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It’s amazing to see so many kinds of cosmetics(化妆品) here. But, how do you know which

It’s amazing to see so many kinds of cosmetics(化妆品) here. But, how do you know which

product is best for your _____ (肤色)?





更多“It’s amazing to see so many kinds of cosmetics(化妆品) here. But, how do you know which ”相关的问题


How() it is to be able to see after having lived in darkness for 29 years.



C.to amaze

D.to be amazing



听力原文:M: What did you do to celebrate your birthday?W: My friends took me to see Cirque

听力原文:M: What did you do to celebrate your birthday?

W: My friends took me to see Cirque du Soleil. What a show! It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The performances were mesmerizing-- they were art!

M: Wow, it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. What distinguishes Cirque du Soleil from other circuses?

W: It simply has class. The acts have a certain style. that you don't see in other circuses. There is soft, romantic lighting and fantastic music which ranges from classical to jazz. But, what really sets the circus apart is the costumes with their beautiful fabrics, rich colors and fairy tale designs.

M: It sounds amazing, but I always feel a little guilty when I go to the circus. It seems so creel to use animals for our entertainment.

W: Cirque du Soleil doesn't believe in using animals. They rely on human performers including acrobats, trapeze artists and contortionists.

M: That's wonderful. I wish other circuses would do the same.

W: And the human performances are much more fun. There was one clown who actually juggled eight wine glasses at one time. I couldn't believe it. There was also a magician who performed a series of comical tricks involving members of the audience. I loved the whole thing. You really should see them while they are in town.

M: I think I'll go this weekend.


A.It's a concert.

B.It's a circus.

C.It's a game.

D.It's a movie.



听力原文:M: What did you do to celebrate your birthday?.W: My friends took me to see Cirqu

听力原文:M: What did you do to celebrate your birthday?.

W: My friends took me to see Cirque du Soleil. What a show! It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The performances were mesmerizing—they were art!

M: Wow, it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. What distinguishes Cirque du Soleil from other circuses?

W: It simply has class. The acts have a certain style. that you don't see in other circuses. There is soft, romantic lighting and fantastic music which ranges from classical to jazz. But, what realty sets the circus apart is the costumes with their beautiful fabrics, rich colors and fairy tale designs.

M: It sounds amazing, but I always feel a little guilty when I go to the circus. It seems so creel to use animals for our entertainment.

W: Cirque du Soleil doesn't believe in using animals They rely on human performers including acrobats, trapeze artists and contortionists.

M: That's wonderful, I wish other circuses would do the same.

W: And the human performances are much more fun. There was one clown who actually juggled eight wine glasses at one time. I couldn't believe it. There was also a magician who performed a series of comical tricks involving members of the audience. I loved the whole thing. You realty should see them while they are in town.

M: I think I'll go this weekend,


A.It's a concert,

B.It's a circus.

C.It's a game.

D.It's a movie.



听力原文:M: Welcome to “Movie on the Show”, today our guest is Nancy Meyers, director of t
he newly released movie “What Women Want”. Thank you for coming.

W: Thank you.

M: Meyers, how do you describe your film? Are you satisfied with it?

W: Well, I am happy to see it top the U.S. weekend box office. Have you seen the film? Ha, it tells the story of Nick Marshall, a Chicago advertising executive. He acquires the power to read women's minds, not just what they say but also what he hears them think. That's amazing, isn't it? I like the way Gibson interprets his role.

M: Yeah, Marshall regards himself as a gift to women. I saw the movie. Then why do you choose Mel Gibson? We know, audiences usually see him playing a man with a strong typical man side, such as in his previous action movies like “Brave Heart”, while “What Women Want” is what you termed as an old-fashioned romantic comedy.

W: You are right.That's precisely why I choose him. Gibson has been known as a joker on the set and a fan of silly comedy, but has not done many romantic comedies. I just want him to display his“feminine”potential in“What Women Want”. And I am grateful to see that he has done a good job.

M: What do you want audiences to learn from this film?

W: About Women. We should learn about women. They are individuals. What they appreciate is when you make the effort, even if you are not quite getting something they say.


A.Movie on Display.

B.Movie on the Show.

C.Best-selling Movie.

