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Ways to Get a Happy State of MindHappiness is always in a short time, subject to something

Ways to Get a Happy State of Mind

Happiness is always in a short time, subject to something unexpected of everything from the weather to me size of your bank account.

We're not suggesting that you can reach a permanent state called "happiness" and remain there. But there are many ways to stray from the path to anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness into a state of happiness once or even several times throughout the day. Here are 18 indeas to get you started. Choose the ones that work for you.

Practice mindfulness

Be in the moment. Instead of worrying about your checkup tomorrow while you have dinner with your family, focus on the here and now—the food, the company, the conversation.

Laugh loud

Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of pleasure—inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, tested 16 men who all agreed they thought certain videotape was funny. Half were told three days in advance they would watch it. They started experiencing biological changes right away. When they actually watched the video, their levels of stress hormones dropped significantly, while their pleasure—inducing hormone levels rose27 percent and their growth hormone levels (indicating benefit to the immune system) rose 87 percent.

Go to sleep

We have become a nation of sleep-deprived citizens. Taking a daily nap or getting into bed at 8 p. m. one night with a good book—and turning the light out an hour later—can do more for your mood than any number of bubble baths or massages.

Hum along

Music can make more than savage beasts calm down. Studies find music activates parts of the brain that produce happiness. It's also relaxing. In one study older adults who listened to their choice of music during outpatient eye surgery had significantly lower heart rates, blood pressure, and cardiac workload (that is, their heart didn't have to work as hard as those who had silent surgery).


It's nearly impossible to mediate, breathe deeply, or simply relas when every surface is covered with papers and bills and magazines, and you haven't balanced your checkbook in six months. Plus, the reptitive nature of certain cleaning tasks—such as sweeping, wiping, and scrubbing--can be meditative in and of itself if you focus on what you're doing.

Just say no

Eliminate activeties that aren't necessary and that you don't enjoy. If there are enough people already to handle the church bazaar and you're felling stressed by thought of running the committee for yet another year, step down and let someone else handle things.

Make a list

There's nothing like writing down tasks to help you organize your thoughts and calm your anxiety. Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment.





更多“Ways to Get a Happy State of MindHappiness is always in a short time, subject to something”相关的问题


What attraction has the British seaside got for many parents in comparison with European r

A.They can take their families with them in their own country.

B.There are more ways of enjoying themselves there.

C.They can relive happy memories.

D.It takes them less time to get there.



听力原文:Nowadays there are more and more ways of going on holiday. More and more people g

听力原文: Nowadays there are more and more ways of going on holiday. More and more people go abroad every year. Some people even go on two or three holidays a year.

In my opinion, there are two types of holidaymakers. The first kind of holidaymakers always flocks to seaside resorts when they go on holiday. Their one and only aim is to have a good time by sunbathing and putting their feet up. They are not a hit interested in local specialties. At mealtimes, if they can get a plate of British "fish and chips", they're more than happy! They spend their days in the sunshine and their evenings getting drunk, then sleep soundly. If this sort of person forgets to pack the suntan oil, he or she will Undoubtedly come home as red as a lobster.

The other sort of holidaymakers goes to every country to increase their knowledge of foreign lands. They make use of the chance to travel to improve their world knowledge. For them, going on holiday is educational. Consequently, this sort of travelers will move from place to place every few days. If they visit lots of places in a short span of time, there is no way that they can get a proper feel of a place or fully appreciate the local food and wine.

Whichever type of holiday chosen, everybody has the same aim: to put their work to the back of their minds, have as much fun as possible and come home happy and relaxed.








In order to be happy, Wilson tried many ways such as ______.A.borrowing books on how to be

In order to be happy, Wilson tried many ways such as ______.

A.borrowing books on how to become happier

B.trying to keep a sunny smile

C.starting his conversations with "Hello!"

D.trying to have a good rest



Nearly all the kids ________ to get injection.

