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Many college students today own personal computers that cost anywhere from $ 1 000 to perh

aps $5 000 or more.【B1】______, it is not uncommon for them to purchase【B2】_______ costing another several hundred dollars. Twenty years ago, computers were【B3】______, but they were very large and extremely expensive. Few, if any,【B4】______purchased computers for home use. Over the years, the price of the "guts" Of a computer its memory—has declined to less than a thousandth of the price per unit of memory that prevailed twenty years ago. This is the main reason why computers cost so much less today than they used to. Moreover,【B5】______improvements have made it possible to【B6】______memory circuitry that is small enough to fit into the portable personal computers that many of us own and use.【B7】______, as the price of computation has declined the average consumer and business have spent more on purchasing computers. 【B8】______, improved agricultural technology, hybrid(杂交)seeds,【B9】______animal breeding, and so on have vastly increased the amount of output a typical farmer can produce. The prices of goods such as meats and grains have fallen sharply relative to the prices of most other goods and services. As agricultural prices have fallen, many households have decreased their total expenses on food. Even though the【B10】______of a product purchased generally increases when its price falls, total expenses on it may decline.




更多“Many college students today own personal computers that cost anywhere from $ 1 000 to perh”相关的问题


One major decision which faces the American studentready to begin higher education is the

One major decision which faces the American student

ready to begin higher education is the choice of attending

a large university or a small college. The large university

provides wide range of specialized departments, as well 【S1】______

as numerous courses with so departments. The small 【S2】______

college, moreover, generally provides a limited number 【S3】______

of courses and specialization but offers a better 【S4】______

student faculty ratio, thus permitting individualized

attention to students. Because its large, cosmopolitan 【S5】______

student body the university exposes its students for many 【S6】______

different cultural, social, and extracurricular programs.

On the other hand, the smaller, more homogeneous

student body of the small college afford greater opportunities 【S7】______

for direct involvement and individual participation in

such activities. Finally, the university closely approximates

the unreal world; it provides a relaxed, impersonal, and 【S8】______

sometimes anonymous existence. In contrast, the intimate

atmosphere of the small college prevents the student four 【S9】______

years of structured living in which to contemplate and prepare

for the real world. In making his choice among educational

institutions the student, therefore, consider many facts. 【S10】______




听力原文:In the United States, the average age of a college student used to be between eig

听力原文: In the United States, the average age of a college student used to be between eighteen and twenty-six years old. Not any more. Over the years, this has changed. Now many colleges and universities boast a large number of non-traditional students.

Many of these non-traditional students are older than the traditional students. Senior citizens are joining the ranks of non-traditional students on campuses throughout the United States. These non- traditional students frequently work during the day and go to school at night or on weekends. They may have started college after they graduated from high school, but later, because of family, or work responsibilities, had their education interrupted.

Traditional Students benefit from having older students in their classes. Senior citizens are excellent role models for some younger students who may not take college as seriously as they should. Senior attend college or the university, not because they have to, but because they want to. Some senior citizens take individual college courses only for personal enrichment. Others attend college to fulfill their lifelong dream of earning college degrees.


A.Under the ages of eighteen.

B.Between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six.

C.Between the ages of twenty-six and fifty-six.

D.Over sixty-five years of age.



The task of being accepted and enrolled in a university or college begins early for some s
tudents. Long【C1】 ______ they graduate from high school, these students take special【C2】______ to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations that test how【C3】______ prepared they are for the university. 19 the final year of high school, they【C4】______ applications and send them, with their student records, to the universities which they hope to【C5】______ . Some high school students may be【C6】______ to have an interview with representatives of the university. Neatly【C7】______ , and usually very frightened, they are【C8】______ to show that they have a good attitude and the 【C9】______ to succeed. When the new students are finally【C10】______ , there may be one more step they have to【C11】______ before registering for classes and【C12】 ______ to work. Many colleges and universities【C13】______ an orientation program for new students.【C14】______ these programs, the young people get to know the【C15】______ for registration and student advising, university rules, the【C16】______ of the library and all the other【C17】______ services of the college or university.

Beginning a new life in a new place can be very【C18】______ . The more knowledge students have【C19】______ the school, the easier it will be for them to【C20】______ to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.








