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听力原文:Abraham Lincoln was born in a long cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. When h

听力原文: Abraham Lincoln was born in a long cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. When he was a small boy, his family moved to the frontier of Indiana. Here, his mother taught him to read and write. Lincoln had very little formal education, but he became one of the best-educated men of the Great West.

When Lincoln was a young man, his family moved to the new state of Illinois. Lincoln had to earn a living at an early age, but in his leisure time he studied law. He soon became one of the best known lawyers in the state capital at Springfield, Illinois. It was here that Lincoln became famous for his debates with Stephen A. Douglas on the subject of slavery.

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. He was the candidate of the new Republican Party. This party opposed the creation of new slave states. Soon ofter his election, some of the southern states withdrew from the Union and set up the Confederate States of America. This action brought on the terrible Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865.

On January 1, 1863, during the war, Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation. In this document Lincoln proclaimed that all the slaves in the seceding states were to be free of that date. In 1865, after the war ended, the Thirteen Amendment was added to the Constitution of the United States. This amendment put an end to slavery everywhere in the United States.

Early in 1865, the Civil War came to an end with the defeat of the South by the North. Only a few days after the end of the war, Lincoln was shot by an actor named John. Wiles Booth. The President died on April 14, 1865. In his death, the world lost one of the greatest men of all time.


A.In 1809.

B.In 1863.

C.In 1865.

D.In 1860.

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听力原文:Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. When he

听力原文: Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky on February 12, 1809. When he was a small boy, his family moved to file frontier of Indiana. Here, his mother taught him to read and write.

When Lincoln was a young man, his family moved to the new state of Illinois. Lincoln had to earn a living at an early age, but in his leisure time he studied law. He soon became one of the best known lawyers in the state capital at Springfield, Illinois. It was here that Lincoln became famous for his debates with Stephen A. Douglas on the subject of slavery.

In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. He was the candidate of the new Republican Party. This party opposed the creation of new slave states. Soon after his election, some of the Southern states withdrew from the Union and set up the Confederate States of America. This action brought on the terrible Civil War which lasted from 1861 to 1865.

On January 1, 1863, during the war, Lincoln issued his famous Emancipation Proclamation. In 1865, after the war ended, the Thirteenth Amendment was added to the Constitution of the United States. This amendment put an end to slavery everywhere in the United States.

Early in 1865, the Civil War came to an end with the defeat of the South by the North. Only a few days after the end of the war, Lincoln was shot by an actor named John Wilkes Booth. The President died on April 14, 1865. In his death, the world lost one of the greatest men of all time.


A.In 1809.

B.In 1863.

C.In 1865.

D.In 1860.



听力原文:Last time we outlined how the Civil War finally got started. I want to talk today

听力原文: Last time we outlined how the Civil War finally got started. I want to talk today about the political management of the war on both sides, the north under Abraham Lincoln, and the south under Jefferson Davis. An important task for both of these presidents was to justify for their citizens just why the war was necessary. In 1861, on July 4th, Lincoln gave his first major speech in which he presented the northern reasons for the war. It was, he said, to preserve democracy. Lincoln suggested that this war was a noble crusade that would determine the future of democracy throughout the world. For him, the issue was whether or not this government of the people, by the people could maintain its integrity; could it remain complete and survive its domestic foes? In other words, could a few discontented individuals and by that he meant those who led the southern rebellion, could they arbitrarily break up the government and put an end to free government on earth? The only way for the nation to survive was to crash the rebellion. At the time, he was hopeful that the war wouldn't last long, and the slave Owners would be put down forever. But he underestimated how difficult the war would be. It would be harder than any the Americans had thought before or since, largely because the north had to break the will of the southern people, not just by its army. But Lincoln rallied northerners to a deep commitment to the cause. They came to perceive the war as a kind of democratic crusade against southern society.


A.The north under Abraham Lincoln.

B.The south under Jefferson Davis.

C.The political management of the war on both sides.

D.Lincoln's first major speech on the war.



听力原文:M: Last time, we outlined how the Civil War finally got started. I want to talk t
oday about the political management of the war on both sides: the north under Abraham Lincoln and the south under Jefferson Davis. An important task for both of these presidents was to justify for their citizens just why the war was necessary.

W: It started in 1861, on July 4th when Lincoln gave his first major speech, right?

M: Yes, in the speech he presented the northern reasons for the war. It was, he said, to preserve democracy, Lincoln suggested that this war was a noble campaign that would determine the future of democracy throughout the world. For him the issue was whether or not this government of the people, by the people could maintain its integrity, could it remain complete and survive its domestic foes. In other words, could a few discontented individuals and by that he meant those who led the southern rebellion, could they break up the government and put an end to free government on earth?

W: The best way for the nation to survive was to crush the rebellion, right?

M: At the time, he was hopeful that the war wouldn't last long and the slave owners would be put down forever, but he underestimated how difficult the war would be. It would be harder than any the Americans had thought before or since, largely because the north had to break the will of the southern people, not just by its army. But Lincoln rallied northerners to a deep commitment to the cause and achieved the success.


A.Advantages of the north in the Civil War.

B.Civilian opposition to the Civil War.

C.Reasons to justify fighting the Civil War.

D.Military strategy used in the Civil War.



Abraham Lincoln realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by


听力原文:M: Could you please tell me what Mr. Church said to you last time? You see I was

W: Well, he gave us a special assignment on the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday.

Q: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?


A.Parent and child.

B.Boss and employee.


D.Teacher and student.



We are also told that Abraham Lincoln ______.A.never cared much for readingB.did much read

We are also told that Abraham Lincoln ______.

A.never cared much for reading

B.did much reading when he was young

C.never had much chance to read

D.became an enthusiastic reader when he was grown up



It is universally acknowledged that Abraham Lincoln __________ the ideal of a great Americ
an president.







It is said in the third paragraph that Abraham Lincoln ______.A.was anti-socialB.learned l

It is said in the third paragraph that Abraham Lincoln ______.

A.was anti-social

B.learned little from his friends

C.had few friends

D.knew very few doctors



What do we know about Gutzon Borglum?A.He carved Abraham Lincoln first on Mt. Rushmore.B.H

What do we know about Gutzon Borglum?

A.He carved Abraham Lincoln first on Mt. Rushmore.

B.He -also carved some gods and kings in Egyptian temples and tombs.

C.His original aim was five figures on Mr. Rushmore.

D.He also did something for the sculptures on Stone Mountain.



Which one of the following poems is composed in memory of Abraham Lincoln()?

A.The Wild Honey Suckle

B.The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls

C.Because I Could Not Stop for Death

D.O Captain! My Captain!


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