, it ought to be good then.

M: And, besides, next door to the modern art museum is a new Asian art museum. So we could hit both of them if you're up for it.

W: OK, you've talked me into it. Did you want to go this afternoon?

M: If you have time. I'm ready.

W: OK. Let's meet after lunch. Shall we meet right here?

M: Sounds good to me. See you then.








听力原文:M:Hi,Jane. So glad to see you again.W:Likewise.I remember the last time we met wa

听力原文:M:Hi,Jane. So glad to see you again.

W:Likewise.I remember the last time we met was 4 months ago at Mickey's birthday party.How are you doing?

Q:What do we know about the speakers?


A.They went to the same ceremony some time ago.

B.They are discussing when to meet again.

C.They don't know how to get to Mickey's home.

D.They will go to Mickey's graduation ceremony.



听力原文:W: Hi, Thomas, I heard that you had quite an adventure. What caused you to go sky

M: I don't know for sure, I just thought it would be fun.

Q: Why did the man go sky diving?


A.Because he enjoyed it.

B.Because he liked adventures.

C.Because he thought sky diving was an interesting activity.

D.Because he thought sky diving was terrible.



听力原文:W: Hi, Steve!M: Hi, Jan. I'm planning to go to London by train. Do you want to co

听力原文:W: Hi, Steve!

M: Hi, Jan. I'm planning to go to London by train. Do you want to come with me?

W: But it'd be cheaper by bus.

M: I've got a student travel card. You can get cheap train tickets with it.

W: That sounds good. How much does it cost?

M: A card for six months is sixteen pounds.

W: So how do I get one?

M: You need two photographs—one for the card and one for the form.

W: There's a photo machine in the post office. It gives you four photos for three pounds.

M: So does the one in the library. But I went to a photographer's studio. It was cheaper.

W: I don't have to show my passport or my driving license, do I?

M: No, Jan, you only need a letter from your college.

W: OK, I'll ask my teacher for one.

M: And then you take everything to the tourist office and ask the travel agent.

W: Great, next time you go to London, I'll come too!








听力原文:W: Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend?M: Sure. I happe

听力原文:W: Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend?

M: Sure. I happen to be free this weekend. What shall we do?

W: I don't know. Do you have any idea?

M: Why don't we see a film? There're some American blockbusters on.

W: Sounds good. Which film shall we see?

M: Let's see The First Blood. The plot is thrilling and the cast is strong.

W: I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about School Ties? I heard it's quite a funny film. It is about American high school life and racism.

M: Have you seen the film? You seem to know a lot about the film.

W: No, I searched for the information on the Internet.

M: OK. Let's go to see the film. When is it on?

W: It's at 8 o'clock at the Rex. We still have two and a half hours. Shall we have something to eat before the film?

M: Sure. What about going to that new Italian restaurant--Sunny Woods?

W: Great idea! Italian food is my favorite. Then let's meet there at 6:00.

M: OK. I'll see you at Sunny Woods at 6:00. Bye.

W: See you then.


A.They are going to invite some friends to play cards.

B.They plan to go to a Chinese restaurant.

C.They will go to see a horror movie.

D.None of the above.



听力原文:M: Hi, would you like some help?W: Well, I'm looking for something I saw at a fri

听力原文:M: Hi, would you like some help?

W: Well, I'm looking for something I saw at a friend's house a few days ago. He said he bought it here. It's a light metal shelf almost a yard long with a magnetic brace that I can attach to a cabinet or a refrigerator. I'm a biologist, and I want to use it for my slides and samples.

M: You're in the right department, but we don't have them in stock now.

W: Oh, that's too bad. Are you going to be getting more?

M: They're on order, but I should warn you that the price has gone up.

W: Just my luck.

M: They were $ 12.50(twelve-fifty), but the new ones will be about three dollars more. Come in next week. We should have them by then.

W: OK. I'll be back. Thanks.


A.A cabinet.

B.A refrigerator.

C.A light.

D.A shelf.


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