There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calc
ulators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield hefty dividends.

A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the "labor-market premium to skill"—or the amount college graduates earned that's greater than what high-school graduates earned—decreased for much of the 20th century, but has come back with a vengeance (报复性地) since the 1980s. In 2005, the typical full-time year-round U.S. worker with a four-year college degree earned $50,900, 62% more than the $31,500 earned by a worker with only a high-school diploma.

There's no question that going to college is a smart economic choice. But a look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn't come down merely to dollars and cents. Does going to Columbia University (tuition, room and board $ 49,260 in 2007 — 08) yield a 40% greater return than attending the University of Colorado at Boulder as an out-of-state student ($35,542)? Probably not. Does being an out-of-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder yield twice the amount of income as being an in-state student ($17,380) there? Not likely.

No, in this consumerist age, most buyers aren't evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product—like a car or clothes or a house. And with such purchases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider.

As with automobiles, consumers in today's college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets. This accounts for the willingness of people to pay more for different types of experiences (such as attending a private liberal-arts college or going to an out-of-state public school that has a great marine-biology program). And just as two auto purchasers might spend an equal amount of money on very different cars, college students (or, more accurately, their parents) often show a willingness to pay essentially the same price for vastly different products. So which is it? Is college an investment product like a stock or a consumer product like a car? In keeping with the automotive world's hottest consumer trend, maybe it's best to characterize it as a hybrid (混合动力汽车); an expensive consumer product that, over time, will pay rich dividends.

What's the opinion of economists about going to college?

A.Huge amounts of money is being wasted on campus socializing.

B.It doesn't pay to run into debt to receive a college education.

C.College education is rewarding in spite of the startling costs.

D.Going to college doesn't necessarily bring the expected returns.



Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage. There are few more sob

Passage Two

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge dividends.

A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the “labor-market premium to skill”—or the amount college graduates earned that’s greater than what high-school graduate earned—decreased for much of the 20th century, but has come back with a vengeance (报复性地) since the 1980s. In 2005, The typical full-time year-round U.S. worker with a four-year college degree earned $50,900, 62% more than the $31,500 earned by a worker with only a high-school diploma.

There’s no question that going to college is a smart economic choice. But a look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn’t come down merely to dollars and cents. Does going to Columbia University (tuition, room and board $49,260 in 2007-08) yield a 40% greater return than attending the University of Colorado at Boulder as an out-of-state student ($35,542)? Probably not. Does being an out-of-state student at the University of Colorado at Boulder yield twice the amount of income as being an in-state student ($17,380) there? Not likely.

No, in this consumerist age, most buyers aren’t evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product—like a car or clothes or a house. And with such purchases, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider.

As with automobiles, consumers in today’s college marketplace have vast choices, and people search for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets. This accounts for the willingness of people to pay more for different types of experiences (such as attending a private liberal-arts college or going to an out-of-state public school that has a great marine-biology program). And just as two auto purchasers might spend an equal amount of money on very different cars, college students (or, more accurately, their parents) often show a willingness to pay essentially the same price for vastly different products. So which is it? Is college an investment product like a stock or a consumer product like a car? In keeping with the automotive world’s hottest consumer trend, maybe it’s best to characterize it as a hybrid (混合动力汽车); an expensive consumer product that, over time, will pay rich dividends.


57. What’s the opinion of economists about going to college?

A.Huge amounts of money is being wasted on campus socializing.

B.It doesn’t pay to run into debt to receive a college education.

C.College education is rewarding in spite of the startling costs.

D.Going to college doesn’t necessarily bring the expected returns.



The task of being accepted and enrolled in a university begins early for some students. Lo
ng【C1】______ they graduate from high school . These students take special【C2】______ to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one or more examinations that test how【C3】______ prepared they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they【C4】______ applications and send them, with their student records, to the universities which they hope to【C5】______ . Some high school students may be【C6】______ to have an interview with representatives of the university. Neatly【C7】______ and usually very brightened, they are【C8】______ to show that they have a good attitude and the【C9】______ to succeed.