A.feel quite happy


C.would like

D.are eager



A.We can get entertainment.B.We can know better about life.C.We can find good ways to

A.We can get entertainment.

B.We can know better about life.

C.We can find good ways to deal with conflicts.

D.We can know something from watching the main character.



What caused Martin Seligman to launch the field of positive psychology? A) His incapabil
ity to help get a happy person. B) His failure to help patient get rid of sadness. C) The patients' dissatisfaction. D) His own emptiness.



A.Improved living conditions.B.Many inventions in industry.C.New ways to help people g

A.Improved living conditions.

B.Many inventions in industry.

C.New ways to help people get over diseases.

D.Industrialization in developing countries.



听力原文:M:Hi there. (19)Have you heard that the company is cutting staff? I just hope I w

听力原文:M:Hi there. (19)Have you heard that the company is cutting staff? I just hope I wouldn't be that unlucky.

W:Ha, don't be afraid of that. To tell you, actually I just took voluntary redundancy four years ago.

M:I can't imagine that! But how do you go through it?

W:Oh, it is of course not a very happy experience to go through. But, as we may find out, sometimes it can be a blessing in disguise.

M:I do need some advice to turn it into a good thing.

W:(19)My advice would be to see it as an opportunity to create a new life. And if you reinvent your life, remember that you've got to reeducate yourself and that means investing in yourself. (20)And one of the best ways is to do a lowly paid or unpaid internship or to be an apprentice.

M:I thought you'd tell me to go and blow it on a cruise or a holiday.

W:That is not bad. But getting some experience will help you into a next kind of life.

M:Oh, then what was your plan ? You had anything different?

W:Well, you know, (21)I have received some compensation and I saw that an opportunity to get rid of some debts, so I paid off some bills. And the financial freedom then allowed me to develop some new skills, find out what I enjoy in life. things that I am good at.

M:Sounds sensible but how are things with you now?

W:(22)Basically I have now developed what they call a career portfolio. That means instead of being able to do just one job in life you are able to do more than one.

19. What are the two speakers talking about?


A.How to win the battle of staff cutting in the company.

B.How to avoid failures in personal investment.

C.How to turn job redundancy into an opportunity.

D.How to get through the tough time of losing a job.



What will probably happen to workers in developed countries in the happy ending?A.They wil

What will probably happen to workers in developed countries in the happy ending?

A.They will get higher wages.

B.They will have less competition.

C.They will get a bigger share of the national income.

D.They will enjoy a faster increase in payment.



听力原文:Most dogs can be taught to tolerate cats if their owners are willing to be patien

听力原文: Most dogs can be taught to tolerate cats if their owners are willing to be patient and consistent. Some dogs take longer to train than others and the difference is usually due to the dog's level of "prey drive".

Nature designed the predators to chase and catch smaller animals for food. Although dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, they still act upon the instincts nature gave them. Through generations of selective breeding, people have modified these instincts. By decreasing the effects of some and enhancing the effects of others, we've been able to develop a wide variety of different breeds of dogs, each meant to serve a different purpose or perform. a certain function.

A dog's instinct to chase and catch something is called his prey drive. Throw a stuffed toy to a puppy and watch his prey drive in action as he chases it, catches it, and then shakes it to pieces. Breeds and individual dogs vary in the intensity of their prey drives. Some breeds are created specifically for killing other animals. Most terriers, for example, are intended to kill rats and they have very high prey drives.

In other breeds, the prey drive can be altered to suit an entirely different purpose. Therefore, there must be effective ways to train a dog with a high prey drive to live peacefully with cats and other small pets. For example, by giving the dog extra attention and even special treats when the cat is in the room, the dog soon learns that having the cat around means very good things are going to happen to him! He will be happy to get along with the cat harmoniously and his prey drive will be lowered.


A.Why does the dog like to attack the cat?

B.Can we make peace between dogs and cats and how?

C.The mystery of animal’s prey drive.

D.A better understanding of our dogs.


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