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听力原文:W: Hello, Mary Smith here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?M: Speaking.W: Oh,

听力原文:W: Hello, Mary Smith here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

M: Speaking.

W: Oh, it's you, Andrew, is it? I didn't recognize your voice. Sounds as if you're miles away.

M: Oh, hello, Mary. Yes, the line isn't very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?

W: Yes, that's much better now. Andrew, it looks as if I won't be able to keep the appointment we made.

M: That was to be Friday, wasn't it?

W: Yes, I'm so sorry. This visitor I was actually expecting last week had some kind of change in his schedule, and now he's rung me up to say the only day he can come is next Friday.

M: I see.

W: And the trouble is, as he's over from Argentina, I can't very well put him off. Hope you understand.

M: Well, I suppose so.

W: But could we meet on Saturday? Or would you prefer the beginning of next week?

M: Afraid I'm tied up at the weekend. And...let me just check. Tuesday would be all right, I think.

W: Tuesday is O.K. for me too. Could you come here at 11:30 as we'd arranged? I'll show you round our place, we could lunch together and work out the terms of our contract in the afternoon. How does that sound to you?

M: Yes, fine. I'll write it down in my diary. That's Tuesday, 12th December. Right, I'll be at your place at 11:30 then.

W: Thanks, Andrew. Hope I haven't messed up your arrangements too much.

M: Oh no, these things happen, don't they? See you next Tuesday. And have a nice weekend.

W: Thanks. You too.


A.Changing an appointment.

B.Making an appointment.

C.Canceling an appointment.

D.Meeting a friend.

更多“听力原文:W: Hello, Mary Smith here. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?M: Speaking.W: Oh,”相关的问题


听力原文:M: Good morning, the Dean's office.W: Hello, this is Mary Smith speaking. I was j

听力原文:M: Good morning, the Dean's office.

W: Hello, this is Mary Smith speaking. I was just calling before I left my dorm room to make sure that I had an appointment with Dean Maply this morning at 10:00 o'clock.

M: Please wait a minute. I'll check with his secretary.

W: Ok, thank you.

M: Hello, Miss Smith.

W: Yes.

M: He looked at his calendar and he doesn't have your appointment in his book for 10:00.

W: But...that's impossible. Please check it again. I'm sure I have made an appointment with him.

M: Sorry, Miss Smith, I will call his secretary to check. By the way, when did you make the appointment?

W: On Tuesday, two days ago.

M: Wait a minute. Hello, Miss Smith, Dean Maply is waiting to see you at 10:00 o'clock and I'm sorry for that mistake.

W: Never mind. And thank you. I'll be right over after breakfast.

M: All right, Good-bye.

W: Good bye.


A.Dean Maple.

B.A secretary.

C.A receptionist.

D.An operator.



听力原文:M: Hello, Mary, this is Dam Morrison from the office. I'm calling to see how Tom
is feeling today. If he is not so well, I may arrange someone else to do his work instead.

W: Oh, hello, Mr. Morrison. The doctor said he'd be able to go back to work tomorrow.

Q: What can we learn about Tom from the conversation?


A.He is seriously ill and still in hospital.

B.Mary will do his work instead.

C.Morrison is his doctor.

D.He will go to work tomorrow.



听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.W: Hello. This is Mary.M: Oh, hello.W: I'm afraid I can't

听力原文:M: Hello, Thompson here.

W: Hello. This is Mary.

M: Oh, hello.

W: I'm afraid I can't come to work today, Mr. Thompson.

M: Oh, what's the problem?

W: I've got a very sore throat.

M: Yes, you sound ill on the phone.

W: Yes, I'll stay in bed today, but I'll be able to come tomorrow.

M: That's all right, Mary.

W: Thank you, Mr. Thompson...Goodbye.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

(At Mary's gate.)

M: Hello, Mary!

W: Oh...hello.., hello, Mr. Thompson...er...er...

M: I've brought some fruit for you, Mary.

W: Thank you very much, Mr. Thompson.

M: Well, how's your throat?

W: It seems a little better. I'll be OK tomorrow.

M: Well, don't come in until you feel better.

W: All right...but I'm sure I'll be able to come in tomorrow.

M: Goodbye, Mary.

W: Goodbye, Mr. Thompson.

M: I want to tell you a story, Mary.

W: Oh?

M: Last day, it was England against Brazil. Both teams were playing well, but neither team could score a goal. Then the crowd were cheering and booing. It was very exciting. Then at 3:20, England scored from a penalty. I jumped out of his chair. I was very excited. I was smiling happily when suddenly the cameraman focused on the crowd. My smile disappeared and I looked very angry. Mary Walker's face, in close-up, was there on the screen. She didn't look ill, and she didn't sound ill. She was smiling happily and cheering wildly!

W: Oh, my god.


A.They're close friends.

B.She wanted to ask for leave.

C.She was terribly' ill.

