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What can you change in a material document after it has been posted? Please choose the correct answer.()

A.The quantity at item level

B.The text at item level

C.The vendor delivery note number in the document header

D.The stock type at item level

更多“What can you change in a material document after it has been posted? Please choose the correct answe…”相关的问题


What can you specify when you assign a message schema to an application in Purchasing? Please choose the correct answer.()

A.The permitted output media, for example print output or fax

B.The access sequence for the message types

C.The number of outputs for print messages

D.That a new message determination process is initiated for change messages



M: Excuse me, do you have change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay the parking

M: Excuse me, do you have change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay the parking meter.

W: I’m sorry, but I think you can get it through the money changer in the shopping center across the street.

Q: What is the man trying to do?



听力原文:W: Hello, this is Dr. Gray's office. We're calling to remind you of your 4:15 app
ointment for your annual check-up tomorrow.

M: Oh, thanks. It's a good thing that you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.He was confused about the date of the appointment.

B.He's glad he called the doctor.

C.He can't come until 4:15.

D.He feels happy that he can change the appointment.



听力原文:M: I wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single

W: Sorry, Sir. All the single rooms are occupied. But if you like, I can check with Imperial Hotel to see if they have any.

Q: What is the woman going to do for the man?








听力原文:W: You don't look too happy. What's the problem?M: Well, I've got to write a comp

听力原文:W: You don't look too happy. What's the problem?

M: Well, I've got to write a composition for my English class, and I just can't come up with any idea, and it's due tomorrow.

Q: What is the man's problem?


A.He has to change the topic for his composition.

B.He has fallen behind others in English class.

C.He hasn't made up his mind as to what to write about.

D.The book he borrowed will be due tomorrow.



听力原文:W: You don't look too happy. What's the problem?M: Well, rye got to write a compo

听力原文:W: You don't look too happy. What's the problem?

M: Well, rye got to write a composition for my English class, and I just can't come up with any idea, and it's due tomorrow.

Q: What is the man's problem?


A.He has to change the topic for his composition.

B.He has fallen behind others in English class.

C.He hasn't made up his mind as to what to write about.

D.The book he borrowed will be due tomorrow.



听力原文:W:Holiday Inn.This is Mary Alice.What can I do for you?M:This is George Woods.I b

听力原文:W:Holiday Inn.This is Mary Alice.What can I do for you?

M:This is George Woods.I booked a single room for 3 days from next Monday to Wednesday.Now I'd like to change the single room to a double room because my wife will join me.

Q:What does the man imply?


A.He will not stay in Holiday Inn.

B.He wants to make some changes to his reservation.

C.He will stay there for over 3 days.

D.He wants to order a single room for his wife.



听力原文:M: I can hardly breathe. Would you please put your cigarette out?W: I'm sorry tha

听力原文:M: I can hardly breathe. Would you please put your cigarette out?

W: I'm sorry that I'm bothering you, but this is the smoking section. Why don't you ask the stewardess to change your seat?

Q: What does the woman think the man should do?


A.He should sit in the smoking section.

B.He should ask the stewardess for help.

C.He should move to another part of the plane.

D.He should extinguish his cigarette at once.



听力原文:W: Interested in this book? This is our bestseller this week.M: Bestseller? I am

听力原文:W: Interested in this book? This is our bestseller this week.

M: Bestseller? I am considering what new ideas it gives about how to deal with the aggravating people.

W: It asks people to quit complaining and do something. What surprises many people about this book is that it suggests that the best thing to do is to change yourself because you are not going to change the other person.

M: Really? It's "me" that has to change as opposed to the other person?

W: Well, have you ever changed anybody?

M: I've tried many times. It's not really possible though.

W: That's right.

M: But how can I do that?

W: The book is here. Bring it back home and read it and you can find the answer.

M: Before I pay my money I should be clear that this book is useful for me. I don't want to pay for it and then find I have paid for nothing.

W: This book is definitely worth the money. The book even tells you how to deal with different types of workers, co-workers and bosses, from the most common annoying type to the worst kind.

M: Give me the most common annoying type of coworker.

W: The most common annoying type of co-worker is called "boundary busters". So, it's someone who invades your space, makes too much noise, eats up your time or chews your ear off. They are boundary busters.

M: And how do I deal with them?

W: Again, sir, the book is here. Bring it back and read for the answer.

M: It seems you know a lot about this book. Can I draw the conclusion that you fancy it?

W: Well, frankly, I am the author.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What do we learn about the woman?

20. What is surprising about the book the woman recommends?

21. What kind of person is the man?

22. What is a boundary buster?


A.Many of her books are bestsellers.

B.She is a shrewd bookstore owner.

C.She is promoting her book in person.

D.She is a salesperson at the bookstore.



听力原文:M: You're going to make a trip to San Francisco, aren't you?W: Yes. But I haven't

听力原文:M: You're going to make a trip to San Francisco, aren't you?

W: Yes. But I haven't got the plane ticket yet. I'm thinking of postponing the trip to next month since this is the busiest month for the airlines.

Q: What do we know about the woman from this conversation?


A.She has to change the time for the trip.

B.She hasn't decided where to go next month.

C.She can't afford the time for the trip.

D.She will manage to leave this month.


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