When the new students are finally【C10】______ ,there may be one more step they have to【C11】______ before registering for classes and【C12】______ to work. Many colleges and universities【C13】______ an orientation program for new students.【C14】______ these programs, the young people get to know the【C15】______ for registration and student advising, university rules, the【C16】______ of the library and all the other【C17】______ services of the college or university.

Beginning a new life in a new place can be very【C18】______ . The more knowledge students have 【C19】______ the school, the easier it will be for them to【C20】______ to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.








Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and 【
C1】______ experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps illustrating the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, 【C2】______ reading material and giving out 【C3】______ . The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and wonders what to 【C4】______ . Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes 【C5】______ do not catch the main 【C6】______ and which become hard even for the 【C7】______ themselves to understand.

Most 【C8】______ provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need to be 【C9】______ listeners and note-takers. 【C10】______ these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which enable learners to 【C11】______ these skills 【C12】______ . In all cases it is important to 【C13】______ the problem 【C14】______ actually starting your studies.

It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty 【C15】______ the language skills 【C16】______ in college study. One way of overcoming these difficulties is to 【C17】______ the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the 【C18】______ year. Another basic 【C19】______ is to find a study partner 【C20】______ it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.








Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and【B
1】experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps【B2】the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard,【B3】reading material and giving out【B4】. The new student sees the other students【B5】writing on notebooks and wonders what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture【B6】notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the【B7】to understand.

Most institutions provide courses which【B8】new students to develop the skills they need to be【B9】listeners and note takers. If these are【B10】, there are many useful study skills guides which【B11】learners to practice these skills【B12】. In all cases it is important to【B13】the problem before actually starting your studies. It is important to【B14】that most students have【B15】in acquiring the language skills【B16】in college study. One way of【B17】these difficulties is to attend the language and study skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the【B18】year. Another basic【B19】is to find a study partner with whom it is possible to identify difficulties,【B20】ideas and provide support.








Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and f
rustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps【C1】______the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard,【C2】______reading material and giving out【C3】______. The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and【C4】______what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture【C5】______notes which do not catch the main points and【C6】______become hard even for the【C7】______to understand.

Most institutions provide courses which【C8】______new students to develop the skills they need to be【C9】______listeners and also note-takers.【C10】______these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which【C11】______learners to practice these skills【C12】______. In all cases it is important to【C13】______the problem and grasp these skills【C14】______actually starting your studies.

It is important to【C15】______that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills【C16】______in college study. One way of【C17】______these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the【C18】______year. Another basic【C19】______is to find a study partner【C20】______it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.








Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and f
rustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps【C1】______ the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard,【C2】______ reading material and giving out【C3】______ . The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and【C4】______ what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture【C5】______ notes which do not catch the main points and【C6】______ become hard even for the【C7】______ to understand.

Most institutions provide courses which【C8】______ new students to develop the skills they need to be【C9】______ listeners and note-takers.【C10】______ these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which 【C11】______ learners to practice these skills【C12】______ . In all cases it is important to【C13】______ the problem 【C14】______ actually starting your studies.

It is important to 【C15】______ that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills【C16】______ in college study. One way of 【C17】______ these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the【C18】______ year. Another basic【C19】______ is to find a study partner【C20】______ it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.








听力原文:Americans like to laugh and make jokes, especially practical jokes.These jokes, i

听力原文: Americans like to laugh and make jokes, especially practical jokes. These jokes, intended to trick or deceive people in some harmless way, and are always popular. In the United States and a few other countries the first day of April, April Fool's Day, is a day devoted to such harmless practical jokes and an excuse for every American to fool his friends and neighbors.

When I was a college student, our daily college newspaper, which was read by most of the people who lived in the city near the college as well as by students, always had a special April Fool's Edition. One year the paper said that a beautiful park in the center of the campus was to be turned into a parking lot.

Another year the paper falsely reported that a Russian submarine had been seen in the lake which is on the campus. It was surprising that many people believed these stories. But probably the most successful practical being invaded by people from Mars. His description of this invasion from outer space was so realistic that he caused a panic and was actualy responsible for the deaths of several people.


A.A joke played on the April Fool's Day.

B.A harmless joke intended to trick people.

C.An American joke.

D.A joke in college newspapers.


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