D.She greeted him.



听力原文:M: Hello, Mary, you're just the person I'm looking for.W: Oh good! What can I do

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary, you're just the person I'm looking for.

W: Oh good! What can I do for you?

M: Have you got a minute?

W: Yeah, of course.

M: Well, it's about Jane Smith, you know. She is coming here soon. You know her, don't you?

W: Mm, actually I do. She and I worked together for quite some time (25) . Why do you ask?

M: Well, she is coming today and we've got to go 1o the airport to meet her. But, you know, she is just a stranger to me. So I wonder if you could…

W: Oh I see!You hope I can tell you what she looks like (23) ?

M: Yes!

W: Well, she is in her 40s but she doesn't really look middle-aged (24) . And she's usually smartly dressed with brown short hair. Actually, she is good-looking.

M: Uh huh. Eh, how tall is she?

W: Mm, a hit taller than me but.., average height, I'd say. By the way, she wears glasses.

M: Oh, I see. I'm sure I could find her at the airport, because 1 have a much clearer idea about her now. Thank you for your help,,

W:Don't mention it.


A.To go to the airport.

B.To work with Jane Smith.

C.To offer some information.

D.To meet Jane Smith.



听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: Oh, n

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I'm just calling to see how you and Mom are. It's been quite a while since I saw you last.

M: Oh, we're both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center, shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time. How's Tom?

W: He's fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, and I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy's home from school today. It's nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it's his birthday, too.

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the 23rd.

M: Well, that's too bad. Tell him we sent him a present.

W: All right. Sally's taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I'd like to see her sometime. And how's Ted?

W: He's OK. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it's certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I'm afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That would be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything's all right. Give Mom our love.

M: All right. Goodbye.

W: Goodbye, Dad.


A.Because she wanted to know ii everything was OK with her parents.

B.Because she wanted to invited her parents to Billy's birthday party.

C.Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything was OK with her children.

D.Because she wanted to tell her parents that Tom was given a raise.



听力原文:M: Hello.W: Hello, Dad?M: Yes…Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?W: Oh, n

听力原文:M: Hello.

W: Hello, Dad?

M: Yes…Mary! How are you? Is there anything wrong?

W: Oh, no. I’m just calling to see how you and Mom are. It’s been quite a while since I saw you last.

M: Oh, we’re both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center, shopping.

W: For a new dress?

M: No, for shoes this time. How’s Tom?

W: He’s fine. He likes this work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Davis. We were all pretty pleased about that.

M: Yes, and I think you should be. And how are the children?

W: Well, Billy’s home from school today. It’s nothing serious, just a bad cold. And it’s his birthday, too.

M: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th.

W: No, the 23rd.

M: Well. That’s too bad. Tell him we sent him a present.

W: All right. Sally’s still taking dancing lessons.

M: She must be pretty good by now. I’d like to see her sometime. And how’s Ted?

W: He’s OK. He loves working on cars and has a part-time job at the garage now.

M: Well, it’s certainly good to hear your voice. When are you coming for a visit?

W: Not for a few months, I’m afraid. But I hope we can come for a few weeks this summer, probably in July.

M: That should be nice. Call again soon.

W: OK, Dad. Nice talking to you and glad everything’s all right.


A.Because she wanted to know if everything was OK with her parents.

B.Because she wanted to invite her parents to Billy's birthday party.

C.Because she wanted to tell her parents that everything was OK with her children.

D.Because she wanted to tell her parents that Tom was given a raise.



听力原文:M: Mary is an American, but she has lived in Asia for most of her life.W: Yes. Sh

听力原文:M: Mary is an American, but she has lived in Asia for most of her life.

W: Yes. She speaks Japanese and Chinese as well as she speaks English.

Q: What nationality is Mary?








听力原文:W: I thought Tom said he got As in all his tests.M: Mary, you should know better

听力原文:W: I thought Tom said he got As in all his tests.

M: Mary, you should know better than to take Tom's words too seriously.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.Tom is very responsible.

B.Tom's words aren't reliable.

C.What Tom said is true.

D.Tom is not humorous at all.



听力原文:W: I thought Tom said he got an A in our history test.M: Mary, you should know be

听力原文:W: I thought Tom said he got an A in our history test.

M: Mary, you should know better than to take Tom' s words too seriously.

Q: What does the man imply?


A.Tom is very responsible.

B.Tom's words aren't reliable.

C.What Tom said is true.

D.Torn is not humorous at all.



听力原文:W: I guess I'll send Mary a postcard from Hawaii when I go there on my vacation.M

听力原文:W: I guess I'll send Mary a postcard from Hawaii when I go there on my vacation.

M: I'm sure that she'd be glad to get one. She has a collection of cards from all over the world.

Q: What do we learn about Mary?


A.She is going to Hawaii.

B.She has traveled all over the world.

C.She likes postcards.

D.She is going on vacation.


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