D.Shining Movie Stars.



听力原文:W: Tell me, Peter, what makes Harold's so famous?M: Well, it's the biggest depart

听力原文:W: Tell me, Peter, what makes Harold's so famous?

M: Well, it's the biggest department store in the UK, and its food hall and Egyptian hall are very famous. People come to Harold's just to see them.

W: What is special about the food hall?

M: It sells many different kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world, and more than 180 kinds of bread. Customers also love all the different kinds of chocolate. They buy 100 tons every year.

W: That's amazing, and why is the Egyptian hall so famous?

M: Well, when people see it they feel they're in another world. It looks like an Egyptian building from 4,000 years ago, and it sells beautiful objects. They are not 4,000 years old, of course.

W: Is it true that Harold's produces its own electricity?

M: Yes, it does. 70% ,enough for a small town. To light the outside of the building we use 11,500 light bulbs.

W: Really, tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day? And how much do they spend?

M: About 30,000 people come on an average day. But during the sales, the number increases to 300,000 customers a day. How much do they spend? Well, on average, customers spend about 1.5 million pounds a day. The record for one day is 9 million pounds.

W: 9 million pounds in one day?

M: Yes, on the first day of the January sales.

W: Harold's says it sells everything to everybody everywhere, is that really true?

M: Oh, yes, of course. Absolutely everything.


A.Enormous size of its stores.

B.Numerous varieties of food.

C.Its appealing surroundings.

D.Its rich and colorful history.



听力原文:M: Well, Amina, thanks for letting me have your draft in such good time.W: Oh, th

听力原文:M: Well, Amina, thanks for letting me have your draft in such good time.

W: Oh, that's alright. I was just very anxious to hear what you think of it. You can see that I decided to change the topic—I had been interested in looking at Barings Factory

M: Oh, I think the hospital was a much better choice. In fact... well... I have to say that I thought it was good.

W: Oh ?

M: There's still lots of work to be done... But there're plenty of good ideas. It opens well and the first chapter is fine, but the middle section really stood out for me...most interesting.

W: That's amazing because I really didn't find it a bit easy to write.

M: How long did you work on the whole thing?

W: Well, I spent about two or three weeks reading and doing general research and then I completed it very quickly, so about four weeks in all.

M: Well, that's normal for the course. You've got a while yet to make the changes. Let's have a look at my notes here. OK, starting with section headings.., the broad divisions are good but you'll have to redo the actual headings. I've made some suggestions in the margins. Now this information on local housing, I can see why you put it there but it really isn't relevant to the approach you've taken.

W: I think I see what you mean.

M: And the interviews are very complex and rather unclear at the moment. You're going to have to spend a bit of time making the data a lot clearer.

W: What about the list of dates?

M: My advice on that is to take them out. I feel it makes the whole piece appear too simplistic.


A.He thinks the choice of Barings Factory is better.

B.He thinks the choice of the hospital is better.

C.He thinks there is no need to change the topic.

D.He thinks the choice of the university is better.



听力原文:W: Guess what? Al! Dr. Watts found a part-time job for me! I can't believe it! I'
ll be working alongside a professor from Harvard!

M: Wow, that's so cool, Lily! It's so great that your environment is finally supporting you. I wasn't sure you were going to make it a couple of times! Especially when your father lost his job. That was hard on you and your family, wasn't it?

W: Yeah, that's why I have tried hard to make money. I have to admit I was pretty fired all these days. And those classes, especially business classes — I thought they were going to kill me!

M: (laughing): I feel the same way about my liberal arts classes! Jeff seems to be the only one who can do well in all of his classes! He's amazing! By the way, he had a long talk with Drew the other night. I guess he is interested in meeting you!

W: Wow! Are you kidding?

M: No! He's really interested. Maybe we can double date with you guys. That way, there wouldn't be so much pressure on each of you. Especially since you've never officially met before!

W: Sounds goad. Let me know when everyone can make it. I think it would be easier for me to make it after I learn more about my part-time job.

M: OK. I'll talk to Jeff and we'll see what we can schedule with my girl friend. I'll give you a call as soon as we figure out what will work for everyone. How about dinner and a movie?

M: Perfect. Give me a call when you can. See you soon!


