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We can accept your order on condition that __________________________(你提前付款).

We can accept your order on condition that __________________________(你提前付款).

更多“We can accept your order on condition that __________________________(你提前付款).”相关的问题


We can accept your order______(在预先付款的条件下).

We can accept your order______(在预先付款的条件下).



We can accept your order on condition ______ (你们提前付款).

We can accept your order on condition ______ (你们提前付款).




A.I regret to inform. you, therefore, that we cannot give you a refund.

B.Therefore, I am pleased to inform. you that we cannot give you a refund.

C.I regret to inform. you, therefore, that we can give you a refund.

D.Therefore, I regret to inform. you that we cannot accept your request.



Fill in the contract form. in English with information gathered from the following corre

spondences: (20%)

Mail 1

Mar 3, 2021

Qingdao King Industrial & Trading Co.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you very much for your hospitality in your booth at the TEXTILES Fair 2021 in Frankfurt.

We are interested in table cloth Art. No.1001 in the packing of 20 pcs per box. The quantity will be one 20-foot container for a start.

Therefore, you are kindly requested to give us your best price rather than USD10.10 per box quoted at the Fair so that we can send you our order for prompt shipment.

We await your early reply with best regards.

Yours truly,

Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA

Mail 2

Mar 5, 2021

Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA

Dear Sirs,

It was a pleasure to meet you at the TEXTILES Fair 2021 and to receive your enquiry for our table cloth.

In fact, the price we quoted at the Fair is already the most favorable one. However, in order to save time and to start business, we will further lower our price as follows:


We are sure this will be acceptable to you. Let us start our business and we will offer you our best service.

We look forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Qingdao King Industrial & Trading Co.

Mail 3

Mar 6, 2021

Qingdao King Industrial & Trading Co.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your E-mail and new price, which we expected to be lower but will accept, noting that this is the first deal between us.

We would also like to order table cloth Art. No.2002 in 10-pc per box at the price of USD 12.50/box. Please confirm. Therefore, our order is as follows:

One 20-foot container of TABLE CLOTH ART. NO. 1001

One 20-foot container of TABLE CLOTH ART. NO. 2002

Packed in paper boxes of 20 pcs and 10 pcs respectively, 50 boxes to a carton respectively.

Shipment from Qingdao to Boston.

Please inform. us roughly how many cartons can be loaded in a 1X20’ container.

Please also inform. us of your payment terms and the earliest shipment date. We are awaiting your good service,high quality and the fine packing as you promised at the Fair, to enable both of us to build a good cooperation to our mutual benefit.

Yours truly,

Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA

Mail 4

Mar 7, 2021

Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your new order, but we find your price for 10 pcs/box table cloth of USD12.50 per box is too low. Our calculation points to USD12.80 per box. But in order to start, we think we can accept USD12.70/box. If you agree, we will fax you our Sales Contract for your signature.

Shipping marks are at our option.

Payment: by a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit in our favor, payable by draft at sight.

Insurance is to be covered by us for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks.

Delivery: within 30 days after receiving the relative L/C.

For your information, according to our calculation, a 20-foot container can hold 600 cartons of 10-pc boxes or 300 cartons of 20-pc boxes.

Yours faithfully,

Qingdao King Industrial & Trading Co.

Mail 5

Mar. 8, 2021

Qingdao King Industrial & Trading Co.

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your E-mail. We regret we are unable to accept USD12.70 for 10–pc boxes. The best we can do is USD12.60/box, for the start of our cooperation.

As we indicated earlier, you should accept the above price, taking into consideration the higher cost of freight at our expense.

Payment and date of shipment are acceptable. Please entertain our bid, so that we can proceed with the opening of the relevant L/C.

Yours sincerely,

Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA

Mail 6

Mar. 10, 2021

Boston Trading Co. Ltd., USA

Dear Sirs,

As the cost of raw material is increasing sharply these days, we are facing big problems. Please appreciate our position.

However, in order to start the ball rolling, we accept your price for table cloth in 10-pc boxes at USD12.60/box. We are enclosing our S/C No. QK2021UB100. Please sign and return one copy for our file.

Also enclosed is our banking information. Please establish the covering L/C as soon as possible and fax us a copy of it for our reference.

We are glad to have concluded this initial transaction with you. We hope this would mark the beginning of a long-standing and steady business relationship between us.

Yours sincerely,

Qingdao King Industrial & Trading Co.



听力原文:M: I'm looking for some sports shoes. Can you give me some advice?W: That's what

听力原文:M: I'm looking for some sports shoes. Can you give me some advice?

W: That's what I'm here for, Sir. Could you tell me what size you take?

M: Of course, 41.

W: Ok, we have plenty of choices for you. What colour would you prefer?

M: I was thinking about red, but I am well known for fashion disasters!

W: Not at all. I think red is a very good choice. It is THE colour this season. How about these?

M: They are great. Can I try them on?

W: Certainly, just give me a moment while I get a pair in your size. Please, take a seat. I will be back in a moment.

M: They are really comfortable, and they look great. They are exactly what I was looking for. How much are they?

W: On special offer for 85 pounds. Just let me box them up for you. Please make your way over to the cash desk.

M: Do you accept credit cards?

W: Yes, we accept all major cards here.


A.Few things.

B.Not many things.

C.Plenty of choices.

D.Nothing in his size.



We will consider__ your D/P terms for this transaction.


B.be accept





In view of the small amount of this transaction, we have decided __ your D/P payment


B.to accept





We would like to make __that we would accept 30days D/P terms for your present order.


B.it is clear

C.that clear

D.it clear



How to Love the World As It Is? It struck me recently that a lot of people think they know

How to Love the World As It Is?

It struck me recently that a lot of people think they know what's wrong with this world, and it also struck me that they're all wrong.

Seriously-almost every political and religious group, every opinionated person, every publication with an opinion, has said at one time or another what they think is wrong with this world.

So what's really wrong with the world, in my opinion?

Not a thing.

The Prevailing World-view

It seems to be a prevailing world-view that the world is messed up, that there are just a few things wrong with it, and if we could only get those things to change, the world would be great. If we could just educate people and get them to realize what's wrong with this world, things could change.

This type of view of the world-and like I said, I think it's the prevailing view-stems from an ideal that many people have in their heads of what the world should be like. They might not realize they have that ideal, but it's there. And the world will never reach this Platonic ideal, because it's just this image of perfection that does not match reality. Reality and this ideal are incompatible.

So What's Wrong with That?

Nothing's wrong with that, actually. That's how most people are, and I don't think I can change that, nor would I want to. I thought it would be an interesting discussion, though, because I think this discrepancy between what people think the world should be and what the world really is can cause unhappiness.

If you want the world to be completely vegetarian and kind to animals, and it isn't and won't be in the foreseeable future, you will most likely be unhappy. If you want the world to go back to how it was during your childhood, or during your parents' generation, and it isn't likely to do so, you're not going to be happy.

The same is true of any of our ideals. It's very possible that the reality of the people in your life don't meet these ideals. That might cause you to be unhappy with them.

When reality doesn't meet ideals-and it rarely does-we become unhappy.

So What's the Alternative?

I'm not proposing that you, or anyone else, change your world-view. If you, or anyone else, are happy with that world-view, don't change it.

But there is an alternative, and I'm not saying it's better. It's the world-view I try to have: instead of having an ideal, stop looking for perfection. Accept the world as it is, and love it for what it is. Accept people as they are, and love them.

What would be the result of this alternative world-view? Well, I think you'd be happier, if only because you didn't see the world as a fundamentally flawed or evil place, and began to see the good in the world. This, however, is open to individual interpretation, and your own experience is likely to be different than mine.

Does this mean that we should give up on trying to make positive changes in the world? Should we stop trying to make the world a better place? No! Don't ever stop trying to do good things! Even if the world is already a good place, we can always find happiness and satisfaction in trying to do good, in trying to make people's lives better.

But what about all the evil and suffering in the world? Should we accept and love that as well? That's the toughest part, I think. It's hard to accept that people are dying of diseases and famine and war and murder and abuse, and perhaps impossible to love that aspect of the world. You don't have to love it, but it helps to try to really understand it. Why does this happen? What are the deeper reasons? At the heart of the deepest reasons is humanity-we are all flawed creatures in some way, and that's what makes us human and beautiful.


A.The world is in a mess.

B.Humans don't know what's wrong with the world.

C.The world is promising.

D.Humans can't get adjusted to the changing world.



It is to our regret that we cannot accept your offer because your price is in rather
high side.()

A.to our regret



D.rather high


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