A.Because she wants to practice herself.

B.Because she wants to work with the professor from Harvard.

C.Because she has to support the family.

D.Because she is tired of the classes.



听力原文:W: Guess what? Al! Dr. Watts found a part time job for me! I can't believe it! I'
ll be working alongside a professor from Harvard !

M: Wow, that's so cool, Lily! It's so great that your environment is finally supporting you. I wasn't sure you were going to make it a couple of times! Especially when your father lost his job. That was hard on you and your family, wasn't it?

W: Yeah, that's why I have tried hard to make money. I have to admit I was pretty tired all these days. And those classes, especially business classes-- I thought they were going to kill me!

M: (laughing): I feel the same way about my liberal arts classes! Jeff seems to be the only one who can do well in all of his classes! He's amazing! By the way, he had a long talk with Drew the other night. I guess he is interested in meeting you !

W: Wow! Are you kidding?

M: No! He's really interested. Maybe we can double date with you guys. That way, there wouldn't be so much pressure on each of you. Especially since you've never officially met before!

W: Sounds good. Let me know when everyone can make it. I think it would be easier for me to make it after I learn more about my part-time job.

M: OK. I'll talk to Jeff and we'll see what we can schedule with my girl friend. I'll give you a call as scon as we figure out what will work for everyone. How about dinner and a movie?

M: Perfect. Give me a call when you can. See you soon!


A.Because she wants to practice herself.

B.Bemuse she wants to work with the professor from Harvard.

C.Because she has to support the family.

D.Because she is tired of the classes.



听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel.Are you going to the in-service gaining today?M: You bet. I mis

听力原文:W: Oh, hi, Daniel. Are you going to the in-service gaining today?

M: You bet. I missed the training session last month, so I have to be sure to make this one. Aren't you excited about the program?

W: Not really. Before I became a nurse I drove an ambulance and had a lot of emergency medical training. Practicing basic first aid techniques is a kind of boring for me.

M: Well I can understand that. But you know, it's amazing how quickly you get out of practice. As nurses in a hospital, we have all the fancy equipment for medical emergencies-and plenty of doctors around, so we hardly ever get a chance to practice basic techniques. They're really easy to forget. And you know that practice makes perfect.

W: I can see your point, and it never hurts to review what you're already supposed to know. By the way, who's teaching the class this time?

M: Dr. Huston. She's the new emergency room physician.

W: Well, she certainly ought to know what she's talking about. I've heard she's a really good surgeon.

M: That's right. I've been taking care of some of the patients she worked on, and they all think highly of her.

W: When are you going to head over to the classroom?

M: Immediately. I'm just on my way there. Do you want to walk over together?

W: That sounds good to me. Let's go and prepare for the training.


A.At a dentist office.

B.In a school.

C.In an ambulance.

D.At a hospital.



听力原文:W: I heard you just got back from a weekend trip to Santa Fe. I have been thinkin
g of going there. How did you like it?

M: Santa Fe is one of the nicest towns I have been to in the U.S. I had no idea there was so much to see there! And I love the southwestern look. All the buildings are built to resemble the adobe architecture of the Pueblo Indians.

W: Wow, that sounds beautiful! Did you get a chance to meet some of the locals while you were there?

M: Yeah, I went to the Indian market in town to shop for some arts and crafts. While I was there, I met a fascinating old woman from a pueblo just outside the city. She was selling beautiful stone jewelry which she had carved herself. She really was an amazing artist. We talked for over an hour, and she told me all about her life on the reservation.

W: Were there many Indian people in Santa Fe?

M: There are a lot of native American people in New Mexico, especially in Santa Fe. Most of the people at the market were Indian, and they represented several different tribes from all over the state: Pueblo Indians, Zuni, Ute, Apache, and even some Navajo and Hopi from Arizona. I also drove to the Taos Pueblo, which is about an hour north of Santa Fe. Did you know that Taos is one of the oldest towns in America? The Pueblo has been continuously inhabited for almost a thousand years.

W: I had no idea that there were any towns that old in the U.S.


A.It's next to Pueblo.

B.It's in the southwest of the U.S.

C.It's a city of India.

D.It's outside the city Pueblo.


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